Pirate Kingship

Chapter 451 Dragon Knight and Her Mount (7200 in 1)

Tyman Islands, International Port.

Merchant ships, warships, privateers and other sailing ships shuttled back and forth, with endless white sails reaching the sky, more lively than a month ago.

In order to welcome the return of Governor Byron, all departments in the Governor's Mansion were sorting out the monthly reports for the past month.

A group of civil administrative officials in the territory were not as good as those trusted military officers, who could often accompany Byron. Of course, they couldn't let go of the opportunity to show their face.

All of them worked hard.

Especially important results would be directly reported to [Mithril Dragon] Catherine, who was becoming more and more like a mistress.

Anyway, no matter which branch of Byron's forces, no one had ever doubted that there would be an accident in this marriage.

Even the Azk Emperor [Conqueror] Cortes and the King of Chichen Itza, Geronimo, personally rushed to Tayapan, the capital of the Golden Empire, to report to Catherine's legal projection:

"Your Majesty, the unification war between the Azk and Taya Empires has been completely ended two days ago, and the last city-state has been captured.

The two empires have a total of 500 city-states, 13 million people, and many guardian spirits have all surrendered.

And according to your instructions, we have set up three levels of administrative divisions under the capital Tayapan: state, city, and town.

The entire empire is divided into 31 states.

Administrative officials and affairs officials at all levels have also arrived in batches, starting from scratch to implement a unified administrative system and a legal system that applies to all city-states.

It just takes a long time to count the assets, measure the land, and register the household. The first national census will probably last until the end of this year before the report can be produced.

In addition, all the guardian spirits of all city-states with a total of more than 500 have joined. [Golden Law] system.

It has united a larger number of natural spirits, focusing on stabilizing the law nodes, sorting out the will of the mind, and suppressing the forbidden secrets in various places.

His Majesty [Lord of Heaven] has also become the only official belief in the Golden Empire.

We are confident that it will take at most one generation to unite the Taino people under the city-state tribal system with a unified belief. "

The projection of Catherine, who looked like an indigenous person, nodded with satisfaction:

"Yes, our [Lord of Heaven] said that it is difficult to build an empire, and it is even more difficult to hold the empire firmly.

Selecting teenagers and young people of appropriate age from each city-state to go to school and cultivate the backbone of the future is our next main task.

The officials of the Lancaster Party will return to Hastings sooner or later, and the future of the Taino people will eventually depend on themselves to create.

Believe in yourself, the farming nation has a unique advantage in this regard. "

In the past, the brutal rule of the Castilians here triggered the hostility and hatred of the Taino people.

The [Lord of Heaven] was different. He was actively welcomed into the ruling system of the entire empire by believers from all over the world.

He saved most people's lives from the smallpox plague, made a series of great inventions in agriculture and industry, and had the tradition of being "his own god", which made him popular from the beginning.

The 13 million Taino people who represent "change" are Byron's greatest wealth in the material world and the extraordinary path.

When the Holy Golden Empire, an empire of industrial capital, grows up little by little on the corpses of the ancient civilization of the Neolithic Age, it will definitely not be a problem to support four or five kings, or even higher-level [demigods].

Geronimo then reported the good news to her:

"Your Majesty, there is another great news.

Since His Majesty the Lord of Heaven opened the anchoring authority of the Golden Law, the first successful fourth-level mythical creature has just been born."

Catherine's face suddenly lit up, and while using the law network to check the information, she did not forget to ask:

"Who is it?"

Geronimo's face was full of pride, and his tone was excited:

"It was the great shaman Siwatl of Uxmal City. She obtained enough anchors as the bishop of the diocese.

When the promotion ceremony was held some time ago, I personally served as her guard.

The ceremony has been completed, and there is only about a month of dormancy left before she can completely transform into a mythical creature [Mountain Demon Bear].

After the news spread, the whole empire was boiling, and the beast spirit warriors all praised His Majesty's benevolence.

His Majesty [Lord of Heaven] has come, and our spring has come!"

Catherine checked the records through the law network and found that this good news has begun to spread like the wind, and a stone has stirred up a thousand waves.

It has set off a shocking wave among the beast spirit warriors of the middle sequence.

In the past, due to insufficient anchoring, the fourth level was a threshold of life and death. After promotion, they often did not transform into mythical creatures but fell into a grotesque combination of humans and beasts in one step.

After Byron's arrival, not only did he open up a channel for the lower-level people to rise, but they could come to the fore if they had the ability and achievements.

