Pirate Mutant System

021 The first tail beast!

When Lin Mu was in front of Gaara with a dodging hook, Gaara knew that he couldn't match Lin Mu's speed in the competition, so he didn't step back at the moment, but directly shot the chapter on the ground.

"The Shield of the Crane!"

The Shield of Shou Crane, known as the strongest shield, is to use chakra to pressurize the minerals with higher hardness in the ground and mix it into the sand, condensing a huge and sturdy statue of Shou Crane, which can resist all attacks!

At this moment, facing the red high-energy rays in Lin Mu's eyes, Gaara no longer hides his clumsiness.

In fact, the Shield of Shou Crane does have a certain blocking effect on high-energy rays. Although it is still being penetrated slowly, the speed is slowed down a lot.

It would take at least a few minutes for this high-energy ray to completely penetrate the Shield of the Guardian Crane.

Lin Mu was not surprised to see this scene. If Gaara was directly subdued by high-energy rays, he would be really surprised.

Since it was difficult for the high-energy rays to break through the Guarding Crane Shield, Lin Mu also directly released the sky-filled flames, rushing towards the Guarding Crane Shield.

Although the destructive power of burning sand with fire is pitifully low, Lin Mu is confident in releasing the flame of rhyme.

Because this is a flame with a high temperature of tens of thousands of degrees. At such a high temperature, even if it is sand, everything will be melted and evaporated.

Using this tens of thousands of degrees of high temperature flames to deal with the shield made of sand is already a bit overkill.

However, Gaara is obviously not ready to sit still and quickly seal with both hands: "Wind Style · Tornado Hurricane!"

With a loud drink from Gaara's mouth, Charela's power poured into the air to form a violent airflow, and between these airflows, a huge tornado was instantly formed, releasing those from Lin Mu. The flames were all involved, and then flew away from here.

Seeing this scene, Lin Mu frowned and secretly forgot that Gaara would also use Wind Style Ninjutsu.

The lethality of the flames he released at will is amazing, but it has a huge disadvantage, that is, there is basically no way to face Wind Style Ninjutsu. the power of.

As for the green fire in the body, it is not affected by Wind Style, but the power of the green fire is too great, and it is very likely to kill Gaara directly while destroying the shield of the crane.

Lin Mu can be sure that Gaara will be killed instantly in the green fire, and there is no time to stop.

But Lin Mu didn't want to kill Gaara this time, he wanted to capture Gaara's uniform to extract the tailed beast, so the green fire must not be used.

"The green fire can't be used, and the ordinary flame is made by Wind Style. It will take some effort for the high-energy ray to penetrate the shield of the guardian crane, and it must be caught alive, so it seems that this can only be used to solve the problem.

After the voice fell, Lin Mu put his hand into his pocket, took out a handful of things, and waved directly, filling the thing in his hand into the air.

Looking intently, it turned out that these were pitch-black flying knives the size of fingers, each of which was flashing with cold light, obviously extremely sharp.

These flying knives were re-condensed by Lin Mu using his own abilities. They were much tougher and stronger than the metal in the Hokage world. They were also a big killer prepared by Lin Mu, and they could be used against Gaara at this moment.

After dozens of flying knives were dropped by Lin Mu, they were frozen in the air and did not fall at all.

Gaara, who was not far away, frowned when she saw this scene, and she was also very vigilant about these dozens of flying knives that did not conform to the common sense of the pavilion.

Under the control of Lin Mu, dozens of flying knives rushed directly towards Gaara.

But a moment after these flying knives rushed in front of Gaara, they would be stopped by the raised sand shield.

Although these flying knives are controlled by Lin Mu, their physique is not large, and the impact force they carry cannot break through the sand shield raised by Gaara.

However, the constant attack of dozens of flying knives was enough to make Gaara in a hurry, struggling to cope and unable to attack Lin Mu again.

At this moment, Lin Mu Geng Zhun had the opportunity to dodge directly in front of Gaara, and then punched directly on the sand shield raised by Gaara.

How powerful is Lin Mu?

This sand shield can't stop it at all!

Hearing only two sounds of "huahua", the sand shield was directly smashed by Lin Mu's heavy punch.

The dozens of flying knives controlled by Lin Mu took this opportunity to directly stab Gaara's body, making it impossible for him to stop him.

"Hoo! 39

"Wow! 93

With the sound of several pieces of flesh being cut, Gaara's body was instantly pierced by dozens of flying.

However, Lin Mu also deliberately avoided the fatal point. While making Gaara incapacitated, it will not endanger Gaara's life!

After discounting Gaara's limbs and making him lose the ability to move, Lin Mu's wrist sprayed a rhythmic and tenacious cobweb, binding Gaara's whole body.

After that, Gaara was lifted up, and the figure flickered and disappeared here.

In a deserted and dark cave, Lin Mu and Obito stood opposite each other.

And between the two of them was Gaara, who had fallen into a coma.

The red eyes under the yellow screw mask swept across Gaara, Obito's voice was a little surprised: "Your speed is really unexpectedly fast!

"Because I don't want to waste too much time." Lin Mu replied coldly, and then pointed to Gaara on the ground: "This is the first one, you go and extract the One Tail Shouhe from his body, I will immediately Bring the second one here.

"You are always welcome!

After Obito nodded, he pulled Gaara over his shoulder and walked into the depths of the cave.

Lin Mu didn't follow, and he wasn't curious about what was inside the cave. In fact, there was nothing for Lin Mu to be curious about. What else could there be other than Gedo Statue?

"Well, the next one is the two-tailed cat and the Cloud Shinobi Village, the land of thunder that the two teak doors of Jinchūriki belong to, then, it's you! 11

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