"Wanli Sunshine?"

When this name came out, everyone fell silent.

"It is indeed a good name. Wanli symbolizes sailing thousands of miles, and the sunshine represents our eternal escape from darkness."

Nami was the first to agree.

"It is indeed much better than the Lion and the White Bear."

Sanji glanced at Zoro and Luffy.

"It's a good name indeed."

Strangely, the two of them didn't object, but nodded together.

"This name was conceived by my senior brother Bingshan at the beginning, and it is also the core concept of this ship, to be like the sun, calm and happy, crossing the cruel sea."

Seeing this, Frankie gave a thumbs up, he admired his senior brother very much!

"Well, in that case, from now on it will be called Thousand Sunny."

At that moment, Luffy nodded and announced.

Everyone had no objection, and Moonlight also nodded.

So far, everyone had a new ship, called Thousand Sunny.

Then Franky explained in detail again that Thousand Sunny was built by him and Iceberg himself, and it was built with the full efforts of Carrera's top shipbuilders. In addition to sailing, many exquisite designs are available.

The previous wind jet was just the tip of the iceberg, and there are many wonderful places.

Immediately, everyone was amazed by Franky's explanation.

The group went to the next sea area.


At the same time, with the Judicial Island incident, the Straw Hat Pirates have become world-famous.

East China Sea.

Usopp's hometown, West Rob Village.

Onion Head, Green Pepper Head, and Radish Head found Miss Kaya, looking excited and panting:

"Miss Kaya, look, here is Captain Usopp's wanted poster, 30 million Beli. The captain is now a famous pirate on the sea!"


Hearing this, Kaya took it and saw Usopp's wanted poster, with a bounty of 30 million berries.

"Great, you finally realized your dream."

Keya said happily

"Miss Keya, the captain's boasts are now coming true one by one."

The green pepper head said excitedly

"Well, I also want to work hard to become a famous doctor."

Ke Ya nodded happily.


Barati, the restaurant on the sea.

The chefs saw the wanted poster for Sanji and couldn't help but burst into laughter:

"Hahaha, is this Sanji?"

"He must not be able to accept himself like this!"


Paddy even knelt down on the ground and pounded the ground.

Seeing this, Zeff smiled, and a trace of relief flashed across his face as he looked at Sanji's wanted poster:

"Did this kid succeed?"


Windmill Village

"Look, Luffy is finally famous."

In a restaurant, everyone was holding Luffy's wanted poster and said

"Hahaha, that kid Luffy?"

"Sure enough, this kid finally made a name for himself.

The whole restaurant cheered.

"Humph, what's there to be happy about, becoming a famous pirate, huh!"

Village chief Up.Slap snorted coldly, but when he saw the bright smile on the wanted poster, a trace of relief flashed in his eyes.

"Village chief, you miss Luffy too, right?"

At this time, the proprietress Makino brought over a glass of wine and said with a smile



Shimotsuki Village. Isshin


Countless disciples came to Koshiro with Zoro's wanted order and said:

"Teacher, Brother Sauron is now world famous"

"I heard that Senior Brother Sauron is your disciple?"

"Great, we want to become great pirates like Brother Zoro!"

The apprentices were excited.

"This... I never taught him to be a pirate!"

Hearing this, Koshiro twitched for a while, but looked at the portrait of Zoro and chuckled:

"Judicial Island? I didn't expect you to make such a decision, but I can feel that your sword is not confused."


Kokoa West Village.

Everyone cheered when they saw the wanted poster for Nami:

"Great, Nami has succeeded?"

"It’s worthy of being called a little thief cat!"

"Asshole, who took this photo? She's wearing so little!"

Jian was furious.

However, when he saw Nami's brilliant smile, he couldn't help but smile:

"It seems you're doing well."


Winter Island.

Dalton holds the wanted order for Chopper and looks at Kureha.

"50 Baileys? Not bad."

Seeing the 50 Baileys reward, Kureha couldn't help but smile, but he was more relieved.

"They are already world famous.

Dalton exclaimed


"Let me play, let me play!"

"No, I want it, I want it!"

At this time, on the Thousand Sunny, with Franky's introduction, everyone seemed to have come to a resort, with an aquarium, a dock, and all kinds of entertainment facilities on the ship.

Everyone can find a comfortable position for themselves.

Robin and Nami changed into a cool, sunny belly-baring outfit, lying comfortably on the lounge chairs, basking in the sun, and tasting the exquisite drinks made by Sanji.

The two of them became a beautiful scenery on the ship.

Sanji was still at his side, with a look of devoting himself to the cause and not stopping until his death. Zoro was sleeping, Yueguang was practicing swordsmanship, and Usopp, Luffy, and Chopper were having a great time under Franky's introduction. They were all having a great time. For several days in a row, the weather was sunny and cloudless, and everyone was extremely leisurely. At this time, a boat suddenly came over.

"That is……"

Moonlight, who was looking out, immediately noticed the ship approaching from a distance.

"There is no flag and no sail. Is it an ordinary fishing boat?"

"It looks like he is in trouble."

Suddenly, the others also saw it and were surprised, and speculated one after another.

"I'll go check it out."

At this time, Luffy had stretched out his arms and jumped onto the other ship.

"Hey, hey, hey, Luffy!"

Seeing this, Usopp exclaimed hurriedly, but it was too late to stop it.

"Everyone, they are fishermen in distress."

After getting on the boat, Luffy quickly asked about the situation and waved to everyone.

"A fisherman in distress?"

"On this great route?"

Hearing this, everyone looked at each other, but still drove the boat over.

As expected, they saw a few people on the other boat who looked very poor and dressed like fishermen looking at them with hope, and there was a seven-year-old child among them:

"Our ship encountered a tsunami and drifted on the sea for half a month without any food or water."

"Please help us"


Luffy looked at Sanji.

However, without Luffy saying anything, Sanji had already come out of the kitchen with food.

For him, the most unbearable thing was hungry people.

Seeing this, several people thanked him one after another, they were really hungry.

Everyone waved their hands, and then after asking where they were, they turned around and planned to send them back.

However, at this moment, Yue Guang suddenly jumped down from the observation deck, stretched out his hand to stop them, his eyes like swords:

"You are pirates!"

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