Pirate Kingship

Chapter 495 Secret: The fuse of the religious war (6600)!

At this time, several other aunts of the Lancaster family who were working also ran up together.

Although they didn't know what happened, they all stood firmly behind Margaret and silently supported the eldest sister-in-law.

Margaret gave them a reassuring look, and then responded to the head nun:

"Head Sister Theresa, since the fall of the Lancaster dynasty, I am no longer the queen.

You can just call me by my name as in the past."

For more than a year, the other party has always called her by her name, and today is the first time to call her "Her Majesty the Queen".

Margaret immediately keenly perceived the meaning behind the other party's change of address, vaguely guessed something, and her heartbeat accelerated a little.

She didn't show it on her face, but just tried to retreat and advance.

She has come into contact with countless people, and she can see through the thoughts of the old nun at a glance.

If there is no major benefit on her side, the other party will definitely not have this attitude.


Seeing that the other party did not immediately accept her "good intentions" happily and dared to teach her how to do things, Sister Theresa habitually wanted to get angry.

But when she thought of the newspaper she accidentally saw when she went home these days, she immediately suppressed her anger.

After weighing the pros and cons, she knew that the matter could not be concealed for long, and finally told the news that Margaret had been waiting for for a long time:

"Your Majesty is joking. Although the Red Rose Lancaster suffered a temporary setback, the younger generation of the family may really have the day to regain the crown.

You may not know it yet?

Your nephew, the [Son of the Devil] Byron Lancaster, who was once wanted by the White Rose all over the world, has become the king of the pirate city Black Sail Port!"

The reason why Sister Theresa was arrogant at first and then respectful was actually not complicated at all.

It was just because when she went home to visit her relatives, she accidentally heard the rumors about Lancaster, and then found various newspapers to see the front-page headlines of the [Uncrowned King] Byron Lancaster.

Seeing Margaret's dreamlike, completely unbelievable eyes, a trace of regret flashed across the head nun's complex face, and she lamented in her heart:

"Who would have thought that Lancaster, which had fallen from the peak of secular power, would have a day of turning over?

I once heard a bard talk about a wonder.

It is said that a big river often floods and changes its course, and a village is on the east side of the river for 30 years and on the west side of the river for 30 years. It describes the impermanence of the world and only the Lord can predict the future.

But it has not been 30 years, only more than a year.

If you had told me earlier that your nephew was so good at fighting, how could I have beaten you?

I dare to bully good people, how dare I bully bad people?

Or the super villain who was so scared of the wanted order that he took off the bounty!"

Obviously, there is no so-called "straightforward" or "unspeakable" person in this world. It is purely to see whether the social object is worth them going against their nature.

The old nun's face became extremely smooth.

In fact, such mean-spirited villains are particularly good at observing people's words and expressions and judging the situation.

When Lancaster became a lost dog, these family women who fell into her hands were spiritually sealed and had no help from outside. Of course, she could bully them as she wanted without worrying about any consequences.

The former lost dog suddenly became a pirate king who killed people like crazy, which was the end of her life.

Perhaps Theresa lived in this monastery all her life, with limited qualifications, and she was only a second-level clergyman when she was old. She had little knowledge in the extraordinary field and could not tell the difference between the false [King Title] and the real [King Title].

But for her, the difference between the two was not big.

He even dared to rob the treasure fleet of the first maritime power and killed thousands of people in one breath. The deputy commander of the fleet of the Kingdom of Castile killed them at will, and the legendary [Puppet King] fled.

Now that he is in a strong momentum, who knows if he can turn the tide and regain the throne of Hastings in the future?

Most of the thousands of men in the pirate group were Bay People pirates who specialized in robbing coastal monasteries in the old continent and had been doing so for centuries. They were the natural enemies of monasteries.

It was too easy for the other party to deal with a mere nun like her.

They didn't even have to go to Malta in person. They just needed to issue a bounty order for the pirates, which was easier than killing an ant.

