Pirate Kingship

Chapter 49: Feint to the East and Attack in the West, Blood Holy Grail

The one-eyed first mate had long heard of all kinds of strange and evil spirit legends on this sea.

After realizing that something was wrong, he did not turn back immediately.

He knew that it was absolutely taboo to turn back suddenly when he was not sure what the other party was.

Instead, he continued to walk forward two steps as if nothing had happened.

The keen senses of the extraordinary were mobilized by him, holding his breath and paying close attention to the footsteps behind him.

The three abilities obtained by the [Pirate] of the Lighthouse Sequence at the Servant Level are: [Weapon Mastery], [Mountain Goat Footsteps], and [Blind Fighting Expert].

The perception ability is absolutely first-class.

"Two? Yes, it is indeed two, not three.

I must have drunk too much just now, and I accidentally had an illusion."

When he carefully distinguished, he found that there were only two footsteps, so he breathed a sigh of relief and secretly blamed himself for being suspicious.

However, before he took two more steps, he heard that there was only one footstep behind him!

The one-eyed first mate couldn't help but shiver, and the alcohol in his body was half awakened in an instant.

His steps accelerated involuntarily.

And the footsteps behind him followed him like a shadow. When he walked fast, his footsteps were fast, and when he walked slowly, his footsteps were slow.

What was even more terrifying was that just when he couldn't suppress the fear in his heart and was about to run, the footsteps behind him suddenly turned into two!

"Asshole! Who is playing tricks on me? How dare you tease me, [One-eyed Dragon] Arnold?!"

The extreme fear finally turned into a burst of anger. He no longer cared about any taboos and turned his head angrily.

But he unexpectedly saw Tom, one of his two men, looking at him innocently.

"What's wrong, first mate? You walked so fast, I almost couldn't keep up with you."

Seeing Tom's familiar face, [One-eyed Dragon] was relieved.

He also became more and more suspicious whether the black-hearted bar owner had added some hallucinogenic contraband to the wine he drank today, why did he have hallucinations again and again.

However, before he could completely relax, his heart suddenly hung in the air again, and he asked the "minion" in front of him in a stern voice:

"Where is Jerry? How come you are the only one?"

He clearly remembered that there were two footsteps behind him before he turned around, but when he turned around, there was only one of his men left. Isn't this more terrifying?

As soon as the voice fell, a somewhat erratic voice sounded behind him:

"First mate, are you looking for me?"

But this voice was not his subordinate Jerry at all.

"Ah——! Is it you who is making trouble? Go to hell!!!"

The mentality was ups and downs like a roller coaster, and the [One-eyed Dragon] who finally collapsed completely suddenly drew his sword.

The knife light in the night exploded like lightning, drawing a bright arc and slashing behind him.

Even if he didn't turn around, his slash was as accurate as if he had eyes on the back of his head, and he went straight to the other party's head that made the sound.

In fact, ordinary people need to break an inherent stereotype.

Most of the "one-eyed dragons" wearing eye patches on the pirate ship are not really blind!

The reason for wearing an eye patch is that there is no shade on the sea, and the light is often strong, while the cabin is dark and cramped.

During looting or fighting, if you suddenly enter the cabin from the deck, your eyes cannot adapt to the light changes in time, and you can easily be attacked and lose your life.

If you wear an eye patch, it will be very different.

When the environment changes, the pirate only needs to move the eye patch to the other side, revealing the eye that has adapted to the darkness, and can adjust the combat status at the first time.

This is also the key to why the ability of [Blind Fighting Expert] will become a must for [Pirates]!

Not only can it adapt to the environment, but it can also help pirates to fight at night in an environment with only dim light, and catch merchant sailors off guard.

But the [One-eyed Dragon] who lost his composure ignored a very serious problem.

Who said that the [Wild Hunt] who came to attack him was only one person?

Just when [One-eyed Dragon] drew his sword and slashed back, his chest was wide open.

The "man" standing in front of him also suddenly drew his sword.


Step forward and stab.

It is the most powerful and easiest to dodge among the three basic attack postures of slashing, thrusting and cutting.

But the one-eyed dragon had no way to dodge at this time.

The sword light of the half-sword condensed into a line, freezing the one-eyed dragon's confused face like frost, and instantly pierced his heart and lungs!

Byron's swordsmanship was already outstanding, and after obtaining the passive ability of [Storm Knight] [Swordsmanship Mastery], it has reached a higher level.

After a hit, Byron immediately drew his sword and retreated.

Guts, who was attracting attention behind [One-eyed Dragon], let out a strange cry and easily dodged the blade that had lost its accuracy.

He instantly moved forward and stabbed the dagger in his hand deeply into the back of his head.