He also offered a big killer that allowed many middle-sequence extraordinary people to go further - the anchor quota of [Golden Law].

As more and more believers surrendered to the Empire, the Golden Law built around the Golden Triangle, thirteen crystal skulls, and a group of guardian spirits with only divinity left has become increasingly solid.

In addition to the seventeen titles of [Right Hand of the King], many middle and lower-level official positions are enough to provide a two-legged possibility for those third-level extraordinary people who have reached the critical point but dare not be promoted.

These positions are divided into three routes: administrative official route, military route, and clergy route.

Compared to the Ladder of Glory of the Old World and the Book of the Families of the Hundred Beasts (Volume 2) of the Southern World, this anchoring method is obviously more closely linked to the country.

The interests of the country are the interests of the individuals, so they don’t have to work hard.

The level of Byron’s own rank can determine the level of the indigenous extraordinary people serving under him.

The newly promoted Siwatel, because of his gratitude for the ridge farming, fertilizer and curved plow invented by Byron, has saved his people from starvation and suicide and returned to the [Huashan Heavenly Kingdom].

She has long been a fanatic believer of Byron (Chapter 347).

When there is a benefit, she will be the first to fall on her head.

With the successful promotion of Siwatel, the first role model, the shouts of "My Lord is the Highest" and "Those who stand in the way will die" once again echoed over the empire for a long time.

Even the conquered and surrendered city-state is no exception.

Their core interests are highly consistent with the empire, and those who hinder the Golden Empire are their mortal enemies!

The identity of the promoted person was not beyond Catherine's expectations.

"It turned out to be the Great Shaman Sivatel, a fanatic of the [Lord of Heaven]. I remember that the bastion of the Torrent Fortress was designed by her.

After the unification of the Golden Empire, it was just in time to start a large-scale infrastructure mainly focusing on road construction. Sivatel's breakthrough was just in time.

She and her bear spirit warriors will soon be put to good use.

His Majesty the [Lord of Heaven] has already planned a construction blueprint. If it is successfully completed, Ms. Sivatel may have a chance to become a fifth-level [false god].

By the way, she can also take off a powerful power and god title like a [Infrastructure Maniac]."

Catherine saw the uncontrollable envy on the faces of the two people, especially the [Conqueror] Cortes, who could no longer be promoted after his death, was eager to The emotion was written on his face, and he smiled at them easily:

"Don't worry, both of you.

You are all the first batch of old ministers who followed His Majesty in Yucatan Island, and your ability and loyalty are no problem.

When His Majesty returns, he will give you the [First Embrace] of the Night Demon, and it will be easy to live another one or two hundred years.

After that, you will grow together with the Holy Golden Empire. Even if you fall behind for a while, the dividends of the times will force you to the right position."

The two were overjoyed and fell to the ground together, thanking them excitedly:

"Thank you for the kindness of His Majesty the Emperor and the Queen."

The good news Catherine provided them was not only that, and she raised her hand.


The increasingly powerful [Golden Law] was summoned to manifest.

It can be clearly seen that the law network is centered on a "golden triangle", and it faintly presents a seven-layer law structure, and the first four layers have been roughly formed.

Compared with the [Silver Law], there is still a big gap in size, but there is no essential difference.

And it also has the triple authority to manage gods, the human world, and the dead, which is more complete than the castrated Silver Law.

Catherine pointed to the sequence paths of the lighthouse, castle, court of inquiry, etc. that appeared in the depths of the law network, and explained to them with a smile:

"Your Majesty knows that the extraordinary system and the economic system are similar. If only the official "visible hand" allocates anchoring authority, it will only bring about systemic rigidity.

Therefore, as the seven-layer law network grows, the Golden Empire will gradually open up the promotion authority of the [Ladder of Glory] and allow outstanding talents to be promoted independently.

Use an "invisible hand" to give full play to everyone's subjective initiative.

The good days of the Holy Golden Empire are still to come."

[Conqueror] Cortes and Geronimo said goodbye excitedly and left, ready to tell their people the good news.

In the International Port, in the Governor's Mansion where Catherine's body is located, the summary and reporting work is still going on.

"Miss Catherine, in the past month, the war on Yucatan Island has gradually subsided and trade has expanded. The cargo throughput of the International Port is growing rapidly every day.

Vault No. 1 and Vault No. 2 of Pioneer Bank are almost full. I suggest that we hurry up to dig a new vault."

The deputy of the Ministry of Finance was flushed, and his hands were shaking with excitement as he looked at the rising yield curve.

Catherine was not surprised at all.