Besides, although the nun had no husband due to the doctrine, she had brothers and parents.

Before she got into trouble, her family would suffer first. How could she not be afraid?

Having offended the world-famous pirate king, even Valette, the Grand Master of the Order of Malta [Holy Lance], could not give her any sense of security.

Now she was not only afraid.

She was also scared to death.

"It's so unlucky. How could such a thing happen to me? I dare not leave the monastery in the next few years.

First, try to repair the relationship and improve the treatment of these Lancaster women.

At the very least, I can't let them hate me alone."

Some people bully the weak and fear the strong. When facing honest people, they always like to use the smallest power to make things difficult for others as much as possible, but when they meet the real villains, they dare not even breathe.

This is just like the nursing home in Byron's time.

The environment is extremely closed. No matter how rich the elderly without children are, they are likely to fall to the bottom of this small community. Anyone can bully them, but there is no place to seek justice.

Good people, especially good people who have no ability to resist, will always have a gun pointed at their head.

In fact, this head nun is just the end of this "taking sides" trend.

Many envoys from dignitaries from various countries, like the young people in the Bay, are rushing to Black Sail Port to visit Byron.

There are even many gold and dollar [bankers] who can't wait to send out offer invitations through the online financial street, wanting to invest in him a war fund.

This is also a requirement for bankers' promotion ceremony "venture capital", which allows them to wave gold coins around the world to find potential stocks.

Including the Hetings King's Party, the Earl's Party, and the two queens of Castile, each also has a large number of sponsors, and there are many rich people who make long bets.

It is said that when the Netherlands was at war, a large number of gold and dollar [bankers] and [pawn merchants] lent money to hostile countries with a higher chance of winning and better credibility, resulting in a huge defeat for the Netherlands. He made his own king so angry that his every orifice was filled with smoke.

In the eyes of this group, there is no loyalty and feelings, only interests. To be more precise, "financiers have no motherland."


After listening to the old nun's summary of the key points, Margaret finally confirmed that she was not dreaming, and couldn't help crying with joy:

"Great, my little Byron is not only alive and well, but he has also found a Bay resident princess who seems to have graduated from the Vienna Academy of Art as his fiancée.

I have already been helping him find unmarried girls of the right age from the royal families of various countries. This princess from the Bay is also one of them. It would be good to be influenced by art.

It would be better if Catherine could be snatched back from the Yorkists in the future. "

Auntie's focus is obviously different from that of all other outsiders.

Others only saw Byron's achievements, and only elders like his aunt who truly cared about him cared about whether he was safe and sound and whether he had found a wife.

Several other aunts who heard the good news also agreed:

"You're right, we must get little Catherine back. The Star and Moon Empire next door can have polygamous wives, why can't our Byron do the same?"

"Now that Byron is promising, at worst he will defect to the Star-Moon Empire. Can the church still control the west coast?"

"I'm not afraid of having seventeen or eight children at once. Our sisters can help him take care of them."

When the yarn just broke, Fujin, possessed by Byron, was already standing quietly on the spinning machine, watching everything.

It turned out that after the spinning machine fell to the ground, the spinning wheel was still spinning, but the spindle changed from horizontal to upright.

After being inspired, when I was ready to go back, I took out the "Spinning Jenny" that was paired with a whale oil-powered steam engine and had set off the first industrial revolution.

At this moment, seeing the true feelings of the elders, Byron felt warm in his heart. He couldn't help but hate the old nun who had a mean face and bullied them all day long:

“If an apology helps, why do we need laws?

It would be excusable if I sincerely repented.

But you have made it clear that you don't think you are at fault, you just feel that you are unlucky and have bullied someone who shouldn't be bullied. If you are an honest person next time, you will definitely have the same face.

In this monastery, my aunt and the others were treated the same as the 'Iron Mask' in the dungeon. They had strong support from outside. Their treatment was 'sit down, please sit down, please sit down'.

