Pirate Kingship

Chapter 91 I, the outlaw!

"Touch of the Kraken?"

Byron came back to his senses, swallowed his saliva subconsciously, and still chewed the name with lingering interest.

Simple and straightforward, the thing in the jar in front of him was a broken tentacle of the indescribable thing "Kraken".

As a former chef with a "tentacle fetish", Byron knew tentacles better than anyone else.

Octopuses are said to have three hearts and nine brains.

Leaving aside the three hearts, its nine brains grow in the head and eight tentacles respectively.

There are about 500 million neurons in total, 40% of which are in the main brain, and the rest are scattered in various sub-brains.

The sub-brains in the tentacles of octopuses are independent of each other and do not interfere with each other.

Even if the tentacles of ordinary octopuses are broken, they can still remain active for a period of time and can even sense the external environment.

For an indescribable thing, this incomplete tentacle can be regarded as the other party's trumpet clone.

Even though they were still separated by thick fog, Byron finally locked onto the true identity of the accomplice of the genocide at this moment.


The law mage closest to Byron paused with his staff and shouted angrily:

"Didn't you hear me? Get out, and wait until after the battle to receive your punishment from the executioner on the ship."

As he spoke, a heavy pressure like a mountain roared over.

If you ask which enemy profession the extraordinary people least want to encounter, the answer may be different.

But among the top three, there must be a place for [Law Mage].

Their strongest point is that they can "borrow the power of the tiger".

Every member of the kingdom who is governed by the Iron Law of the King is part of the legal system.

The stricter their discipline, the stronger the power of the law that covers this place.

Especially in places like naval warships, which belong to their own territory and where military discipline can only be described as strict.

The power of [Iron Law of the King] is naturally incredibly strong.

At this time, if there is another law master who can use the [Law] far beyond his own ability with the support of the Law Network, he can easily crush his peers.

It can be said that the safest place in the entire fleet is not the fleet commander's command room, but this small cabin.


But the only response to him was a gunshot.

Looking at his companions who fell in a pool of blood with countless "hearts" on their chests and stared.

Each of these law masters, who were born in aristocratic families and had extremely respected status, opened their mouths in disbelief.

For a moment, they were unable to recover from the violent and bloody scene of "no matter how high the status is, one shot will knock you down".


"How dare you, lowly soldier, kill a noble lord of the Partridge family?!"

It was the battle-hardened third-level judge Dude Wright who reacted the fastest. He put down the [Shepherd's Flute] in his hand and shouted:

"Law: No hot weapons are allowed here."

The core ability of the second level [Law]:

Interpret the laws in his own [Royal Iron Law] in person and make judgments on certain behaviors. As long as it is within his jurisdiction, it can take effect.

This ability was further enhanced in the hands of the third-level judge.

To a certain extent, he gained discretionary power and no longer needed to read the laws. As long as he thought it was reasonable, he could use the law according to his own ideas.

Just one skill can derive a series of powerful means without any shortcomings.

Another law mage waved his staff and smashed it hard at Byron's head.

"Go to hell!"

Humans are a kind of social animals that are very easy to follow blindly.

When the leader remains calm and his side is outnumbered, the positive gain of using the majority to bully the minority will be triggered.

At this time, no matter what kind of beast or powerful enemy they are facing, human confidence will approach infinity.

Just now, Byron and other Bay people were like this when facing the "natural disaster", and now they are facing Byron.

"[Wild Hunt] needs to bring fear to the dead to achieve the best effect.

You guys are so brave to resist, which really makes it difficult for me!"

Byron shook his head regretfully.


He raised his hand and opened a big "brain hole" for him.

The decree issued by a third-level judge actually had no effect on him? ? ?

And this time is different from the past.

Not only from the effect of the Storm Seal Ring, but also the third entry [Outlaw] he obtained after [Historical Corrector] and [Heart and Soul].

"False outlaws: lawless and reckless.

Real outlaws: out of the law, not subject to criminal law.

Once the law is in place, you will always be in the net.

From now on, not only can the Magna Carta of Hastings not judge you (only the king can).

The laws of various countries, which are rooted in the Holy Silver Empire and belong to the same continental legal system, will greatly weaken the restrictive effect on you and no longer have a crushing advantage.

In addition, criminal groups are the ultimate form of outlaws.

