Pirate Kingship

Chapter 461 Mysticism is dead: Your Majesty, please run naked!

When the dazzling golden light gradually subsided, everyone finally saw clearly the appearance of the treasure in Byron's hand.

It was a gold crown, and it was not ordinary gold, but [holy gold] that was a hundred times more valuable than gold!

A heavy base in the shape of a circle of grass alpacas carries three suns on its back.

The whole thing together forms a [solar crown] that is as brilliant as the rising sun. If you look directly at it for a long time, it will hurt your eyes and you can't help but look away.

Byron held this crown with a lot of materials in his hand, and after showing it to Edward IV and other nobles, he talked eloquently:

"The Empire of the Sun is the most powerful empire in the Southern Continent, with a population of 20 million, a vast territory, and immense wealth.

There are mountains of gold and silver everywhere in the empire's huge Ring of Fire Mountains. If you want gold, you just have to reach out and grab a handful from the mountains, and you won't be able to spend all the money you want.

It was so luxurious that the palaces and chariots of the royal family were all made of gold, and the gold jewelry used for sacrifices covered the entire bottom of the holy lake.

The Empire of the Sun continued the rule pattern of the mythical age in which humans and gods coexisted.

Emperor [Sun God] Inti, who has almost reached the sixth-level demigod level, and a group of fifth-level slave gods and sun god descendants rule this country together.

Most of the fifth-level slave gods were once kings who managed the secular world, which means that kings can become gods.

Many of them have gained the love of the people because of their achievements in governing the country. They gathered their thoughts and aspirations, understood the ladder of immortality, and thus stepped on the long steps to ascend to the gods and become gods! "

He talked nonstop about helping his good brother, the fifteenth king [Hand of Fortune] Atahualpa, and bragging about his country.

Only talk about the good side and never mention that future generations are used as firewood and fuel by their ancestors.

As Byron narrated, an ancient, wealthy, and infinitely attractive country emerged in the minds of all the monarchs and ministers, and their eyes could not help but reveal deep yearning.

"Gudong, a country full of gold?"

"Eternal life? Man and God cohabit?"

"Is the king the only way to achieve obedience to God?"

In particular, most of the nobles of the two parties who had never left the mainland couldn't help but exclaimed and swallowed their saliva.

Looking down at his originally good clothes, jewelry, and palace, he suddenly felt that they all no longer tasted good.

A small number even had the urge to take a boat to the south to pan for gold at all costs.

No one thinks that [Sea Hunter] St. Byron would lie.

This is the center of the iron law of royal power. In the presence of a fifth-level [king], a fifth-level archbishop, and a "one-word king", any lie will be ruthlessly exposed.

But they don’t know that “lies” that are all the truth are the most deadly.

Byron heard the gradually heavier breathing in his ears and knew that the preparation was enough. He raised the [Sun Crown] in his hand a little higher and said loudly to Edward IV:

"This [Sun Crown] belonging to the fifteenth generation of new kings is one of the symbols of dominion, just like the seven sacred instruments of kingship in Hattings, the bishop's ring and the fisherman's ring of the church.

Every time the throne changes, hundreds of sons of the previous king will fight fiercely in the 'King Ceremony'. Only the only prince who reaches the end can wear this [Sun Crown] and be crowned as the new king.

But now such a vital treasure has come to you across thousands of miles.

What is this if not destiny?

It is precisely because you and the two dukes are the incarnations of the Three Magic Suns that this crown, which symbolizes the sun, royal power and eternal life, was attracted by destiny to abandon the Sun Empire and embrace Hetings.

And what humans are best at is learning.

Their fifth level can obtain eternal life and rule the empire for more than a thousand years. Your Majesty is also a fifth level, why can't he?

Although I got this treasure by chance, I vaguely heard the [Creator] saying to me that this destiny does not belong to me, but must be dedicated to its true owner with my hands—— Three magic days.

Your Majesty, today I will dedicate to you the [Sun Crown] that once represented the Sun Empire’s destiny for the next hundred years.

I wish that the sun’s rays will always shine on the Kingdom of Hetings, and that the glory of the Creator will never fade away! "

When Edward IV heard this, his face was full of approval, "If you can speak, just speak more."

With a red face, he subconsciously took a few steps forward, staring at the crown, so excited that he couldn't control himself:

"Okay, okay, that's great! Lord Tudor deserves to be the most loyal minister in the kingdom."

The "divine kingship" recognized by the Creator, and the "immortality" that will occupy the throne forever, are what Edward IV longs for most.

Although I knew about the existence of this treasure a month ago, I also generally knew its ins and outs.

But whether the same thing has exquisite packaging or not are two completely different concepts, and the value is very different.

How much something can be sold for in the end, and whether it makes people think it is worth the money, all depends on the packaging and the way it is spoken.

Just like those high-end restaurants that specialize in cheating rich people, what they pay attention to is: "The plate is big, the portion is small, and there is even a root of grass in the empty space. The operation is as fierce as a tiger, and the street stall only sells for three and a half yuan."

Oh, and better yet, add a good story!

As for making up stories about emperors receiving their destiny, Byron was so good at it that he dared to cross his legs and say: Everyone here is a younger brother.

"Footprints of Lei Ze", "The man of God enters his dream", "Beheading the white snake", "Crying fox", "One eye of the stone man" etc. are enough to give these old hats who have never experienced the peasant uprising a story. Thousand and One Nights.

Moreover, the identity of the person responsible for presenting the treasure and telling the story this time is also extraordinary.

Saint Byron is the second son of the [Creator] in folklore, a great saint who won the tug-of-war against an old god.

A legendary saint presented this [Crown of the Sun] to the king with his own hands, which was really honorable.

Shouldn't this be your destiny immediately and immediately?