The Golden Empire has unified trade policies formulated by the capital of the Kingdom of Tayapan, and then the Governor's Office of the International Port takes the lead in contacting, and the West Wind Express merchant ship responsible for freight in the middle determines the transportation price.

There is also the privateering fleet of the Pioneer Pilot Colonial Trade Company, which uses the most "simple" business war model to persuade competitors to retreat.

Party A, Party B, inside and outside are all our people. We can manipulate the market at will. How can we not make money?

This already has a bit of the flavor of the "Supreme Art" financial trade war.

"Miss Catherine's Torrent Fortress Arsenal"

The monthly summary of each department lasted until the evening.

After the last subordinate left, Catherine had dinner alone, returned to her room, took a bath and changed into a red silk nightgown.

She stretched lazily in the chair, and the attractive curves of the thin branches with fruits cast a graceful silhouette under the whale oil lamp.

At this time, the fire of a silver tinderbox on the table suddenly flashed.

Shirley, the head maid, came out of the fire with several maids who were more exquisite than dolls, each holding a few sets of exquisite dresses in their hands.

"Madam, we got the custom-made clothes back from the Old World."

Catherine's eyes lit up, and her tired body and mind were immediately filled with energy again.

Jumping down from the chair, she came to the maids with her slender waist and high heels and slippers.

With bright eyes, he admired the past piece by piece.

Byron said that when he comes back this time, Violet will be in charge of the base camp and he will take her back to the homeland to receive the knighthood.

Catherine naturally made preparations early.

These are all the proud works of the costume design masters of Feilengcui, the art capital of the Old World.

In order to prevent the aristocratic ladies from the embarrassing scene of matching clothes, they are all unique and specially customized. The clothes are beautiful and the price is even more beautiful.

When she first learned about the price, Catherine, who had been used to the tight life in the past, felt a twinge of pain.

But those designers are very convincing:

“In social situations, respect the clothes first and then the people.

The best luxury around men is us women.

As long as a woman is adorned with jewels, no matter how unkempt a man is, others will not look down upon him.

Does it mean you have money and status if you just say no? What's so great about it? That beautiful woman is willing to be with you, she must be after your money! "

Although it felt like a lie, for the sake of Byron's face, Catherine's wallet opened the zipper involuntarily.

Of course, she used her own small treasury.

And I didn’t just buy it for myself, each one was customized with two sets of dresses with the same theme and different styles.

Catherine has one set for herself and one set for Violet.

The white swan and the black swan in "Dream of Swan Lake"; the pink and white sisters in "Sweetheart Doll"; the gold and silver moon in "Moonlight Summer"; the red and white roses in "Rose Maid"

In the hands of those costume design masters, these groups are completely consistent with the temperament of two people.

"You do one thing and I do another. You do one thing and I do another."

While admiring it in a great mood, Catherine divided the dress into two parts.

Her greatest advantage is that she is broad-minded in every sense of the word.

Although she is two years younger than Violet, she looks more like the eldest sister in the family who takes care of everything.

When she got to the end, she suddenly saw a pile of colorful clothes in a separate walnut packaging box, and her cheeks couldn't help but turn red.

But he still suppressed his shame and took out one of the items and slowly unfolded it.

Under the bright light, all the fabrics of this dress combined were no bigger than a little girl's hand, and they were divided into two triangular front and back pieces.

The green tulle material is transparent at a glance, with only a few thin red ribbons connecting it in the middle.

The matching upper body jacket is also of the same style. Not only does it not cover anything, it actually makes it more conspicuous.

Just holding it in her hand made Catherine feel like her body was getting hot and her cheeks were smoking.

The merchant’s words seem to still ring in my ears:

"This is a new style of clothing launched by our store. It has become popular among the ladies of Feilengcui and is regarded as a fun secret to enhance the relationship between husband and wife.

If you want to impress a man, you only need one set. If it is not enough, then get another set.

Trust me, that's right! "

Catherine, who has always been shrewd, somehow got confused and couldn't help but pay for these "clothes" whose material cost was almost nothing.

not worth!

Not worth it!

It's just that it's better for two people to die of shame together than to die alone, so she also bought double copies, sharing one with Violet and each having five or six pieces.

The difference is obvious. Catherine's own D is almost the size of a small watermelon, obviously one size larger than Violet's.

After Shirley and all the maids left, Catherine quietly tightened the curtains, touched the delicate and silky clothes, blushed and bit her lower lip.

Then, facing the floor-to-ceiling mirror in the room, he untied the laces of his nightgown and put on the green gauze dress.

