Pirate Kingship

Chapter 490: Regicide and usurpation of the throne and being like me (7300)

[Puppet King] Louis' reaction speed and execution ability obviously exceeded everyone's imagination.

Burgos, the capital of Castile.

On the left bank of the Manzares River that runs through the city, stands the first palace complex in the Old World, the Pantheon Palace, which took 26 years to build.

The Trastamara Dynasty, relying on the world's strongest financial resources, has almost created a new wonder of civilization.

The palace has more than 2,000 rooms, including the Amber Bedroom, the Hall of Mirrors, the Ivory Restaurant, the Four Seasons Garden, the Marble Theater, and a series of unique buildings from all over the world, which can be said to be all-encompassing.

When the battle of the "First Circulation Belt" was decided, two teams of soldiers on duty were chatting in a corner near the Manzares River outside the Pantheon Palace.

One of them glanced at the direction of the inland dock, his eyes full of longing:

"In less than a month, the treasure fleet will be back, and I don't know how much treasure it will bring back this time.

Back then, our Kingdom of Castile was just a small country on the Pyrenees Peninsula, and even the peninsula was not unified.

It was relying on these ships of overseas treasures that we gradually grew into the most powerful country in the sea.

This time, if the treasure fleet can be given a box at will, I will never have to worry about it again in this life."

The companions around him immediately poured a basin of cold water on him:

"What are you daydreaming about? Those are all the fat meat in the mouths of His Majesty the King and the nobles, and have nothing to do with us guards who are born in civilians.

Hold on, our generation can only be stationed in the outer palace, and when our sons and grandsons' generation should be qualified to enter the palace city, and have the opportunity to show off in front of His Majesty the King.

It's impossible to share the meat, but a little soup should not be difficult."

The first soldier The soldier looked regretful:

"There are indeed many opportunities overseas. If we abandon our family and choose to go to the newly discovered southern continent to risk our lives, we may be able to fight for a glorious future.

But the greater possibility is that we will be buried in the sea or die in the stomach of some natives.

Although treasure is good, life is more important.

Since we are already standing outside the palace walls, as long as we can curry favor with the dignitaries who come in and out of the palace, sooner or later we will be qualified to share a share of the treasure fleet safely.

Of course, if I am transferred to serve in the treasure fleet where there is more money, less trouble and absolute safety, I can accept it."

The companion sneered:

"If there is such a good thing, I still want to go.

Everyone knows that this time, His Majesty, the Dean of the Royal Academy of Engineering, and His Royal Highness the Puppet King are acting as the fleet's secret keepers. Serving in the treasure fleet is like a long journey, and there is absolutely no danger.

It is impossible without a strong relationship. Wait, what is that?"

Before he finished speaking, he suddenly pointed at the river and screamed.

On the Mansalais River section in front of the two men, a golden light flashed and suddenly expanded into a huge illusory sextant.

Then, a large warship that was so tattered that it was about to sink at any time suddenly appeared and ran aground on the river bank involuntarily.

It made a "creaking" sound under the heavy load.

Although the hull was seriously damaged, the two guards still recognized each other's identity at a glance. After all, the other party was the protagonist of their topic just now.

The two men suddenly turned pale and were speechless:

"Dream Dream Castle! It's the Dream Castle of His Royal Highness the Puppet King Louis!

It's bad, a fifth-level legendary keeper was attacked--!!!"

Instinctively took out the flare in his arms and fired it into the sky.


With a bang, the [King's Left Hand] guards stationed in the corner tower immediately looked over.

Immediately, he used a higher authority to connect to the [Iron Law of Kingship·Niucheng Code] and informed King [Incompetent] Enrique IV of the accident.

There was a commotion in the Vientiane Palace. Soon, the main gate of the palace burst open, and a luxurious carriage inlaid with gold, jewels, and ivory rushed out in a hurry under the escort of the guards.

[Puppet King] Louis returned to his homeland quickly enough, and the news of the Treasure Fleet's wreck has not yet been reported.

From the moment he successfully returned here, even if someone wanted to use the legal network to pass on information to the king to expose his true face, it became impossible.

As the vice king who was trusted by his brother [Incompetent] Enrique IV, the puppet king had a seal ring on his hand that was enough to temporarily close the legal network of the capital before Enrique IV took the initiative to intervene.

Not to mention outsiders, even the closest king's right hand could never contact him.

