Pirate Kingship

Chapter 457 The Fifth Element, Weakness Attack

"Captain, we must seal this place and we can't let them rush out!

[Evil Spirit·Homeless One] The more you kill, the stronger you will be, and the stronger your pulling force will be on the various undead souls at the edge of the world.

Once the 'Death Stranding' accident gets out of control in a big city, no one can predict the disastrous losses it will cause unless the tide of the source material automatically ebbs along with the moon phase cycle. "

After Salant shouted this, he took the lead and pounced on Sherlock and John Watson who were too deep into the building to retreat in time.

He used [Sea King's Trident] to increase his water control ability and set off a big wave that swept both of them out.

The next moment, the place where the two people were standing was completely submerged by bloody handprints.

Then a large bloody handprint rushed toward the open door.

Byron's eyes flashed, and he seemed to recognize the cousin in front of him again.

As a survivor who finally escaped from the Eastern Continent, he obviously has an above-average moral standard.

I have been caught in the rain, and I also want to hold an umbrella for other strangers who are not relatives.

Of course, Byron himself did not want Kingston to be reduced to ruins before retaking it, so he decisively ordered:

"Deathwing, enter."

"As commanded."

A group of pirate guards immediately bit the [Azik's Curse Gold Coin] hanging around their necks in their mouths, turning into "living dead" who were also between life and death.

His skin was pale, his eye circles were black, and his whole body was filled with the cold aura of death.

But he also used this special state to see the true appearance of the [homeless people] on the opposite side.

He generally maintained his human form, but his skin was blue and black, and his whole body was covered with a layer of boiling blood mist, making him look like he had just crawled out of an asphalt pool.


[Deathwing] collectively took out the revolvers at their waists and decisively pulled the triggers.

Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang!

According to the shooting method taught to them by Byron, two guns are used for the torso and one for the head. As long as a gun is fired during a security battle, the bullet nest must be completely emptied in just a few seconds.

The most difficult thing about these [homeless people] is that they are always invisible.

Only when they run on all fours at high speed will they leave bloody fingerprints in the material world, and the fingerprints will gradually disappear after a few seconds.

If you can't see them, you can't take the initiative to attack. You can only passively wait for them to attack first before they can touch each other.

This alone is enough to give even mid-sequence extraordinary people a headache.

But as long as these homeless people can be seen, they are not much different from normal enemies, and ordinary bullets and swords can hurt them.

At this moment, Deathwing emptied fifty revolvers in one breath. The power of three hundred whale oil bullets was obviously not comparable to that of ordinary flintlock guns.

The lines of fire intertwined, and the powerful whale oil bullets carried streaks of blue fire, like heavy hammers swung by hundreds of berserkers, mercilessly knocking the first wave of homeless people to death in the rain.

Not a single dud occurred due to the rain.

A little mercury-like light blood immediately flowed out of the blood holes all over the homeless man's body, making Byron, the night devil, couldn't help but twitch his throat.

Instinctively full of appetite for them.

A [blood source river] between the feet stretched out between illusion and reality, collecting all the weird silver blood.

A name "The Fifth Element" immediately appeared on the logbook:

“Represents the fifth element in alchemy besides earth, wind, water, and fire—spirit.

The effect on spiritual creatures is comparable to the blood of transmutation. "

Byron immediately understood that in addition to the "blood of transformation", the "Tears of the Mermaid" from the Deep Diving Church, and the "Philosopher's Stone" from the Greedy Insect, they were all similar things, belonging to a certain form of existence of "transformation" , each ability has its own focus.

Killing the first batch of [Homeless Homeless] is just the beginning.


A short scream suddenly came from the back door of the building.

[Shen Jian] raised his vision and discovered that the city guards in charge of this area had just arrived after the automatic warning of [Iron Law of Royal Power: Magna Carta].

While blocking the scene, they were attacked by another wave of homeless people, and they were caught off guard and suffered heavy losses.

And the way he was killed was particularly gruesome.

Once a limb is grabbed by a homeless person, a black and red palm print will immediately be left, and then the hand print will spread quickly on the body until it covers the whole body.

Wherever it passes, muscles atrophy, blood dries up, hair becomes withered, and teeth become loose. Just a few breaths will turn it into a mummy like Viscount Owen, which seems to have passed through decades.

