Soon, the Merry sailed out of the hurricane's range!

""We're saved!"

Everyone breathed a sigh of relief!

It was a near-death experience!

Once caught in a hurricane, the ship will be destroyed and everyone will die!

No matter how strong the human power is, in the face of such a natural disaster, it is no different from an ant!

"If it weren't for Moonlight's timely intervention, we would have been finished!"

Although he survived, Usopp was still frightened!

The others nodded. If it weren't for Moonlight's sword that changed the ocean current, they would have been buried in the sea long ago!

"No, thanks to Nami. If it weren't for Nami's timely reminder, I would have to destroy the hurricane, otherwise we would still be dead."

Moonlight shook his head and looked at Nami.

If Nami hadn't told Usopp to change direction in advance, they would have been in the center of the hurricane. No matter how strong he was, he couldn't do anything.

With his current strength, he couldn't destroy the hurricane with one sword!

That was a natural disaster!

On the sea, the most powerful person is still the navigator!

"Yes, Moonlight is powerful, it can even cut through hurricanes, but Nami is even stronger. She can predict the coming of a storm just by the wind direction. This is the first time I have met such a powerful navigator!"

Weiwei was shocked.

This woman, even though she is so sick, can still sense the temperature changes with her body. It's really amazing!

Nami didn't say anything, she just gave a thumbs up to everyone, and then she fainted gorgeously in Weiwei's arms.

"Nami, Nami!"

Seeing this, everyone couldn't help but exclaimed

"Help her to the cabin first." Sanji said hurriedly.

"Nami's condition is very bad. Her body temperature has exceeded the human body limit. If it continues like this, her life will be in danger. We must find a doctor."

Weiwei took a simple measurement and looked at everyone with a serious face.

"In this case, we must reach the next island as soon as possible."

Usopp looked anxious.

Luffy even made all kinds of weird movements to make Nami laugh, but at this time Nami was almost unconscious, how could she laugh at all?

"For Miss Nami's safety, this is the only way."

Sanji nodded. This is the only way now.

Weiwei also nodded in agreement.

"No, don't stop, we have to go straight to Alabasta, otherwise we won't have time, Vivi, I'm sorry I lied to you about something because I didn't want you to worry."

But at this moment, Nami suddenly grabbed Vivi's hand and took out a newspaper from her arms.


Weiwei was stunned for a moment, then took the newspaper, but then her face changed drastically, and she stood there in a daze as if struck by lightning!

"What happened?"

Seeing this, Sanji hurried forward and saw an extremely eye-catching news on the newspaper!

Alabasta riot!

"Has it reached such a tense point?"

Sanji's face suddenly turned ugly. He had just received a call from Mr.0 a day ago, but he didn't expect it to reach this point a day later.

In this case, it won't be long before the entire Alabasta will fall into the control of Mr.0.

No wonder Vivi has such an expression!

Usopp, Zoro, and Luffy were also surprised, looking at Vivi with extremely solemn faces. In this case, it is urgent!

However, Nami's illness...

From here to Alabasta, the journey is long, and Nami may not be able to hold on in her current situation.

But Vivi...

Although she got on the ship halfway, everyone already regards her as a partner!

"Luffy, everyone, time is of the essence, so we split into two groups. I will take Nami to seek medical treatment on a nearby island, and you will go to Alabasta together, and we will meet there!"

At this time, Moonlight suddenly spoke


Suddenly everyone's eyes were focused on him.

"This is the only way right now. Nami's illness cannot be delayed, but Alabasta has already been in riot. If we delay because of Nami's illness, the consequences will be disastrous. Don't we have the Eternal Pointer of Alabasta? We just need to follow the route. After Nami and I arrive at the nearby island, we will find a way to meet up with you. See you in Alabasta!"

Moonlight said seriously, walking towards Nami.

"Sanji, prepare two days' worth of food for us!"

"Separate actions?"

"Do you want to separate?"


Everyone fell silent after hearing this.

Moonlight's method was the most suitable at the moment, but since the East China Sea, everyone had been together. Now they had to act separately. They couldn't help but feel a little reluctant and quickly looked at Luffy.

Although they were reluctant, there was no other way at the moment!

"Okay, Moonlight, you must bring Nami back safely, otherwise, I will not forgive you, and I will not forgive myself either.……"

Luffy said in a low voice, then raised his head, his eyes firm, and spoke every word!

"Because you are my most important partners!"


Weiwei covered her mouth suddenly, tears welling up in her eyes. All this was for her!

After all, she just got on the ship halfway, and they didn't owe her anything.

However, everyone did this for her!

In this vast ocean, how many people are there like this ?

"Moonlight, you must protect Miss Nami, otherwise I will not forgive you!"

Sanji looked at Moonlight with a serious face.

"Moonlight, we agreed to meet in Alabasta!"

Usopp said seriously, which was rare.

"Go quickly and come back soon!"

Zoro patted Yue Guang's shoulder, trusting her very much.


Moonlight nodded heavily and looked at Nami.

"Nami, come on, I'll take you to see a doctor."

Then, he carried Nami on his back.

"Moonlight, I have to trouble you again."

Nami was very weak.

"See you all in Alabasta."

Moonlight smiled, looked at the others, then carried Nami on his back and jumped into the sea

"Raptors cut through the air!"


Suddenly, a crescent-shaped sword energy condensed into a halo, suddenly wrapping the two people up. The next moment, the two people soared into the air and moved quickly ten meters above the sea.

The sword energy was extremely swift, rubbing against the air. There was no"ah ah ah ah ah" sound before, but instead, there were powerful crescent-shaped storms!

In a blink of an eye, the two disappeared from everyone's sight.

"I knew this guy was amazing and could run on the sea, but now it seems that he can actually stay in the air. I was a little worried because it was a vast ocean, but it seems that there is no problem."

Zoro was stunned by this scene, his jaw dropped completely.

"Moonlight is the strongest among all of us. Even if all of us are combined, we may not be his opponent. With him taking Nami away, there is nothing to worry about."

Usopp patted his chest and said loudly, but tears could not help flowing out of his eyes!

After all, it was the vast ocean!

"Since you have chosen to believe in Moonlight, then believe it to the end. Moreover, this man is the most reliable, and I believe him."

Sanji exhaled a long puff of smoke, his expression more solemn than ever before, and said slowly

""Of course, he's my vice-captain!"

Luffy smiled brightly, full of confidence in Moonlight.

Hearing this, everyone nodded.

That's Moonlight, their vice-captain!


At this moment, Weiwei suddenly knelt down in front of everyone, tears streaming down her face!

"I'm sorry, it's all because of me.……"

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