Pirate Kingship

Chapter 522 I declare: I am the sole ruler of the Kingdom of Hattings (7000)

Edward IV originally wanted to cut the [Kingmaker] Warwick, whom he hated deeply, into a skeleton bit by bit in order to relieve the hatred in his heart. However, under the sudden change, the power in his hand suddenly lost control.

After hitting the blade of [Louisette's Guillotine] hard, the cross sword immediately bounced back, instantly cutting off Warwick's head.


His head fell to the ground.

It also made the side effects of this cursed object come true once again on its owner, making the curse it carried even more powerful.

But no one noticed that at the moment Warwick was defeated, a bloody inverted pentagram flashed on the forehead of [Devil Duke] Richard.

The aura on his body also increased sharply.

The succubus Teris once said: "If a creature like the devil wants to be promoted, it is normal for the lower level to defeat the upper level.

Absorbing the 'fifth element' from the same kind can be digested and absorbed almost perfectly, and used as a resource for one's own advancement. "

[Devil Duke] Richard, who is reaping the fruits of a bumper harvest at this time, has obviously taken a step further.

Not only Warwick’s fifth element was digested, but also his title ability of [Kingmaker], and even all intangible assets!

Because the title ability of [Devil Duke] [Financial Giant Crocodile] greatly enhances the devil's effectiveness in defeating superiors:

"Crocodile Law: Suppose a crocodile bites your foot. If you try to free your foot with your hands, the crocodile will bite your foot and hand at the same time.

The more you struggle, the more you are bitten, and eventually you are completely swallowed and digested.

The same goes for being bitten by the bloodthirsty banker [Devil Duke]. Once bitten, he will never let go again.

And it will perfectly digest the bitten part, and finally achieve the effect of the dragon slayer finally becoming a dragon.

His diet is very wide, and his prey is not limited to devils, but can perfectly devour any creature.

Therefore, if you are unable to kill the giant crocodile, once it bites your foot, the only way is to immediately cut off one foot and feed it to him! "

In Richard's initial expectation, when Warwick was successfully dealt with and his brother Edward IV was exhausted and almost unable to lift his sword, it would be his turn to pick the peaches.

After all, the York royal family was able to secure the throne because of his great efforts, and it was only natural that he should take away half of the "family property."

But now something unexpected happened.

I thought that [Wild Hunt] had nothing to worry about after losing the ally of [Kingmaker], but I didn't expect that the other party used some means to trick Edward, causing an accident in the inheritance of royal power in Hattings.

He immediately smelled a strong smell of "the same kind", and his heart skipped a beat:

"This is an enemy as sinister as me!"

But when he thought of his trump card that could guarantee a 100% victory, his expression softened again:

"That's fine, let's let Saint Byron, Norwich, Thomas and others who are loyal to Edward deal with him.

After this last Lancaster, Edward and those loyal ministers are both defeated, I will take action and take over everything they have.

Except for the Standard Whale Oil Company, which I've long wanted to get my hands on.

The fiancée of [Wild Hunt], the bay people princess [Disaster Witch] Violet, and [Sea Hunter]'s fiancée [Mithril Dragon] Catherine are both fourth-level mythical creatures.

But they are much better than Anne Neville who used to treat me without any pretense.

Only they are worthy of me, the [Devil Duke] who is also a mythical creature. "

At this time, Edward IV could no longer care about his brother's greedy idea of ​​eating everything.

He couldn't see what was disintegrating in his body, he just felt filled with fear, as if he was losing something vital.

But in the eyes of Byron, the real owner of the "new clothes", the gorgeous dress on the other party was clearly visible.

As the lie of the "Three Magic Suns" was exposed, it was quickly dissipating one by one.

[Holy Relic: The Emperor's New Clothes] has three effects:

1. [Referring to a deer as a horse] has been used on the Blue Dragon King;

2. What has been kept in Byron’s hands [You are really hurting me]:

"When non-kings use this ability, they can achieve the effect of wearing a yellow robe and usurp the iron law of royal power of a certain kingdom.

Let it be unclear which one is the real king.

Inherit part of the other party's power according to their own compatibility and conditions. The better the basic conditions, the greater the power they can share. At the highest, they can stand side by side with the original king and become a one-word king, sharing the power equally.

