Pirate Kingship

Chapter 472 Joint Medicine, Fleet Reorganization (6200)

The episode in which the female headless horseman accidentally lost her head again finally made Anne Neville recover from the anger of Edward's excessive playfulness.

It also rekindled my deep longing for him, who had been separated by life and death for a year.

The board was raised high and then dropped gently.

Referring to the man whose head was bitten off by a female praying mantis, in this era, it was really not a big deal for male nobles to play with flowers.

After all, female nobles also have the same fun!

Isn't she just a big-breasted vampire succubus?

Don't say that Edward hasn't done it yet, even if he did, it was just a mistake that every man would make. As an old-time woman who has seen the world, of course she chooses to forgive him.

It can only be said that the feudal dross saved Edward's life.

A headless corpse with black smoke coming out of its neck opened its arms and hugged its fiancé tightly. The head lying in his arms said emotionally:

"Edward, as long as you are alive, that's great, that's great."

The gloom that had accumulated in the girl's heart for a year disappeared instantly.

He had only been gentle for a short time, but he didn't forget to pull his ears and scold him:

"By the way, don't just put your responsibility on your cousin.

[Sea Hunter] Saint Byron is the reincarnation of the Holy Spirit. He seems to be a man of noble character at first glance. Just be careful not to lead him astray.

Don’t say this kind of thing again. Not only will no one believe you, but what will you do if it provokes the wrath of the Holy Spirit? "

This scene of separation of body and head, hands and mouth is enough to scare ordinary people crazy.

But for Edward, who was also undead, he felt that his fiancée, who had a perfect figure and great looks, was more attractive, which made him even more excited.

After Guaiguai helped his fiancée put her head back on, all she could do was hold the female knight's slender waist.

Apart from a "hehe" giggle and "Annie is right," there were no objections.

"Tsk, tsk."

Byron couldn't help but shake his head.

Seeing the hopeless appearance of my cousin, I have already made a diagnosis in the name of [Father of Medicine]. This guy is exactly the same as his uncle and dad. They are all suffering from hereditary "tracheitis" and are terminally ill. , hopeless.

Secretly glad that I didn't summon him in the first place.

Otherwise, not only would he have to give up six bodies and six horses for nothing, but even if someone asked him for another 388,000 yuan, he would have to agree hurriedly.

"Sure enough, the task of re-creating a Lancaster family can only fall on me, as they have no talent at all.

I am the chosen savior of my family, and suddenly I feel that the burden on me is even heavier. "

While Byron was watching the play, Edward had also learned from Anne the tragic story that happened to the six sisters.

I couldn't help but be grateful to my cousin who saved Anne and his own love.

While hugging Byron hard, she also secretly winked at him.

There was no need to speak, and the tacit understanding cultivated over many years allowed Byron to understand Edward's meaning at a glance from this mean body language:

"Don't worry, brother, even if you risk being torn into pieces by Annie, those big-breasted vampire banshees will definitely make arrangements for you.

Including my share!

I know you are like a plump big sister. "

Byron immediately responded with a denial three times in his eyes:

"I'm not! I didn't! Stop talking nonsense!"

At the same time, he deployed [Shen Jian] and looked around, and he breathed a sigh of relief when he found that neither sister was nearby.

But he was no longer embarrassed to mention that he was the chosen one to save Lancaster.

Soon, the joy of meeting gradually subsided, and Anne Neville also asked them a crucial question:

"What should we do next?

Taking advantage of the civil war between the Royal Party and the Earl Party to fight back? Let his father work inside and outside again and stab the York family in the back who didn't know he had been exposed? "

Byron did not hide his plan from this sister-in-law who had amazing potential and could be of great help:

“Of course we have to fight back, but not now.

The reason why the two families feel safe to start fighting is because there are no foreign enemies around them. If we dare to show up, they promise to cease the war immediately and deal with us unanimously.

Therefore, the best time to take action is after they have completely decided the winner and their strength has weakened to the extreme.

Of course, don’t worry, I will not let the Marquis of Neville act as the main force and charge for Lancaster.

As long as he switches sides at the critical moment, it will be the straw that breaks the camel's back.

If the Marquis discovers that Lancaster does not have the power to regain the throne and all agreements are void, he will still be an ally of the York family.

And before that, in order to keep it secret, you and the ladies with too unique looks are really not suitable to continue to appear in front of outsiders. "

Edward interjected and suggested:

"Yes, Annie, you are an undead now, how about you come with me back to the edge of the world that is most suitable for the growth of undead creatures and live for a while?

Now that the entire world has entered the 'intertidal zone', the world of dead souls at the edge of the world has also entered a chaotic world.

The original ruling order of the undead lords has been broken, and it is time for us to show our talents.