The reborn souls will also become new homeless people after being separated from the body and stranded in the material world due to "Death Stranding", joining in the crazy attacks on other living people.

It’s simply the undead version of Resident Evil!

Without Byron's orders, [Juggernaut] Herman and [Phantom Blade] Gus each flew up with a skull gold coin and crossed the roof to support the back door.

At the same time, more homeless people came running out of the front door.

[Sea Mage] Salant waved his "staff" and reminded Byron urgently:

"Captain, there is a high probability that Viscount Owen is not the first person to die.

Before he was killed, the Death Stranding incident had already broken out. A large number of homeless people killed the monsters here and continuously pulled the souls up from the edge of the world.

We must clear all the undead in one wave and eliminate the anchor of Hades to end this death stranding. The longer the time is delayed, the more trouble it will cause. "

At this time, Sherlock and John Watson, who were rescued, have also figured out Byron's identity. Looking at this legendary quasi-earl and quasi-saint who defeated the super-standard existence, they begged: "Sir, if you have the spare power, please help us.

We are willing to serve as the vanguard death squad to plug this hole! ”

A person’s character can only be seen between life and death.

Although the two people seemed a little out of place at the beginning when they were chased by the criminals and were in a mess, they were actually very reliable and full of justice.

It was precisely because of this that if Byron had not happened to be here today, the title [Crime Slayer] would probably continue to look for a new successor.

Byron was already seriously considering whether to recruit them to join the great rebellion, and naturally would not watch them die.

Without waiting for the two to move, they were both swept up by a gust of wind and thrown to the periphery of the battlefield.

Byron and Catherine, who had changed their clothes on the spot and put on a female mithril armor and held a two-handed heavy sword, had passed by them.

“Non-combatants should not get in the way.

Bruch, you and [Deathwing] are responsible for blocking the periphery and not letting any of the lost people escape.”

“Yes. "

Bruch led Deathwing to guard the periphery.

Byron, Catherine, and Salant rushed into the depths of the building against the tide of the Lost Homelanders.

When the "Death Stranding" is fully unleashed, the danger may not be easy to assess, but in the initial stage, their lineup is already luxurious.

Both science and the extraordinary have their own internal laws. Compared with those low-level Lost Homelanders, the one who needs to be more vigilant is the mastermind behind the scenes as Salant guessed.

This kind of unplanned change has occurred, and the other party is likely to come to the scene to check.

Byron, as [Lord of Heaven] can adjust his own state without the cursed gold coin, and the same is true for Catherine who shares his senses with him.

Salant has the help of [Sea King Trident], and the three of them swept away all the lost people along the way.

When they arrived at the hall, a large number of lost people were pouring out from the gap of a large man-powered elevator in the middle of the hall.

The source of the accident was obviously underground.

This very fashionable elevator should be a tool for transporting those monsters for the enjoyment of the rich and powerful.

The brilliant silver light on Catherine's fingertips suddenly burst out.

"Mithril Guard, call!"


Amid the sound of metal clashing, six silver knights with silver light, carrying rolling gas explosions, smashed towards the lost people.

Without dodging or avoiding, the big sword in his hand danced into a ball of silver light and continued to compress the space from all directions, approaching the cave entrance step by step, and then jumped down first.

"Ah——! "

Then there came a terrifying roar of beasts and humans mixed together from underground.

The three of them landed and saw that the changes here were more drastic and bizarre than those outside.

As we all know, the essence of grotesques and evil spirits is similar, except that one is a combination of humans and other creatures, and the other still retains the human form.

Perhaps because the accident came too quickly, the noble lords who were still having a monster party here did not react in time.

After death, they naturally merged with the monsters and became a weird grotesque like a stitched monster.

The one closest to them, the front half is a normal lonely reef bull demon, but the back half is the upper body of a middle-aged man that has swelled several times, with his hands supporting the ground as a bull's buttocks.

From this angle, it was hard to tell which was the head and which was the buttocks.

The same is true for the forest giant monster. When walking upright, the big head is the giant monster, and the small head below is a fat young man.

There is also an iron-backed hippopotamus, one The head is a stout hippopotamus, and the other is a skinny old man, who looks particularly deformed.

A group of grotesques gathered together around a pond in the middle that looked like an asphalt pool. Every time the pond rolled, the dead souls from the edge of the world emerged from it.

