Pirate Kingship

Chapter 465: All villains, the devil in the bottle (6500 two-in-one)

The rain over Kingston finally began to taper off.

But the [Iron Law of Royal Power: Magna Carta] is still blocking Ganquan Palace and even the entire city.

There were countless noises, shouts, and screams in the streets and alleys of the royal capital, and they became more and more intense as time went by.

"Open the door, open the door, City Guards, check for treason and obstruction!"


"It's none of my business. I'm not a Count Party member. I'm just an employee doing my job. Please spare me."

After the Earl's Party took the initiative to break up, but failed to kill everyone, the situation reversed on the spot. The first thing the Royal Party did was to completely clean up the remnants of the Earl's Party in the entire royal capital.

Even though the main forces of the nobles were concentrated in their respective territories, they retreated quite calmly under Warwick's command, but there were still many peripheral forces left in the royal capital to serve them.

If you can't follow your master to soar into the sky, you will naturally have no choice but to fall into the abyss.

Fortunately, there weren't a few big fish left here, so most people didn't have to worry about losing their lives on the spot in the wrath of King Edward IV.

Because any extraordinary person, as long as he opens his spiritual vision and looks at the sky, he can see a network of silver laws intertwined into a network, radiating to the entire Hetings Kingdom with the capital as the center.

If you are an extraordinary person in the Tribunal sequence, you can also see a series of texts of the Magna Carta:

“The king must consult the assembly of nobles and listen to the opinions of the people when imposing taxes;

No free man shall be arrested, imprisoned, confiscated of property, deprived of his public rights, banished, searched with harm, or arrested without being tried according to law by the nobles of the same level;

Knights and other landowners could not be forced to perform additional military service; a committee of 25 nobles was formed to oversee the execution of the Magna Carta."

The whole article talks about how to limit the king's power. It may not be said that it has trampled the king's face into the ground, but it is not too different.

This also means that even rebellion must go through a public trial to determine the crime, and the king cannot act arbitrarily.

Therefore, there are peripheral members of the Earl Party who understand the law but don’t understand it that well, and they are still shouting:

"Private thatched hut, wind can enter, rain can enter, but the king cannot enter. This is the private property of Viscount Douglas, you all, get out."


Then he was knocked unconscious by the knight's iron-gloved fist.

Byron, who was stranded in the palace, unfolded his [divine vision] and took in everything. When he saw some people using the law to resist violent institutions, he couldn't help shaking his head and laughing:

"The iron law is actually not that ironclad.

This is the origin of the saying that "wind can come in, rain can come in, but kings cannot come in" that many people regard as a guideline.

It sounds like it is indeed much more advanced than human rule where the superiors can do whatever they want.

However, most of the power of the iron law of royal power has been castrated, and most of the functions require specific people to perform, but as long as they are people, they have their own positions and selfish motives.

If you really want to believe that property is sacred and inviolable, you might as well believe that the country of lighthouses really has freedom of speech.

After all, even if you can't get the death penalty, you can still choose to empty the magazine on the spot.

Don’t forget, our ancestors were all pirates!

If you're not on the table, you're bound to be on the menu. There's only one reason why property hasn't been violated yet, and that's because it's not fat enough yet. "

For safety reasons, except for the city guards, musketeers, knights and the chief officials of the Star Chamber Court, all other guests were temporarily staying in Ganquan Palace.

Byron and Catherine were no exception.

Since there is no need for them to kill the remaining forces of the Earl Party in the royal capital, the two siblings are happy to relax.

They also sat leisurely and leisurely in the guest room prepared for them, connecting with their senses and commenting on the wonderful scene unfolding in the royal capital.

Even Violet, the last quasi-[War Witch] in the Golden Triangle, was not left behind. She was projected next to the two siblings, watching the live broadcast here with great interest.

The azure eyes were filled with bright light, as if reflecting a mountain of corpses and a sea of ​​blood:

“There’s going to be war soon, and I can already smell the smell of war and disaster in the air, which is really comforting.