Time limit is one day. "

3. It was used on Edward IV, and he gave half of it to the Kingmaker [he was streaking]:

"Giving this ability to a true king is equivalent to using a lie to elevate him to the altar of wisdom, which will have the effect of being arbitrary and arbitrary.

When someone says to him, "But he's not wearing any clothes," it will be like a bolt of lightning piercing the night sky.

When the lie is exposed, everything built on this lie will collapse. "

Each ability can be used once. When all three abilities are used up, [The Emperor's New Clothes] disappears completely.

Ever since Edward IV put on this dress last August, the occult had been lost to him and no progress would be made.

All his achievements and aspirations during this period of time are like reflections in the water, and they will only be empty joy.

The source of power of [King Hao] is people’s will power.

If you want to completely disintegrate a country's royal power, violent siege is definitely the worst of the worst.

Special funds should be allocated to induce internal strife, disintegrate the people's hearts, alienate the nobles, cultivate the opinion leaders of the opposition, and promote color. Well, even direct poisoning is better than violent siege.

So after exposing the lie of the York family that the "Three Magic Days" symbolize the destiny and divine right of the king, the people's hearts that gathered around him also collapsed along with the emperor's new clothes.

The golden crown that was breaking together did not dissipate, or return to the heir of the kingmaker [Duke of the Devil].

Because Byron has begun to chant the epic of the holy relic again:

"You are the emperor's new clothes, you are the lie of the liar who calls a deer a horse, and you are the fig leaf of the ministers' ignorance."

Decisively activated the second ability [You really hurt me], and grabbed Edward IV.

A large piece of new clothes and the broken crown were torn off from him and put on himself.

At the same time, he put on the [Crown of Power] he got from his uncle and launched the strong claim held by the Lancaster family.

The majestic voice spread throughout the battlefield and fell into everyone's ears:

"As the only heir to the throne of the Lancaster Dynasty of the Kingdom of Hastings, I hereby declare:

I own the Channel Islands, colonies, and all affiliated territories, forests, rivers, minerals, and wealth under the entire Kingdom of Hastings. I am the only legitimate ruler of all the people of Hastings.

I am also the only king recognized by the [Iron Law of Kingship·Magna Carta]!

Edward, the Duke of York, the White Rose, and all his subordinates are rebels. Here, I, Byron Lancaster, declare war on them!"

As Byron launched the strong claim, the [Silver Law] covering the entire continent and affiliated seas roared in, dyeing the Strait of Dover with a layer of light silver.

Then the [Iron Law of Kingship·Magna Carta], which was smaller in scope and only covered the territory of Hastings, also manifested simultaneously.

Layers of legal networks interweave, and each law shines like a star.

The part about the succession law is particularly bright.

The relevant laws each cast a legal anchor chain on Byron, directly acknowledging his "strong claim right" and the power to declare war on the White Rose.

In the end, a red and white rose family emblem lit up above his head and Edward IV's head.

"Kill, kill, kill!"

"Restore the country! Restore the country!"

The pirates he brought were all excited and their faces flushed, and they all raised their arms and shouted.

You know, "claim right" is actually the right to inherit territory, title, and property, and everything must comply with the rules of the [Silver Law] and the collective subconscious sea.

The mechanism of the Old World's claim war is clear at a glance:

"1. Strong claims can initiate a war of succession at any time. 2. Weak claims can only be initiated when the other party is in regency or a war of succession or the queen is in power."

The York family, which had only weak claims at the beginning, took advantage of the special situation that [Mad King] Henry VI was unable to govern and appointed Prince Thorenberg as regent and Queen Margaret to govern the country together to launch the Red and White Rose War.

After violently seizing the throne, it was recognized by law.

But even if the York family sits on the throne, as long as they cannot kill all other noble forces in the country, their "weak claim right" in legal theory will always be suppressed by Lancaster's "strong claim right".

At this moment.

According to the ability rules of the last layer [Emperor's New Clothes], Byron is obviously 100% in line with [Iron Law of Kingship·Magna Carta].

He is also the ruler of the entire Hastings colony, and has made a series of great contributions to the kingdom:

"protecting religious rights, instigating the war between Castile and Barbary pirates, the first colonial war, the Rift Trench, saving Ganquan Palace from the Death Stranding, and seizing the Treasure Fleet"

He also has the popularity and legitimacy brought by the [Crown of Power], and his natural shareholding ratio is already very large.