Whether it is my [Lich] path or your [Headless Horseman] path, the rituals required for subsequent advancement are only available at the edge of the world. "

The job transfer ceremony in the Book of the Dead is the same as the Bloody Mary's Gourmet Recipe at the beginning. Most of them are only a small part, and they need to be searched slowly when exploring the edge of the world.

Of course, this is not something Byron needs to worry about.

Edward, who has been working on the edge of the world for a long time, and his father who is moving towards the [Undead King] will naturally arrange everything.

When Edward said this, he saw Anne's face moved, and added:

"Besides, our brother's life-saving grace is too great, and you can't repay it by working like a cow or a horse in the next life, so you can only marry me on the spot.

Let's make a big deal first, so that the old father-in-law won't regret it.

I heard that there is a [Frankenstein] who was a naturalist in the Tower Sequence at the edge of the world. He has the technology to make the undead give birth.

I always think that the Lich King in armor is more handsome. You see, the [Lich] and the [Knight] are simply amazing. Aw~"

Another elbow hit in the stomach by Anne.

Both the [Lich] and the [Headless Horseman] are high-level undead creatures.

Their appearance and senses are not much different from when they were alive, except that their skin color is too pale, and they have no body temperature or heartbeat.

When they reach the mythical creature level, they can switch freely between mythical form and human form, breaking the reproductive isolation between the undead races. Once they reach the fifth level [False God], there is no longer a boundary between life and death.

Although Anne was embarrassed, she also agreed with Edward's words.

The six headless knights do not have Byron's camouflage ability, so it is not suitable for them to stay in the material world for the time being.

In addition, he needed strength to avenge the [Devil Duke], so he quickly made up his mind:

"Okay, my sisters and I will go to the edge of the world for a while.

But I need to find a way to remind my angry father to save his strength and not become cannon fodder for the York family.

It's just that the whole country of Hastings is now in a state of war, and the legal network must be monitored.

There is no guarantee that there are no spies and secret agents sent by the other party around my father, and even an oil painting may become the eyes and ears of the [Hell Painter].

It's not easy to contact him."

Let the Marquis Neville lurk smoothly and play the guest role of "heartache" to launch a backstab. The main point is that you don't know that I know you are calculating me.

Byron had naturally thought of what Anne could think of, and smiled mysteriously at her:

"Isn't this simple? Just use the most primitive remote communication method of mankind."

"The most primitive remote communication method of mankind? What is that?"

Anne tilted her head in confusion, and seeing that she was about to fall again, Edward quickly reached out to help her straighten it.

Byron stopped keeping her in suspense and took out a golden card and shook it in front of her.

"Of course it's a dream."

He gave Edward a [Dream Execution] ability stored in the "Faust Contract".

This is also the core ability of a [Executioner] from the Star Chamber Court. Killing people in dreams is possible, so it's easy to send a dream.

Edward's promotion speed is certainly not slower than that of the extraordinary officers under Byron. He has long been promoted to the third-level [Law Master].

The reason is not complicated. It's just that he has been tempered in the great turmoil, which just fits the promotion ceremony of the [Law Master].

If you ask a young person who has not yet set foot in society, how should a company or an organization be managed.

Many people may not be able to answer this question.

In fact, companies and organizations that have reached a certain scale need to establish a complete set of management manuals, procedure files, operation files, various records and forms to weave each work process into a big network.

That is to establish a management system with a system.

Those managers are the "spiders" squatting at the nodes and the center of the big network.

The better the "web" is woven, the more it fits the actual situation of the organization, and the higher the management efficiency will be.

The same is true for [lawyers]. They are mixed in the legal system. The larger the people and territory managed by the law, the more cases and higher the level of punishment, and the higher his rank will naturally be.

Building a legal system from scratch will be more effective than simply maintaining and operating someone else's system.

Even if it is just three rules: "Killing people must be executed, injuring people must be punished, and stealing must be sentenced."

As long as it can be deeply rooted in people's hearts and win people over with virtue, it can also produce unexpected and excellent positive feedback.

Of course, this "virtue" can be moral "virtue" or martial virtue "virtue", as long as others surrender.

When Edward was still in the stomach of the old god, he used a batch of spices given to him by Byron to build the first undead camp.

Relying on "monopoly" and "exploitation", the two most direct and effective killers, this industry has been run in a lively manner.

It has now expanded into a seaside city on the edge of the world, and is also the fleet station for the Blue Dragon King and the Ghost Fleet when they travel between the two worlds.

The main business is to sell the extraordinary materials produced in the mines, farms, and plantations on the edge of the world: Undead Dust, Skeleton Crystal, Anti-Magic Iron, Coffin Wood; Herbs: Finger Grass, Devil Cigar, Ink Coprinus, and Blood-Dropping Fungus to the material world.

Then use the hard currency of spices to recruit soldiers.