Therefore, the current [Puppet King] Louis is still the loyal and good brother of Enrique IV.

On the contrary.

Enrique IV discovered that the Dream Castle had encountered an accident and actually activated the emergency escape plan reserved in advance, which made him extremely anxious.

He left his core territory without hesitation and set foot on the territory of his "good brother" with only a small number of guards.

"Louis, what happened? Who beat up the Dream Castle like this?

I'm going to kill him!"

Enrique IV saw the almost razed superstructure of the quasi-legendary battleship, several large holes running through the entire hull, and the charred scars that still carried scorching heat.

All of these showed what a tragic battle it had experienced just a moment ago.

Climbing up the battleship along the rope ladder lowered by the toy soldiers, I found that many craftsmen puppets were still working hard to repair the core facilities of the ship. The deck was covered with blood and puppet remains.

From the only relatively intact building made of building blocks, the weak voice of [Puppet King] Louis came out:

"Your Majesty, I have failed your trust.

We just encountered an attack by a fifth-level [King], and the information black box was accidentally leaked.

The Dream Castle finally escaped with the longitude and latitude sextant, and I was also seriously injured.

My current condition is not very good. I can't let others see what I look like now. Your Majesty, you should come in and see it yourself."

Enrique IV also knew the alternative use of [Blood and Flesh Useless] and realized that his brother must have suffered a great loss.

In this devout church country, it is indeed inconvenient for others to see his current "inhuman" appearance.

And when he heard that the information black box had been leaked and his last straw might have an accident, he immediately threw the last bit of caution to the wind.

He asked his entourage to stay outside, and walked in without much precaution.

This was the central control room full of puppet threads. Illusory threads gathered here from all directions, forming a huge network.

This was also the place where [Puppet King] Louis could exert his strongest combat power.

Enrique IV, who had never fought or killed anyone in his life, had no vigilance to observe the environment at the first time, but was attracted by a lonely mechanical head on the table at first sight.

Not only was his face full of blackened by electric shock, but his neck also had traces of being violently torn off, and there was a shoe print on one side of his cheek that had not been wiped clean in time.

Without bothering to ask about the details of the information black box loss, he couldn't help but gasp:

"Louis? How did you get hurt like this?"

If it were an ordinary person, even a normal extraordinary person on the [Ladder of Glory] path, if he was injured like this, he would have been dead long ago.

Only a fifth-level legend like Louis who has the magic skill [Blood and Flesh are Useless] can survive by chance.

Even so, it is hard to say whether he can restore his flesh and blood in the future after losing so many parts.

He immediately stepped forward and said with concern:

"Louis, you don't need to blame yourself. It was because I asked you to be the keeper that you were attacked.

Let's put the matter of the information black box aside for the time being.

Just tell me what you need to restore your body. As long as it is in this world, I will definitely help you get it."

Hearing this, the puppet king, who only had a head left, was surprised:

"Really? Brother, you are so good to me."

Before Enrique IV could speak to calm his excitement that almost killed him, he saw the pair of glass eyes of the robot head suddenly fixed on himself.

The corner of his mouth cracked, and he said coldly:

"Then. Give me your body."

Enrique IV was slightly stunned, thinking that he didn't understand, or misunderstood, and subconsciously asked:

"What did you say?"


The next moment, the whole room was closed by the puppet thread of the puppet king.

Using his own independent LAN and the authority of the vice king of the external network, he temporarily isolated the [Iron Law of Kingship·Niucheng Code] and created a vacuum zone.

The power of [Incompetent] Enrique IV was greatly weakened.

At the same time, a strong spiritual wind blew.

A tall and magnificent bell tower appeared next to the two of them, half illusory and half real, as if hidden in another time and space.

On the golden dial inlaid on the top of the bell tower, there are not only the normal twelve numbers 1-12, but also an age next to each number.

They are 0, 1, 3, 7, 16, and 18 years old. They seem to symbolize a person's life and correspond to key life nodes.

A sword-like minute hand suddenly pointed to Henry IV, anchoring his real age, and automatically adjusted to the corresponding position of 47 years old.

Then it gradually lit up and quickly returned to the origin.

This turned out to be the [Social Clock] that [Kingmaker] Warwick had used to assassinate Byron!

Of course, this is also not the main body of the holy relic, but a pawn card that borrowed the corresponding power.

