Pirate Kingship

Chapter 81 Fleet salvo, fire at me!

What others didn’t know was that while Byron was waving his hands vigorously at Red Beard, he was actually jumping with anger in his heart:

“Fools! Your coordination efficiency is too poor.

We just arranged a simple battle line according to the predetermined plan, and we didn’t arrange it well after half an hour.

According to the wartime regulations of the Navy, let alone such a poor performance, even if it was just leaving the team without permission, the captain would be shot a hundred times!

How can such a big Red Beard be really killed without a battle line’s cluster saturation attack?”

Violet rubbed her buzzing ears.

Although he was a great pirate of the third level, he had no reason to refute, and just explained in a low voice:

"Pirates are used to fighting alone. We planned well at the beginning, but found that there were too many problems when executing.

Even if the [Flaming Rose] was in the middle, I couldn't see the other warships one or two kilometers away.

And unlike the Kingdom-class battle line, it is composed of battleships of level three or above, with similar shapes and parameters, which are easy to coordinate.

Our ragtag army is much more difficult.

The sailors on the pirate ship have not received any training and can barely learn three-quarters of the shape.

After the smoke of the battle comes later, the vision and coordination will only be worse."

Everyone knows that for undercover agents, confidentiality is the first priority.

Except for Violet herself, no one else knows the existence of Byron.

She, a novice commander, has done her best to do this independently.

This is the result of the full cooperation of other great pirates.

"I'm here, wait for my news."

While the two were talking, the [Golden Deer] had quickly broken through the obstruction of the surrounding antique ship coffins and arrived next to the Nemesis.

Without slowing down at all, Bruch, the [Guardian Knight], controlled the steering wheel and made a large-angle drift on the sea.

At the moment of passing by, Byron pulled a rope hanging from the top mast and swung to the deck of the Nemesis like a nimble monkey.

With a roll to release the force, he bounced up unscathed and saluted Red Beard:

"Captain, I was entangled by a group of ship coffins on the way, which delayed me a little. I am late."

Red Beard stepped forward and patted his shoulder with some excitement:

"Mr. Bill, my eyes that have seen countless people have indeed not made a mistake.

Your loyalty shines brighter than gold!"

He then looked at the three-masted sailboat behind Byron, with obvious eagerness in his tone:

"That is the [Golden Deer] under your command, right? You guys."

Byron immediately understood the other party's eyes, which clearly said: "Whose subordinate is this? Good stuff, I want it!"

Every big pirate who aspires to be the pirate king values ​​talents.

What's more, the performance of that ship just now was so outstanding that anyone would want to take it under his command.

But before Red Beard could speak to keep him, Bruch, who had a tacit understanding with Byron, drove the [Golden Deer] without saying a word and broke through from the other side.

The 32-pound carronade fired one after another on the way, sending all the ship coffins that dared to block the way to the bottom of the sea, making Red Beard even more jealous.

Originally, he thought that the [Golden Deer] was just a fledgling pirate, but now he has seen the superiority of this sailboat as a pirate ship.

Byron blocked Red Beard's sight and blamed himself bitterly:

"This pirate ship and its captain and crew are indeed excellent.

But they can't help much in the current level of battle.

It is not easy to send me back and let me fight side by side with the [Vengeance], the captain, and my colleagues.

Let them wander around the periphery to at least share the firepower of the ship coffin.

I also met two of the seven free pirate ships you assigned to me outside, but they refused to help.

I'm sorry that I couldn't bring you more reinforcements."

Red Beard listened After saying this, he was touched in his heart, and said with regret and praise:

"As long as you, my right-hand man, can return safely, it will be the greatest luck for me as a captain.

Don't worry, I have already sent the list of free pirates who surrendered to us back to the Admiralty and joined the investigation.

You can tell your friends that as long as this battle can be won, the York family will never be stingy with a "Privateer License".

It is not even a dream to recruit them as real naval officers one day and turn them into masters."

As he said this, he patted a small conch shell as black as an iron shell on his waist.

Byron had seen this strange object [Echo Conch] a long time ago.

As long as you talk to it, you can generate an echo in the other conch shell in the pair, with a maximum communication distance of 1,000 kilometers.

It can also record all echoes within three months and replay them at any time.

This is also one of his goals. I think there must be a lot of private dealings between Red Beard and the York family in it.

"Thank you, Captain. They will definitely appreciate your kindness.

But now is not the time to talk. I am the best at signaling on the Nemesis. I will go to the mast and help you and the signal officer dispatch the fleet."