Ah, I like the annihilation war, I like the blitzkrieg, I like the strike war, I like the defensive war.

I like siege warfare, I like breakthrough warfare, I like retreat warfare, I like sweeping enemy warfare, and I like retreat warfare.

I like all kinds of wars that happen in the world in the wilderness, in the trenches, on the plains, on the ice fields, in the deserts, on the seas, in the sky, in the mud, in the swamps!

The sublimation ceremony of the fourth-level mythical creature [Disaster (War) Witch] requires a war that brings huge disasters to the enemy.

Originally, I thought that the disaster level of the treasure fleet robbery three months later might not be high enough.

Now that the civil war in Hattings has begun, it will definitely be a matter of course to wait three months before taking down the treasure fleet. "

The promotion ceremony of [Disaster Witch] is not as complicated as Byron's [Night Demon Prince]. The most important content is to promote a disaster with war as the main body. The greater the influence, the better.

Originally, to rob the treasure fleet and bring disaster to the Castilians, Byron and Violet each took what they needed. One was promoted to [Storm Lord] and the other was promoted to [Disaster Witch]. The rituals did not hinder each other.

Now that the royal party and the earl party are fighting each other, it is obviously a huge surprise for her.

As for how to promote disaster?

Isn’t that a specialty of the military-industrial complex?

Violet retracted her gaze from admiring the beautiful scenery of the royal capital, and suddenly turned her head and said mysteriously to her two siblings:

"Guess what good stuff I just got in the financial street?"

Without waiting for them to guess, two purchase contracts appeared in his hand, just like offering treasures.

"Dangdangdang, look, what is this?"

Opening the contract, the format is exactly the same. The second party is the newly listed Rheinmetall Company, and the first party is the royal party and the earl party!

Catherine's eyes lit up and she was surprised:

"I only heard Edward IV say that he wanted to find us as a third party to purchase arms. I didn't expect that the kingmaker Warwick was also so visionary.

And the efficiency is very high. Even a day has not passed, and they have already started to prepare logistics."

Although the batch of the first purchase order was not large, each only had thousands of flintlock muskets and corresponding projectiles and gunpowder. It was obvious that they planned to inspect the goods first and continue to place additional orders after they were satisfied.

However, since the first batch is already there, will the second and third batches be far away?

Except for the Torrent Fortress, which uses blast furnaces to smelt iron and doubles its steel production, other forces cannot meet the huge requirements of these two companies in a short time.

Before today, neither side was ready for another large-scale civil war.

The three people did not feel any guilt in terms of professional ethics for receiving purchase orders from both sides at the same time.

After all, the professional ethics of arms dealers is, of course, "I want them all!"

Selling to two parties with one hand is really a loss.

But there is no worst loss, only more losses.

Violet put away the contract and smiled at Byron and Catherine:

"I plan to temporarily modify a production line so that the weapons and ammunition seized by both sides cannot be used in common.

While avoiding the early exposure of our sale of goods to two parties, they can also prevent them from using the seized weapons. If they want to get logistical replenishment, they have to buy new ones from us.

Only consumables can make a lot of money continuously!"

Catherine nodded, and couldn't agree more with her good sister's plan:

"And we can recycle the weapons that the two parties don't use at the scrap price, and then repair them and sell them back to their mortal enemies.

Recycling waste and saving money are the ways to run a frugal family. "

Byron finally made the final decision:

"My sisters said it very well. With the two sisters' clever ideas, it will be difficult for our family not to get rich.

The gap between the Earl's Party and the Royal Party is not too big. After the war, whoever is at a disadvantage will be given a 30% discount on the price of his arms!

In the spirit of fearless humanitarianism, we must help the weak, resist the powerful, and uphold justice!"

After these high-sounding words came out, the [Great Good Man Halo] on his head began to shine again, reflecting his face full of sacredness.

It's not that family members don't get along well. The three guys with bad intentions looked at each other and laughed at the same time:


In fact, Byron's initial calculation target was only Edward IV.