Without strong support, the treatment may immediately return to its original form, or even get worse.

How can I spare you so easily? "

Byron couldn't imagine what kind of desolate scene his aunts and aunts would face in the rest of their lives if he accidentally died in a corner, or if he didn't grow up so fast.

What Byron was best at was "keeping the whole family in order" and "splitting the earthworm in half", and the only basic operations are to retaliate.

But he didn't attack the old nun directly. He just opened his mouth and spat out a drop of his own blood, which fell on the top of her head and was instantly absorbed.

This drop of [panacea] that symbolizes "change" will not bring her any benefits, but it will subtly change her perception.

In less than a day, she will worship the owner of blood infinitely, regarding it as a spiritual beacon and the meaning of all existence.

In the mythical age, those night demons and half-night demons who suffered from blood thirst and photophobia often used this ability to create servants and sent them out to prepare blood for themselves.

Therefore, these humans who serve the night demons are also called "blood servants" and "blood slaves". Even if they are not controlled by black magic, they will bring their own dry food and pay to work for their masters.

Unless one day he surpasses his master in strength, there is absolutely no possibility of betrayal.

The effect is also extremely concealed, and even high-sequence clerics would find it difficult to detect abnormalities in her face to face.

"Keep this old thing for now and give it to cousin Edward when the time comes, so that she can enjoy the hell tour package."

After Byron solved the most urgent crisis around his aunt, he planned to wait until she was alone to meet again and let her prepare in advance.

As for what the old nun said about transferring them to a library where they don't have to do physical work, Byron is also happy to see it happen.

It would be a while before they could escape, and it would be nice to be a little more relaxed before escaping from prison.

However, just now the old nun was very eager to recommend that the aunt and her party go to the library.

But after he started to transform into a blood servant, he suddenly hesitated, facing Margaret's doubtful eyes and said:

"Your Majesty, please forget about going to the library.

It's not bad to stay in the textile workshop. The library has not been very peaceful recently. "

Seeing the other party's hesitation, Byron immediately realized that something might have gone wrong in the monastery's library.

When the other party helped his aunt and others to "change positions" at the beginning, he probably didn't just want to ease the relationship, but also had other ulterior motives.

For example: shifting the trouble eastward!

At this time, after the conflict between personal will and "loyalty", he showed inconsistent and abnormal behavior.

Byron was about to carefully check the memory of this blood servant to see what happened in the library.

"Theresa, is this the administrator you chose for the library?

You can all read, right? Come with me quickly, the library has been seriously short of staff these days, and we can't do without someone to serve. "

At this time, a nun who was much younger than the old nun and whose strength had reached the third level came hurriedly, left a word and pulled Margaret and the others away.

Although Margaret and the others also realized that something seemed to be wrong, as prisoners, they had no room for bargaining.

They could only temporarily suppress the joy of hearing Byron's news again, and followed the other party out of the textile workshop and came to the large library located deeper in the monastery.

Byron also flapped his wings and followed in.

This place is much more lively than imagined. In addition to managing book borrowing, there are many nuns serving in the library who are copying church scriptures and various books.

During the dark millennium, there was no printing technology in the world, and there were only handwritten books by monks.

Every monastery has a room dedicated to writing books, called "scripture room".

The monks who are good at writing carefully copy the manuscripts day after day with quill pens and parchment.

Copying a book often It would take a skilled and diligent scribe several months.

At that time, even in aristocratic families, books were one of the most valuable assets, and even the duke was proud to get a book from the monastery.

Just look at the "Declaration of Independence" written in ink and parchment in the Bald Eagle family to know that this kind of text can only be preserved for a very limited time, and it needs to be copied by scribes every once in a while.

Mainly including masses, hymns, scriptures, and various histories.

Some heretical historical materials that have been completely destroyed in the outside world, or even secret knowledge from the mythological era, may be hidden in the library of a certain monastery.

This kind of place is obviously a paradise for those tower sequence extraordinary people who believe in "using knowledge to drive out ignorance."