Obviously, this is the part where the edge of the world and the material world overlap.

Byron quickly covered his sister's eyes.

Not only was the image eye-catching, but there was also a weird and terrifying feeling that he was worried that they would call out: "Big Brother~" at any time.

At this time, although they did not call "Big Brother", they were all extraordinary people in their lifetime, and the speed of complete degeneration was not that fast.

Especially the old man who was combined with the hippopotamus, Byron looked like the president of a university in the royal capital.

He was probably a middle-sequence extraordinary person in the tower sequence in his lifetime, and he still retained a relatively clear consciousness.

With drooling at the corners of his mouth, he muttered to himself in a somewhat crazy way:

"A strong body and a stable spirituality together constitute a perfect extraordinary combination.

Power! Power is constantly pouring out of the body!

I have discovered the secret of the extraordinary world.

Only by combining divinity, humanity and animality can a transcendent be complete.

The ultimate answer to our ascent to the highest is - orcs!

Give me the fifth element in your body. As long as there is enough fifth element, I can gain eternal life in the form of a spirit. "

He roared and moved his four hands to rush towards them.

[Sea Mage] Salant, who was born in the East Continent, was obviously well-informed. This kind of weirdness was not even ranked in his eyes.

Gripping the mace staff tightly in his hand, a flash of light appeared on his body, and with the help of the power of the [Sea King Trident], a lantern like a lantern fish grew on his head.


The particularly dazzling [Flash Magic] exploded in the wide underground space.

A group of grotesques who had been in the dark for a long time were stung by the eyes and screamed immediately.

The old man who was acting as the butt was blocked by the hippopotamus in front of him and recovered the fastest. He said angrily:

"Let's go together and kill the berserker with the mace first."

"Huh? Berserker?"

Having his reverse scale touched, [Sea Mage] Salant's eyes suddenly became extremely dangerous:

"Mermaids are a natural mage race.

But I can only learn the flash spell, so I have to practice hard the "melee spells" such as staff skills and physical fitness.

Have you seen the Sea of ​​Monsters at four o'clock in the morning? I see it every day!

I want to let others know that there is a kind of genius in this world, called the hardworking genius!"

"Besides, [Flash Spell] is the bottom line of a mage. Since I know the flash spell, I am a certified official mage.

So, this is not a mace, this is my magic! Staff!

You ugly monsters, hurry up and apologize to me!"

The mermaid tribe inherited from a great existence is born to be a magician since birth.

Whether in status or taste, it is completely different from those big muscle warriors.

Although Salant's fighting style is very direct, he is still a noble wizard with [Flash].

This is also his last stubbornness.


The whole building shook violently when his feet stepped on the ground.

He raised the cold and shining mace and charged boldly. The aura of the trident spread all over his body, turning him into a slender hidden fish.

[Ocean Transfiguration] is the foundation of a sea king's love, and it is also the basic ability given to this melee "mage" by the trident.

The hidden fish is an eel-shaped creature, slender, and flat on the side.

Because of its habit of hiding in the sea cucumber chrysanthemum, it is named: hidden fish.

The hidden fish and the sea cucumber are never separated. The hidden fish will hide in the sea cucumber when looking for food or avoiding enemies, and the excrement of the hidden fish is also the main food of the sea cucumber.

At most, more than a dozen hidden fish can hide in the body of a sea cucumber.

At this time, Salant, who had transformed into a hidden fish, naturally obtained the innate ability of this creature - [Weakness Strike]!

Waves rolled up around him, and the whole person spun at high speed with the mace as a drill.

The harsh clanging sound was even heard clearly by Deathwing outside the building.

The old hippopotamus, who rushed to the front with a full iron body and full defense, had realized what was about to happen. His face suddenly changed, and he wailed with his tongue tied:

"Don't come over... Don't come over no no no no, ah——!"

The scene at this moment was so sad that anyone who saw it would cry.

Byron, who was a step slower behind him, couldn't help but feel a chill in his crotch.

"This cousin. Absolutely can't be kept."

At this time.

As the "asphalt pool" rolled again, a tall figure slowly floated up.

A low voice echoed throughout the underground space:

"Strange, why did the ceremony start in advance?

Hmm? Is there a living person?!"

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