Pirate Kingship

Chapter 500: Queen of Eternal Night, unexpected incident

November 1472 of the Silver Age.


The north has gradually entered the polar night, the wind is getting more and more fierce, and the biting cold mixed with huge snowflakes are coming from the polar regions that have long been completely frozen, and waves are coming to the south.

The three countries of the Kalmar Alliance on the Eternal Night Peninsula are the first to bear the brunt.

"Water drops into ice" is not enough to describe one percent of this severe cold. You must bring a wooden stick to the toilet here, and it is definitely not a joke.

The cold winter will also teach every fearless person who dares to touch iron tools with bare hands outdoors.

The whistling blizzard submerged the vast coniferous forests and deep river valleys, and also covered villages, towns, castles, and scattered large cities.

Even if you look down from a high altitude, it is difficult to find too many traces of human civilization.

Only the dense legal network that emerged above the three kingdoms covered every large city and every human settlement covered in wind and snow.

[Iron Law of Kingship·Northern Code] may not have the power to rule the natural world and the world of the dead, but it still tries its best to resist all kinds of monsters, weirdness, and evil spirits that come with the northern snow.

Ice elemental elves, extraordinary winter wolves, weird [white ghosts] composed of corpses and souls frozen to death in the forest, [knocking ghosts] knocking on doors everywhere in the long winter night, and of course the elusive [Wild Hunt Legion].

[Northern Code] is the most absolute monarchy among all absolute monarchies in the Old World.

The power of the legal network is also stronger than other places, which allows the people of the Northland Bay to survive tenaciously in such a cold place.

Cedar Palace, Amalienburg, the capital of the Kalmar Alliance.

The charcoal in the fireplace is red, and there are no other royal family favorites on the wall. Instead, there are snow bears, elks, and even the fur and heads of sub-dragon monsters.

The battle axes, spears, scimitars, and muskets of the Bay People were hung everywhere. When people came in, they thought they were not in the palace, but in an arsenal.

An elderly woman in a purple court dress and a jeweled crown stood in front of the French window that was carefully enchanted by the [craftsmen].

Looking at the snowy night outside the window, and another room opposite the small garden with whale oil lights on, and a few coughs coming from it, there was worry hidden in her eyes.

The old woman looked to be over sixty years old. Even if she paid attention to maintenance, the corners of her eyes were already full of wrinkles, and her haggard look made her look even older.

But her face was as cold as winter, and her eyebrows were sharp, which made people feel that it was very difficult to get along with her at first glance.

"Your Majesty, you should rest early. With the treatment of [Dr. Crow], who has the best Chinese medicine in the Three Kingdoms, Prince Eric will be fine.

This winter has just begun, and the burden of the three northern kingdoms is on you. Your health is more important."

Behind her, the bishop in [The King's Right Hand], who is also her prime minister, Droz, leaned over and persuaded.

There is no doubt that this old man is [Queen of Eternal Night] Margaret I, who has ruled the three northern kingdoms of the Kalmar Union for thirty years.

Now she has inevitably entered her twilight years.

But as a devout believer who is an alternative among the Bay people, she has always adhered to the teachings of the "Gospel of Creation".

Even if there are countless opportunities to learn the taboo book, or even the complete [Bloodline Original Codex] to set foot in the divine domain, she has never been moved.

When her daughter Vanessa personally brought her the "Disaster Spell" after obtaining her husband's consent, she still didn't even look at it.

She even got so angry about this that she drove the blasphemous object and her daughter out, and even severed the mother-daughter relationship.

She was very old at this moment, but her back was still straight, her silver hair was combed meticulously, and she had a knight's sword hanging on her waist. Her every move was powerful.

People subconsciously ignored her age.

Margaret I looked back at the prime minister, who was also not young, and her face was a little cold and hard, piercing his words of comfort:

"Drotz, will Eric really be okay?

Nine out of ten people will die from the lung disease "White Plague". With his physical condition, even if he can survive this long winter, what about the next one?

Lies can deceive oneself, but they cannot deceive the almighty Creator. Everyone is equal in the face of death!

He is like this, you are like this, and I am like this.