Without saying a few words, Byron, who had just come to help, saluted Red Beard again and quickly climbed up the side rope of the mizzen mast.

Including Red Beard, the surrounding pirate officers admired his courage from the bottom of their hearts.

There were complimentary words such as "loyal" and "heroic", and of course some people ridiculed him as a heroic fool.

What is about to begin is not a boarding battle.

In a long-range artillery battle, exposed to the unobstructed mast, you can only resign yourself to fate. You don't know when you will be taken away by a stray bullet.

What a joke, do you think you also have the captain’s immortality?

When Byron climbed up the mast with a monocular telescope, he had an unobstructed view of all the "enemy ships" on the opposite side from this place with the best view.

The first action was to send a message to Violet:

“Miss Artist, I have reached the best position in the ‘stand’.

The view here is good, you just need to repeat my instructions and convey them to the whole ship.

Next, please start your performance. "

The other person responded crisply:

"Understood, please stay tuned, good citizen!"

On the [Flaming Rose], Violet's demeanor suddenly changed, causing the pirate officers around her to look at her sideways.

The confidence on her face seemed to shine, making people almost think she was possessed by a god.

Through the whale bone amulet, Violet quickly coded the six warships under her command, the [Changfeng], [Bristol], and [Lightning Peregrine], from front to back in formation.

Then the instructions were re-issued in an orderly manner, even reaching the level of pirate officers in various functional departments:

“Ship No. 1 is too prominent, please pay attention to the spacing.

Loosen the mainmast girder, adjust the upper sail back 10 degrees, and leave a margin for the windward angle to keep it consistent with the battleship behind. "

"The No. 2 ship loosened a furling spike on the mizzen mast, followed closely the lead ship, guarded the azimuth line, and prepared a scale for the warships behind."

"The position of the third ship is the most critical"

As these orders are issued through [Whale Song].

The several pirate ships that were originally in a hurry immediately found a backbone and gradually merged into a unified whole.

"It's not hopeless. Otherwise, it would be much more difficult to hunt down Red Beard."

Looking at the battle line that was initially formed in front of him, Byron nodded secretly with satisfaction.

Commanding a fleet is similar to commanding a sailing ship.

Take the ship's rigging system, which consists of hundreds of cables.

Most knowledgeable modern people will feel dizzy when they look at those messy sail ropes. Can illiterate sailors remember it?

Equally impossible.

Rigging is like a computer program. Its composition is extremely simple, only 0 and 1 (moving and static support ropes), but the combination is extremely complex.

Fortunately, a boat is operated by hundreds of people, and each person only needs to be responsible for one of the ropes.

As long as the rigging sailor follows the rules and remembers what kind of whistle the rigging captain blows or what kind of command he yells, he should tighten or loosen the rope in his hand.

Only the sail leader is the old sea dog who has spent a lifetime on the sea practicing repeatedly and is familiar with and understands the use of all rigging.

The same goes for battleship command.

All it takes is a systematic command network to integrate all warships and allow each combat unit to do the right thing at the right time, which is the greatest victory.

At this time, Byron is the brain of this command system!

Being in the best "audience seat" allowed him to see particularly clearly.

In just ten minutes, the Gulf people's large pirate fleet formed a relatively strict "simple battle line."

Although the Gulf People's side has one less ship, and none of the ships has the firepower to compare with third-tier ships such as the Nemesis.

But with good internal relations, mutual trust, and a small-scale real-time command system such as [Whale Bone Amulet·Whale Song], it looks more like a regular army.

On the other hand, the Red Beards not only have their own agenda, but also use backward semaphores.

Without training and cooperation, they can't form the same battle line at all, let alone fight against the wind.

This time I really have the advantage!

Under Byron's command, that tight battle line suddenly took the initiative to escape from the disadvantage of the number one target [The Nemesis].

Because the effect of the "Hate Mark" was still there, when the battle lines were pulled apart by the wind, the third-level ship also immediately accelerated passively, leaving its already loose formation.

Exposed to the dark muzzle of the Gulf Fleet.

At this time, all the warships rushed forward again and entered the opponent's range.

But that wake of less than 300 meters could no longer threaten the battle line composed of six battleships.

It was at this time that Commander Byron finally issued the order to start the war:

"Fleet salvo, fire at me!"


A whole battle line of six fourth-tier ships (or equivalent) fired their main guns.

boom! boom! boom! boom! boom!

The orange-red gunfire illuminated the dark sea, reflected the clouds on the horizon red, and stung the eyes of all enemy pirates.

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