He blatantly tore the royal power of Edward IV in half, reaching the limit of the ability of this holy relic, that is, the level of "one-word king".


A circle of golden light-quality broken crown also rose above Byron's head, shining brightly in the sky, reflecting the broken crown on Edward IV's head.

And it is far more powerful and aggressive than the latter, as if it is ready to attract the rest of the crown at any time.

There is no need to activate the domain amplification on the Golden Deer, and the spiritual light on his body began to rise step by step, rapidly crossing the threshold of the fifth level.

The breathing between the mouth and nose was slightly adjusted to match the frequency of the entire country. This powerful force that had been passed down in the hands of Byron's ancestors for a thousand years and was lost for just two years was easily controlled by Byron's "Ming Shen Descends the Holy Spirit".

Every move of his hands and feet was echoed by the mighty force of a tsunami.

In fact, the strength of the power of the inheritance of the [Royal Title] is closely related to the national strength and the degree of support from the people.

If it were a small principality or electorate with weak national strength, their inheritance of the complete [Royal Title] would at best be the same as Byron's current level.

"This time, the [Royal Title] can last for a full day. I have never fought such a rich battle before.

Edward, give me the remaining half of the crown."

Byron held his hand in the air and pulled out the [Dragon Slayer Sword] that symbolized the legitimacy of the North Sea Empire from the air, resonating with the crown on his head.


There seemed to be a dragon's roar that shook the sky, but he fired three swords in a row, knocking away his father, cousin and father-in-law who were "besieging" him, and his own incarnation, and smashed them into the back of Edward IV.

And everyone is very "miserable", especially [Sea Hunter], who has a hatred for his wife, his arms are bent, and he doesn't know how many bones are broken.

He has almost completely lost his combat effectiveness. No matter who looks at him, he will never be wary again.

The three people who were still able to fight back and forth were defeated at this moment, which also made most of the royal nobles run away in fear, with faces as frightened as the end of the world.

Some even panicked and jumped into the sea.

Since even this group of the strongest fourth-level heroes and mythical creatures below the fifth level have been defeated, who can stop the last Lancaster?

A few of the more lively ones began to roll their eyes, thinking about how they could sell the York family and become the first to surrender, which might not only result in no fault but merit.

Aboard the Centaur, which was in chaos.

Byron kept walking and strode forward, heading straight towards Edward IV, whose face was becoming more and more distorted, whether in pain or anger.

When there were still seven steps left, he waved his hand, and a blazing white light shot in front of him one step ahead like a javelin.

It is Byron's exclusive extraordinary ability [Lightning Throwing] developed from electricity.


Just when Edward IV instinctively moved into a defensive sword stance [Hoe Style] and blocked it with [Sword of Devotion], his hands were slightly numb due to a brief electric shock.

Byron slammed his feet on the deck and ejected.

Circles of air explosion rings exploded under his feet, and the wings of the storm left an afterimage behind his back. The whole person was like a crossbow arrow sticking to the ground.

Holding the sword with both hands is a powerful jumping slash!


Edward IV only had time to put the sword across his head, and the sword frame was knocked apart by the huge force. The spine of the sword hit his chest, blood spurted from his mouth, and he took several steps back with a thud.

The battle situation seems to have returned to the beginning when [Kingmaker] faced off against him, except that the roles of the two parties have changed their positions.

But Byron was not Warwick, the Kingmaker, and Edward IV was not who he was at the beginning.

After a fierce battle, he began to gasp for air.

Facing Byron, who had equally divided his power, there was little decent resistance.

After the royal power was divided equally, the law probably increased to them in exactly the same way.

But one is a patient with severe kidney deficiency who is about to be sucked and fucked by a mere ordinary woman; the other is the [Night Demon Prince] who has a full schedule seven days a week, but still easily handles the two monster queens.

There is absolutely no comparison between the two.


Byron blew the [Storm Horn] to summon the Eight Battery Brothers, and tore into pieces all the Guardsmen who rushed forward to escort them without fear of death.

He raised his sword and continued to attack furiously, not giving Edward IV any chance to breathe and regroup, and continued to attack his heart:

“If virtue is not matched, there will be disaster.

Edward, your martial virtue is obviously not strong enough.

Abandon your weapons and surrender quickly, and you will be left with a complete corpse.