But some heretics who blasphemed the teachings of the [Creator] are not like this. Humph!"

When he said this, he suddenly thought of someone in his mind, and he snorted coldly, which also made the old prime minister tremble suddenly.

He clearly realized that although his queen had entered her twilight years, as long as she was not dead, she would always be the [Queen of Eternal Night] who could make all the forces in the three countries dare not breathe.

Even if a "criminal thinking" "Anti-Creator Consciousness Act" was promulgated, he had to pinch his nose and strictly abide by it on the surface.

As a confidant who had followed Margaret I forty years ago, the old prime minister witnessed her rise from the beginning, just like the heroine in a knight's novel.

When he was filled with emotion, bits and pieces of the past also came to mind.

The Kalmar Union is composed of three Gulf countries: Aalborg, Gothenburg, and Oslo.

[Queen of the Eternal Night] Margaret is the daughter of King Valdemar IV of the Kingdom of Aalborg. She married Haakon VI Magnus, the former King of the Kingdom of Gothenburg, and gave birth to a son and a daughter.

The eldest son is Olaf III and the youngest daughter is Princess Vanessa.

After the death of her father Valdemar IV, Margaret I's underage son Olaf III became the King of Aalborg. As the regent, she became the real ruler of Aalborg.

After the death of her husband Haakon VI, she helped Olaf III inherit the throne of Gothenburg.

A few years later, her son Olaf III also died unexpectedly, and she was elected as the "full ruler" of Aalborg and Gothenburg.

It took Margaret I another six years to defeat her arch-enemy Albrecht, conquer the Kingdom of Oslo, and was hailed as the King of Oslo, thus becoming the queen of the three countries of the Kalmar Union.

She was undoubtedly the founder of the kingship of the three countries, a very wise politician and military strategist, much stronger than her father, husband, and son.

Relying on the highly centralized [Northern Code], she had supreme authority in the three countries.

Even in her old age, she refused to admit her age, and her ambitions were no less than any young people.

She also wanted to follow the example of her ancestor [Blue Dragon King] Reinhard, and continue to take over the other two of the Bay People's Countries: Anchor Bay and Hastings, to complete the complete territory of the North Sea Empire and turn the North Sea into the empire's inland sea.

Her famous saying was also widely circulated among the upper classes of various countries:

"I must study politics and war, and cannot leave these things to future generations.

Only in this way can the next generation of this country have the freedom to study mathematics, philosophy, geography, natural history, shipbuilding, navigation, commerce, agriculture, astrology, and prophecy.

Their children will have the right to study painting, poetry, music, architecture, sculpture, weaving, art design and ceramics!"

She did it.

Her daughter became a [prophet] of the Tower Sequence, and her granddaughter studied at the Vinaya Academy of Arts and became a [craftsman] of the Tower Sequence, which theoretically had nothing to do with war.

Margaret I may not be the founding monarch, but the great achievements she created are not inferior to those "founding monarchs" in the slightest.

Unfortunately, the family has withered and is almost extinct.

Of course, the old Prime Minister Droz knew who the person who blasphemed the teachings of the Creator and was "not equal in the face of death" in the Queen's mouth was.

However, considering the health of the Crown Prince and the recent celebrity who had become famous in the Gulf People's Countries and even the entire Old Continent, he had to bite the bullet and test for the future of the Kalmar Union:

"Your Majesty, although Princess Vanessa, who was promoted to the [Witch of Disaster], went astray, she is still your biological daughter and one of your few remaining blood relatives in the world.

It is indeed wrong for her to violate the church's ban and learn taboo knowledge.

But when we were under pressure from the Inquisition, we allowed a group of Inquisition Knights, Correction Priests, and Demon Hunters to jointly capture Her Royal Highness, which was not glorious.

And the self-proclaimed upright church announced that Her Royal Highness had passed away, but in fact used her safety to threaten the Pirate King [Whale Hunter] to do things for them.

The servants of God are not as righteous as they claim to be."

It has been more than ten years since the incident, and the old Prime Minister has been unable to speak out.