It was not until then that [Puppet King] Louis completely revealed his fierce true face and repeated his request:

"I said, give me your body.

Not just the body, give me your life, wealth, throne, and... your only 'daughter'."

The most annoying thing for [Puppet King] is accidents beyond his control, but he will habitually prepare multiple plans to deal with these accidents.

When he received the news from the totem god [Gulf Stream Mother] and realized that the kingship of Castile was slipping away from him.

He prepared not two but three plans.

Once the two plans of finding and killing [Gulf Stream Mother] in advance and stealing the treasure fleet failed, the last plan would be triggered - regicide and usurpation!

The core is that if you can't solve the problem, solve the person who caused the problem.

[Ladder of Glory] is rigid and rigid, and you can see what abilities it has at a glance.

As the person who knows his brother best, the puppet king prepared a targeted killing move and borrowed special treasures from the traditionalists of the church early on.

"Society clock? Louis, why do you want to harm me?! If you kill me, the King's Right Hand, the House of Arms and all members of the royal family will not let you go. Do you think you can run away?"

Enrique IV, who had fallen on the minute hand, recovered from the sudden change and glared at the mechanical head that had fallen on the hour hand.

Maybe the king's nature is to be suspicious, but he can't figure out why this good brother who has been a good brother for decades would take action against him, and take advantage of his lack of vigilance to kill him as soon as he takes action.

And what to do after killing yourself? Is he crazy?

Facing his brother's anger, Louis was actually frightened for a moment.

The opponent's many years of accumulated prestige left him with a sense of awe.

Otherwise, when his love was snatched away by Enrique IV many years ago, he would not have dared to resist and obediently offered his lover to him.

[Puppet King], who just vowed to get everything back, has come this far, and has no chance to back down, let alone continue to be the good brother he was before.

"I originally didn't want to do anything to you personally, I just wanted to wait until you die of old age or illness.

But you shouldn’t seek out [Gulfstream Mother] in an attempt to give birth to your own child.

Don't blame me, you owe me this, and I have to pay it all back today! "

After ruthlessly dropping a sentence, the [social clock] started running.

Byron, who had personally experienced this sacred relic, should be the most qualified to speak.

In essence, it is a requirement: a person must do what he wants according to his age.

Birth - study - further education - employment - promotion - marriage - having children. These are all the default norms of society and the public moral standard of the collective unconscious.

It will determine whether a person has reached an important benchmark point in his or her life at the right time.

If it is not achieved, various punishment mechanisms will be activated.

Ability effects:

“If you do not achieve corresponding life achievements within the corresponding period of time, you will be forcibly deducted the corresponding time, which is your life span.

There is nowhere to hide or escape here, armed resistance is not allowed, rebellion is heresy, and countless "other people's children" together constitute the standard answer to the life test paper.

Only by becoming that kind of person can you become a qualified social person and screw! "

Enrique IV was born into a noble family. From the moment he was born on January 5, 1425 in the Silver Age, he was a perfect practitioner of the "social clock".

If you are one step ahead in everything, you will naturally not be harmed by the social clock.

However, when the time came to 1440 in the Silver Age, when Enrique IV was 15 years old, something unexpected happened.

From the time he married his cousin until the marriage ended thirteen years later, he had not given birth to any children, and even his wife was a virgin.

The punishment mechanism was immediately triggered.

"Rebellion! Rebellious!"

Stern voices echoed repeatedly throughout the bell tower.

Black arms hung down from the top of his head, tearing off the ethereal and invisible things from Enrique IV's body one after another.

That was the rest of his life.

47 years old is not considered young in this era, and there is not much time left. The effect of the punishment mechanism is far more shocking than when it was used on Byron.

Enrique IV's already gray hair immediately turned completely white, his back was stooped, his teeth were loose, and his skin had age spots.

He becomes old in the blink of an eye.

However, before the minute hand and the hour hand meet, the two of them are on two parallel timelines, and it is impossible for Enrique IV to launch an attack even if he still retains his trump card.

Moreover, the Kingdom of Castile may have more than one fragment of a zero-level holy relic, but I have never heard of the head of state "equipped with a gun" in his own base camp.

The "backstabbing" of a mole who knows the truth is the most deadly.

This is not over yet, the minute hand reaches the next time node of 18 and 22 years old. Enrique IV will be punished every time.

