Pirate Kingship

Chapter 469 Black Sail Pirates, Extras Enter the Water

The sound of horse hoofbeats echoed on the sea.

Everyone on the [Golden Deer] could clearly see that the [Huma Rare Number] on the other side, which was turning its bow to attack them, had many horse legs growing out from under the belly of the ship.

Breaking through the waves, running like the wind, he broke through an astonishing 13 knots in the blink of an eye.

This is the speed achieved under strong wind conditions. It is hard to imagine what kind of high speed it can achieve under the most suitable "rear wind" conditions.

While it rushed forward, it followed the general rules of battleship combat to gain the upper hand, preparing to create the greatest combat advantage for itself.

Byron had already read a small part of the information about this female captain through divine vision and logbook:

"Don Quixote?

He turned out to be a big shot from the center of Castile.

If Princess Isabella can successfully be crowned king in the future, this contemporary [Don Quixote] will definitely be one of the new king's right hands.

It's a pity that you are still not fast enough in front of the Golden Deer!

Order: Fight the wind! First, let’s practice with this [驽马狠].

Later, each of you will give me a combat experience, which will be used as a reference when formulating tactics for plundering treasure battleships. "

No matter that the pirate officers were in mourning, they grasped the steering wheel with both hands and activated [Ride]. The spiritual glow instantly merged with the entire battleship.

At the same time, she changed her breathing rhythm, and the dragon training skills she had developed on her sister resonated with the entire battleship.

The sea breeze roared in, and [Storm Halo], [Storm Wings], and [Command Storm Spirit] blessed the Golden Deer layer by layer.

Due to the special effect of "seeing ships faster than the others", the Golden Deer was originally faster than the opponent. After obtaining various buffs, it seemed to become an elf in the wind.

Even though it couldn't return the battleship's gravity to zero like the Son of the Storm and fly directly into the sky, it helped it get infinitely close to 20 knots, which is 37 kilometers per hour.

It's so light that it doesn't look like a battleship, but like a small boat.

"So fast!"

"The hull that seems to be made of pure gold is unique and unmistakable. It is [Sea Hunter] St. Byron's ship [Golden Deer]!"

"It's actually him? Hetings and Castile are fighting. Now there's something exciting to watch."

Under the watchful eyes of countless Castilians, pirates, and privateers who were watching the excitement, the Golden Hind seized the upper hand with the ease of a matador playing with a bull.

Although the main power source of the [驽马鰵鰰] is not the wind, the tactical move to seize the "T" prefix was not realized.

Instead, in the stalemate, they entered a state of broadside cannon versus broadside cannon, completely tit for tat.

[Golden Deer] is not afraid at all.

Then, the two warships moved toward each other, like two knights charging each other, approaching quickly.

"Captain Gunner, double fire, artillery extended range, fire!"

Byron waved his hand, and the Caron gun, which originally had a maximum range of only one kilometer and an effective range of only one hundred meters, opened fire first.

Wyandotte, the gunnery officer in charge of auxiliary calibration on the open deck, shouted simultaneously: "Fire!"

boom! boom! boom! boom!

The orange-red gun flames surged, and 20 18-pound Caron shells and two 32-pound Caron shells passed through the blazing line of fire in mid-air and accurately hit the enemy ship 200 meters away.

[Don Quixote] The huge figure riding on the boat waved the spear in his hand and rolled up the sea water to form a curtain of water to block the incoming 18-pound cannonball.

But it failed to block the 32-pound shell enchanted by the storm weapon.

A gun port on the side was hit one after another, and countless fragments of rain swept across the entire gun position. The six gunners in the entire gun crew were instantly beaten to a pulp.

Although this distance has not yet entered the effective range of the [Horse Horse], Jeanne Don Quixote could not help but order:

"Fight back, fire!"

As the artillery fire roared, she also activated her strongest trump card: "Absurd and ridiculous."

The surging snow-white waves in the first circulation zone immediately formed a formation, followed behind the shells, and pounced on the Golden Deer on the opposite side.

A ladder attack is obviously necessary.

The first round of shells outside the effective range were scattered in a mess, and the few shells that landed on the battleship were easily deflected by a strong wind, and they did not cause much damage at all when they hit the Golden Deer.

