Pirate Kingship

Chapter 534: Disasters come from the sky. We are not afraid of no good things, but we are afraid of

"How can you drive a sea monster polluted by a higher being? How did you do it?!"

[Kingdom Guardian] John Hawkins also saw this incredible scene in front of him, and he could no longer care about exposing Byron's dark history.

When they left the Kingdom of Hastings, the Earl's Party and the Royal Party had just torn their faces with the "Death Stranding Accident" as the fuse, and started another war for the throne that made [Kingdom Guardian] feel uncomfortable.

At that time, Saint Byron was still a loyal minister, and the "Last Lancaster" was still missing.

After leaving the kingdom, [Screaming Banshee] went to look for Byron several times, but was blocked by the ability of [Storm Signet] to shield prophecy, and finally failed to find Byron and had to let it go.

Although Hawkins believed that Byron was the "lifelong enemy" of his education career, he himself was naturally bound by the oath of [Kingdom Guardian].

But Hawkins, who had personally experienced the glory and decline of Hastings, had an unshakable obsession in his heart: "Make the kingdom great again and reproduce the glory of the past."

In his heart, he really didn't want his student to die silently in a corner of the sea. The blood of the Lancaster Dynasty was enough.

But the world is changing too fast, so fast that even the old man can't keep up.

Hawkins even doubted whether he had fallen into a time corridor. It was only half a year since he left his homeland, but how come it seemed like decades had passed outside?

Byron, the problem student of that year, not only killed the royal party and the earl party in succession and crowned himself king, but also successfully promoted to the fifth level [false god], and in turn suppressed him in terms of power and life essence.

Now he couldn't even understand what means the other party used.

While Hawkins was sighing at Byron's growth, his catchphrase when he was a practical class teacher at Eton College once again came to his mind:

"You are the worst class of students I have ever taught!"

In fact, when he taught Byron's class, he didn't remember clearly whether he said it or not, and when he said it.

But he clearly remembered that he said this to every class of students!

Just like he said to every class of students: "The grammar teacher is sick today, so we have unlimited fighting in this class."

The liberal arts teacher who worked with him was always so weak and sickly, and his students were always so bad compared to him, a legendary knight of the fifth level.

At this moment, Hawkins, who was slapped in the face by Byron's problematic student, couldn't help but blush, but he was more relieved and proud.

It is the honor of every teacher to teach students who surpass themselves.

As long as the national strength of Hastings is strengthened, he doesn't mind swallowing his own spit.

"Although I eventually became the [Lord of the Nest] and was addicted to fishing, at least half of the credit goes to Byron.

But as long as I pick up the responsibility of a teacher again and assist him, the new king, in governing the country, I will definitely make him a wise monarch like his grandfather, His Majesty Henry V."

At this moment, he had lost himself in the achievements of his students, and had long forgotten the fact that he was "a poor person with a strong addiction", and he held his chest high again.

At this time, green lights flashed around several people, and the first-class ship [Blue Dragon King], which was a step slower, led the ghost fleet that was expanded again after capturing the devil fleet to arrive at the battlefield.

"Your Excellency, the Kingdom Guardian, you are still as elegant as ever after two years."

Prince Sorenburg, who had not had time to change his dress, greeted Hawkins with a smile.

The [Kingdom Guardian] has a high status, and even members of the royal family have to greet him first.

Obviously, with Byron's order, the whole kingdom took action.

Uncle Henry VI and his men had already gone to the coastal city opposite the beast tide's route to organize people to deal with the possible impact.

Others with stronger mobility were all sent to the sea to prepare two sets of plans in case of failure to drive them away.

Behind the [Blue Dragon King], a huge whirlpool unfolded, and several fiddler crabs sent the two main fleets of the Channel Fleet led by the [Quasi-Legendary Battleship] here.

Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh!

In the blink of an eye, the rolling sea in front of him was filled with a large fleet lined up in battle lines.

Also traveling with him was the large sea monster Ammonite Snail that had been sleeping for a while.

As Byron was promoted to [False God], Snail, as a contracted sea monster, was also cleansed by the divine aura with the power of [Change], and his body expanded rapidly, striding towards the size of a giant species over 60 meters.

Mysterious runes appeared on the shell behind him, and he should be able to gain new abilities when the transformation is completed.

Hawkins' expression was already a little numb.

Every time he thought this was the limit of the new king, the other party would bring him a new "surprise".

The devil is hidden in the details, legendary battleships, peak combat power, fleet size, reaction ability, organizational ability, and delivery ability. Those who know the business don't need to fight, they can tell at a glance how powerful this new force is.

After a series of shocks, Hawkins remembered to reopen the long-closed legal network, and used the authority of [Kingdom Guardian] to call up the relevant records in the collective subconscious sea of ​​Hastings, and saw a series of events that happened during this period.