Today, the many manors and mines under its control are not only self-contained in terms of economy, but also have their own laws and military camps. They can arrest and deal with undead laborers at will, becoming a veritable "country within a country".

Even Byron's two former Wild Hunt servants [Falcon] Alvin and [Fat Dragon] all joined Edward's team after "leaving".

Edward enthusiastically introduced his own industry to his fiancée and five "sisters-in-law", while reopening the passage between the two worlds with a pass.

Before stepping into the passage, Byron suddenly called him again:

"By the way, I think that although Palu Farm is popular, it is not domineering enough. With the current scale of industry development, perhaps it should be renamed.

Why not call it United Fruit. How about calling it "United Pharmaceuticals"?

United Pharmaceuticals under Pioneer Navigation!"

"Okay, you have the final say."

Edward didn't care, but he couldn't tell where the name "United Pharmaceuticals" was domineering anyway, at least it was far less domineering than "Pioneer Navigation".

He waved goodbye to Byron, jumped on the warhorse and was embraced by Anne into the passage together. He was obviously very satisfied with this situation of strong women and weak men.

Just like Aunt Margaret and Uncle Henry VI.

Byron did not stop looking until the passage disappeared.

"When I went to the mainland, I wanted to use the [First Embrace] to develop a few members of the Demon Banquet Council as insiders, but I didn't expect it to be like this in the end.

But the effect is better than expected at the beginning.

With the Neville family as an ally, and the succubus Therese to turn a few key figures, the main body of the anti-York alliance has taken shape."

Then he turned into a group of bats and flew into the air, and went down the river to Stromgarde, inspecting the shipyard that was still working overtime.

Little Hans got the [Furnace Forging Hammer] that can double the work efficiency of all craftsmen within a kilometer, which is like a treasure.

He led a group of [craftsmen] and shipbuilders to work day and night, and never left the dock even for food and shelter.

Like the Golden Deer, the first heavy cruiser built with teak has taken shape and will definitely be delivered before October.

Hans's professional promotion ceremony for the [Craftsman] profession has been completed more and more. When the heavy cruiser is built, he should be able to be promoted to the third level on the spot.

At the same time, in addition to the first heavy cruiser in Dock No. 1, Docks No. 2 and No. 3 have also begun to lay the keel of the heavy cruiser.

This means that the large-scale shipbuilding plan has begun to land.

According to the current shipbuilding speed of the Torrent Fortress, before the end of next year, a fleet of heavy cruisers that can reach double digits will appear on the sea.

If they can successfully capture a batch of large galleon merchant ships from the Kingdom of Castile when they plunder the treasure fleet this time.

They can also be transformed into heavy cruisers by cutting the deck, and the fleet will be formed faster at that time.

Seeing that the progress exceeded expectations, Byron was so happy that he waved his hand and ordered the craftsmen to be paid three months' salary as a bonus, and the labor model with outstanding performance to be paid five months' salary.

Inadvertently, the already amazing shipbuilding speed was increased by 30% on the original basis.

Obviously, for front-line workers, material incentives are the primary productive force, and any extraordinary abilities have to stand aside.

As the most versatile "holy relic" in the world, gold deserves to be ranked first in the weapon list!

After inspecting the shipyard, Byron reorganized his fleet without stopping to prepare for the upcoming war.

Riding the [Eight-legged Pegasus] back to his office in the Governor's Mansion, he summoned the [Golden Law] and ordered the authority of the Emperor of the Empire:

"Connect the [Pirate Ten Commandments] to display the coordinates of all warships, privateers, and pirate ships under the Pioneer Pilot Colonial Trading Company and the Kingdom's Seventh Fleet."

The law network descended, and a huge nautical chart of the Bantaan Islands and its affiliated waters appeared in front of him.

Light spots of different sizes were marked on it by themselves.

Byron waved his hand again.

Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh!

A large area of ​​light spots jumped out of the navigation chart, presenting hundreds of detailed projection images in front of him.

Some of them are in the shape of Hastings warships, flying the navy's long pennant, and are carrying out daily patrol missions covering the entire colony;

Some are privateers belonging to the Pioneer Navigation Colonial Trade Company, whose main activities are on the east-west route connecting the Golden Empire and the International Port, and the privateering method is: collecting taxes;

Some are frigates under the Pioneer Navigation Military Dispatch Company, sailing as the escort fleet of the merchant fleet in the "First Circulation Belt" or the new route of the Southern Continent, fighting against the endless pirates;

Some are scattered, cruising in the ocean as seemingly independent pirate ships, and will pounce on merchant ships of specific countries and bite them hard when they encounter them.

In fact, the Seventh Fleet of the Colonial Fleet at this time, although it still belongs to the Kingdom of Hastings on the surface and is loyal to King Edward IV.

But in essence, except for the name of the Seventh Fleet and receiving military expenses from the Navy Department, it has no relationship with the kingdom.