The real drama is the waves.

A big wave suddenly rose, and the white waves on the crest of the wave turned into countless spray knights riding white horses and holding lances in front of Byron and his party.

Then he galloped on his horse, riding a wave several meters high, and launched a knightly charge towards the Golden Deer.


When thousands of horses gallop, even the sea trembles.

"Oh, it's so fancy."

Just like the response strategy when encountering a tsunami at sea, when facing a big wave, you must aim the bow of the boat at the crest of the wave and rush over it in one breath.

If the ship's side is used to withstand large waves, the center of gravity will inevitably shift, causing the ship to capsize, repeating the tragedy of the King Edward.

Byron thought so and did so.

"Everyone hold on to the cable!"

He commanded the strong wind to assist him, and used the hard teak bottom of the Golden Deer to crush the less sturdy Wave Riders in one go.

After surfing the wave, the second big wave had already rolled up the "Huma Rare" and followed closely. Some of the large number of marines on the ship were ready to throw the hook, and some were holding on to the cable.

Jeanne Don Quixote's new order was issued: "All preparations, pick up the ship, join the gang!"

Byron and his party have already had many encounters with Castilian adventure ships. The May Wind, Black Coffin, and Thirteen Warriors have all sunk into the sea.

This was their first time to compete with the regular army.

But Byron was a graduate of the Royal Naval Academy of Hastings, and he had an understanding of the navies of various countries.

The sailing ship shapes, weapons, and tactics of the navies of many maritime powers were different.

The most typical example of the Kingdom of Castile was the "Invincible Fleet".

It was never the fleet that was invincible, but the Marine Corps!

Because the large galleons with towering towers of the Kingdom of Castile were relatively poor in operability, and the industrial strength was mediocre, the range and stability of the artillery were not that outstanding.

However, they relied on the spices accumulated over nearly a hundred years to build the world's number one Marine Corps and the largest number of extraordinary people.

They were best at using the sea siege method to fight boarding battles, and they were always successful.

On the contrary, the "battle line tactics" that were very popular in the Kingdom of Hastings were abandoned by them.

This time, [Numa Nandan] was obviously also prepared to use [Ridiculous Ridiculous]'s control ability to fight the boarding battle they were best at.

Seeing the two sides approaching each other little by little.

Byron found that the puppet silk threads on his bow and the bow of the flagship of the treasure fleet suddenly stopped trembling.

It means that the interference with fate has stopped actively.

"Huh? What's going on? The puppet king's interference with fate this time has ended here?"

Byron thought that the purpose of the puppet king was to make himself and the treasure fleet conflict, but he didn't know that the 6 points of influence shaken by the [Probability Dice] had been exhausted.

Shrugging indifferently:

"It's just right. I didn't want to fight the Castilians to the end for no reason. I just wanted to test their fighting style and collect intelligence by the way.

Gunner, teach them a lesson, knock down the front rope, and we retreat."

Wyandot, who has become the blood of Byron's [Midnight Demon], immediately responded:

"Yes, Captain."

Take out the holy relic [First Matchlock] eliminated by Violet and aim at the opponent's bowsprit.

Effect: "Only one projectile can be fired at a time, but the fired projectile can bend and dodge in the air at will according to the gunner's will.

It will not become less powerful until at least ten attacks have been made, or ten targets have been attacked separately, and finally the kinetic energy is exhausted."

A "bowsprit" will extend from the bow of each warship to the front and obliquely upward.

Multiple cables are used to make an "8" back and forth between the bowsprit and the opening on the wave-breaking board, and then all cables are tied together at the waist of the 8 to fix them.

These are called "foreshortenings", which are the most important part of the sail structure supporting the entire warship, and are also the most important part when operating a sailboat.

Because all the foreshortenings of a warship actually transfer all the tension to the bowsprit.

If the bowsprit or its rigging can be broken in battle, there is a certain chance that the enemy ship's mast will collapse, and the maneuverability will be completely or mostly lost.

It is difficult to hit in a normal artillery battle, but it is not a difficult task for Wyandotte, an artillery expert holding the [first matchlock gun].


A bullet flew out, and the ammonite snail that had been lurking underwater for a long time fired dozens of water guns at the same time to interfere.

