Pirate Kingship

Chapter 596: The Queen's Call: Witch Hunting God!

"Please sit down. There are not so many rules here. We can talk about our own things and treat it as a gathering among friends. Just be casual."

At the invitation of the little prince, the group sat down in the reception room of the castle.

The cartoon-style room, which looked like a children's room, was filled with many desserts, candies, tea, coffee, and juice, making it look like a tea party.

There was no serious atmosphere at all, as if a group of high-level fifth-order bigwigs were meeting and a single word could decide the life and death of countless people.

Byron also followed the local customs, temporarily putting aside his military jacket and the burden of "adults", and took the lemon honey water offered by a palm-sized flower fairy.

He slightly relaxed his javelin-like straight back and leaned back on the soft cushion of the sofa.

The chief wizard [Little Prince] lay on the wide sofa, holding a cup of coffee with not only milk but also three spoons of sugar, and sipped it in small sips.

His attitude was obviously exactly the same as Hathaway's. It was so comfortable lying down, why should I sit up?

I will never deliberately compromise myself to adapt to the rules of adults, care about other people's eyes, and do whatever I feel comfortable with.

After Byron determined that the other party was a "master" stronger than himself, he was more inclined to believe that the reason why the other party was so free and easy was because he had seen through the operating rules of human society.

Many "etiquette" are essentially obedience tests. In social occasions, a person must learn etiquette and recognize his position to decide whether you eat meat, drink soup, or be eaten!

Every move of the master must have a deep meaning. Even if the leader picks up the food and he turns the table, it can only mean that the dish is 80% poisonous.

Anyway, it is definitely not because of simple laziness!

"Your Majesty Saint Byron, the King of the Wild Hunt, we have all heard of your name."

The Little Prince is obviously the kind of person who doesn't like ineffective social interaction, but he is unexpectedly enthusiastic about Byron's arrival, which is not inferior to the two newly promoted wizards in the school.

Byron could also see that this kind of person likes what he likes and dislikes what he dislikes. He is consistent in his words and deeds, and will never say something against his will to save his mother Hathaway's face.

But what the chief wizard said was still a little beyond Byron's expectations:

"You have heard of my name? It's my honor."

Hathaway and Britney were sitting next to their teacher [Little Match Girl] Tricia.

Two of the best students, one almost failed in the ritual and died, and the other left for twenty years. The three of them had red eyes and kept whispering about their recent situation.

Hearing their conversation, Britney couldn't help but look up and looked at the chief with a puzzled look on her face.

She only learned from Hathaway that the Lancaster family had a lot of power on the other side of the sea.

But because she was trapped in the secret realm for a year and missed the latest news, she really didn't know what feats the other party had done to become famous on both sides of the sea.

[The Little Prince] was in high spirits, added three spoonfuls of sugar to his cup, and drank a few big gulps.

The little face that looked only eight or nine years old had a drunken blush, and exhaled a sweet milky aroma:

"Two months ago, the coalition of the Old God Church led by the Blood Beast Lair ran into your army in the North Sea Empire opposite the third circulation belt and was almost wiped out.

There are a total of six Old God churches, the Druid Sect, the Worm Temple, the Pure Evil, the Voodoo Cult, the Deep Dive Church, and the Blood Beast Lair as the main force.

No, it should be seven, plus a very mysterious "traitor" [the person whose name cannot be mentioned].

Finally, even the mythical battleship [Noah] that houses the incarnation of the mother of monsters Fang Ark] could not return to the Corridor of Truth.

You won this colonial war when no one was optimistic about you and defended your homeland.

You also slapped the faces of those pessimists and capitulationists, which was really gratifying!

So, it's not just our Fairy Tale Town School.

Today, two months after the colonial war, all the forces in the Corridor of Truth who are qualified to know have already known your name.

Maybe you may meet your admirers wherever you go. "

The Eastern Continent was the first place to experience the power of the Luoyan Era, and their understanding of the enemy far exceeded that of the Silver Continent.

When the little prince talked about "human traitors", pure resentment could not help but be revealed in his clear eyes.

When he looked at Byron, his eyes were filled with admiration again:

"Over the years, the humans of the East Continent have been oppressed by the Old God Church and more and more activated knowledge, and have been defeated from retreat to complete defeat.

The reason why the north can retain a quarter of the territory is because of the fighting between their two families, which allows us to breathe.

Britney should have told you that the strongest country in the East Continent is the Desert Empire ruled by [Queen] Cleopatra VII.

Most of the other human forces are located on the north and south sides of the Sunset Desert, and they are left with only a lingering breath.

For decades, we have retreated again and again, and everyone has gradually become numb.

At this time, we really need news of victory for humans.

You have told everyone with your actions that humans can win!

And the loss rate is still an astonishing 0:7!

What an exciting record?