Especially the coronation ceremony just held in Canterbury Cathedral.

The "Saint Byron" and the [Holy Spirit] followers who made people look complicated, the world's leading "great good man", the ministers' obedience, the royal state religion, the angels with thousands of wings, etc. There are countless "unique skills" lurking under the water.

After being in a trance for a long time, he took a breath and returned the greeting to Prince Sollenberg:

"Your Excellency, long time no see."

After opening his mouth, he suddenly realized.

When he was Byron's teacher, Byron's most honorable title was the grandson of Henry V, the nephew of Henry VI, and the son of Prince Sollenberg.

Because of the requests of these elders, he was willing to be the teacher of this problem child.

When he should be beaten and corporal punishment should be given, at most he would give the king some face and not hit him in the face.

But now when he saw Edmund Lancaster, the first title he thought of was: the father of the king and god [King of the Wild Hunt].

He could not help but put the other party in a completely equal position with himself, and no longer had any arrogance of [King of the Kingdom].

This is a typical "the first thirty years depend on the father's respect for the son, and the second thirty years depend on the son's respect for the father".

The attitude of others towards the son in the first thirty years depends on the father's status; the attitude of others towards the father in the second thirty years depends on the son's status.

Byron didn't let them wait that long. In just twenty years, everything had changed.

Hawkins had to admit that he had seen the style of his grandfather Henry V in Byron.

"If that wise king hadn't died young and almost swallowed up the Iris Kingdom, there would be no Valois Dynasty now.

No, he should be much stronger than his grandfather.

This is a genuine fifth-level god, an immortal god.

Other kings are short-lived species who have been in power for a few decades at most. How can they survive an immortal species with great power in their own hands?

In the foreseeable future, Byron will definitely achieve more brilliant achievements than Henry V.


After a series of interruptions in the middle, he looked at Byron again and asked the original question again.

The beast tide composed of at least hundreds of sea monsters around them was surging wildly, but none of them approached them, but rushed towards the hostile country.

If used well, the arrival of the "Spiral Age" may not even be a completely bad thing.

"Mr. Hawkins, in fact, the Eastern Continent, which has the lowest terrain, has entered the intertidal zone first and encountered a series of disasters.

We can respond in time because of the legacy of our predecessors."

Byron was thinking about how to explain to Hawkins the specific situation of the Eastern Continent [Corridor of Truth] and the "intertidal zone".

The [Screaming Banshee] running in front also turned around and returned here.

Seeing the "fishmen" on the ship, Hawkins, who originally thought that he had not done anything in the past two years compared to this student, his eyes lit up and he hurriedly said:

"Byron, look!

I haven't been doing nothing for most of the past six months. This is me fishing. Ahem, I caught it from the sea when I was fishing and worried about the country and the people.

I suspect they are a civilized country living on the seabed. Maybe they know something about the origin of the beast tide. Follow me"

Byron heard the slip of the tongue of the [Kingdom Guardian] and shook his head in his heart.

There is a sentence that the other party said in class that I want to give him again: "I think you are intermittently full of confidence, and you are constantly living a life of idleness and waiting for death."

This person is only loyal to the kingdom, not the royal party, not the earl party, and not even the neutral party. He can pat his chest and say: "Hawkins has no party!"

But his abilities other than combat power and adventure experience are really not commendable.

Then he was forcibly pulled to the deck by the other party.

As soon as he landed, there was a commotion from the group of "fishmen" who were still huddled in the corner.

Suddenly, a ribbon thorntail fishman who was obviously "herbivorous" asked tentatively in their direction:

"I just saw the aura of the trident, Your Highness Salant, is that you?"

[Telepathy] is a standard ability of adventurers. Even if they do not have it in their profession, they will prepare corresponding strange objects, and there is no problem of not understanding if the language is different.

Hearing the fishman talking, Hawkins and Francis' eyes lit up immediately, and they quickly pulled Byron and said excitedly:

"They talked! Did you hear it? Your Majesty.

I said that their underwater civilization must be very useful."

"But who is Salant?"

The two looked around and didn't find anyone who looked like "Your Highness".

"Sasha, it's not me."

Then, a muffled voice came into their ears.

Looking down, it turned out to be the water element "Hammerhead Shark" that was still swinging in Byron's hand.

"Uh, you called out the name and you said it wasn't you?"

The next thing is naturally the popular part of meeting old friends in a foreign land.

Although Salant's appearance was not so handsome, it was at least majestic enough, and he knocked down the dragon whale with a headbutt.

This group of refugees who escaped from the Mermaid Kingdom, especially the female fishman named Sasha, also knew Salant's taboos.

He never mentioned anything about the "Berserker", but praised the "melee mage" for his good transformation skills, worthy of being the famous [Sea Mage].

He was so happy that he accepted the people of his homeland with a wave of his hand, preparing to establish a dedicated marine guard, hoping to bring them back to his homeland one day.