On the surface, [Incompetent] is 47 years old and has married four queens in total. Until now, there is only one princess, Juana.

In fact, although he married young and had many wives, he was nearly fifty years old and had never even given birth to a biological child.

So much so that the title of "Incompetent" is worn firmly on his head, completely inconsistent with the requirements of the social clock.

By the end, he was so old that he could no longer stand still, lying on the minute hand, breathless.

Even if he could hold on until the time lines of the hour and minute hands overlapped, he probably wouldn't be able to hit his brother on the head.


Seeing his miserable and desolate look, [Puppet King] Louis laughed happily, as if he wanted to vent all his depression for so many years.

Suddenly I felt that compared to the previous two plans, directly solving the person who caused the problem was what I really wanted.

Even so, [Puppet King] still felt that this guy who ruined his beautiful life was too cheap.

If he hadn't acted too hastily, he would have been more willing to seduce his current fourth sister-in-law and let her perform a wonderful puppet show in person: "Your Majesty, it's time to take medicine."

Let this incompetent brother experience for himself the pain of losing his wife and everything.

The worse off Enrique IV was, the happier he was:

“Enrique, when you forcibly married Joanna and took her away from me, did you ever think that you would be where you are today?

Beg me, throw away your arrogance, kneel down and beg me to spare your life. Maybe I will really give you a chance of life, and how about leaving a head? "

At this time, Enrique IV gradually returned to calm.

He is just "incompetent", not incompetent. He has all the royal bearing that he should have.

Although he was stabbed in the back by his most trusted younger brother, he did not kneel down and beg for mercy like ordinary people. Instead, he quickly accepted the bleak consequences of his ignorance of people. After listening to Louis's emotional venting cry, his old face showed a trace of sadness. Got a glimmer of clarity:

"Joana? It turns out Juana is your daughter.

No wonder the prophecy test I secretly arranged keeps failing. Is it because I got the protection of the zero-level holy relic in your hand?

You have been wandering overseas all year round.

At first I thought the adulterer was actually Beltrand de La Cueva, Duke of Albuquerque, or the nephew of Bishop Fonseca.

Unexpectedly, it was dark under the lamp. "

Suddenly hearing two unexpected names from the other party's mouth, [Puppet King]'s laughter suddenly froze, his cheeks jumped hard, and his face instantly darkened:

"What do you mean?!

Why would you suspect the nephew of the Duke of Albuquerque and the Bishop of Fonseca? What did you find out while I was away in the capital? "

Now it was Enrique IV's turn to "pity" his younger brother, leaning on the minute hand, shaking his head and laughing:

"Haha, what do I mean? Of course I mean it literally.

Regardless of who owns the hat that Joanna knitted, don't you have any fault yourself?

When I married Joanna, whom you liked, why didn't you fight?

Even if you just stand up and object to my decision, if you don't try, how will you know that I won't help you?

Even if you were afraid that I would be angry, why didn't you give up everything at the beginning and elope with your beloved Miss Joanna?

I'm afraid you didn't even have the courage to tell me the truth at that time, right?

In the final analysis, what binds you is not the authority of the king, but the greed in your heart that is reluctant to part with the power of Castile!

You want beauty and power. Do you think you are the protagonist in a puppet show of misery? "

The truth in the world is the most hurtful. Enrique IV mercilessly exposed his truth. The puppet king turned green and white, and his teeth creaked.

Not only did he not see the bereaved dog wagging its tail begging for mercy as he wished, but he was so angry at him.

At this time, the minute hand finally passed the last frame and overlapped with the hour hand.

Enrique IV, whose breath was very weak, suddenly raised his head with all his strength, stared into the eyes of the Puppet King and said word by word:

"Really, to be honest, sometimes I envy you.

As the eldest son of the late king, I reached the pinnacle of my life as soon as I was born and lost the joy of struggle.

If I had your conditions, I would definitely be able to awaken my obsession and even become the God of Self, and advance to the fifth level legend on my own, instead of inheriting the king's title as a fourth level person. "

Although the palace next to it is called the Palace of Vientiane, the words spoken by Enrique IV are full of the flavor of Versailles.

Then, the top-secret news he had just received from a certain saint in the church flashed through Enrique IV’s mind: “The coming of the Snail Age, the great flood that will submerge everything, the material world that is doomed to encounter disaster, and the legend that will bring... Noah's Ark, where the souls of all believers ascend to heaven, may no longer be the home of mankind. Every force and everyone may need to make early plans."