He also gave a not-so-skilled wink at the mirror.

The stunningly beautiful and seductive blond girl in the mirror made Catherine's heart skip a beat.

Although it is not so exaggerated as to make oneself look beautiful on the spot.

But the Tangtang [Flower of the Northland], who is qualified to compete with Elizabeth Woodville, the most beautiful woman in the Channel Islands, for the most beautiful throne, is indeed beautiful to the point of foul play.

It is not an acquired extraordinary ability, but a natural beauty.

Especially when paired with a pair of underwear that is more provocative than wearing nothing at all, even a man made of steel will turn into a soft figure in front of her.

Suddenly I felt that this small piece of fabric was worth the money.

"According to the speed of the [Golden Deer], it will be back the night after tomorrow at the latest, and I will wear this one then.

If it weren't for the continuation of the Lancaster family, I wouldn't wear such clothes to show that little rascal Byron.

Why don't you flatter him to death?

That's right, just for Lancaster, I don't like this kind of clothes at all, hum! "

After just quietly admiring the beautiful girl with pink skin in the mirror for a while, Catherine felt that her legs were a little weak.

I'm about to change out of this embarrassing little clothes.

Tick ​​tock! Tick ​​tock!

Suddenly, I heard the subtle sound of water drops and the sound of wind, and then an illusory vortex of light emerged in the middle of the room.

It is obvious that there is no one else who can silently break through the borders of the [Golden Law].

Catherine suddenly panicked, quickly put on the fiery red nightgown, and closed the walnut box containing a dozen other small clothes.

As soon as they finished doing all this, Byron and Violet stepped out of the whirlpool hand in hand and appeared in front of her.

When he looked up and saw Catherine, he gave her a big smile:

"The two of us left behind the [Golden Deer], which was still at sea for two days, and took the lead and rushed back early.

Sister, have you thought about me? Am I surprised?

Huh? What were you doing just now? "

Byron's sharp eyes immediately noticed that his sister was blushing and hurriedly hiding something.

A corner of emerald green gauze clothing was still exposed on the shoulder of the unarranged nightgown.

There are two piles of clothes in the bedroom. It seemed like they were changing clothes just now?

Noticing his gaze, Catherine quickly pulled the skirt of her clothes to cover the small clothes underneath, pinched her waist and said fiercely to him:

"What are you looking at? Haven't you seen it before?"

But his expression was obviously fierce, his eyes wandered, and he subconsciously looked at the clothes and boxes beside him.

In the eyes of Byron and Violet, this expression couldn't help but remind them of the cute look of a dragon roaring: "Ah woo~".

Violet, who had long known what Catherine had bought but kept it from Byron, had already guessed what she was doing just now and did not try to expose it. She suppressed a smile and picked up the pile of clothes that belonged to her.

He walked straight to the bedroom door, opened the door and turned back to Catherine with a half-smile and winked:

"I'll give this brother back to you. I'll sleep next door. You two should keep your voices down at night."

Catherine's jade-like cheeks rose again at a speed visible to the naked eye, and she said at a loss:

"Eh? Isn't today Monday? According to the schedule, Monday, Wednesday, and Friday are your days. How about I? I'd better do it tomorrow.

Or you can stay and help me too, okay? "

Catherine was obviously much more timid than Violet. She spent more than half a month mentally building up, but when the situation came to a close, she flinched a little and stammered, wanting to beg for encouragement from her good sisters.

Violet waved her hand very generously:

"It's all because my good sister is being polite to me. I've been eating alone for a month, so I'll give it to you in advance today and give it to me the day after tomorrow."

When he pushed the door open and walked out, he didn't forget to give a thumbs up and said with a wicked smile like a real little witch:

"Catherine, I have used it for you many times. To be honest, your brother tastes good! It's great!"


The door was closed, leaving only the two siblings looking at each other.

Violet is indeed a great assist, and has heightened the atmosphere to this point. It seems a bit inappropriate not to do anything else.

Today was the first time the two of them faced each other alone since they broke the window paper.

It was also the first time that Byron appreciated Catherine in front of him from another identity.

She has skin as white as snow and flaming red lips. She is stunningly beautiful, especially her two super long legs with perfect proportions under the skirt of her nightgown.

The rose-red toe tips in the open-toed high-heeled shoes are like sweet cherries, curling up and straightening nervously.

The two were so close that their breaths touched each other, and the refreshing fragrance of roses calmed Byron's beating heart.

Catherine also raised her head and looked at Byron in front of her.