Who would have thought that the title ability of [King Maker] is not only the "King of One Word Shoulder to Shoulder" who divides power equally, but also the "half-for-half" that will divide everything in mysticism by 50%.

When [The Emperor's New Clothes] and [Happiness and Carefreeness] came into effect, they naturally affected him as well.

Making both of them equally "wise".

Originally, Byron thought that the two companies would choose the wrong technology and development path, wasting energy and money on meaningless things.

Standing still while developing themselves.

Unexpectedly, they actually went all the way, directly destroying their own life and playing with the hollowing out of the manufacturing industry!

Byron was so stunned by the pie that fell from the sky:

"This overwhelming wealth has finally come to us, so we have to grab it tightly.

Thanks to the big orders from the first and second brothers on the list, you can rest assured that I will take as much as you can.

When the Earl's Party and the Royal Party finish this war, our previous old equipment and traditional flintlock production lines can be eliminated.

By the way, we can build production lines for breech-loading rifles and whale oil bullets to complete the upgrade of the whale oil industry.

Use this money to arm ourselves, and then turn around and swallow them in one breath.

How does that sentence go? Every penny you spend here will become a bullet shot at you!"

Violet joined in the excitement of the capital for a while, then excitedly cut off the sensory sharing and ran to prepare the goods.

Byron and Catherine waited for a while, and the screams outside gradually disappeared, and they also waited for the notice that they could leave the palace and return to the fiefdom.

When they were about to leave Ganquan Palace together.

An unexpected figure appeared in front of them.

Fair skin, strong body, golden hair like the sun, blue eyes as deep as the sea.

It was the Queen's brother, "Uncle of the King" Frith Woodville (Chapter 345).

This "relative" took advantage of his sister's influence, not only rising to the top of the kingdom, but also occupying two places in the [Right Hand of the King] with his father.

The Woodville family was in the limelight for a while, and became the most loyal and loyal lineage of the royal party as a relative.

Because they could only rely on Edward IV, they were even more loyal than the two brothers in the "Three Fantasy Days".

He walked to Byron and Catherine with two court attendants holding wooden boxes, saluted gracefully, pointed to the two wooden boxes and smiled:

"Two earls, this is a gift from Her Majesty the Queen to you.

The most important thing for the kingdom now is unity. In order to commend the bravery of Saint Byron and the two of you for your contributions in bridging the rifts between the parties, Her Majesty the Queen has specially ordered that the reward be raised by one level.

Overseas colonies are becoming more and more important now. During the next period of the war to suppress the rebellion, please stay in the colonies.

As long as you can stabilize the rear of our royal party and ensure the smooth transportation of materials, it will be the greatest contribution. "

The waiter opened the box, which contained a dazzling array of jewelry.

Byron glanced at the logbook, which was worth about 50,000 pounds, which was a big deal for the Kingdom of Hastings, which has never been very wealthy.

"Mr. Woodville, please thank Her Majesty the Queen for me. Catherine and I promise to complete the task. "

The idea of ​​the York royal family is clear.

He, the Earl of Stromgarde, has solved countless evil spirits and made great contributions. He has to be rewarded, but he cannot continue to be promoted.

Power and land are too valuable, so it is better to let the queen reward some property in her own name.

From this point of view, the York royal family is still as stingy as ever.

And by the way, it also excludes Byron's opportunity to participate in the civil war.

Although the upper echelons of the royal party suffered heavy losses, the army was intact, and with the support of the neutral party, even if [Kingmaker] Warwick is a military genius, they have the confidence to fight. And win.

Of course, we will not let Byron, the great hero, come and compete for the credit. What if he is too meritorious to be rewarded?

After defeating the number one powerful minister [Kingmaker], is there another one to come? This has nothing to do with whether he is loyal or not.

The two siblings had no plan to participate in the war, so they naturally accepted the batch of jewels with pleasure.

When saying goodbye, Frith Woodville seemed to suddenly remember something, and reminded with some envy:

"By the way, if you two are about to get married, I believe that the King and Queen will be happy to serve as witnesses for you two."