But the accumulation of a large amount of knowledge also means the accumulation of risks.

The logbook reads: "Some people say that we live on a quiet island called ignorance, surrounded by an endless black ocean.

Maybe we shouldn't set sail from the beginning!"

Cousin Salant also said: "The two core survival taboos of the entire Eastern Continent:

First, everything you say must be known! Second, it is not people chasing knowledge, but knowledge chasing people! "

All these show that ignorance may be a blessing to some extent.

The church obviously knows many more secrets than Byron.

It is precisely because of this belief that the church used bloody rule to start a dark millennium of prohibiting the spread of knowledge and suppressing all literature, art and technology.

The people in charge of copying in the monastery deal with all kinds of knowledge that do not know where they came from hundreds or thousands of years ago every day. It is normal for accidents to happen occasionally.

In normal times, there are zero-level holy relics to suppress them, and the risks are controllable.

But Sister Marina said that "the library has been seriously short of people in the past few days", which means that the library has recently Obviously, something went wrong.

My aunt and several aunts were taken to a semi-open scriptorium, where paper, quill pens, and ink bottles were already placed on the table.

There were also original manuscripts that needed to be copied.

It is particularly worth mentioning that the paper used for writing is no longer expensive parchment, but bagasse paper that has just been exported from Stromgarde to the Old World.

This cheap writing material has obviously become popular rapidly.

Sister Marina asked them to find a seat and immediately urged them to start working:

"This is a task personally ordered by a saint in the Basilica of St. Peter.

The major traditional monasteries need to help copy a supernatural classic that cannot be printed and can only be copied by handwriting by supernatural people.

Don't ask anything you shouldn't ask. You just need to know that the task time is urgent and you must hurry up to copy it and complete the task with quality and quantity.

The more you copy, the richer the reward. ”

Aunt Margaret and several aunts each unfolded the fragmented originals that had been deliberately torn into incoherent pages.

It can only be roughly seen that this is a scripture praising heaven. Perhaps only when it is finally bound and assembled into a complete book can the true appearance of the scripture be seen.

But Byron saw its true face through the [Ship Log] that fell on his aunt's table - the forbidden book "Gospel of Heaven":

"The source of knowledge [the bound creator].

Some believers who are closest to God will accidentally capture the scattered knowledge of the Creator during their daily meditation and prayer.

Over a long period of time, a little bit of scattered knowledge fragments were pieced together to form this taboo book.

The words are full of positive energy. All those who have read this book claim to have received revelation and have a detailed conversation with an angel in heaven.

However, the names of angels they described to others have never been repeated.

The core ritual [Angel Descends] can lead the power of angels to descend into one's body and slowly change one's body.

It can better adapt to the power of the gods and greatly increase the promotion speed of a series of professions in the Temple sequence.

Even after three rituals [Gate of Heaven], one can transform oneself into a kind of celestial creature living in heaven, among which the representative is the mythical creature [Angel]! "

"It's this book? !"

Byron's pupils shrank suddenly. He had seen this scripture before.

On the holy land of the Bloodthirsty Cult, Shampoo Island, there are clergy from St. Peter's Cathedral who practice this taboo knowledge.

Just like most taboo knowledge can point to a certain old god, this taboo knowledge comes from the strongest and only god [Creator].

It is very ironic that the church established the Inquisition itself and launched one witch hunt after another in the dark millennium, hunting down black wizards all day long.

In the end, it was the thief crying "Catch the thief", and the black wizard was me.

After being shocked, Byron couldn't help but fall into confusion:

"What's going on?

Isn't it said that because this knowledge has the side effect of forcing people to praise the angel and convert to his throne, the traditionalists want to learn it after obtaining the [panacea]?

What are they going to do with all these scriptures that have been copied urgently? "

The [God's Vision], which was compressed to a range of 100 meters, immediately scanned the library filled with various materials.