Now that he had said it, he continued to say what he wanted to say under Margaret I's increasingly fierce gaze:

"You may be a model among devout believers, strict with yourself, and abide by dogma and family motto, but are all the high-ranking members of the traditional church the same as you?

If the real [Creator] comes, I'm afraid some of the traditionalists will immediately raise an army to fight against the "heretics", right?

You are also well aware of Prince Eric's situation, and we really don't have much time left.

The first option is that the Kalmar Union will start from She no longer wanted to be a devout believer, and sought help from overseas black magic to cure the prince's "white plague" so that he could inherit the throne in the future.

The second option is that if you let the crown prince die, you need to determine a new heir as soon as possible.

According to the inheritance law of the [Northern Code], after Princess Vanessa's "death", her and His Majesty the [Whale Hunter]'s daughter Princess Violet Harold will become the first heir.

News came from the colony two days ago that Princess Violet has officially been engaged to the new pirate king [Uncrowned King] Byron Lancaster.

Let’s not talk about their huge reputation among the Bay People. The combination of the two direct bloodlines of the pirate emperors will allow them to claim all the Bay People countries.

Supporters will be countless.

What we don’t give, they can also take it themselves. So.”

However, the old prime minister’s heartfelt words were rejected by Margaret I. Before she finished her conclusion, she waved her hand:

“Absolutely impossible!

When Violet came to me for help at the beginning of the year, she had not yet revealed her taboo knowledge. I thought this granddaughter could still be saved.

Who knew that only a few days later, In just one year, she became a new fourth-level mythical creature [Witch of Disaster], catching up with her mother's rank.

This is a heretic with a higher talent!

Moreover, Byron Lancaster's title is the [Wild Hunt] once held by the God King of the Bay People. It is very likely that he is the son of prophecy, which is even more of a heresy among heretics.

The "Anti-Creator Consciousness Act" I promulgated is for them. They have already seriously violated the Act and are all sinful.

Once the two of them rule the Kalma Alliance, the Evernight Peninsula will immediately regress to a thousand years ago.

The Bay residents, who were born as pirates, do not have sufficient cultural heritage. Only by worshiping the Creator devoutly and striving to fully integrate into the continental system and the sea of ​​collective subconscious can they withstand the next great flood.

Beyond that, there is only death. "

Apparently Margaret I had already learned the truth about the Great Flood from the church.

However, the development route planned by this "Queen of Evernight" for the country and people is completely different from Byron's independent ideas.

It is believed that only by completely abandoning Woden, the loser [God of the Wild Hunt], and surrendering, worshiping, and converting to the Creator, the victor of the previous war of gods, can the Bay people survive the next great flood.

In fact, this idea of ​​surrender was not original to Margaret I.

After the collapse of the North Sea Empire, the Aalborg Kingdom was the first Gulf citizen royal family among the descendants of [Blue Dragon King] Reinhardt to convert to the church.

At that time, the basic national policy of embracing the church was established.

Even to show loyalty, even the family motto was changed to: "Love what God loves, hate what God hates!"

It seems that it has shaped itself into a sharp sword of the Creator, and can compete with the staunch traditionalist country, the Kingdom of Castile.

From then on, after the death of royal family members, their souls did not return to the "Hall of Valhalla", but went to the "heaven" of the church.

Margaret I, who broke through the fifth level [King Title] on her own, had the same motto in her life.

Denying her choice and changing her course would not only deny the many years of dedication and sacrifice of the Aalborg royal family, but also completely negate her extraordinary path and everything about her!

This is something she absolutely cannot tolerate.

"Believe in the church and receive eternal life" has been deeply rooted in her bones.

However, the practical problems faced by the Kalmar Union now must be considered.

[Queen of Eternal Night] has a frighteningly cold face:

"You're right about one thing.

If the kings who rule the three countries of the Kalmar Alliance do not have the bloodline of the Blue Dragon King, they will most likely not be able to secure their throne and be unable to shepherd his lambs for the Creator.

Although Violet has also followed her mother's path of heresy, I believe that her descendants still have a chance to be redeemed by the [Creator].

Therefore, I can compromise on the choice of heir and let her husband and children come after Eric.