Looking at the other party's back as he left, Catherine said to herself with some doubts:

"At this time, Edward IV should not have time to take care of such trivial matters. It is probably the Queen's order to Frith, her younger brother.

But would Elizabeth Woodville, the former widow of the Lancaster Party, be so kind? Worry about our marriage?

As if she wants us to get married quickly? "

After thinking for a while and not being able to come up with a reasonable explanation, he shook his head and followed Byron out of the palace.

Byron raised his hand.


With a high-pitched neigh, a black giant horse with a shoulder height of two meters and a body comparable to an elephant jumped out from the shadows.

The fur is as shiny as black satin, the body is well-proportioned, and the most peculiar thing is that there are eight legs under the belly.

This is the third additional ability obtained after the title of [Sea Hunter] is promoted - summoning [Eight-legged Pegasus] Lipnir.

In mythology, this is a descendant of a god, born from a male god and a stallion, and is also the mount of the Bay People's God King [God of Kingship, Prophecy and Wild Hunt].

It has unparalleled speed and strength, can travel on the sea, can also travel in the sky, can be enlarged or reduced at will.

It also has a powerful extraordinary ability [Rainbow Bridge], which can take its owner thousands of miles in an instant.

In the past, although Byron's speed was fast, it was not as fast as [Deep Sea Jump], [Shadow Gate], [Whirlpool] Teleportation] This kind of teleportation ability.

After getting the [Eight-legged Pegasus], this shortcoming was immediately made up. Even if a fifth-level legend wanted to catch him, it would be extremely difficult.

So far, the Sea Hunter has obtained [Guaranteed Gungnir], two ravens, two giant wolves, and this Pegasus, and Byron is getting closer and closer to the complete form of Woden.

And as his own strength improves, these abilities from the title will become stronger and stronger, and perhaps one day he can perfectly inherit Woden's godhood.

Pulling Catherine to jump on the Pegasus, letting her sit in his arms, the two began to gallop.

They had already greeted Bruch in advance, and on the return trip, they separated from the [Golden Deer]. With this divine horse, he was about to try riding a horse across the sea.


The nearby scenery quickly retreated beside the two people, and the entire king was left behind in the blink of an eye.

Byron turned his head and retracted his gaze, as if to Catherine and to himself:

"It will be soon. When we come here again next time, our identities will be completely different. "

In the Ganquan Palace behind him.

Fris Woodville walked into his sister's palace, and the humility and kindness on his face towards Byron and Catherine disappeared instantly.

Queen Elizabeth Woodville, who was dressing and taking off all kinds of jewelry on her body, did not raise her head:

"Have you handed all the things to them?"

Fris nodded, then hesitated to speak, looked around to see that there was no one outside before finally asking:

"Sister, will that sea hunter Saint Byron really die soon?

Do I really have a chance to marry the beautiful and wealthy Miss [Mithril Dragon] Catherine and get the huge industry in their hands? "

The beautiful and enchanting Elizabeth rolled her eyes at her brother:

"Of course!

Even many great nobles don't know that there is a profession called [Lantern Bearer] overseas.

It is usually held by the extraordinary people of the Lighthouse Sequence, who are responsible for guarding the world cracks and defending against the invasion of weird, evil spirits and even super-standard beings in the source sea.

It sounds great, but most of them can't live for a few years.

It is said that our Mr. [Sea Hunter] showed off his talents and served as the [Lamp Bearer] for the rift between the two worlds. Naturally, he is not far from death.

After his death, the property he left behind would be better for us than for others. "

Queen Elizabeth Woodville apparently had her own plans after receiving relevant intelligence.

Anyway, this great hero will die in a few years.

As long as Byron and Catherine get married and the two properties are merged, once he dies, the title, property, etc. will all belong to Catherine, Countess of Greenville.

At this time, if his brother Frith Woodville marries "widow" Catherine, he can easily inherit everything that the great hero has accomplished.

The Woodville family, who were originally just ordinary relatives, became the top nobles in the kingdom!

The plan was perfect.

