Pirate Kingship

Chapter 437 As long as there is firewood, the fire will never go out!

The succubus Therese, who had been concentrating on her guard, couldn't help but relax for a moment when the second prince really reached out to grab the crown of the sun.

He felt that the overall situation had been decided, and his hard work and planning for several years in advance had finally paid off at this moment.

As long as the second prince put on the crown, he could end the trial, leave the secret realm and board the treasure ship full of gold, and go to the center of the lake as the new king to hold a ceremony to worship the [Sun God].

Even if Byron intercepted a lot of panaceas along the way, he no longer felt so distressed.

"The ceremony for promotion to the fifth level is modified on the basis of the standard ritual of this road.

In addition to the unified usurpation ceremony, we [Night Demons] also have to formulate exclusive supplementary ceremonies based on the "Immortal Ladder" we have obtained.

For me, even if I lack a lot of panaceas, as long as the second prince Vaskar can become king, my promotion ceremony will not be considered a failure.

It's nothing more than spending a little more time to replenish the essence.

And the pseudo-gods and subordinate gods of the fifth level are already individuals who are initially independent of the main god. Even if they face our Lord Lilith directly, they can gain a certain degree of autonomy.

The power and divine name in my hands are mostly rooted in this Immortal Ladder."

Years of hard work are about to bear fruit. She subconsciously reached out and touched her smooth belly branded with the mark of the succubus.

The Immortal Ladder found by the succubus Therese is the reproductive cell that can live forever!

After her research, she found that the lives of all mortal creatures currently rely on reproductive cells to reproduce from generation to generation, and plants, animals, and fungi are no exception.

Moreover, new cells can only be generated from the division of existing cells, and will never be born out of thin air from seawater, volcanic hot springs, mud pits, etc. in myths and legends.

So for the existing species in the world, the reproductive cells in their bodies have been continuously differentiated for countless generations over a long period of time, and their lifespan is as long as the entire ecosystem!

In nature, the lifespan of reproductive cells is infinite.

The same is true for humans. Everyone is the offspring of the original cell billions of years ago, which was born after continuous division and mutation.

Humans will age, but the original reproductive cells as the medium of life will never have any decline in lifespan.

No experiment is needed, and reasonable inferences will know.

If the human species has a history of 1 million years since its birth, and if each generation takes 20 years, then humans have at least 50,000 generations.

Facts have proved that after such a long time, the average lifespan of humans has not only not declined with the generations, but has become longer and longer due to improved living conditions.

This is all because reproductive cells have gained immortality from the beginning!

Using this knowledge as a ladder to immortality is a perfect match for the succubus who already worship the reproductive power of the old gods.

Her secret spell [Succubus Mark] is also rooted in this. Only reproductive cells can differentiate infinitely, and even if there is only a piece of flesh left in the body, it can be restored to its original state.

"So, after usurping power, I still need to give birth to many children developed from my own reproductive cells as a medium for supplementing the ritual.

Let the succubus bloodline that started from me be passed down forever in the human race.

These bloodline descendants are my eternal anchor!"

But when she talked about having children, the first person she looked at was not the second prince [Playboy] Huascar Capac, but [Night Demon Prince] Byron who was one step behind them.

She subconsciously clamped her eight legs again.

In the mythological era, whether within the Night Demon group or among all mythological creatures, succubus were not a strong group.

Admiring the strong is their instinct, and of course they want to get a group of the most powerful offspring to complete the ritual.

Compared to the second prince who has nothing good except a good family background, the foreign emperor, the Night Demon Prince who is on the same path, and the wise and powerful upper-level extraordinary person are obviously a better choice.

Unfortunately, Byron obviously has no interest in her at all.

Therese licked her bright red lips:

"However, when I am promoted to the fifth level and can resist the control of the [Night Demon Prince], I must catch him and taste him.

A ten-year agreement? Ha, it will pass in the blink of an eye for the immortal species.

At that time, the way I will expand my reproductive power is to keep having children with strong people of different races and anchor my bloodline to various races.

It will not be until I give birth to a 'Monster Sea Biosphere' like the mother of monsters Echidna that I can reach the top of this road!

I believe that my [Playboy] Vaskar. His Majesty will definitely forgive me at that time, hehe"


Just at this moment, a shrill scream suddenly interrupted her beautiful imagination of the future.


Suddenly she looked up and found that the second prince, who should have been wearing the new king's sun crown, was shaking violently as if he had seen something horrible.

But he seemed to be possessed by something and was still kneeling there, unable to move.

He even let go of the new crown that should have belonged to him with trembling hands, and then raised high the ancient crown that had been worn on the head of the previous king for a hundred years.

Although Therese didn't understand what was going on, the keen instinct of the mythical creature still made her realize how wrong this behavior was.

"Stop! Don't wear it!"

However, the second prince, who used to obey her, seemed to have not heard her words at all this time.

Before Therese swung her whip to touch the ancient crown in her hand, she put it on her head.


A cold wind mixed with blue ghost fire blew up from the old king's decayed mummy, blowing out fiercely along all the holes in his body.

It rushed into the body of the second prince [Playboy] with a translucent illusory crystal skull.

The latter was at least a fourth-level mythical creature. When faced with the invasion of foreign objects, his spirit instinctively resisted spontaneously, and a huge golden fire ring exploded all over his body.

But when faced with the biting cold wind, he had no power to resist at all.

It was just a moment that the other party rushed into his body, easily occupied this body of blood, and suppressed the second prince's consciousness.

Byron, who deliberately slowed down and did not rush to the middle level, had already seen the whole scene with [God's Vision].

"The mastermind behind this is really the old king Huayna Capac who should have died long ago?!