But the premise is that she must not marry [Wild Hunt] Byron Lancaster. "

The old prime minister suddenly looked embarrassed, feeling that his master was playing with fire:

“You mean to find another husband for Princess Violet?

But I heard that the two of them fought together from Iron Anchor Bay to Black Sail Port, and their relationship was very good.

Breaking up a happily married couple and arranging a political marriage would be too cruel for Princess Violet, right?

And, do you have the right candidate? "

After Margaret I made up her mind, her expression softened a little:

"Cruel? That's better than dying.

When the last red rose Lancaster shouted in the rune language of the Bay people: 'Rose! rose! ’ when he tragically drowned in a great flood.

Violet and her descendants were able to survive in the collective subconscious of all believers across the continent because they abandoned darkness and turned to light.

She will definitely be grateful to me then.

As for the marriage partner”

Momo turned his head and looked back at Crown Prince Eric's room opposite.

As the door opened, a burly, hairy man who was almost shirtless in the cold winter came out leading a group of mid-level doctors from the hospital.

Everyone looked solemn, and it was obvious that no miracle had happened.

The old prime minister also realized that his master seemed to have been prepared in his heart, and the candidate was most likely the man in front of him.

"[Werebear] Ulysses?"

The burly man at the head is the grandson of Margaret I's cousin, Lady Ingeborg. He is twenty-five years old this year.

He is now a [Knight] in [The King's Right Hand] and also a fourth-level [Bayman Berserker].

He is the well-deserved leader among the next generation of aristocratic children in the Kalmar Alliance.

Moreover, he followed Margaret's lead in everything, and his attitude towards Protestants and Bayan die-hards was even more radical and cruel.

Such a person can definitely continue the basic national policies formulated by the Queen.

Calculating her age, she is only three years older than the 22-year-old Princess Violet, and much older than the Queen herself, who was married to her husband, Haakon VI Magnus, who was fifteen years older.

As the object of a political marriage, it doesn't seem so difficult to accept.

As the door opened and closed, she heard her grandson's sudden and violent cough. Margaret I's expression remained unchanged:

“My original plan was to have Eric and Violet, the cousins, get married and reunite the two royal bloodlines.

But now it seems that Eric may be called by the Lord soon.

But death is just the beginning of another great journey.

Under my guidance, Eric was also a devout believer, and he already had a seat in the Kingdom of Heaven.

The Lord teaches us that only pure people are qualified to ascend to heaven, so I will never allow his soul to be tainted by forbidden knowledge. Today’s result is actually not a bad thing. "

In words, he announced his granddaughter's marriage and also pronounced his grandson's death sentence.

In her eyes, no one, whether they are sons, daughters, grandchildren, or grandsons, can be an exception.

In order for the three countries of the Kalmar Union to survive the flood, and to maintain the family motto: "Love what God loves, hate what God hates", the personal will of the family members is not important.

The two people did not notice that a raven that had been on a treetop for several days in the snowstorm heard their conversation clearly.

The raven Fukin, who had come from the Malta Monastery in the Sea to the Evernight Peninsula, rolled his eyes and took the initiative to send the message to Byron's body.

"My guess was right. My mother-in-law is not dead. This [Queen of Eternal Night] was one of the participants in the plan.

You said that those of us who practice forbidden knowledge are inhuman. I think you pure political creatures are even more inhuman!

You seem to have a noble goal, but you treat everyone as a pawn that can be exchanged.

But the reason why a conspiracy is a conspiracy is that it must not be exposed to the sun. My mother-in-law was deceived by you once, so how could we be deceived by you a second time?

As long as the real body does not go to your territory, what can you do to us even if you have three crowns? If you dare to come to the sea, I will teach you to be a new person immediately."

Then, referring to the information obtained from Valhalla, he put his mother-in-law Vanessa, who was said to have died more than ten years ago, into the puzzle.

Byron got the answer very easily.

It can make a strong man like [Whale Hunter] who stands at the top of the mortal world leave his daughter and country and go away for ten years.

In addition to the ideal of the revival of the Bay People, there is only the life of his wife.

Mother-in-law Vanessa must have been locked up in a very tight place by the church. Even my father-in-law couldn't find her whereabouts, so he had to compromise with the church and help them find [Noah's Ark].

