Pirate Kingship

Chapter 463: Two Days in the Sky, Palace Coup (6100 Two-in-One)

“Is this the evil spirit that appeared on Melrose Avenue three days ago?

Impossible, how could they break through the national boundaries of the "Iron Law of Royal Power" and enter the palace without any hindrance? ! "

In the banquet hall, there were officials belonging to the City Guards, Tribunal, and Star Chamber Court, and they recognized the origin of those bloody handprints at a glance.

After all, before going to the banquet today, relevant intelligence and video records were still on their desks.

The clerks in various departments and the [prophet], [spiritual medium], and [naturalist] summoned are still working overtime to study the cause of this strange evil spirit.

Unfortunately, in order to cut off the anchor, Byron and [Holy Hammer] Oliver killed too cleanly and failed to leave samples. In less than three days, they did not even produce an investigation report.

Just like what [Hell Painter] said.

The first "Death Stranding" that appeared in the Old World was not so easy for people to figure out the ins and outs, let alone follow the clues and discover their layout near Ganquan Palace.

The royal party was suddenly caught off guard.


Several young royal nobles standing near the door were about to turn around and run away, but in the blink of an eye they were overwhelmed by bloody handprints all over the ground, or more accurately, [Evil Spirits and Homeless People].

When these evil spirits attack, they come into contact with their victims, giving them an opportunity to fight back.

Each of the several nobles was at least a second-level transcendent, much stronger than those mortal soldiers who looked strong but were actually not awakened.

The spiritual aura of various sequences on his body burst out, and among them was the theoretically most powerful Tribunal sequence [Law Master] in the country.

“Law: The Fortress Act gives owners, tenants, custodians, etc. the right to use deadly force to protect their ‘fortress’ in the face of trespassing and violent attacks.

Unlimited defense! I sentence you to death! "

The majestic power of the [Iron Law of Royal Power] came, and the [Homeless Homeless] who first came into contact with the body of the Law Master were violently knocked away.

They are invisible to onlookers when they are between life and death, but a shadow is faintly revealed in the transition from the intermediate state to complete death.

But this has no meaning other than making the nobles realize that a considerable number of these evil spirits are actually guards in the palace, which makes them feel more and more frightened.

Moreover, the power of law that a second-level legal practitioner can activate is also very limited. He had just "judged" a dozen evil spirits and was forcibly sucked into human form by more homeless people.

Eventually it turned into the silver-white [fifth element] flowing endlessly in the bodies of the homeless, and it was also the precious currency that the devils in the bottomless pit at the edge of the world longed for.

At the same time, as extraordinary people like them died and turned into new "homeless people", the pull from Hades became stronger, causing this death stranding accident to become more and more serious.

The smooth marble floor of the banquet hall beneath his feet also began to soften, and sea water as thick as asphalt came out.

It also caused more homeless people to roar out of it.

The floors, windows, walls, pillars, etc. were all covered with gradually approaching bloody handprints. It was hard to count whether there were hundreds or thousands.

It makes one's scalp tingle.


The screams of many women and men in the banquet hall suddenly started one after another.

Listening to horrific urban legends and seeing acquaintances turn into mummies and skeletons in front of them have a completely different impact on them.

The unknown is always more scary.

Both men and women hurriedly dodge away from the door like a swarm of bees, not like a ghost is chasing them, but really a ghost is chasing them!

But the accident came too quickly. The dance floor, the long banquet table, the independent rooms around the hall, and the flower hall were full of people. Many of the extraordinary people were ordinary family members, and they were all pushing and shoving. It was so easy to escape. Evil spirit?

The screams suddenly turned into continuous screams, and the bones that seemed to have lasted for tens or hundreds of years fell down.

However, not everyone surrounded by bloody handprints tragically turned into a withered skeleton.

Several nobles from the earl party, headed by [Kingmaker] Warwick and George, Duke of Clarence, were like standing rocks in the flood, watching all this with leisurely attention.

When all the [Homeless Displaced People] encountered them, they would automatically retreat and turn a blind eye to them.

Several of the earl party members even took a sip from their wine glasses from time to time, as if they were drinking from the tragic situation in front of them.

If you turn on your spiritual vision, you will find that each of them is wearing a silver amulet engraved with strange patterns.

The black-red aura that is exactly the same as the "Homeless One" is released from it, allowing those evil spirits without self-awareness to mistake them for the same kind of people.

Obviously this is the [Amulet·Beast Mark] created by Warwick with the help of the "Beast Mark of the Bottomless Pit".

Although he cannot control his subordinates at will like a night devil prince like Byron, it is not difficult to guide the homeless to attack specific targets while protecting himself from harm.