Is the second prince finished so easily?"

In addition to the fear, the term that Byron thought of when he heard Atahualpa introduce the ceremony earlier once again emerged in his mind: "Acting God!"

When those descendants of the gods pass the "Sacred Lake Coronation Ceremony", they will once again experience the hardships of the founders of the country, and inadvertently complete the act of acting as gods.

Injury, falling behind, death, being cursed, etc. are all the fates that the brothers may encounter. In the end, only one person can successfully reach the end first.

When the trialer reaches this step, it is equivalent to passively completing a part of an ancient ritual, infinitely close to the founder of the country.

At this time, wearing a [Sun Crown] blessed by the sun god, can become the new king of this country and the heir of God.

But it is precisely because they are descendants of the sun god themselves and adhere to the tradition of inbreeding that their bloodline has not changed much for thousands of years. In addition, the ceremony of performing gods makes them infinitely close to their ancestors, greatly improving homogeneity.

When the ancestors who were earlier in the family tree wanted to do something to the younger generation, the younger generation had almost no power to resist.

Not to mention the second prince who was almost drained by the succubus, even if the eldest, third, and fourth were tied together, their fate would not be any better than his.

"But if the epic corresponding to the skull No. 13 cannot be chanted correctly.

The effect of [Suicide Goddess] is only to open the portal to the edge of the world, protect the souls of the suicides and anchor them between life and death, maintain rationality, and exist in the material world for a long time like natural spirits.

It cannot bring people back to life, nor can it transform ordinary souls into totem gods.

This former king who could not ascend to god before his life was exhausted, relied on the crystal skull to forcibly stay in the world, and secretly collected the life essence of each son after his death. What is the purpose?"

Without letting Byron wait for long, the other party quickly gave him the answer.

After using his crown to successfully occupy the body of his son Huascar Capac, Wayna Capac dodged the long whip from behind.

He immediately grabbed the new crown in his corpse's hand, and with a little force, he kneaded it into a pool of hot golden water.

He actually completely destroyed the golden crown that symbolized the next generation of royal power.

Then he twisted his neck, adapted to the new body, and said to himself expressionlessly:

"Vascar has been addicted to women for many years, not for reproduction but for pleasure. I warned him many times but he didn't listen.

Until he ruined one of the spare bodies prepared for me.

I was careless. Even I didn't expect that you, a playboy and frivolous person, would end up at this point.

But for me, the body is secondary.

With the help of this resurrection, I have completely mastered the immortal ladder that belongs to me. As long as I complete the final ascension ceremony, my body will naturally be fully reshaped.

The boundary between life and death will also be completely broken, allowing me to go from a dead soul between life and death to an immortal fifth-level subordinate god!"

At this time, the noble council outside the secret realm was also panicked by this shocking change.

"What's going on? The late king actually retained his consciousness and took away the body of the successor.

What should we do with the ceremony? Find a way, find a way."

"This is blasphemy, your majesty, stop it!"

"This is the first of 14 trials since the founding of the country. How dare you, late king, blaspheme the sacred ceremony like this?"

The old king, Huayna Capac, looked up at the aristocratic council that was in chaos outside the secret realm, but had no way out, and pulled a stiff smile at the corner of his mouth:

"Hehe, the fairness of the Holy Lake coronation ceremony is still very good.

In addition to the wooden coronation of the previous king, there are also Apart from Nai, there was only a group of trialists, and no one outside could interfere.

The only sign of the end of the ceremony was that a trialist wore the new crown blessed by the [Sun God] at the gate of the heaven after experiencing a "God Acting".

Now there is no crown, no one can escape, only I can enter the upper world directly along the giant of the sacred tree cloud top after I successfully ascend to the god.

This plan is perfect! "

With a wave of his hand, his own dry mummy collapsed instantly, and a brilliant translucent gold powder rushed into the young body like the only embers left in the furnace.


As if charcoal powder was blown into the furnace, the new body was full of golden flames, and a hint of whiteness appeared faintly in the highest temperature outer flame.

As we all know, the temperature of flames and magma can be roughly determined from the color of the flames and magma.

The faintly visible red magma is ≥475℃; the dark red magma is 550-625℃; the bright red magma is ≥700℃; the orange magma is ≥900℃; the golden magma is ≥1090℃; the temperature of white magma is ≥1150℃.

The transition from gold to white indicates that the temperature has obviously increased a lot.

At the same time, the old king turned to face the other trialists who arrived at the wooden platform of the middle world one after another.

One after another dazzling strips extended from his violently burning body, like a long whip of fire, and swung out violently.

This is exactly the secret spell [Touch of the Firewood Collector] that he studied during his lifetime.

"Children, I will teach you the last lesson.

As long as there is firewood, the fire will never go out!

Please pass all the firewood and flames in your body to me, and help your father to hold up the godhood."

A third-level prince who rushed to the middle level over Byron was suddenly pierced through the chest by the strip.

Between the flickering of light and shadow, the substance on his body was absorbed in the blink of an eye, leaving only a pile of ashes falling from the holy tree.

The flames on the old king's body became brighter and brighter, revealing a youthful breath from the inside out, like the rising sun.

If you choose an accurate word to describe his state at this time, it is the sun that accidentally fell from the sky and is "ascending" again!

Slowly returning to the glorious and supreme position that originally belonged to him.

However, before he could absorb the second prince again with his crushing status.

Therese, who was intercepted halfway again, had already rushed in front of him like crazy, swung the long whip, and issued a [Painful Whip] targeting the soul:

"Vaskar is mine, no matter who you are, get out of his body immediately!"

It was not until this moment that she realized that it was not only Byron who had taken away her panacea.

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