His heart moved slightly, and he made up his mind that he might take the opportunity to switch tracks. At the same time, he suddenly smiled strangely at the Puppet King:

"Since you want it all, then I will give it all to you. I hope you will never regret it!"

Just when the Puppet King was stimulated by the other party, his mood fluctuated violently.

But he didn't notice that when his brother took his last breath, the shadow of the crown on his head flashed away.

But it was Enrique IV's soul, wrapped in an ancient silver coin, that took the initiative to rush into the underworld at the last moment, quietly activating his title ability.

[Incompetent] This title is a shame, and the title ability is naturally not very impressive, but for men, it is comparable to a murderous weapon that is worse than death.

Because this ability is called——[Same as me]!

A mental state that can conceptually castrate a specific subject, turning him into an "incompetent" like Enrique IV.

No matter whether the opponent is healthy or not, and whether he possesses any black magic that can affect the body, he will be castrated mentally. Even the fifth level cannot be exempted.

[Incompetent] Enrique IV has been ridiculed openly and secretly for many years.

Those scoffers never knew that when they turned around, they were given the gift of "just like me" by Enrique IV.

If you want to live a good life, you can only let the scoffers wear a little green on their heads like him.

Others don't know how the humiliated Enrique IV survived for so many years, but in fact he relied entirely on this trick to survive!

My own misfortune is certainly sad, but having many others as misfortune as myself makes me feel much better immediately.

Of course, [Puppet King] Louis still doesn’t know what is waiting for him.

After shutting down the social clock, puppet threads were shot from the lone head and submerged into the still fresh body of Enrique IV.

[Flesh and Blood is Useless] is activated.

Click! Click!

Soon a stiff puppet body was hoisted up.

The pinnacle of extraordinary ability [Puppet Transformation] was activated, and based on the originally ordinary and particularly old body, it quickly completed the mechanization transformation like the original body.

A few silk threads roughly opened the skull of Enrique IV, and then installed his crystallized brain on it.

After standing up again and moving a little, he finally showed a satisfied smile:

"The matching rate is 95%, worthy of being my brother.

If the [Soul Secret Key] that digitizes consciousness can be successfully studied, my consciousness can be loaded into any puppet body at will.

There is no need to be so troublesome.

But after obtaining the kingship of Castile, this day will not be too far away."

Although the [Puppet King] has poor medical knowledge, he has a large number of experimental products that surgeons cannot reach, and knows that there is a rejection reaction when exchanging organs between people.

Only brothers with the same father and mother can minimize the rejection reaction.

Enrique IV is not only his must-kill target for regicide and seizing the throne, but also the best choice for a new body.

As long as the puppet's core "brain" is intact, it can replace its puppet body at will.

Even if it is old or disabled, it doesn't matter. It can be repaired in puppet form, and then [Blood and Flesh Uselessness] can be reversed to become a human.

Pushing the door out, he ordered the guards who didn't know what happened:

"Let's go back to the palace."

The [Puppet King] Louis, who has restored his physical form, has completely replaced [Incompetent] Enrique IV.

Except for the brain and soul, there is no difference from the original.

Even the old traces left when he was just deprived of his life have been completely "repaired", looking very majestic and majestic, and it seems to be a few years younger.

However, although the [Puppet King] successfully occupied Enrique IV's body, the royal power of the Kingdom of Castile is not attached to the body, but to the spirit.

Killing and impersonating the king is theoretically feasible, but [Iron Law of Royal Power·Niucheng Code] is equivalent to an Internet signal.

Perhaps in a short period of time, it may be concealed for a while because of [Law-Breaking Stone], [White Lead] and other things that can block the law.

Ordinary people can't feel the difference.

But the Heraldry Academy and many heirs will soon detect the vacuum of the throne and react.

So, for the [Puppet King], it is far from time to sit back and relax.

He must successfully push his daughter, the ten-year-old Princess Juana, to the throne before others react.

In fact, long before Enrique IV arrived, Queen Joana had already led her confidants to Princess Juana's residence.

Soon, an edict declaring another heir to the throne, Princess Isabella, a traitor, and an elite army set out from the capital, starting the preemptive mode.

The war for the throne of the Kingdom of Castile officially kicked off at a speed beyond everyone's expectations.

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