Anyway, it's not the other way around. The ones who should be suffering and annoyed should be the Old God Church.

It's just that we never thought that you would be the son of little Hathaway and a child of our Storybook Town School.

I would like to toast you on behalf of the school and the humans of the Eastern Continent. "

He raised his own glass of milk and used milk instead of wine to thank Byron for his contribution to mankind.


Byron was not hypocritically polite, he acknowledged his merits openly, raised the honey water and touched him from afar.

At the same time, he also realized that he was not the only one collecting information about the Eastern Continent.

The major schools in the Corridor of Truth, which serve as the last barrier for mankind, are also always paying attention to the intelligence of the Church of Old God and the Old Continent.

When I arrived at the Corridor of Truth, not only did I no longer need to be promoted from the beginning, but my legend level had already been reached.

After glancing at the logbook, he found that the legend level of his title [King of the Wild Hunt] had already exceeded 46 points, which was 16 points more than the 30 points that were famous throughout the continent.

It's just that I haven't gotten a new title ability, so I haven't paid much attention to this change.

You must know that the Silver Continent has been closed for fifteen hundred years. No one knows until now that the legend level exceeds 30 points. After breaking through the limits of a continent, how many points must be reached before a qualitative change occurs.

It wasn't until he was reminded by the [Little Prince] that Byron realized that after he set foot on the Eastern Continent, the "prayer of believers" suddenly increased.

There is a high probability that the rule of this continent-level secret realm is triggered, "Everything you say must be known." However, less than half a day after logging in, you haven't noticed that you have become a taboo for others.

[Grandma Wolf] Britney was speechless for a long time.

I don't know how many times I felt envious of this "other people's child".

Do you think you should find a suitable partner and end your single life of 18 years and 480 months?

“In any fairy tale, a sixty-year-old woman sounds like she is in her twilight years, but a six-hundred-year-old woman sounds like she is in her prime!

Sixty-year-old mortals are too old, and sixty-year-old gods are too young. Many "dedicated" men like 18-year-old girls whether they are 18 years old, 28 years old, or 88 years old.

But they don’t know that women of our age are high-quality stocks!

Female juniors are given gold bricks, and female seniors are presented with crowns.

Bah, I just turned 18! And you are always 18! "

Britney is here seriously thinking about her life events.

Her teacher [the little match girl] Tricia took Hathaway’s hand and asked the question that everyone was most concerned about:

"Little Hathaway, how did you help Britney come back to life?

A year ago, Britney's ceremony was already destined to end in failure, and the following year was just a continuation of pain.

I couldn't bear to watch the tragic story and I didn't have the ability to help her, so I didn't stay there all the time.

He just designated a restricted area and prepared to wait for the Black Fairy Tale to be completely born before he could personally deal with the activated knowledge.

You have brought me more surprises today than in the past hundred years. "

Tricia is right.

During the promotion ceremony, Britney and the resurrected fairy tale were both harmed. The long tug-of-war that followed was doomed to failure, and she was eventually devoured by the other party.

In the thousands of years of history, there are far more members of the school who have had similar experiences to her, or who have been devoured on the spot, than those who have successfully broken through. "Death is not achieved" is also a tacit iron law of the school.

During this period, the upper level wizards also thought of ways to help subsequent students reduce the difficulty.

But just like the Southern Continent's solar system has never been able to illuminate the power of Hades, they have also never been able to find the key.

It wasn't until Hathaway appeared that a miracle was created!

She did not hide it, and showed a little bit of her power [Guardian of Princesses and Girls] and [Divine Makeup·Moonlight Eyeshadow] to others.

And expressed his own inference:

"I was able to help Britney because of a series of coincidences.

If there is a rescue character like a "hunter" in a story who can turn the tide at a critical moment, the victim's role is also a princess or a girl.

I can use [Moonlight Eyeshadow] to invade the ongoing ceremony of ‘becoming a fairy tale’ and replace the key role in it to help them. "

Hearing this, the crowd burst into cheers.

"Very good."

"Although the restrictions are very harsh and can only protect girls and princesses, it is very rare to be able to take this step from zero to one."

[The little match girl], who was much shorter than Hathaway, hugged her and jumped and laughed.

[Moonlight Eyeshadow] is not only a combat ability for changing clothes, but also a strategic ability that will make the Fairy Tale Town School soar into the sky in the future.

Hathaway, who could only hold her son's thigh, suddenly became the golden thigh of the entire school unintentionally. The longer the time goes by, the greater her influence becomes.

Of course, the chief and second-in-command knew that the emergence of this ability would be accompanied by the transfer of power within the school.

Once the members of the school learn the news, they will definitely gather around Hathaway, just to get extra care from her when they hold the ceremony.

Most of the power rent-seeking in the world comes from the word "discretion".