This contrasting treatment immediately caught the attention of others.

Edward IV, who was surrounded by a group of [King's Left Hand] Guards and a dozen [King's Right Hand], had eyes spitting fire. He looked at this scene as if he wanted to eat people, and shouted sharply:

"Warwick! It was you who opened the border mystery of Ganquan Palace and attracted these evil spirits? What on earth do you want to do?

Not only did he massacre nobles and betray the kingdom, he also colluded with evil spirits.

Aren't you afraid of the stake of the Inquisition? ! "

In fact, the evil spirit murder on Melrose Street was ordinary except that it was close to the palace, the victim was special, and the death was not decent.

It was not reported to Edward IV by the relevant departments to ruin his good mood.

Even if it was reported in the end, it must wait until the cause of the accident was found out and a response plan was drawn up.

"Covering up" is completely the instinct of old bureaucrats, and it does not matter which world it is.

In addition, the iron law of the kingship of various countries is a castrated version that can only control people.

And Hastings' unique "Magna Carta" is a castrated version of the castrated version. The king has to rely more on nobles and officials at all levels under the law.

There is no He has the command and sensitivity of the Golden Law, which says "I am the master of men and the king of gods".

Even worse, one of the most basic abilities of the Law Network is to suppress the source tide and maintain the low magic environment of the old continent.

As long as the Law Network covers the area, not to mention ordinary evil spirits and weirdness, even world cracks are not common.

The [Kingmaker] who shared the authority of King Edward IV also had the authority to secretly lift some restrictions and let these extremely dangerous evil spirits in, causing heavy losses to the royal party at once.

While questioning Warwick, Edward IV did not forget to raise the gemstone seal ring on his hand and shouted:

"Law: In front of me, all evil spirits cannot hide, and those who are not invited are not allowed to enter the palace.

Get out! "

When the lawyer is at the fourth level, the [Law] can make free judgments and make "death sentence for entering the gate with the left foot first".

The fifth level [Royal Title] can almost make the effect of saying the law in the core domain of the king.

Even if Edward IV does not know the principle of "Death Stranding", he only needs to use the faith and will of the whole country to issue orders directly.


A silver light wave flashed, and the [Lost Homelanders] who rushed in like a tide revealed their ugly bodies one after another, and were blocked by an invisible wall and pushed out little by little.

The bloodthirsty "squeak" sound came out of the mouth, but it still could not stop the castration.

"Your Majesty is mighty!"

"Long live! "

The many royalist nobles breathed a sigh of relief, but continued to squeeze towards Edward IV, as if every step closer would increase their sense of security.

On the other side.

Since the truth had been revealed, Warwick ignored Edward IV's questioning and sneered:

"Edward, do you think that just because others call you the king, you are really the king?

If I also have the last name of York or Lancaster and can be recognized by the law, I can do a hundred times better than you as the king!

But it doesn't matter.

Since I helped you put on the crown on your head with my own hands, everything you have is half of my [King Maker].

The kingdom, power, wealth, palaces, and even your Queen Elizabeth, the most beautiful woman in the Channel Islands, belongs to me in half according to the law of mysticism, hahaha."

The beautiful queen was glanced at by him, as if she was touched by a big hand, and suddenly shuddered violently, and subconsciously hid behind her husband.

George, Duke of Clarence, who stood with Warwick, also joined in:

"Brother, you should surrender, stop struggling, and please pass the throne and the [royal title] to me.

Anyway, no matter which of us three phantom suns sits on the throne, it is still the York Dynasty.

My father-in-law promised me that he would not kill you, and he would definitely treat my sister-in-law and my nephews and nieces well. They can have whatever they want except power. "

Warwick did not comment on the son-in-law's words, silently raised his right hand, and his gem seal ring burst into light, and then shouted:

"Edward, I will tell you today that if I can help you up, I can pull you down again.

Even if you get the crown of the sun and really fulfill the divine right to rule, there will be two suns in the sky of Hastings!

Decree: I allow the [Lost Homelanders] to enter the Palace of Sweet Springs.

Eat, drink, this is a banquet prepared for you, eat up all the royal party for me, and dedicate all the fifth elements to me.

The kingdom belongs to me, and eternal life will also belong to me! ”

As soon as the voice fell, the law ripples that were about to expel the evil spirits immediately paused, and then reversed and pressed back towards Edward IV little by little.

Obviously, as Warwick had said to the hell painter at the beginning, if it comes to real power, King Edward IV may not be comparable to him, the [Kingmaker].

Otherwise, he would not have been able to establish a powerful earl party that dared to go against the king.

Edward IV was exposed, his face flushed, and he was furious:

"Warwick! Rick!