Oh, by the way, I can also burn your queen to you so that your family can be in order. "

Obviously, death at the hands of Byron would be much better than death at the hands of Warwick.

At least there is no need to worry that the beloved [the most beautiful woman in the Channel Islands] will be ravaged again, like the [incompetent man] next door who has countless cuckolds.

Edward IV vomited blood from his mouth and spoke of suffering.

He is not a true fifth-level legend and has not mastered thaumaturgy. He does not have a complete [King's Title] and cannot use the unique [King's Military Strength]. After being defeated by Byron, he no longer has the power to turn defeat into victory.

And he seemed to have dreamed of similar scenes when he dreamed back countless times at midnight.

He lost his crown and died miserably. His eldest daughter, Elizabeth York, married her distant "cousin" in front of her, reuniting the Plantagenet bloodline.

But that is under the premise that the opponent's force is insufficient and the forces of all parties need to be balanced.

Now that the other party has extraordinary strength that can wipe out all the opposition, this kind of compromise situation may not happen again.

"Exterminate the clan!"

A word that made Edward IV tremble deeply emerged in his heart.

Just as they had done to the Lancastrians, young and old, women, girls, boys, no one with Lancastrian blood would be spared.

Lancaster will definitely return it intact, and no one will accuse Lancaster of doing something wrong.

When he was the perpetrator, he felt only pleasure, but when it was his turn to be the victim, all he felt was deep fear.

And just when his face became more distorted and his sword moves became more chaotic.


Cardinal Robbins, Archbishop of Canterbury, who served as the chaplain of the army, suddenly shouted loudly and raised his hand to summon two winged angels to pounce on Byron.

When Edward IV had the upper hand, he did not take much action, but when he was at a disadvantage, he could no longer sit idly by.

Although the York family is only a humble thug, in the current context of religious wars, every royal family that supports Orthodoxy is precious.

Robbins could not let Edward be killed, nor could he sit by and watch the York family's royal power be ended.

Pushing away the guard beside him, he yelled at Byron:

"[Wild Hunt] Byron Lancaster, don't be stubborn!

It was the Creator's will that the York family get the throne, and it was also the Creator's will that Lancaster lose the throne.

Even if you can seize the crown by force, the saints in St. Peter's Cathedral and His Majesty the Pope will not recognize your status.

If you retreat obediently, you can still save a life, otherwise you and your subordinates will never be able to stop the church's thunderous wrath! "

Upon hearing this, hope suddenly rekindled in the eyes of Edward IV and other royalists.

"Yes, although the [Silver Law] and the [Iron Law of Kingship] both recognize the legitimacy of Byron's taking back the throne, the church disagrees.

Since the dark millennium, no king has been able to secure the throne as long as the world's largest supernatural power does not allow it. "

The law acquiesces, the church rejects!

How domineering?

And the church does have this kind of confidence. The last daring resister ended up with his wife and children, wearing confession clothes, braving the cold and kneeling barefoot on the snow outside the castle, crying and begging for forgiveness.

Three days and three nights later, when he was almost dying, he received the Pope's pardon.

That tragic lesson made all the secular kings have to bow their arrogant heads to the religious authority.

The royal power has also been suppressed by the religious power for hundreds of years.

But.that was before the church split!

Without any fear, Byron cut the two angels who were attacking him into four pieces with a sword. Looking at the Archbishop of Canterbury who had not yet understood the situation, he sneered:

"Idiot! Do you still think that this is still a dark millennium where your church can do whatever it wants and persecute any king at will?

Why do you think I waited until the religious wars started before taking action?

Heretics who use the name of God to satisfy their own selfish desires, you will be the first to die on the Day of Judgment!

Lancaster has a blood debt that needs to be settled with you Orthodox Church. None of you can escape.

Besides, I won’t be recognized by the church?

Haha, then can’t I just build a church myself?

My Archbishop, come out! "

As soon as the words fell, a pure white light came out of the cabin of the Dreadnaught, and a figure wearing clerical robes slowly rose from the hatch.

I could only vaguely tell that this was a strange woman, but I couldn't tell her specific identity.

In fact, it is the first Archbishop of the Royal State Church [Sister of Mercy] Teresa who has become a half-night demon and used transfiguration to change her appearance!

[Bishop's Ring] was not very easy to use in the colonies, but it immediately exerted its full power in the mainland, which was completely enveloped by the Silver Law.