Hawkins finally realized that his new king had a comprehensive plan for the future situation, and he couldn't help feeling frustrated:

"I feel that I am better at fishing than teaching Byron how to govern the country."

He finally had some self-knowledge. Even if he became the [Lord of the Nest] from fishing, it was still higher than the level of governing a country.

The arrival of these fishmen also brought them the latest news that they were eager to know:

"Your Highness Salant, when we left on the puffy seahorse, the situation of the ten underwater kingdoms was already very bad.

Except for our mermaid kingdom, only the jellyfish kingdom was still holding on.

Even so, each of them only had one capital left, and most of the other city-states were destroyed.

More and more underwater people were polluted, some joined the siege of the two capitals, and more began to attack the coastal land.

Although the [Corridor of Truth] was the first to bear the brunt, I think this dragon king's court at the end of the circulation belt will not be able to escape sooner or later.

The [Noah's Ark] polluted by the mother of monsters is really terrible, and the dirty blood flowing out cannot be cured.

After us, there should be more and more residents of the underwater kingdoms, using the relatively safe circulation belt to escape the Corridor of Truth."

At this time, Violet, Hathaway and others also came to the ghost ship after receiving the news.

After hearing the fishman's story, Violet immediately asked them if they had seen any traces of her father, [Whale Hunter] Jack Harold.

[Whale Hunter] was only a fifth-order false god, and the coverage of the faith network was very limited. The believers led by Salant had lost his whereabouts early, and the contact was also cut off.

During this period, no oracle from the other party was received.

After hearing the characteristics described by Violet, the fishmen thought for a while before providing a clue:

"Someone saw a huge Leviathan whale breaking through the siege of a large group of sea monsters and polluted people, entering our capital, and never coming out again.

I don't know if it's the person you're looking for.

Now he should be with the last royal family and army of our Mermaid Kingdom.

Their opponents are not this low-level beast tide without a commander, but the sea monster army commanded by the mythical creatures of the sea monster mother family [Sea Heir].

Even if the royal family still has the last trident that symbolizes the strongest power of "liquid" and supports the "Pillar of Sea Rocks" on the seabed, it is unknown how long they can hold on."

Although they got a new clue, they were not comforted, and their hearts continued to hang.

Violet, Salant, and Hathaway all subconsciously glanced at Byron, but no one forced Byron to send troops to rescue them immediately.

Although their loved ones were in danger, they were all anxious, but the Old Continent, which was still safe for the time being, was not a permanent safe island.

Only by preserving themselves in the "intertidal zone" can they spare the strength to rescue other "drowned people".

The most important thing is the [Anchor]. If they already have the North Sea Empire and have become the second [Crown] of the Church States, and have established a solid line of defense, their tactics will definitely not be as conservative as they are now.

At the same time, the two secrets in Byron's logbook also changed.

[Secret: The fuse of the religious war, historical influence 65] The solution density jumped from 52% to 58%.

[Secret: Prophecy, Kingship and the prophecy of the racial revival of the god Woden of the Wild Hunt, historical influence 69] The solution density also jumped from 60% to 61%.

He also knew that time was running out. While farming, climbing the technology tree, collecting crowns, and spreading faith, he must not forget his mother clan across the sea.

Even if those relatives of the mother clan and his father-in-law [Whale Hunter], he has never even met them.

But from a utilitarian point of view, he still has a flawed status [Sun King] snatched from the previous king of the Sun Empire (Chapter 438).

Only by making his own territory so vast that it is always bathed in the sun can the king's title be activated.

He has heard many times: "The sun and the storm are the mortal enemies of the deep sea!"

This king's title is of great significance to him and his country.

Therefore, landing on the Eastern Continent and even sailing around the world are imperative.

Byron glanced at Hawkins and Francis, a pair of cousins ​​who are not good at domestic affairs but are first-class navigators. They are obviously the chosen workers born for this.

"But the most important thing now is to establish a deep-sea defense line from the Kingdom of Hastings in the south, to the Faroe Islands in the middle, and to the Iron Anchor Bay in the north before rebuilding the North Sea Empire.

It would be best to unify the laws, not only to stop the beast tide, but also to prevent the infiltration of the devils under the command of [Abaddon Secret Cult]."

Turned his head to look in the direction of the Faroe Islands.

Raven Fukin has long been stationed in the Kalmar Union, transmitting intelligence from within the Union at any time.

So Byron knew very well that the Faroe Islands across the way were the fiefdom of the Union Crown Prince [Bearman] Ulysses.

In order to attack the Kingdom of Hatings and avoid the North Sea where [Kraken] was active, he had already gathered heavy troops here and was ready to go south at any time.

Byron was not so generous.

Ever since he heard that [Queen of the Eternal Night] Margaret I planned to marry Violet to this [Bearman], he wrote down the other party's name in a black-covered notebook.