Handsome, tall, mighty, and with a perfect body, he is a perfect match for every girl's Prince Charming.

Unknowingly, the younger brother in front of him has grown from a little kid who chased after him all day long to a man who can truly carry a family, or even a country.

Others call her [Mithril Dragon], but only she knows that this title is at least 80% attributed to Byron.

Without him, they wouldn't have what they have now.

A faint mist rose in his eyes, and he couldn't help but become a little confused. He took a step forward, hugged him tightly in his arms, and said softly:

"Welcome home Byron."

Then he whispered in his ear:

“Byron, you know, when we first reunited, I actually just wanted to use the Greenville family’s property to raise you.

By the way, I will help you give birth to a few children, so that our family can spend this life peacefully together.

You don't have to do anything, just shout: "Rich woman, rice, rice, hungry, hungry" every day.

That you could do this is beyond my wildest dreams.

You are my sister's pride.

Are you hungry after rushing back? Below me."

But Byron held her in his arms and breathed hot breath into her ear:

"Tch, I don't know you yet? How can you usually say so many sensational words? Are you so nervous that your palms and soles are sweating?

However, if you are nervous, I will not be nervous.

I'm really hungry, but now I just want to eat you! "

Then he bit down on her fair and slender swan neck.


Catherine's beautiful lake-green eyes suddenly widened, she let out a soft snort from her nose, her white toes straightened instantly, and her slippers fell to the ground.

[Night Demon]'s blood-sucking is not only about eating, but also directly injecting a large amount of "happiness", making the "prey" unable to stop.

Catherine was mercilessly exposed by Byron, clenched her fists and knocked on his chest twice:

"Bad guy, it turns out to be really delicious."

Byron pretended not to know, and after a while he let go of the girl, with a hint of teasing in his voice:

"Didn't you invite me to eat?

How can I eat if I don’t eat like this? You can teach me, sister? "

As soon as he finished speaking, the shape of the beautiful girl in his arms began to change drastically.

The lake green eyes turned into golden dragon pupils, two crystal clear golden dragon horns grew on the white forehead, and the brilliant golden hair moved without wind.

There were bright silver dragon scales on the cheeks, shoulder blades, and thighs, and a thick silver dragon tail behind the buttocks broke the nightgown.

Between the bright silver scales, a large area of ​​white waist and abdomen was exposed, with a slender and powerful waist, a narrow diamond-shaped navel, and even a well-built abdominal muscle curve.

Half-human and half-dragon, with a strange and alternative beauty.

In an instant, she turned into the form of a mithril dragon girl, or more accurately, a third-level half-dragon man, whose actual strength went straight to the fourth level under the law amplification.

The small clothes that she didn't take off in time were naturally visible, which made Byron's eyes flash and his nose feel a little hot.

Seeing that there was no way to cover it, Catherine simply gave up and snorted:

"Do you think I dress like this to please you? Yes, you guessed it right.

But your sister will always be your sister, so just lie down obediently.

Tonight you are the mount!"

She stood up and tried to suppress Byron with her backhand, and then do whatever she wanted to him like she had bullied her brother in the past ten years.

Byron's two non-human queens are indeed used to being sisters, and even their starting moves are exactly the same - turning over and singing on the mount.

"You wish, last time I was easily suppressed by Violet's whale girl form, that's because I haven't transformed into a mythical creature yet.

If I am suppressed by you, the dragon girl, again this time, wouldn't my [Night Demon Prince]'s mythical form be promoted in vain?"

Byron, who was well prepared, also partially unfolded his mythical form - the ever-changing "∞", and then turned into a dragon man form like the girl.

But the scales are brilliant golden.



The lights went out, and the whole Governor's Mansion was shaken.

The two dragons began to fight. Whoever won would be qualified to be a real "dragon rider", and whoever lost would be the "mount" tonight.


"Hiss! No, my little Byron is not like that. We took a bath together when we were young, and we saw the little chicks many times with our own eyes."

Before Catherine could continue to speak, Byron blocked her mouth:

"Hey! Shut up, little dragon girl, how dare you be so arrogant? I want you to taste what a five-meter-long dragon rider's gun is! Die!"

"Spare me——!"

The feeling of being too familiar between childhood sweethearts has long disappeared.

There will only be endless freshness in the future, and this process will take a long, long time.

But it doesn't matter, they have a long lifespan and have a lot of time to do this slowly.

The two dragons who were busy getting familiar with each other's lengths and depths did not notice that a rhythmic earthquake wave was gradually spreading with their Governor's Mansion as the center.

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