After arriving here, her aura soared rapidly, and in the blink of an eye she was not inferior to the Archbishop of Canterbury.

"That's the [Bishop's Ring]? Where did you get it from?!"

Although Archbishop of Canterbury Robbins did not recognize the identity of the cleric, he recognized the ring on her finger.

I was stunned for a moment, and immediately realized that there was only one missing ring recently, and my expression suddenly changed:

"It was you! Byron Lancaster, it was you who attacked the Maltese monastery! You rescued your relatives and killed the warden, Archbishop Barbotilla?

Wasn't that landslide an accident?

You are so brave, you dare to kill a cardinal. You are dead. No one in the material world can save you! "

At the beginning, when they wanted to use Byron's relatives to threaten him into submission, the archbishop was also complicit, and of course he knew many inside stories.

Now it seems that one's side's plan has long been under the eyes of the other side, and has been easily resolved by the other side.

It's ridiculous that people like me have been kept in the dark, thinking that it was just an accident.

This last Lancaster was more cunning, more cunning, and more patient than anyone imagined.

Not only does he want to seize the secular throne, but he also wants to lead the entire Kingdom of Hattings to backstab the Orthodox Church and become another parish of the Protestant forces.

This child cannot be kept.


Blasphemy! Lancaster, you are blaspheming against the Creator. Even if you fall into Hades, you will not be able to wash away your sins! "

But no matter how much Robbins roared, it was completely useless.

Theresa had already stood in front of him, and the [Bishop's Ring] on her finger bloomed with a sun disk, blocking his roar back into her mouth.

"Something bad happened!"

The support of the church was Edward IV's trump card and the source of his courage.

When his biggest trump card was taken away, all his courage was also lost, and his heart skipped a beat.

While breathing heavily like a bellows with his chest rising and falling, he roared angrily at [Sea Hunter], Marquis of Neville, Marquis of Norwich, and [Devil Duke] behind him who had turned into disabled people attending a meeting:

"You losers, come on here and stop this traitor! Come on, uh"

As the sound of the sword being unsheathed was heard, he unexpectedly found that the left side of his waist, which had been numb and tingling, suddenly felt cold, as if someone had made a hole.

Slowly lowering his head, he realized that it was not as if he had been stabbed through his lower back by a sharp sword.

Then a voice trying to suppress excitement came to my ears:

"Brother, give me your crown.

Since you indulge in beauty, eating, drinking and having fun all day long, and let me handle government affairs on your behalf, why not give up the throne to me and let me rule this country on your behalf. "

Edward IV turned his head little by little and saw the traitor who stabbed him in the back.

It was actually his most trusted third brother, Richard.

But it was this closest relative who stabbed him the most fatally at the critical moment.


In fact, handing over the throne at this time and giving the fifth-level power bonus to the powerful [Devil Duke] Richard may indeed win a glimmer of hope, and it is also the best choice for the York family.

But how could Edward IV be willing?

And just as he turned his head to look over, his pupils shrank.

He found that a figure who was originally severely injured and "broken bones and tendons" among a group of disabled people was holding a signature [Guaranteed Gun Gungnir] and quietly came behind Richard.

Resonating with the [Golden Deer] behind him, it also burst out with the fifth-level power in an instant.

Then the gun came out like a dragon!


Richard, who was stabbing Edward IV with a sword, couldn't help but slowly lower his head and found that a long spear stabbed into his waist and stabbed out from his front abdomen.

Turning his head to look behind him, he couldn't see who it was.

I only felt the light was dazzling, that was the moral high ground under the [halo of a great good man], the murderer was standing in the blazing sun.

And even if it was the same backstab as his, I felt that this stab was so justified and righteous, it was a plan. A righteous backstab!

"Hahaha, Lord Tudor, cough cough. You did it. Uh."

Edward IV just praised weakly.

But I found that the spear that pierced Richard continued to surge, and then pierced his right kidney like lightning, and came out of his abdomen symmetrically with Richard's sword on the left and right.

I couldn't help but widen my eyes:

"Idiot, you stabbed the wrong one!"

Puff! Puff!

Who would have thought that the other two "great loyal ministers" Marquis Neville and Marquis Norwich also stabbed their weapons into his body one after another.

Several "great loyal ministers of York" looked up and grinned at him:

"Don't worry, it's right."

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