Pirate Kingship

Chapter 72 Dance of Death, Senators Take Action

In the port of Bristol, the northernmost port of the Hattings Strait Islands, countless kingdom blood crosses, fleet flags, noble flags, and captain's gilded flags fluttered in the wind.

"weigh anchor!"

"weigh anchor!"

"The target is due north, the entire fleet is on the starboard side and sailing close to the wind, and set sail!"

The sailors hoisted a semaphore on the mainmast of the flagship, which was urgently renamed [King Edward], and the fleet commander's order was conveyed to the entire fleet.

The officers shouted one after another.

He commanded the First Fleet of the Strait Fleet, which had completed its assembly a few days in advance, and sailed out of the anchorage in a mighty manner.

With the flagship second-level ship [King Edward] as the lead ship, they lined up in a double column and meandered away.

When battleships sail in a team at sea, in order to leave room for maneuvering, the battleships usually have to maintain a distance of 200 to 400 meters. Three ships can reach one kilometer.

When a whole fleet travels together, it will even give people a dizzy feeling as the team stretches all the way to the sky.

"To His Majesty the Great King, we will be invincible under the flag of the White Rose!"

"To our General, Your Excellency!"

On the flagship [King Edward], led by the fleet commander, Admiral Norwich York, the officers who went on the expedition were dressed gorgeously and in high spirits.

Everyone was holding a glass of wine, as if they were not going out to destroy the last pirate port in the North Sea, but attending a grand dance.

In fact, in their minds, the ease of this battle was not much different from that of a noble ball.

The hundreds of 32-pound guns equipped in the fleet and the heavily sealed thing in the bottom tank are their greatest confidence.

After the entire fleet sailed out of the port, on the mainmast, a lighthouse sequence level three [navigator] reported the navigation data to the captain:

"Current heading, six compass points north-west, speed three knots.

Taking into account future sea weather changes, it is expected to arrive at the scheduled sea area in three days. "

Although the speed of three quarters does not seem fast.

But compared to land transportation, it is terrifying enough for a warship to carry dozens or hundreds of two- to three-ton cannons for hundreds of kilometers a day.

The sailing battleship is the undisputed king of war in this era, and no man-made weapon can match it.

Of course, the fleet was now sailing against the wind. After sailing for a certain distance, the flagship captain who was responsible for non-wartime command gave the order:

"Order, the lead ship maneuvers downwind, and the fleet follows and maintains the formation."

If you think about it, you will know that perhaps an ordinary cruiser can change the horizontal sail into the longitudinal sail to achieve windward sailing maneuvers and thus sail against the wind.

But what about those three-decker, more cumbersome large battleships?

A fleet is often composed of a large number of two-decker small battleships and a few three-decker battleships. Obviously, they cannot be left behind.

The method that naval officers came up with was to imitate a crab crawling sideways, use the maximum windward angle, and circle upwind.

Since the entire fleet had to maintain formation, all ships had to be aligned with the slowest and least maneuverable three-decker battleship and the detachment flagship.

Although this crab crawling posture looks a bit funny.

But just imagine that this is a group of war machines, each carrying a massive amount of heavy artillery, approaching you little by little.

You can immediately realize that they are not climbing in the wind, but dancing a dance of death on the sea!

Even without the trump card sealed in the cabin, this is already a terrifying force that no sea monster dares to provoke.

At this time, an inconspicuous red swift passed by inadvertently, circled dozens of sea miles away, and then flew towards the north.

clang! clang! clang!

At the same time, the bell of the House of Representatives in the center of Anchor Bay rang.

That was when the Speaker or Deputy Speaker initiated a motion to urgently convene all the mid-level MPs in Anchor Bay for discussion.

In the council hall with a very rough decoration style, thirteen large pirates, most of whom were unkempt, sat down around a huge round table with tree bark.

Behind them each stood a group of vicious entourage.

The thick and burly bodies of a group of desperadoes were covered with criss-crossing and hideous scars, and their eyes reflected violent and bloody flames.

Even though the scimitar he was playing with was polished to a crisp, it still couldn't hide the murderous smell of rust.

If ordinary people stood here, they would probably scare half of their lives right on the spot, and they would even tremble when they speak.

The main character is a weird one who is never easy to mess with.

Byron also obtained a ticket to the conference with a "treasure map" of Treasure Island, and stood behind Edward the Redbeard.

Quietly observing the thirteen members of Congress who were faintly divided into two groups in the hall.

He had read everyone's wanted posters.

There were a total of six people including [Butcher Bird] Morrison and [Conductor] Ferdinand (Chapter 38) who had previously recruited people in the square, all of them mainly red-bearded, sitting on both sides of him.