Before Jeanna Don Quixote could react, ten consecutive attacks easily broke the fixed knot of the front stay, and the mast on the ship immediately began to shake violently.

The officers on the ship who were originally preparing to board the ship immediately changed their faces:

"Not good--! Quickly, tighten the ropes, sail and cable captain, craftsman, quickly fix the sail ropes."

After a panic, when they looked up again, the [Golden Deer] had already sailed away.

And no one noticed that a raven flapped its wings and quietly landed on the mast of the [Ruma Dante].

Then it crouched there like a gargoyle and didn't move.

"No matter what the Puppet King wants me to do, it will not prevent me from executing the established plan.

The raven, who can freely shuttle through the three worlds and see through everything, can crack the [key of the treasure ship] with the entry [I don't eat beef].

Since we have encountered the treasure fleet in advance under the arrangement of the Puppet King, we must not miss this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.

Put in an eye! You must put in an eye hard!"

When Byron drove Xiaowo to start the next vortex transmission, [God's Vision] also inadvertently sent the images of other ships in the nearby sea to his eyes.

There are two pirate ships that are obviously from the pirate city Black Sail Port, and their captains are particularly eye-catching.

The first one is [Captain Goat] Alex.

It is said that this is a non-mainstream person who keeps a boat of goats as pets.

He also treasures a holy relic called the Golden Fleece. As long as you wear the Golden Fleece, you can stay young forever, but it will also turn you into a sheep and you can only live in the form of a sheep.

And once you take off the wool and live in the form of a human, you will lose the effect of eternal youth and slowly age.

If he hadn't been a tyrannical fourth-order warrior, just a rumor would have interested many bigwigs.

The other one is [One-eyed Owl] Pierce.

He is extremely decisive and eccentric, extremely arrogant, and equally cruel to himself and others.

How cruel can this person be?

It is said that before he left his hometown to venture out, his mother told him: "It's hard to make money, and it's hard to eat feces."

The one-eyed owl drank a bowl without saying a word, proving that he has the courage to make a lot of money and do big things!

Therefore, in addition to [One-eyed Owl], there is another title [Feces Eater].

Both of them are fourth-level pirate warlords, and both have a large-scale pirate fleet.

The "First Circulation Belt" has always been the traditional hunting ground of the pirate city Black Sail Port in the Bahamas.

Although there has not been a second fifth-level pirate king since the departure of [Whale Hunter], it is difficult to integrate into a unified force.

But there are five or six fourth-level pirate warlords.

As extraordinary people of the Lighthouse Sequence, many of them followed the first echelon to explore the Broken Islands.

With the opening of a new route to the South Continent, the Old Continent has increased its investment in pirates, and there are more and more merchant ships and whaling ships. The source of wealth for pirates has also increased significantly, and some pirate warlords have naturally begun to return.

These two are two of them.

Seeing them, Byron's eyes flickered:

"Speaking of which, can we drag all these guys into the plunder of the treasure fleet this time?

Although the requirement for promotion to the fourth level is to win a large-scale fleet battle, there is no rule that it must be a head-on confrontation.

Drag Black Sail Port into the water, wait for them to fight each other to a draw, and then I will jump out and give them a black-eating-black-eating-black.

Maybe, after the promotion, I can swallow Black Sail Port whole with Violet, the princess of the Bay.

Treasure fleet, wealth, promotion ceremony, Black Sail Port, I want them all!"

Raising his hand, another raven flew towards them.

Byron's understanding of fate is obviously too superficial.

He thinks that the actions of [Puppet King] are a bit anticlimactic.

It's just because his purpose is originally the same as that of the Puppet King. As long as he appears at the key time and in the key place, things will naturally enter the established script.

The fate of all living beings is like a big net.

Don't panic if you just got a little bit of it, you still have a chance to escape slowly. If you struggle hard, it will get tighter and tighter, attracting the hunter and the prey to each other.

Through the accumulation of events and the twists of fate, more than two months is enough for [Puppet King] to lead Plan No. 2 into the set script.

However, in this [Secret: Crisis of the Treasure Fleet, Historical Influence 28], Byron himself is one of the creators of the crisis.

It is not yet known who will win in the end.

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