Finally, all the clues were connected in one breath, and Byron breathed a sigh of relief.

But a new problem was put in front of him.

The church could threaten my father-in-law with my mother-in-law's life, and it could threaten them to surrender. It was obviously not enough to just rescue my aunt and the others.

But there are too many churches and monasteries on the mainland to count. Where can I find Vanessa?

One channel is to ask the saints of the church directly, and the other is to ask the Queen of Eternal Night.

Byron's consciousness descended into Fokine's body and tilted his head towards the room where the violent coughing sound was still coming from.

Facing the "family head" with an explosive control desire like the [Queen of Eternal Night], Byron did not have much hostility towards Prince Eric who was about to die of illness, but rather had some sympathy for him.

"Things are getting a little tricky now.

This old woman's family affection is so cold that it's like a stone in a toilet, smelly and hard.

I originally wanted to use the condition of saving Eric to get her to tell me where her mother-in-law was imprisoned.

Even if I save him, there will be one more contender for the throne. At worst, I can just grab the throne directly.

No one knows how to grab a country better than me, the Pirate King.

Violet has the right to claim. How can a sickly person compare with the lofty reputation of the Pirate King [Wild Hunt] and the Bay Princess [War Witch]?

At that time, there may be no need to fight a hot war. The Bay people may line up to welcome King Byron and Queen Violet back to their loyal Kalmar Alliance."

But [Queen of Eternal Night] would rather let her only grandson die than to exclude the forbidden knowledge.

So his initial plan failed.

At the same time, Byron also realized that even if he used force, he might not be able to pry open the mouth of [Queen of Eternal Night].

Not only because she now wears the three crowns of the three kingdoms, it is difficult to defeat her head-on.

Moreover, this kind of stubborn martyr is the most difficult to deal with. Even if she is killed, she will probably feel that her death is worthy and there is no flaw at all.

Byron feels that things have come to a dead end.

Unless the [Queen of Eternal Night] can change her mind, it is probably impossible to get information from her.

Another route is to go through the upper echelons of the church and use the relationship between [Holy Hammer] Oliver and [Sister of Mercy] Theresa to find clues, but since it is related to Noah's Ark, it must be top secret, and it is unknown when there will be clues.

Byron is now extremely eager to infiltrate the "Church of the Creator Group Co., Ltd." and participate in church affairs as a "Holy Spirit".

At that time, the database of [Silver Law] can be directly called.

Even breaking the obsession and belief of the [Queen of Eternal Night] is just a matter of words.

The Holy Spirit can make her life worse than death by saying: "You are not loyal."

Just when the investigation was in trouble, Byron had already returned to the main body of the colony, but suddenly received an urgent warning from the "Lighthouse Federation":

"Attention, members of parliament!

Recently, a large number of Lighthouse Sequence Extraordinary people have disappeared without reason on the southern continent. Please be vigilant and report to the Federation immediately if you find any clues."

At the same time.

In a tropical rainforest between Remit's "Golden Restoration Party" and the "Barbary Pirate Kingdom" on the southern continent, a group of people are fleeing for their lives.

The green-haired pirate captain running in the front is named Schindler. He is one of the first captains who grew up under the "721 Captain Fission Mode" of the Pioneer Pilot Colonial Trade Company.

Now he has joined the West Wind Express, responsible for escorting and distributing various goods dumped by the company to the southern continent, and is very familiar with the major colonies.

Now he is obviously in trouble.

He used the pirate ability [Mountain Goat Footsteps] to jump five or six meters on the branches. While observing the enemy, he did not forget to greet the large group of Barbary immigrants from the west coast behind him.

"Although we only met by chance in this border area, I, Schindler, have always been disgusted with the atrocities of those Remit people who treat all foreigners as slaves and livestock.

They even robbed the neighboring country that kindly took them in. The Creator would be furious if he knew.

Everyone, run quickly, hold on for a while, as long as you reach the river, there will be an inland transport ship of the Pioneer Navigation Trading Company to pick you up.

Once we get on the ship, those damn Remit slave-hunting teams will not be able to catch up with us!"

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