Fries couldn't help but feel excited when he thought about that wonderful future:

"I just hope he can get the complete [Scarlet Holy Grail] promotion ceremony from the old gods before he dies.

If it allows me to have wealth, sex, and eternal life at the same time, it would be perfect.

In the future, if I enjoy everything that Saint Byron left behind, I can be considered worthy of his ‘loyalty’. "

at the same time.

The other corner of the palace belongs to the palace where [Devil Duke] Richard York temporarily lives.

The ugly dwarf was quietly looking at a black notebook in his hand at his desk.

In addition to twisted taboo knowledge, it is also filled with densely packed names. Most of the names have a bright red "cross" drawn behind them, which represents death.

The last name is none other than Anne Neville, who just committed suicide after encountering the "Headless Horseman"!

Richard heard the shouts of killing gradually subsided in the royal capital, and the guests also left one after another, and he closed the notebook in his hand leisurely.

The dark cover clearly reads: "The Mark of the Beast in the Bottomless Pit"!

In addition to the name, there is also a small portrait, using simple brush strokes to draw a black devil with sharp horns.

There is also a line of small words on the edge: "Eighteen Scenes from Hell: No. 1: Self-portrait." 》

The portrait suddenly blinked and praised the [Devil Duke] in front of him with an artist's aria:

"Ruthlessness, deception, murder, and sowing discord. You already have all the qualities necessary for a devil.

And successfully achieved promotion through an unknown [Rite: Game of Thrones].

Congratulations, my master, you have become a true fourth-order mythical creature [Devil]! "

Even with Richard's deep nature, the corner of his mouth could not help but curl up slightly when he heard the other party's compliment:

"This is all due to you, [Hell Painter], no, Mr. Devil in the Bottle."

At the end of last year, when Richard was inspecting the territory of Prince Solenberg, he accidentally discovered the [Devil in a Bottle] sealed in a bottle from the seaside.

Judging from the direction of the ocean current, it is probably drifting from the depths of the Sea of ​​Monsters along the "Third Circulation Zone".

The other party promised that as long as he rescued him from the bottle and gave him a suitable body, he could help Richard realize three wishes.

But the condition is that whatever Richard gains, his mortal enemy will also gain.

So far, Richard has only made an experimental wish, which is to obtain the forbidden knowledge "The Mark of the Beast of the Bottomless Pit" that becomes the mythical creature [Devil].

Because there is no shortage of status and wealth for him. As long as he has the ability to change his body at will, his other wishes can be realized by himself without the need for external help.

At this time, a sound of fighting reached Richard's ears, interrupting his meditation.

"Hahaha, brother, come and catch me."

"Richard, wait for me."

"Your Highnesses, please don't run around. There is still danger outside."

Two richly dressed children ran in front, and a group of attendants cautiously surrounded them.

But they were the two sons born to Edward IV and Queen Elizabeth, the first in line to the throne, Edward the Younger, and the second in line, the Young Richard.

Now there are two brothers, Edward is 8 years old and Richard is 6 years old. They are equally handsome and cute. When they grow up, they will definitely become two beautiful men of noble status.

[Duke of Hell] looked through the window at his nephew Richard York, who was closely related to him by blood and had the same name.

Behind the kindness in his eyes is a chilling cruelty:

“I originally chose Anne Neville, the most suitable wife who could bear me a son of sufficiently good blood.

That damn woman dares to disobey me, so she should really die!

Fortunately, even if she died, I had squeezed all her value out of her and became the last straw for the neutral faction to fall to the royal party.

My plan to give birth to an heir in person within a short period of time has become difficult to realize, but that doesn't matter to me.

Because I have more than one choice, my nephew may have a much better effect than my biological son."

Is it not just [Kingmaker] Warwick who wants to occupy the body of a descendant of the bloodline? There is even this [Devil Duke] Richard, who has great strength and intelligence but is ugly in appearance!

When Elizabeth Woodville wanted to help her brother get both people and money, Richard was also eyeing her sons and wanted to get both people and power.

However, neither of the two parties who were plotting noticed that a raven on each side had been staying outside their window for a long time.

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