But it is impossible to do everything in a formal manner and fall to the other extreme of dogmatism.

Fortunately, they didn't care about this happening at all. They even wished that Hathaway could take over the burden from them, and there was no impurity in their joy.

Byron, who was used to the struggle for power and intrigue in the Silver Continent, also felt relaxed and comfortable, thinking that this kind of thing could only happen in the "fairy tale world".

He also added three spoonfuls of sugar to his cup and drank it down.

Then he gave his opinion to the chief and the second:

"This news can be limited to the upper level.

Wait until the school members are ready to hold the ceremony before telling them, or even keep them from knowing from beginning to end, and let the mother take action directly at that time.

Prevent the news from leaking out and causing unnecessary trouble."

Just as Byron always supported the two queens to have their own careers, he also supported his mother to give back to the school she came from after she had the ability.

But we must also be wary of other hostile forces, even allies and our own people.

He has never hesitated to speculate about others with the greatest malice, and he has never hesitated to treat others with the greatest kindness.

Man is the sum of divinity and animality, with unimaginable good and unimaginable evil. There is no absolute right or wrong. This is man!

[The Little Prince] and [The Little Match Girl] also agreed with his suggestion, promising to put Hathaway's safety first, and then consider helping the members of the school.

Everyone ate and drank, and it was soon midnight.

Hathaway, who was full and satisfied, slowly licked the large rainbow lollipop that Tricia had specially left for her and asked in confusion:

"By the way, teacher, why didn't I see the other high-ranking wizards? Are they stationed in the territory under the sect?"

Tricia nodded and shook her head:

"[The Princess and the Pea] and [The Snow Queen] are indeed stationed in the core territory under the school.

But [Alibaba] actually has another mission today, he went and came back."

Just as he mentioned another high-ranking male wizard in the school, the door of the reception room suddenly lit up, and then slowly opened.

A young man riding a green donkey and wearing a white turban on his head, who looked like a Barbary, walked in.

Opposite the door was not the corridor of the castle, but a desert scenery of a completely different style, as well as a magnificent palace complex.

Byron's body is an infinitely looping [Ouroboros], and he is also an expert in the field of space. He can clearly feel that the space on both sides of the door is folded.

One end is the reception room, and the other end is the sunset desert far to the north.

As soon as the young man entered the door, he touched his chest and apologized to Byron, the only guest:

"I'm sorry, Your Majesty the King of the Wild Hunt.

I have received the chief's message, but I am attending a wizard gathering in the palace of the Desert Empire and I couldn't get back in time."

Byron glanced at the most adult-like [Alibaba and the Forty Thieves] in the entire school, and stood up to return the greeting.

Driven by a strong sense of déjà vu, he subconsciously blurted out:

"Mr. Alibaba, good evening.

The thing you regret most in your life is not that you created the fairy tale of Alibaba, and you are not interested in money at all, right?"

The young man [Alibaba] failed to understand the deep meaning of Byron's words.

He just scratched his head and replied:

"Ha, what a good question!

Have you read the story of my seizing the treasure?

If there were no black magic, I might choose to be a businessman and use wealth to prove the value of life.

But now I am not very interested in money."

He shouted to the people around him:

"Open sesame!"

A golden line flashed by and turned into a door. The door opened automatically, emitting a brilliant golden light. Behind the door was obviously a treasure house.

Alibaba picked up a gold basin as big as a washbasin, filled it with gold coins and handed it to him. He smiled and showed eight white teeth:

"Although I am not very interested, I can't spend it all. These are given to you as a gift."

In his eyes, these gold coins are really no different from beautiful stones.

They can be used to buy food, clothes, and donkey feed. It is enough to maintain life. Any more is a burden, or even the source of trouble.

This generous look is similar to exchanging treasured marbles with new friends.

In fact, it is indeed similar.

His magic is called [Open Sesame] and [Close Sesame], which is a space-related ability.

[Open Sesame] can open any treasure house, secret realm, puzzle door, or even just a conceptual door.

Even if there is a door in the ownerless kingdom of God, it cannot stop him from saying "Open Sesame", and there is almost no place in the world that can trap him.

[Close Sesame] can build the most stable space cage, bridge the space gap, and can even be used to permanently force the rifts below the first level.

If he is determined to steal things, there should not be many treasure houses in the world that can stop him.

The space secret library that Catherine received from the Poor Knights is definitely not good.

Fortunately, this [Alibaba] really doesn't love money, otherwise the rich people will have trouble sleeping.

Byron reached out to take the gift from his new friend, and also gave him a classic bolt-action rifle with blue and gilded patterns as a return gift.

No boy can refuse a straight stick, and no young man can refuse a fine gun.

"Thank you, I like this gift very much."

The young man played with it happily for a long time, and then solemnly put it into his treasure house.