I don’t know what kind of ulterior exchange of interests they had reached. At this time, they no longer kept secrets and made it clear that they supported Red Beard.

The Free Pirates on the opposite side are a bit lackluster.

Although at this time, it is evident that they still unite with the orthodox Bayan forces to show their loyalty, they will not be able to play a decisive role in the subsequent major changes.

As long as Redbeard's power can be contained, Byron will be satisfied.

Sitting among the Bay residents was not the legendary warlord [Child Guard] Dennis, but a very young girl.

“This person is not on the wanted list, he is not famous, he doesn’t even have a title.

But since the people of the Bay can be represented, the only one who can represent the people of the Bay is Violet Harold, the daughter of the North Sea Pirate King [Whale Hunter] and the Princess of the Bay. "

Byron had little information about her in his mind.

Just like the House of Lords in Hattings has always been controlled by hereditary nobles, she is also a hereditary member of the Captains' Council.

No election is required, and seats are automatically obtained when reaching the third level.

It is said that she went out to study a few years ago and was away from Anchor Bay all year round. Not many people have seen Violet's true appearance, and they don't even know her specific occupation.

He has silver hair and blue eyes, and a fierce temperament. Even if he doesn't speak, the air seems to be filled with the smell of gunpowder that is ready to start a fight at any time.

Although many pirates in the hall couldn't help but subconsciously look at the bay citizen princess, it also proved her amazing charm from the side.

But Byron's evaluation is

"Average. Too ordinary. Nothing special."

I can't feel any emotions at all.

At this time, Edward the Redbeard reached out and knocked on the table, glanced around at the members of the Bay Democratic camp opposite, and said in a slightly heavy voice:

"Everyone, I believe that everyone has received reports of a sharp increase in disappearances in the city last night.

But why haven’t law enforcement teams and public security stations taken strong countermeasures until now?

Anchor Bay is not only the Anchor Bay for Bay residents, but also the Anchor Bay for all pirates in our North Sea waters.

My responsibility as the Deputy Speaker of the Captain’s Council means that I can’t let the situation continue to deteriorate.”

The culprit, like an innocent person who knew nothing, first explained the current predicament of Anchor Bay.

Emphasis is placed on the untraceability of those grotesque and evil spirits.

Then he suddenly attacked Princess Violet of the Bay people who chaired the meeting on behalf of the current governor, and said righteously:

“Excuse me, Miss Violet, where is our governor [Children’s Guardian] Mr. Dennis?

Why hasn't he stepped forward to mobilize His Excellency the Whale Hunter's [Iron Law of Royal Power] for defense?

Forget the incident where I was assassinated in the street before, but now that security is deteriorating, how long can the civilians on the island and our pirate brothers hold on? "


After hearing Redbeard's words, there was a commotion in the hall.

Under the [Silver Law] system, as long as one does not overstep the domain of God and challenge the authority of the church, the culmination of all titles is the [King Title].

As long as you obtain the [King Title], whether you are a pirate king or an orthodox king, you can formulate [Iron Laws of Royal Power] in your own territory or within the scope of power projection that is in line with your own interests.

This is also the fundamental reason for the very popular saying, "The truth is only within the range of your force projection, or within the range of the cannon."

Although the North Sea Pirate King [Whale Hunter] has disappeared, the [Iron Law of Royal Power] left behind remains here.

The [Pirate Code] that governs the North Sea is still in effect.

It is rooted in all territorial people or nationals who actively or passively accept the rule of law.

Under the legal network with the king personally in charge, any behavior that violates the law can be monitored at any time.

In the core royal territory, the Guards can also receive a large bonus from the law, gather the power of the people in the territory, and explode with power that exceeds their own extraordinary level.

In this current situation.

As long as the governor who represents the authority of the Pirate King stands up and wears the seal ring left by the Pirate King, he can mobilize the power of the [Pirate Code] to monitor the entire city.

In fact, the Black Mass ceremony has its own law-breaking effect, and the law cannot be traced, but it does not prevent Red Beard from using it as a reason to criticize the "Children's Guardian".

The big pirate's sharp eyes scanned the entire audience, and finally settled on Violet's face.

Although the words are spoken slowly, they are full of an aggressive and powerful sense of oppression:

"You keep saying that the Overseer is ill, he is ill.

If I am unable to perform my duties in this critical moment, I, as the Deputy Speaker of the Anchor Bay Captains' Council, have the responsibility to issue a motion.

An early election will be held in Anchor Bay in three days!

Who is in favor and who is against? "

Behind him, the first mate [Jackal Badger] Harvey and Byron and other subordinates, including all the attendants behind the congressman on their side, took a collective step forward after hearing this.

The suffocating cold bloody air was suppressed.

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