Pirate Kingship

Chapter 594 Crystal Palace School, Little Red Riding Hood Resurrected

Waves of snoring could be heard, but it was "Grandma Wolf" who transformed into a werewolf. After eating the Little Red Riding Hood, which represented humanity, and the Big Bad Wolf, which represented divinity, she lay on the ground and screamed loudly, relying on the fact that no one could interfere with the process of the ceremony. sleep.

She didn't even care that half of her house collapsed due to Byron's punch.

One belly was rounded, with slight undulations from time to time, as if something had been swallowed inside and was still struggling desperately, but it was difficult to break free.

Theoretically, when the wizard's divinity and humanity are swallowed by the beast, they can never be saved again.

When the twisted dark fairy tale digests the normal fairy tale, another terrifying and grotesque one will be born.

Hathaway couldn't help but feel sad when she looked at the witch in front of her, who although she had no impression of him, was undoubtedly from the same school of thought.

“Is there really no way to interfere with her promotion ceremony like Byron helped me?

If there are outsiders who can help, maybe this witch from the school sect may still survive.

That’s right! "

Thinking of the power he had just gained, his eyes suddenly lit up.

He took the magic mirror in his hand and looked at Grandma Wolf, then grabbed a handful of seawater from the collective subconscious sea in the Corridor of Truth and threw it on the mirror, reading the original story that had not been completely contaminated.

I was pleasantly surprised to find that there is actually a continuation of the story at this point:

"After the wolf had satisfied his appetite, he lay down on the bed again and slept, snoring loudly.

A hunter happened to pass by the house, picked up a pair of scissors, and started to cut open the belly of the sleeping wolf. He had just cut it twice when he saw the little red hat.

He cut it twice more, and the little girl jumped out and shouted: 'It really scared me! The wolf's belly was dark. ’

Then, grandma came out alive, just a little out of breath.

Little Red Riding Hood hurriedly ran to fetch some big stones and stuffed them into the wolf's belly. After the wolf woke up, he wanted to run away, but the stones were too heavy. As soon as he stood up, he fell to the ground and died on the spot. "

After reading the complete story, Hathaway keenly discovered that a key character was missing in this story.

It was the hunter who saved them like a savior after all the good people fell into the wolf's mouth!

Seeing hope, Hathaway quickly called someone:

"Byron! Salant!"

Byron and Salant immediately came closer.


"What's wrong, aunt?"

Hathaway told them what he had discovered and warned them:

"I am the protector of princesses and girls. I can use [Moonlight Eyeshadow] to send you two into the fairy tale of 'Grandma Wolf', replacing the original characters in it and breaking the boundaries between reality and fiction.

But entering other people's fairy tales will be suppressed by the realm just like entering other people's kingdom of gods.

At most, it cannot exceed the opponent's level, which is half a step to level five.

The two of you go together and try to save her. You have to be fast, otherwise it will be troublesome if she is digested. "

As he spoke, he stretched out his hand and patted his son and nephew gently.

Blue eye shadow appeared on Byron's eyelids, and his clothes suddenly changed into hunting clothes, but he turned into a vigorous hunter.

The eyeshadow on Salant's eyelids was red, and she transformed into Little Red Riding Hood's mother wearing a cotton skirt.

All I can say is that this is indeed my aunt.

There is probably no boy in this world who can escape being put on blusher or rouge by his little aunt, right?

Of course, the main reason is because these two characters are the only ones left in the story of Little Red Riding Hood.

Although Salant tugged on her skirt uncomfortably, she didn't say much, and she and Byron approached the werewolf lying on the ground.

However, reality is obviously not as easy and freehand as in fairy tales.

Not to mention that cutting its stomach directly with a sharp knife would wake it up in pain, but the sudden approach of two threatening footsteps made the werewolf's huge nose twitch, and then he suddenly opened his dark green eyes.

The two brothers were already prepared.

The moment it opened its eyes, a flash of light flashed from Salant's fingertips.


The flash technique, whose brightness matched the sun, immediately made Grandma Wolf burst into tears and howl in pain.

Salant is not from the "Once Upon a Time School" like her aunt, but from the "Crystal Palace School" composed of male mermaids and other male members of the ocean kingdom.

The promotion route is to keep opening the Crystal Palace, and it is best to collect aliens. Every time you win the favor of a member of the opposite sex and make a contract, you will gain new extraordinary abilities and your spirituality will also increase significantly.

It is also very consistent with the destiny of the [Sea King Trident] Gas Blade: to be a fraternity "Sea King" in every sense of the word, and to love the entire marine biosphere.