Then he sat down next to the Little Prince, poured himself a cup of black tea, and said dissatisfiedly:

"Why do you ask me to do all the external affairs? Is it because I am the only one in the school who looks like an adult?

You are the chief. "

The [Little Prince] didn’t care and asked with a smile:

"Tell me quickly, what is Her Majesty Queen Consort planning to do when she convenes the top leaders of various university factions tonight?

Something worthy of her going to war must not be a trivial matter. "

[Alibaba] looked around the hall and saw that everyone in the hall was filled with his own people, then he slowly spoke and uttered one word solemnly:

"Hunter God!"

Woo woo woo.

Even though there was a layer of truth in the fairy tale town, when the word was spoken, everyone heard a faint roar and whimpering in their ears.

"Hunter God?"

Byron couldn't help but raise his eyebrows.

Their group of false gods can still claim to be gods, but when the word "god" is spoken in formal situations, it specifically refers to those indescribable old gods.

I didn’t expect that even though our colleagues from the Eastern Continent were losing ground due to the relentless pressure of Luo An Ji, they would actually have such exciting fun in private?

If you have the ability to hunt God, do you still need to retreat to the desert?

[The Little Prince] saw Byron's expression and knew what he was thinking. He quickly waved his hand and explained to him:

"Your Majesty, King of the Wild Hunt, although this god is an old god, he is not the kind of god you understand.

The research on the old gods in the Eastern Continent is much stronger than that in the Silver Continent.

We found that the old gods had different powers and priesthoods during their lifetimes, and their situations were completely different in the fifteen hundred years after their death.

There are old gods like the God of Death and the God of Sleep who are very adapted to the state of eternal sleep. They can regain their sanity as quickly as possible and with the least amount of blood sacrifice.

Relatively speaking, there are other old gods who are not adapted to the state of death.

Although they will not truly perish, not only have they not recovered in these fifteen hundred years, but their own order has completely collapsed due to the violent conflict between their own power and the deep sea.

After the chaos reached the extreme, even though he did not have the personality of the Creator, he still suffered from the same disease as Him, and was also miserable and torn apart, and his strength also plummeted.

The principle is”

After hearing this, Byron also understood and said in unison with the [Little Prince]:

"The sun and storms are mortal enemies of the deep sea!"


The little prince also clapped his little hands happily. Talking to smart people saves you trouble.

"That's right, these two major [clerical positions] and a series of extended priestly positions: [Fire], [Volcano], [Sky], [Thunder and Lightning], etc. also have similar treatment.

The related gods are also more miserable than the last.

This is the goal of the wizard's 'hunting god'! "

After hearing what he said, Byron couldn't help but feel a huge wave in his heart.

He actually had similar thoughts on the way here.

If possible, he really wanted to give Violet and Catherine a few priesthoods, which would save a lot of time even if they needed to be transformed later.

There are even two preliminary goals:

The first one is also the [Fire God], [Ox-headed God], and [Master Creator] Ptah of the desert pantheon.

He is the God of Craftsmen and the God of Fire, and has the responsibilities of [Creation], [Craftsman], [Art], [Fire], etc.

The cursed spirit of the Mire Giant seemed to be anchored to the old god because of his affinity with the old god, and thus gained powerful immortality.

Byron's new secret was only realized after obtaining the forbidden knowledge "The Core of the Furnace".

It also fits well with Violet's powers.

The second one is [Venus Goddess] Ishtar, who has the priesthood of [Venus], [War], [Love], [Rain], [Thunderstorm], [Fertility], etc.

Previously, the "traitor" discovered the coordinates of a collapsed divine kingdom in the Sea of ​​Origin.

There is also an old god's corpse that, due to bad luck, has not been able to gradually regain its sanity and strength through cannibalism and blood sacrifices over the past fifteen hundred years.

He suspected that the person buried there was [Venus Goddess] Ishtar.

Raven Muni and [Elf of Love] Dancer Salome have been following the "rape" for the past two days, ready to wait for the opportunity.

Moreover, according to the little prince's prompts, these two targets happened to have extended priesthoods related to the sun and storms, and their status was 100% not very good.

Since [Alibaba] now says that [Sedge River Snake] and [Queen Marie] Cleopatra VII are also gathering people to hunt down an old god, then the identity of the other party should not be so simple.

There is a high probability that he is not an ordinary god.

Without waiting for further questioning, [Alibaba] spit out a name again:

"The target of the operation is the God King of the Desert God System, [The Blind One], [Falcon-Headed God], and [God of the Sky] Horus!"

When Byron heard this god's name, the sun ship [Heliopolis] he had encountered by chance came to mind immediately.

There are also a series of priestly duties such as [Sky], [Sun], [Moon], [Royal Power], [Guardian], and [Revenge] on the God King, which are almost full of debuffs.

It also meets the needs of their whole family.

His eyes lit up:


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