I am the king.

You can only take what I give you, and you can't rob it if I don't give it to you! "

He also knew that his brother George was a naive fool, and he had no mood to pay attention to him. He just stared at the [King Maker] Warwick.

Especially since he dared to speak his mind publicly and spy on his beloved beautiful queen, he was already doomed.

He knew very well that if he could not execute this traitor, his kingship would be shaky and he would never be able to become the real king of the Kingdom of Hastings.

Byron, who was hiding in the corner with his sister, saw all this and thought to himself:

"It stands to reason that before seizing the throne, 'I will rule the world with the heroes', and after seizing the throne, the backhand is like 'Nine tribes eliminate joy', which should be the basic operation of the founding monarch.

It's a pity that Edward IV just couldn't do it.

This is the main reason why I didn't take a shortcut and go to my great-uncle in the Iris Kingdom to borrow troops, and I had to wait until the main fleet of heavily armed cruisers was launched before I could fight White Rose head-on.

‘Political power emerges from the barrel of a gun’ is an eternal saying.

In this world, the one with strong soldiers and horses is the king, and he who can hit with one punch will avoid hundreds of punches.

Only if the founding war is fought beautifully can the throne be properly secured and secure, and many small battles after the founding of the country avoided from the source. "

Byron looked at the tide of homeless people advancing little by little, but he sat firmly on the fishing platform, silently holding the [Lionheart King's Broken Arrow] in his pocket.

Maybe he can't beat Edward IV and [Kingmaker] Warwick now, two fake fifth-level kings who were promoted through the power of law.

But the two of them are facing each other head-on here. Once anyone is seriously injured, Byron may use the remaining health special attack of this treasure to kill him with one blow!

Of course, for Byron, a third party, the best result is to allow the King's Party and the Earl's Party to continue to stalemate and continue to bleed each other until they are ready.

The more these nobles die, the better.

Even though Byron himself was born into a noble family, he knew better than anyone else the bad nature of the aristocracy.

“These powerful aristocrats not only have military, economic, and political strength, but they also collect taxes on commerce and trade between territories and prohibit the movement of people. They are like countries within countries.

The purpose of the Magna Carta was to weaken the power of the king and enhance the power of the great nobles.

Every generation of kings in Hattings who wanted to regain their supreme royal power had to fight against the nobles to regain the lost power.

If I want to abolish the Magna Carta in the future and bring the power of the kingdom to the center, I must eliminate most of the nobles. "

"Furthermore, the whale oil power revolution, which represents a leap in productivity, is just around the corner. It is not as simple and pleasant as just having a steam engine and it will flourish immediately.

There are also four necessary conditions: capital, mobile labor force, resources, and market. The land aristocracy as vested interests are all resistance.

Except for a limited number of elites who can be absorbed into the Sabbat Council, the rest should be abandoned by the times.

Therefore, I have to follow the example of my previous life and cross the river. In the future, even if the old aristocratic power is not wiped out, their power and influence will be greatly reduced.

However, the "suicide" method of committing suicide by being shot eight times in the back cannot be used frequently.

Because as a rule maker, all rules are already most beneficial to the monarch. If you take the lead in breaking the rules wantonly, the backlash will definitely be far greater than the benefits.

When the time comes, I will clean it up myself. How can it be better than letting others do it and picking peaches myself? "

Because of this, Byron was happy to see them killing each other.

When he is not strong enough to pick peaches for the time being, he cannot let the royal party be killed by Warwick here, leaving the latter's family alone.

“But in the kingdom, the [King’s Title] that can mobilize the power of law is supreme, and I don’t have the ability to intervene in their head-on confrontation.

There is probably only one person who can possibly influence the situation.”

Byron looked up at the side of the banquet hall, where there was a group of nobles who were not too numerous but seemed to be in their own group.

The leader was none other than Thomas Neville, the Marquis of Neville, the father of Miss Anne, who was to be his sister-in-law.

He was holding a sacred relic that looked like a circle of sticks wrapped around an ax, blocking the front line. His aura was calm, and he actually became the third pole in this competition that no one could ignore.

Even because of the special status of the neutral faction, the two sides who were stalemate with each other subconsciously avoided their location.

No one wants to force these neutrals into the other side's camp and add unnecessary variables.

Byron's mind immediately emerged with the Marquis' information.

Marquis Thomas Neville is a fourth-level [Punishing Knight] in the Inquisition sequence, belonging to the upper-level profession of ordinary knights.

In addition to the basic abilities of the knight, there is also a core ability [Seal of Punishment].

When facing offenders, you can add it to fists, cold weapons, guns, or even anything else handy to achieve the effect of a magical weapon.