Even the matter of making Byron famous was fueled by Hattings' intelligence system, all for this moment.

Edward IV took off the ordinary crown he was wearing and handed it to the queen beside him.

He took the [Sun Crown] with slightly trembling hands and couldn't wait to put it on his head.

A king usually has many crowns, which he wears on different occasions. There is nothing wrong with replacing a stolen crown.


As the crown was placed on Edward IV's head, a warm spiritual wind suddenly blew.

The many nobles who were watching vaguely saw that a dress that was extremely gorgeous and probably only worthy of the emperor fell on him. Not only did they not have any doubts, but they automatically thought that this was a symbol of his true destiny.

Although Edward IV was excited, he also mobilized the law to inspect the crown in advance.

But because of the powerful concealment of [First-level Holy Relic: The Emperor's New Clothes], it covered up all abnormalities, and even the iron law of royal power did not find any problems.

"Three Magic Suns!"

"Three Magic Suns!"


Not only Edward IV, but also Richard, Duke of Gloucester and the already estranged Duke of Clarence, George, also lost themselves in the "Three Phantom Suns" of the nobles.

The so-called "manifest destiny" is to a certain extent the human heart, representing some of the strongest changing trends in collective society.

If all the common people think that someone should be the king, then doesn't he too.

If everyone thinks someone is a villain, then so is he.

Under the system of collective power, as long as countless tiny changes are brought together, the sky can be mended, the sea can be filled, and the mountains can be moved!

Byron also shouted together, but he was not worried that this operation might endanger the enemy.

The effect of new clothes is threefold.

First, [referring to a deer as a horse]:

"You can turn good things into bad ones, tall ones into short ones, and deer into horses. Everyone will believe your lies, and no one can expose them except the true sages."

This ability was used by him to exchange the identities of the "Blue Dragon King" and "King Edward".

Second, [You are really hurting me]:

"When non-kings use this ability, they can achieve the effect of wearing a yellow robe and usurp the iron law of royal power of a certain kingdom.

Let it be unclear which one is the real king.

Inherit part of the other party's power according to their own compatibility and conditions. The better the basic conditions, the greater the power they can share. At the highest, they can stand side by side with the original king and become a one-word king, sharing the power equally.

Time limit is one day. "

This ability is not used yet.

But once it is used, it is possible for Byron to have a fair fight with the King of Hattings as a fourth-level person.

As long as the heavily armored cruiser fleet is in place and waits for the opportunity to exclude external forces from interfering, Byron doesn't mind taking action in advance.

Third, [He is running naked]:

“Only when the tide goes out do you know who was swimming naked.

Giving this ability to a true king is equivalent to using a lie to elevate him to the altar of wisdom, which will have the effect of being arbitrary and arbitrary.

When someone says to him: "But he's not wearing any clothes," it will be like a bolt of lightning piercing the night sky, exposing the lie.

Everything built on this lie will come crashing down. "

Edward claimed that the three suns that happened to appear in the sky before the war were a symbol of the Creator's protection of the York family.

It not only represents the Trinity Creator, but also represents the three heirs of the York family: Edward, George, and Richard.

Therefore, whether in the royal party or the earl party, everyone firmly believes that the "Three Magic Suns" and the three brothers are proof of the Creator's care.

It is also the core symbol that unites people's hearts.

The importance of Sanhuanri and the three brothers to this political group is self-evident, especially now that the York family has just been on the throne for a year and the political situation is not yet stable.

Reassuring people's hearts is the most important job of Edward IV at present, and the lie of "Three Magic Suns" has to be repeated over and over again.

This is the key condition for Byron to activate [He is streaking]:

"Since the York family relied on the 'Three Magic Suns' gimmick to unite people's hearts and win, they must also bear the corresponding price.

Educated people all know that the so-called "three magic suns" are just a natural phenomenon caused by the refraction of the sun.

Repeat a lie ten thousand times and it's still a lie.

The more Edward IV believed in this lie after wearing the [Sun Crown], the more foolish he would be, the more absurd his behavior would be, constantly making wrong choices, showing authority on meaningless things, and wasting energy.

For example, focus on research: move the machine gun position five meters to the left; move your fist 2 millimeters to the right; my military capabilities are the best in the world.

Another example is his love of formalism: he must wash the dishes six times, not even once less; he must clean the toilet until the toilet water is drinkable; he is late for work if he arrives one second late, and he will have a regular meeting if he leaves work one hour late

More importantly, the extraordinary aspect.

Since then, Edward IV's mind power, spiritual improvement, legendary title, etc., have all been like a dream bubble.

Just like the academic fraud incident of the foundational paper on Alzheimer's disease in the previous life, countless funds have poured into the field of beta-amyloid hypothesis for 16 years, and all the results produced since then have been useless.

To sum up, for Edward IV, physics, cough, mysticism is dead!

[The Emperor's New Clothes] blocked his path to promotion, and he didn't want to make any progress. I just waited for him to catch up slowly. "

Now Byron just watched him build a high building and entertain guests. When the building collapsed, it was just a matter of his saying "Your Majesty, please run naked".

However, it is obvious that not all ministers are happy to see such an unprecedented scene of unity.

"Humph. "

A barely concealed cold gaze fell on Edward IV and Byron.

[Kingmaker] Earl Warwick's face was so gloomy that it seemed like water could drip out.

The Lancaster army was annihilated, and the Yorkist party had no external enemies. He was unwilling to see any increase in the strength of the royal party.

"The plan can no longer be delayed. The high-ranking officials of the royal party will be severely damaged or even destroyed today!"

He winked at his confidant, and the Earl's party, which had not come many people, began to leave early one after another.

At this moment, the rain in the sky was getting heavier, and the water level near the palace, which had already skyrocketed, finally reached the critical point.

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