Successfully finished the knife!

[One-eyed Dragon] didn't even react throughout the whole process. This was a carefully designed trap.

His face was blank, and he fell to the ground with a "thump".

Byron saw the end of his history through the [Logbook], and then he called Gus forward.

"This is the sixth attendant. I have gathered all the materials for the brewing ceremony.

How is your promotion ceremony going?"

It is obvious that Byron is the [Wild Hunt] who has recently become famous in Anchor Bay!

And the [Wild Hunt] originally represents a group of hunters.

When he was hunting down privateer pirates, he was never alone. Instead, he took Guts, who was about to take office as the Phantom Blade, with him.

After all, Byron is now a pirate captain who relies on his dreams to build a team, not a lonely ranger.

Why fight alone when there are goons available?

Accepting Gus, a well-connected local leader, was Byron's wisest decision.

Whether it is intelligence support, the Silence Talisman or his own abilities, they are impeccable.

“There are no problems with spiritual awakening and prerequisite knowledge.

But probably because my natural sense of existence is too low, the series of [Ritual: The Phantom Killer’s Serial Murders] will continue.

If it is only aimed at first-level servants, six chains are obviously not enough.

It will probably take eight or ten links at most to gain enough presence and re-anchor the [Silver Law]. "

Gus scratched his hair in distress.

The [Phantom Blade] he is about to take up is worthy of being the superior profession of an assassin. Even with Byron's help, beating the person to residual health first, and then asking him to make up the damage, the progress of the ceremony will be extremely difficult.

[Phantom Blade] The core ability of the second-level professional level is called: Phantom Blade.

You can control visual hallucinations, auditory hallucinations, hallucinations, and finally the sense of existence.

Imagine a gun out of thin air, give it a sense of existence, and you can actually use it to kill people.

Just imagine that you have different numbers of phantom limbs, and you can use them to wield swords easily.

The promotion ceremony [Phantom Killer's Serial Murder Case] ​​is all about mystery, like magic, killing people and making the other person's death mysterious at the same time.

Only in this way can you kill the target and at the same time take away part of the opponent's sense of existence.

Not only can it strengthen itself, but even if the victim's body is thrown on the street, no one will be able to find it.

And Byron's [cognitive modification] is enough to allow him to play a guest role as an ever-changing and strange killer.

Even if the upper limit of disguised objects can only be of the same level, under the protection of [Storm Seal Ring], it is almost impossible to be seen through by [Spirit Vision].

Just now, the two of them cooperated with each other to achieve the same effect as hitting a ghost.

When he heard three footsteps, Byron came behind the one-eyed dragon. When he heard two footsteps, he had already killed one of his men, and Gus dragged him away.

The last minion has been taken care of in one sound.

When they transformed back into two voices, both of them were hanging behind [One-Eyed Dragon], and they also had a follow-up attack from east to west!

Of course, the realization of this weird effect is indispensable with the help of the specialty of Anchor Bay [Whale Bone Amulet·Silent Sound].

It is said that a series of whale bone talismans are the unique forbidden knowledge of the North Sea Pirate King [Whale Hunter], and only direct members of the Iron Anchor Bay are qualified to learn it.

There is no way to get [Silent Amulet], a contraband item that is specifically designed to do bad things.

Without waiting for Byron's instructions, Gus, the money-lover, had already plundered all the valuables from [One-Eyed Dragon].

Even the leather jacket, brass buttons, eye mask, and even a bank deposit slip full of smelly salted fish hidden in the insole were not left out.

These are not money, but Gus's freedom and dignity, and they must not be thrown on the ground!

Byron also reviewed the history of the one-eyed dragon and merged it with the history of other souls killed by the sword.

“On the last day of October, the pirate ships under the Hattings Privateering Alliance were all present.

Today, the first day of November, a member of the Captains' Council summoned all privateer captains who are eligible to vote.

There will be a big move soon. "

[Secret: The Conspiracy of the Admiralty, Historical Influence 20] The original decryption density jumped to 35% from 18%.

“It’s solid.

Are these guys colluding internally and externally and finally taking action? "

Byron shook his head and decided to do the most important business first.

Have Gus step aside and be on guard.

He used the blood of [One-eyed Dragon] that had not yet solidified to draw a ritual circle on the ground with a hexagram as the main body and numerous runes intertwined with it.

There are words in his mouth:

"Blood is power, blood is life, blood is the origin, blood is everything.

Take the blood of the Lamb and put it on my heart and cleanse me, that I may be whiter than snow

Put the blood of my enemies on my hands and strengthen me so that I may be stronger than a bear.”

This is the ritual for brewing [Transmutation Blood]: [Holy Grail of Blood]!

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