As a guiding light for the outlaws, you have insight into the law and can use the Pirate Ten Commandments to protect your crew.

When facing the Hastings Law Master, your team will no longer be your weak spot."

Although it has some overlaps with the ability of the seal ring, it is equivalent to letting your future team launch a special attack on the Kingdom of Hastings ruled by the York family.

"Yes, I like this name very much."

Looking up, he showed an evil smile to the stunned law masters.

"I, an outlaw!"

The remaining lawyers were in a panic and couldn't figure out what was going on.

In line with the principle of flying big bricks, I began to recite the articles of the [Iron Law of Royal Power: Magna Carta] loudly:

“John, king of Hattings, ordained by heaven.

Greetings to the archbishops, bishops, abbots, counts, barons, judges, forest palaces, bailiffs, wardens, messengers, their stewards, and the faithful people.”

The French net of the entire fleet responded with a roar, and the blessing was here, and the silver light was almost visible to the naked eye.

But they moved out Byron's eighth ancestor, John, the "Landless King" who signed the Magna Carta two hundred years ago, to suppress him, the orthodox heir to the throne.

"Law: Anyone who uses hot weapons here will suffer consequences."

But the second decree of the chief judge was still torn to pieces by a steel ball.

The shotgun blasts opened up countless brain holes and minds in this group of legal experts.


"Why? Why is this happening?"

They were going crazy.

I almost thought I was under the influence of that tentacle and fell into a hallucination.

The oldest and strongest human emotion is fear, and the oldest and strongest fear comes from the unknown.

Byron, who is inexplicably immune to the attacks of all laws, is as terrifying as the indescribable man in the jar.

When I remembered that I still had various defensive [wonderful objects] in my pocket that I didn't usually use, I was hurriedly preparing to activate them.

But they had already been swallowed up by the storm of steel balls.

Caught in this unknown fear, after becoming a member of the [Wild Hunting Legion], the power they retained was naturally extremely powerful.

Among them, the third-level justice died the most unjustly.

Outside, wherever he went, he would see almost invincible masters of the same level, but he never expected that he would capsize in the gutter at the hands of a small first-level attendant.

Even if the strange object belt on his body can protect himself from crossbows and stray bullets, it is just a waste of Byron's [Song of Tragedy].

"Every gain comes with a loss. The power of the Law Master comes from the most stringent laws, and naturally there is no resistance to the source of power.

I still need to shoot here to kill them.

If the current King Edward IV were here, their performance would only be even worse. "

In just a few breaths, the bottom cabin was completely filled with blood.

Behind Byron, headed by Justice Dude Wright, whose spirit body condensed like a living person, stood 20 undead attendants of different heights, fatness and thickness.

The number of places in the legion could no longer be filled, so we had to give up a few of the law masters with average strength.

The silver octopus coin in Byron's hand was soaked in blood, and the octopus on it seemed to be coming to life.

Moreover, if the [Transmutation Blood] produced by a third-level transcendent is paired with [Angel's Kiss] for the crew, it should be enough to train four or five first-level servants in one breath.

Byron turned his head and found that only little Norwich, who had shrunk into the corner from the beginning, was left in the bottom cabin.

The naval colonel's voice was trembling:

"I am a direct member of the York family, and my father is the fleet commander. Don't kill me!

Who sent you here? Those Bay residents? Whatever you want, wealth, power, resources, knowledge, the York family can give it to you! "

But he saw Byron slowly pointing the gun at his forehead and jokingly said:

"Stop acting, the standard amulet for help for the descendants of the royal family has been crushed, right?

Your father, old Norwich, is probably coming soon.

Guess why I left you for last? "

Hearing the footsteps rushing like a strong wind overhead, there was also an anxious shout:

"Stop the villain—!"

The cowardice and fear on little Norwich's face disappeared in an instant, and he threw himself at Byron viciously, cursing in his mouth:

"You devil, I'm waiting in hell."

In the Age of Discovery when wars were still raging, top families could not cultivate absolute trash.

At the critical moment of life and death, he was just acting to gain a chance to escape.


Shooting at close range, the hot steel balls tore his entire head into pieces.

Giving him hope, he gave him despair. At this time, Byron was not only an outlaw, but also the notorious "Son of the Devil" on the York family's wanted list.

"I want to give back bit by bit what you have given me!"

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