Since the "Captain 721 Fission Mode" was fully opened.

Recruiting soldiers, training, salaries, and resettlement expenses were all led by Byron and his pirate officers, who only knew Saint Byron but not Edward.

If you randomly ask any of the later soldiers, many of them don’t even know the king’s name.

And the officers and captains of the various branch fleets have long become Byron’s blood relatives or transformed lower-level relatives.

Scattered like stars in the sky, gathered like a fire, there is absolutely no need to worry about being unable to collect them once they are scattered.

According to the latest statistics, the number of full-time pirates and privateers under Byron has exceeded 10,000.

Not counting armed merchant ships and the ghost fleet under the Blue Dragon King, the total number of warships, privateers, and pirate ships above level 6 is 96.

And with the Holy Golden Empire with a population of 13 million as a reserve force, there are as many sailors and soldiers as needed.

Once the extreme explosion of troops begins, the force will increase by more than ten times within a month.

Compared with the somewhat joking "United Pharmaceuticals" branch in Edward's hands.

The Pioneer Pilot Colonial Trade Company in the material world is a super complex that integrates colonization, shipping, military industry, trade, finance, shipbuilding, plantations, fleets, etc.!

Many middle-class countries in the Old Continent may not be as strong as this company.

But Byron did not become complacent because of the good-looking data on paper.

He knew that if an army kept fighting low-intensity security wars, it would be like playing chess with a bad chess player, and the game would only get worse.

Therefore, the fleets under the Vanguard Pilot Colonial Trade Company have been training in rotation.

In particular, some elite Lancaster Party members who knew Byron's identity had led loyal pirates who had been carefully identified by the [Logbook] to leave the company and join the pirate city Black Sail Port a few months in advance.

Even with the development model of free pirates, they continued to absorb new blood and made a great reputation in the Pirate City of the Bahamas.

It was also an ambush he had laid in advance, and one of the reasons why he dared to say that he would conquer Black Sail Port.

"When we go back to Hastings to fight for the throne in the future, 'Byron Lancaster' must fight back with dignity and fanfare.

We must have our own core strength.

The role of the first vest [Sea Hunter] Byron Tudor is the "confidant" who is backstabbed, and his identity cannot be exposed before the real intention is revealed.

The Lancaster Party, which is growing rapidly, and the pirate city Black Sail Port are a big tonic for [Wild Hunt] Byron Lancaster.

Only when both sides launch at the same time, one official and one bandit, can they cooperate well and win over the upper and lower levels.

By the way, the legend of [Wild Hunt] is also pushed up to 30 points, and finally [Sea Hunter] and [Wild Hunt] are successfully merged into my king at the fifth level.

From now on, every step cannot be wrong."

Byron remotely checked the logbooks recorded by each ship, and immediately knew the situation of these scattered and self-growing troops.

Then he issued his own orders:

"All squadrons, warships, privateers, and pirate ships stop all ocean-going missions. In the next two months, the scope of activities will be limited to the Bantaan Islands. They will be available at any time.

We have a big job to do soon."

Lions fight rabbits with all their strength. In order to punch more powerfully, they should retract their fists in advance from now on.

What's more, Castile's treasure fleet is not a rabbit, but another lion.

"Yes, Governor."

"Yes, General."

"Yes, Captain."

A group of captains who are at least at the second level of extraordinary rank and are descendants of Byron or lower-level families all responded with enthusiastic eyes and chest-clasping.

In the next few days, the atmosphere in both the mainland and the colonies gradually became tense.

Violet has started the promotion ceremony of her fourth-level mythical creature [Witch of War] - guiding, promoting, and upgrading a war that brings disaster to the enemy.

After evaluating the strength of both parties, the offer for the stronger royal party was increased by 20%, and the offer for the slightly weaker earl party was reduced by 10%.

Now the continental countries are busy scrambling for the big cake of the southern continent. It is enough not to come to Hastings to take advantage of the fire, and it is even more impossible to sell them arms.

As long as the two families want to win, they have no choice!

Just when Byron prepared butter popcorn and waited for the ten-day deadline, Edward IV personally led the army and the civil war officially started, but he suddenly received a message from the king unexpectedly.

The projection from the mainland fell in front of Byron with the help of the lighthouse.

Edward IV, wearing the [Sun Crown] and carrying the Three Phantom Suns, had a stern face and gave him an order without any room for negotiation:

"Lord Tudor, the war to suppress the rebellion is approaching. From now on, the entire Hastings colony will be taxed!

In order to make up for the huge military expenditure of Rheinmetall, the colony will collect taxes for the next three years in advance.

For the glory of the Three Phantom Suns, for the victory of the war, and for the future of the kingdom, we can only make those gentry and civilians suffer for the time being."

Increase taxes on the colony? ? ?

Glancing at the payment on his Rheinmetall account, Byron: "."

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