Don't forget that he is the [King of the Wild Hunt] who controls the Styx and is the god of death recognized by the world itself.

"[Bearman] is dead, I said, even the Creator can't stop him!"

In front of the beast tide.

The total area of ​​the Faroe Islands is 1,400 square kilometers, five times that of the Earldom of Greenville, and the population is close to 50,000, which is more than enough for an Earldom.

[Bear Man] Ulysses was canonized here before he replaced the grandson of the Queen of Evernight as the crown prince.

At this time, he was obviously not aware of the series of changes that had occurred in the Kingdom of Hetings, and was still gathering troops step by step.

The lord's palace in the administrative capital of Tórshavn.


With one palm fall, the tea table was instantly smashed into sawdust.

"Damn the nobles of the Three Kingdoms, how dare you defy me, and I will kill you all when I ascend the throne!

Also ask the church to disqualify you from boarding the ship. "

[Bear Man] This Bayman berserker is huge. When angry, his eyes are red, like a giant bear that chooses people to devour. No one around the servants dares to approach his room.

After receiving the order from the church, he rushed here from the royal capital as soon as possible and ordered the lords of the three countries to provide reinforcements.

But attacking the Kingdom of Hattings and the [King of Wild Hunt] is far more difficult than imagined.

Especially after [Queen of Eternal Night] Margaret I led the elite into the Holy Silver Empire and suffered heavy losses.

Not only because Margaret I is not here, but also because Byron's prestige among traditional Bay residents is too high.

Ever since he successfully robbed the Treasure Fleet and became the Pirate King [The Uncrowned King], he has gained countless admirers.

Especially in the five major Gulf countries, countless people in sailors, pirates, fishermen, whalers and other sea-related industries regard him as an idol.

Even with the "Anti-Creator Consciousness Act" promulgated by Margaret I, there are still countless secret admirers.

With such a basis of public opinion, one can imagine how difficult it would be to get the sailors to follow the will of the church and attack Byron.

The relatively more practical nobles of the kingdom also see no benefit from this matter, so naturally they are not positive at all.

There are many cases of contradictory policies and even public dissent.

[Bear Man] was incompetent and furious, so he could only prioritize mobilizing the direct troops that he and Margaret I had worked hard to cultivate.

Fortunately, Archbishop Pound Elliot of Roskilde, the highest-ranking cardinal in the alliance, fully supports him on behalf of the Orthodox Church.

He even suffered a rare hemorrhage and brought him two powerful holy relics from the Gods of Ragnarok collected in the church's treasury: [Goddess Queen Frigga's Dressing Box] and [Frost Giant's Winter Secret Box] .

These two treasures greatly boosted Ulysses' confidence.

He stood up and looked through the window in the direction of the Hattings Kingdom in the south, and whispered to himself:

“I will inherit the crown of [Queen of Eternal Night], wipe out the church’s enemy Hattings, capture Anchor Bay, and re-establish the North Sea Empire.

Become the second empire among the church nations on the east coast!

And it is far more cohesive than the Holy Silver Empire composed of hundreds of states.

Then welcome the saints and popes from St. Peter's Cathedral to the North Sea Empire, where they will reestablish the core of the [Silver Law].

As long as we hold on to the thighs of the church, we can continue to enjoy the boundless power safely even if the flood comes.

Even if I fail in the end, I still have the ticket given by the saint in my hand. I can take the [Noah's Ark] to escape the flood, and even go to heaven to gain eternal life with the [Creator]! "

Especially when he thought of [Queen of Eternal Night]'s promise to him, and the noble-blooded, cold and charming princess, he couldn't help but feel hot in his heart.

“It doesn’t matter whether the princess from the Bay who is the direct descendant of the [Blue Dragon King] is a widow.

As long as I cooperate with the church to kill [King of the Wild Hunt] Byron Lancaster and let Princess Violet give birth to an heir recognized by the law, preferably three or four children, I can secure the throne. , has the qualifications to rebuild the Beihai Empire.

The empire and the beauties are all mine! "

Just when he was having wild thoughts.


Suddenly, a series of shrill roars came from his ears.

"What is that?!"

[Bearman] Standing in the castle and looking far into the distance, he discovered that there were unknown movements in the direction of the sea of ​​monsters during the storm.

The response speed at the military port where a large number of Alliance navies were stationed was extremely fast.


boom! boom! boom! boom! boom!

Immediately, the coastal defense guns roared one after another, and the firelight illuminated the suddenly livid face of [Bear Man] Ulysses, and the dark sea seemed to be boiling as countless giant monsters rolled.

The navy officers and soldiers on the military port saw clearly what was in the sea, and their faces suddenly turned pale. They opened their mouths and wanted to shout something, but they could only let out a series of screams of unknown meaning:

"Ahhhhhh sea monster——!"

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