The "dragon" tamed by the Marquis at the fourth level is a famous first-level holy relic of the Inquisition sequence [The Dictator's Staff of the Tyrant and the Proud Tarquin]:

"Although it is only a first-level holy relic, it can be called an artifact of the Tribunal sequence. In some aspects, it is comparable to a zero-level holy relic.

It is the earliest symbol of torture and power. It belongs to the last monarch of the human Silver Empire in the mythical age: the tyrant [The Proud One] Tarquin.

In the ancient Silver Empire, when there was a state of emergency due to war, the Senate would appoint a consul as a dictator, and there were only two consuls in the entire country, which shows the lofty status of the dictator.

The so-called dictator, as the name suggests, has the highest arbitrary power without the need for public trial by others!

If he thinks someone is guilty, then he is guilty.

The consul has 12 attendants, who carry batons on their shoulders, with a battle ax inserted in the middle of the batons, symbolizing the supreme judicial power of the Silver Empire.

The stick was used for flogging and the ax was used for execution.

When the dictator inspects the country, officials from all regions must hand over undecided cases to the dictator for decision. If the crime is not punishable by death, different thicknesses of the rod will be selected according to the severity of the crime to beat the criminal.

If the crime is extremely serious, the criminal's head will be chopped off with an axe.

In that era, the rod was also called "fascism", symbolizing power, violence, and terror.

Holding the [dictator's rod] is equivalent to obtaining the highest dictatorial power, which can behead the tyrants and the traitors.

More importantly, when the ancient Silver Empire fell, all countries in the Old Continent claimed that the empire was legitimate in their own country!

Including cultural customs, as well as the continental legal system used by various countries, all came from the Silver Empire of that year.

Even if the current Holy Silver Empire is neither holy nor has much silver, nor is it an empire in the traditional sense, it still got a [crown] that surpasses the [king title] of other countries, which shows the influence of the other party.

So this axe from the previous dynasty could theoretically really kill officials and even the king of this dynasty.

Except for the lawless lunatics, anyone who faces it must be careful. "

At this moment, Marquis Neville resonated with the [Holy Relic].

The dazzling red light was like a tyrannical dragon constantly swallowing and spitting in the dictator's scepter. Looking at the two kings who shared the power equally, he instinctively wanted to try.

This [Punishment Knight] tamed this tyrannical force from the mythical era, and was also a first-class existence among all the fourth-level heroes, and even had a special attack effect on other trial court sequences.

With such a powerful character, [Kingmaker] Warwick would not provoke the neutral faction at this critical moment even if he was crazy.

Dealing with the royal party with all his strength is the serious matter.

After all, he couldn't kill all the nobles, even if he relied on Byron seized the body of his grandson and took the throne. He was also a king with limited royal power, and he still needed nobles at all levels to help him govern the country.

The neutral faction also had its own interests like Byron.

There are ancient families that have been passed down for thousands of years in this world, but there is no royal family that has been passed down for thousands of years. Anyway, no matter who sits on the throne, they need to win over them.

If nothing unexpected happens, they will never go down to fight for their lives.

Some people have money and troops, and they are much more powerful than some mere clans.

This scene made Byron shake his head:

"As a minister, Warwick has the [Sword of Damocles] and the 'King of One Word' in his hand, and Thomas Neville has the [Dictator's Prod].

Hastings's kingship is really a failure.

If it were a unified centralized country, let alone such a big killer, if you dared to hide two sets of armor privately, you would have been executed for treason, right?

A king under the law is not even a dog! "

Just as Byron saw the heavy losses of the royal party and Edward IV was somewhat exhausted, he began to think about how to perform the "offshore balancing technique" in the most self-interested way.

Should he use the copper wire to borrow another "left zero right fire, Thor help me" from the sky to wipe out the lost people around him.

"Ah--! It's the headless knight."

"Don't come over!"

"My hands are out of control, stop, stop."

The screams of a group of girls suddenly came from one side of the banquet hall.

Byron turned his head suddenly and found that the direction of the sound was the flower hall where the future sister-in-law Anne Neville and her sisters were hiding!

[God's vision] also captured a familiar headless figure appearing in their room.

This sudden change was obviously beyond the expectations of either party.

Even Warwick, the initiator of the victory who was about to usher in the victory, [King Maker], suddenly changed his face and shouted:

"Stop, Hell Painter, those people can't be killed! "

At the same time, Byron, [Punishment Knight] Marquis Thomas Neville, and Richard, Duke of Gloucester, who seemed to have not given up the invitation to dance and had been waiting near the flower hall, all rushed over subconsciously.

But it was too late.

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