Soon, he found the answer from a papal decree issued from the Apostolic Basilica three days ago.

"From now on, a gag order is issued. No one is allowed to read the works of Martin, the Cardinal Archbishop of the Wittenberg Diocese, especially his "Ninety-five Theses" against indulgences. Those who violate the order will be treated as heretics and sentenced to death."

Byron quickly read the decree.

Only then did he realize what a shocking event had happened in the Old Continent during this period of time, and his heart was shocked.

Two months ago, when he met the Protestant Paladin [Holy Hammer] Oliver in the capital Kingston, the other party was already planning an independent action:

"The Protestant power is weak and needs to rely on secular royal power more than the traditionalists.

Now several saints within the sect are planning to take the lead in helping some princes of the Holy Silver Empire who have been most poisoned by the traditionalists to become independent (Chapter 458). "

And three days ago, a cardinal in the Holy Silver Empire, Martin, took the lead in sounding the charge against the traditionalists.

He nailed his own "Ninety-five Theses", also known as "Debate on the Effectiveness of Indulgences", on the door of the All Saints Church in Wittenberg.

In the past hundred years, Protestant thought has already had a broad foundation among believers, clergy, secular kings, and princes, but they have never torn their faces.

Now it is considered to be completely put on the table.

In fact, it has a lot to do with Byron.

Because the Kingdom of Castile is the most powerful defender of the traditionalists in the secular world.

When they were caught up in the war for the throne and were unable to take care of themselves, it was the time when the traditionalists were the weakest in the secular world.

At the same time, the sudden influx of the market The huge amount of cheap bagasse paper also gave the Protestant leaders hope that knowledge would no longer be monopolized by the church and a few powerful people.

In the extraordinary world, if knowledge is not monopolized, then power will no longer be monopolized.

So, without hesitation, they fired the first shot to fight back against the traditionalists!

The traditionalists led by the Pope must fight back.

The news was blocked at the first time. Not to mention that Byron, who was far away in the Bantaan Islands, didn't know, even other forces near the Holy Silver Empire didn't know.

But they also knew that the news would not be blocked for long, and the literary inquisition could not fundamentally solve the problem of Protestantism.

So, their second step was to distribute the taboo book "Gospel of the Kingdom of Heaven".

Byron thought about the cause and effect and sighed:

"There are also capable people in the church who are well versed in the way of 'controlling comments'. ”

If you want to prevent crops from growing in the field, the best way is to plant weeds.

He once lived in the Internet age with highly developed information. He knew that when dealing with public opinion, the best way was not to refute, but to cover the mouth first, and then use another more explosive news to dilute it.

If the original news is too explosive, then concoct many more explosive and bizarre versions, so that the internal personnel of the enemy and many passers-by will find it absurd and attack you spontaneously.

It makes it impossible for supporters of the truth to form a joint force.

One move of "keying" is invincible.

And the traditionalists are to put those absolute things in "Gospel of the Kingdom of Heaven" Release all the "angels" who are heretics to confuse the public.

Put the "Protestant" ideas, which are not too radical, on a par with heretical ideas.

Then the original true version can be labeled as heresy, and another "witch hunt" can be carried out openly!

When Byron thought of this, the ink on the logbook was blurred, and a new secret appeared.

[Secret: The fuse of the religious war, historical influence 65] Decryption density 15%.

Byron had to marvel at the decisiveness of the traditionalists:

"These people are really ruthless in order to consolidate their power. I don't know how many people will die if this goes on.

And the price of publishing the forbidden book is..."

At this time.

A nun's aria suddenly came from the scriptorium not far away:

"Ah! Praise the angel of death Azrael!"


As a spiritual wind blew, an illusory pale angel emerged from that direction.

It had four colors and four wings, and its body was covered with fur. Under the fur were countless pairs of eyes.

It gave people a strong premonition that each of these eyes seemed to be looking at a person in the world. When the eyes closed, it was the moment when someone was about to die.

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