But Salant found many toothless mermaids with fish heads and human bodies, grass carp, carp, and silver carp. Unfortunately, except for the flashing technique, he couldn't learn anything else.

It’s a shame for the school!

Even if you transform into a mythical creature, you will still only have one [Ultimate Invincible Super Double Explosive Flash Technique]:

It consists of a series of spells such as lighting, light, flash, and serial explosion. In fact, they are all variants of light.

It has just been advanced to an unprecedented level, reaching the level of [Secret Magic].

It can light up directly in the hearts of others, and even blind people will continue to be blinded, blocking all senses and spiritual awareness.

Salant took advantage of the opponent covering his eyes and wailing, picked up his mace, walked in front of Grandma Wolf, and hit the opponent's head with a stick that was harder than iron.

Others can break all laws with one sword, but he wants to continue the flash magic and mace to the end.

While the wolf grandmother was dizzy and staggering back, Byron's blood-made rapier in his hand spewed out sword light like a venomous snake, and with the perfect storm swordsmanship, he cut open the opponent's stomach with one sword.


In addition to Little Red Riding Hood and the Big Bad Wolf who had just been swallowed, they jumped out first.

Then came the spirit of the slave-hunting team that was eaten last night, and then the souls of the adventurers and sailors from the Old World who were eaten earlier, all of which surged out like a tide.

Byron and his party suddenly realized that the adventurers had gone through waves of selection along the way of the "Second Circulation Belt", and even if they were lucky enough to get ashore, they all fell into the stomach of the wolf grandmother.

No wonder no one could send a message back, since they entered this secret realm, they were destined to be annihilated.

Those who were too old have been digested, but those who have been in the past few months are still there, and there are hundreds of them, and the highest one is even a fourth-level hero.

Byron stretched out his hand and sent all these fellow countrymen into the Styx.

The vanguard adventurers are all excellent soldiers, and their arrival also makes the goal of the "million-level heavenly army" go one step further.

The next thing is uneventful. Little Red Riding Hood Britney, who has regained her sanity, merged with the last layer of divine big bad wolf, and also transformed into a slightly smaller red werewolf.

Cooperating with Byron and Salant, he finally bit off the neck of the "wolf grandmother" in person and swallowed up the light particles that the other party had turned into.

This is her ritual, which does not need to be as troublesome as when the other party swallowed her. It will be digested quickly, complete the final promotion, and step into the fifth-level pseudo-god.

The divine aura dissipated, and a beautiful girl wearing a red hooded shawl, silver-gray long hair, and a pair of wolf ears on her head appeared in front of everyone.

The facial features are deep, full of wildness, with a different charm.

When Salant, who had returned to his original appearance after removing the [Moonlight Eye Shadow], saw her, his heart skipped a beat and he blurted out subconsciously:

"Aren't you the old woman who anchored the 'Wolf Grandma'? This is..."

Britney looked at one of the skilled lifesavers with a strange expression.

She wondered if he might be a fool in spite of his cleverness, but she still answered his question in a pleasant voice:

"Look at what you said. I have already been immortal. Why don't I choose to be a beautiful woman? Instead, I choose to be an old woman with wrinkles on my face. Wouldn't that mean I have been immortal in vain?

Besides, I am only 18 years and 480 months old. How can I be old?"

The people around were silent:

"What a sharp complaint, and what she said is really reasonable."

Then, Britney came to Hathaway and solemnly performed a magician's salute, with undisguised enthusiasm and gratitude in her eyes:

"Your Highness, the Mermaid Princess, thank you for your help. No matter what you ask, my branch school and I will do our best to repay you."

"You're welcome. We are all family. We just happened to meet."

After a while of greetings, Hathaway learned that although Britney was older than herself, she joined the "Fairy Tale Town School" after she left the Eastern Continent.

That's why she had never heard of her before.

Moreover, although Britney already had a certain foundation, she was able to successfully impact the position of God in just 20 years. She is undoubtedly a genius.

Geniuses who win by doing nothing and geniuses who work hard are both geniuses.

Finally, the two of them asked the most critical question at the same time:

"Excuse me, who is your teacher in the school?"

Then they gave each other a very unexpected and exactly the same answer at the same time:

"[The Little Match Girl] Tricia!"

Everyone who speaks must be known. The moment Byron and his party heard this name, they felt as if the forest was about to burn.

In the rolling heat wave, it seemed as if they saw their deceased great grandmother.

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