But fortunately, there are still these people who stick to the righteousness in their hearts.

Otherwise, the Navy will really be finished.

The best proof of this is Dorag's decision.

In their view,

this shows that the people of the world still agree with the justice of the navy.

But alas,

they don't know that the guy they're greeting now will defect from the Navy in the future.

And the establishment of the revolutionary army is a force

that has risen

up in order to subvert the rule of the world government.

At the same time, accompanied by the passage of time.

He overthrew one kingdom after another and put an end to the oppression of commoners by the nobility.

With practical actions, he showed his attitude and determination.

Such an act

is undoubtedly completely in opposition to the world government.

It has touched their bottom line and foundation, which the world government will never allow.

To this end, they allocated a large part of their forces to deal with the revolutionary army.

There is even more manpower and energy to bet on this area than the suppression of pirates.

After all, the profession of pirates is not producing, and basically only plunders and destroys.

They are all a group of lawless people who advocate violence, and they can use force to resolutely use their brains.

And there is no mass base

! Under normal circumstances, ghosts like pirates!

There is no fixed source of income, and there is no support from the masses.

The destined development of pirates is destined to have ceilings and bottlenecks.

Nor can it shake the rule of the world government.

And the facts have proved it!

Over the course of time, the world government has witnessed the rise of countless pirates.

But so what?

A thief is a thief! It can never be changed! No

pirate can have the same background and strength as the world government.

Even the famous Rocks Pirates are the same.

This guy Locks is an extremely dazzling existence in the entire history of pirates.

He brought together countless monsters onto a ship and once ruled the entire New World.

Many countries and people live in fear.

Even the World Government is troubled and troublesome by the Rocks Pirates.

However, it was only tricky and troublesome, and I did not feel fear or anxiety.

Although Locks led people to attack the Valley of the Gods, the World Government was very angry.

But the crew of the Rocks Pirates are a group of lawless and unruly guys.

The reason why he followed Locks

was only because he was strong enough and had a mountain of treasure.

There is no loyalty at all.

As a result, this is also the place where the Rocks Pirates end.

To deal with the Rocks Pirates, the world government has indeed invested a lot of strength.

But it's definitely not all power.

Just kidding

! Dealing with a Rocks Pirate that has only been developing for decades!

The world government needs to mobilize all its forces?

Then just die.

As for why they didn't destroy the pirates, of course, it was because they needed them to exist.

But the revolutionary army was different.

These guys are trying to change people's minds and inspire a desire to rebel.

Questioning or even repudiating the class rule of the aristocracy.

Then the world government must clean up this group of guys.

Moreover, it is necessary to eradicate the revolutionary army at all costs.



warship slowly approached the crowd.

As soon as he landed,

a hearty laugh rang out


accompanied by laughter!

A figure walked slowly down with Dorag.

When he saw the people on the shore, he immediately hugged his son and greeted him.

"Marshal Kong! This is my son Monchi D'Dorag!"

The faces of the four of Steel, Sengoku, Zefa, and Tsuru all showed smiles.

Then, he looked the young man in front of him up and down.

Seeing this

, Dorag also smiled and said, "Hello seniors! I'm Dorag!" "

Today is my first day at the Navy Headquarters

!" "I hope you seniors will take care of you in the future!"

As soon as the words fell,

the four of them were stunned for a moment!

Then they all nodded with smiles on their faces.


!" "Okay! What a polite child!" "Yes! It's completely different from Karp!"

"The spirit is also very good!" "

I don't know! How did Karp give birth to such a child?"

And the more I look at Dorag, the more I like it.

That's it!

Dorag chose to join the Navy when he was confused.


At this time,

Stim and his party had been sailing for a long time.

During this period, he also passed through the desert kingdom of Alabastan.

But I saw the yellow sand, uninhabited, and scorching environment.

Stim chose to leave immediately.

This is

the place where Luffy defeated the king's Seven Martial Sea Sand Crocodile Klockdal in the original book.

It is also the second natural fruit ability that Luffy encountered.

As for why Stim left.

It's not that he's afraid of the harsh environment, the main thing is that the place is too big.

But the usable area here is not very large.

If you go from the shore to the capital of Alabastan.

I don't know how much time I'm going to waste.

Just go straight to the next purpose.

And in the next place, there is another person waiting for him to go to the appointment.

Thinking of that guy, Stiem's mood couldn't help but become a little anxious.

And just like that,

another period of sailing.

The island of Gaya finally appeared in front of Stiem's eyes.

Look at the pirate ships docked in the harbor.

Stim couldn't help but sigh, it was worthy of the legendary pirate town!

There were so many pirate ships parked in the harbor.

Just as the crowd was looking at the island and approaching the port.

Suddenly, a huge slash struck at the fleet.

Seeing this

, the crowd was instantly shocked, and

endless anger followed.

However, Stim seemed very calm and not flustered at all.

Just as the slash was approaching.

Stim shook his head and chuckled, disappearing in an instant.

When he appeared, he was already in front of the slash.

I saw Stim raise his fist in the air.

At the same time, it was attached to the armed color domineering, and swung it at the slash.


There was a loud bang, and

Stiem's fist collided with the slash.

However, it was only a moment of stalemate before the slash was shattered by Stiem.

Looking at the scene in front of them,

the members of the Fallen Angel let out a heaven-shattering cheer.

At the same time,

many people on the island of Gaya were stunned.

The moment they saw the slash appear, they already knew who had struck it.

And has begun a moment of silence for Stim and his party.

In their opinion,

it was absolutely impossible for Stim and his party to be unscathed under this slash.

Because the slash came from one man, the pirate Hawkeye Mihawk,

who was in trouble as soon as he arrived on this island.

But it was quickly solved by him with a few slashes.

There were also some guys during the period, after knowing his deeds.

Mihawk has a mind to recruit, whether it's a pirate or an underworld.


the face of such a young genius, it is difficult for normal people not to be tempted.

But it's a pity that they were all rejected by Mihawk one by one.

When asked why, he was reluctant to answer.

In this regard, they can only reluctantly choose to give up.

Of course, there are also people who want to forcibly subdue Mihawk.

For example, some young pirates, seeing Mihawk, did not agree.

I was furious.

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