The three captains in the navy were secretly surprised when they saw Luffy and his crew escaping the Merry.

Using the waves caused by the bombardment as a driving force to make the ship move quickly is not an easy task.

It requires extremely complex and proficient navigation skills, as well as extremely sophisticated calculations of timing and ocean currents.

The Straw Hat Pirates actually have such a powerful navigator?

But even if they let them escape, it doesn't matter.

It's not that easy for them to attack with their entire army.

"Oh no, we're in trouble!"

At this time, on the Merry, Nami looked into the distance through the telescope and suddenly saw something, frowning.

"What's wrong?"

""Oops! It's over!"

After the course stabilized, Usopp quickly used the telescope he bought to look at the sea. Suddenly, he was shocked as if he had seen something horrible.

"This... could it be that they had planned this from the beginning, to surround us and catch us in a trap?"

"What happened?"

Sanji also looked over, but without a telescope or a magnifying glass, he could not see anything except the endless blue sea.

"It's the navy, we're surrounded!"

Luffy pointed to the distance where they were heading, and saw more than 20 large ships on the sea, forming an iron chain across the river to intercept them.

Just like the navy they encountered before, they were caught in the middle.

They would face the bombardment of at least 40 cannons in an instant!

"Damn it, the navy? Did they already calculate this method to sink us?"

Sanji's face darkened. This is really not good!

"Looks like today won't end well!"

Zoro grinned, tied up his turban, grabbed the newly acquired Xuezou and Sandai Kitetsu in his hands, held Wadoichi in his mouth, and gathered the three sword styles! He looked alert and ready to fight.

"Hey, hey, hey, Zoro, you guys are not going to fight them head-on, are you?"

Seeing Zoro's posture, Usopp couldn't help but feel a bad feeling in his heart.

Facing such a lineup of navy, normal people would quickly run away!


Luffy rubbed his hands and answered Usopp's question. He sneered as he looked at the navy approaching and the space shrinking. He looked like he was eager to try and fight a big battle.

"That's exactly what I meant."

Sanji lit a cigarette, his eyes turned cold, and he looked at the navy around him and said in a deep voice

"At this point, this is the only way. The bravest will win when they meet on a narrow road. I will control the boat, but don't let them hit the boat, otherwise you will really not be able to escape!"

Nami also looked solemn and said to Luffy, Zoro, and Sanji

"Hey, hey, hey, are you crazy?"

Usopp widened his eyes and looked at them in disbelief."

Brother, are you all crazy? You are still doing it even in such a situation. What do you think of the navy?

"Don't worry!"

The three nodded and waited for the

"Hey, hey, hey, Nami, why are you going crazy with them? There are more than 3,000 people in total!"

Usopp quickly persuaded Nami.

"Usopp, I'll leave the helm to you!"

Nami smiled brightly.

""Okay... okay, let's fight!"

Seeing this, Usopp felt helpless, knowing that there was no other way. Looking at the densely packed navy, he could not help but bite the bullet and agreed.

At this point, this was all he could do.

"It seems that they are not ready to surrender!"

On the navy ship, the three colonels communicated with each other and finally issued a unified opinion and communicated with each other, and then ordered

""Shoot together and sink them!"

All the cannons on the navy ships were aimed at the Golden Merry. With the order, at least forty shells flew over in an instant.

This time, the target was directly locked on the Golden Merry and blasted over!

"Boom boom boom boom!"

Forty cannons fired at the same time, and in an instant forty shells whistled through the sky.

The shells were extremely fast and the momentum was deafening.

They bombarded the Merry accurately.

Although Luffy, Zoro, and Sanji reacted in time and took action immediately, there were too many shells. No matter how strong the three of them were, they could not resist the shells whistling from all directions in an instant! As the saying goes, two fists cannot beat four hands, not to mention that the shells bombarding them at this time were more fierce than four hands!

The navy is invincible at sea, and what does it rely on to suppress pirates? Isn't it this bombardment!

Which pirate can have such a lineup of the navy!

Although Nami used the ocean current to control the Merry to dodge, many shells still hit the hull. The shells were so powerful that the hull was immediately riddled with holes.

""Boom boom boom!"

Not only that, the surrounding seas also suddenly surged, waves roared, water rushed, and a vortex of dozens of meters in radius suddenly formed!

It emitted endless suction, pulling and absorbing everything around it.

Moreover, the overwhelming bombardment came one after another, leaving them no time to breathe.

Luffy and the other two were overwhelmed even with their full strength.

There were too many people in the navy, and dozens of cannons were firing at the same time, which was too terrifying! The navy was attacking from the front and back, and now they were attacked by the whirlpool of the sea current. Several people were suddenly in a desperate situation!

"Damn it, I'm totally no match for him!"

Usopp closed his eyes in despair.

"No, there are too many shells, and I can't dodge them at all!"

Sanji frowned, but he was helpless.

"Luffy, we can't kill all these shells, and we can't be passive like this, we must take the initiative to attack!"

Zoro looked at Luffy

"Okay, I'll go beat them up!"

Luffy nodded, swung his arms, and was about to stretch his arms and go deep into the enemy's territory alone.

"Wait, Luffy, after you beat them all away, the Merry will be basically scrapped. If you hold on for a while, there will be a storm soon!"

Nami looked at the dark clouds floating in the sky and shouted hurriedly


Luffy immediately squatted down, looked at Nami, nodded, and showed a trusting look.


"Rubber balloon!"

He followed Nami's instructions and stayed on the boat. He stopped fighting back and took a breath. His body expanded violently like a balloon that had been inflated. He suddenly turned into a fat man, passively defending himself and deflecting the oncoming bombardment!

"Is that so?"

Sanji and Zoro also nodded. Since Nami said so, it must happen. They were ready to defend desperately!

"Hello, this……"

Usopp had no choice but to bite the bullet and go ahead.

"Now I just hope that everyone can hold on for a little longer. And this cloud, you need to go faster, otherwise I'm afraid we will really die here."

Nami looked at the increasingly thick dark clouds in the sky and prayed.

"Do you want to resist to the end? In this case, increase the frequency of the bombardment and smash their ships. Pirates without ships on the sea are nothing to be afraid of."On the navy ship, the three colonels saw this scene, smiled coldly, and gave orders. Suddenly, the bombardment became more and more fierce!

The frequency this time was twice as fast as before!

"Oh no, the navy is faster!"

"We miscalculated and underestimated them!"

""Damn it, Nami!"

Seeing this, the people who were trying their best to resist the bombardment couldn't help but say something unpleasant.

Usopp even looked at Nami hurriedly.

However, at this time, Nami was staring at the port of Rogue Town in amazement. She was shocked to see a man jumping down from the port and running rapidly on the sea towards the direction of the navy.

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