Seeing this, Lin Mu's face did not change.

Because of Naruto's actions, the only effect is to let the people of Jiraiya and Konoha know that he has been kidnapped.

In fact, even if Naruto didn't do it, Konoha would soon find out that he was missing.

And when the information of Cloud Shinobi Ninja Village reaches Ichiko, the people of Konoha will also know the reason very clearly, and it is far more sufficient than the information transmitted back by Naruto.

Therefore, Lin Mu didn't bother to stop Naruto's actions.

The huge nerve force rolled over again, and the two Naruto clones exploded directly, and the accumulated snail pills also dissipated directly because there was no master's control.

Lin Mu's eyes swept over the shocked Naruto, and then went straight to Naruto's face.

"The repeated attempts to resist will not only waste my time, but also your life, Naruto!!

After saying a few words, Lin Mu reached out and patted Naruto's neck directly.

Naruto was attacked by this palm, and only felt the blackness in front of him, and then the whole person was dizzy.

After making Naruto completely lose the ability to resist and struggle, Lin Mu directly resisted him on his shoulders, took a step forward to teleport, and walked towards the base of the Xiao organization.

On the other side, in the Konoha Ninja Village.

Jiraiya was in a dark corner, stealing through a small hole, peeping at the girls in the hot spring, thinking about the subject of the new book in his mind, and two scarlet blood flowed from his nose.

At this moment, a wisp of blue smoke suddenly burst out from Jiraiya's side, and then, the toad that had been covered in dark red hooked in front of him.

"Jiraiya, something is wrong!"

As soon as the toad appeared, he shouted loudly.

When Jiraiya heard the sound, she almost jumped up in fright, and she stretched out a finger and put a finger on Zui's lips, indicating that the toad who suddenly hooked up should not make a loud noise, so as not to startle the girls who were soaking in the hot spring: "Shh!

However, a loud noise soon came from the hot spring. Obviously, the sound of the toad just now made the girls inside feel that something was wrong, and they all began to dive into the water.

At the same time, some people came here to check the situation!

I don't know how much Jiraiya has done this kind of thing. Naturally, she knows that it is time to evacuate. If she is caught, it will be very troublesome.

Therefore, at the moment, he directly picked up the dark red toad, and then disappeared in a flash.

Only a few seconds after Jiraiya disappeared, a middle-aged woman with a broom appeared here, but there was only an empty grass in front of her eyes.

Jiraiya held the dark red toad and ran all the way until she ran out of the Konoha Ninja Village, where she stopped.

Fang Ji breathed a sigh of relief after thinking that the person from the hot spring should not be able to chase him here.

Until then, Jiraiya Ji suddenly thought that the toad just now seemed to say that something was wrong.

Generally speaking, toads seldom appear directly without being summoned by the Summoning technique, but once they do appear, it means that something really happens.

Therefore, Jiraiya also hurriedly held the dark red little toad in front of her eyes and asked, "You just said that a big event happened, what is it?"

"...Naruto he was taken. 99

The dark red little toad didn't talk nonsense, and directly said the theme.

Hearing this, Jiraiya's complexion changed slightly, and he quickly asked, "Naruto who was taken away by him?"

"I don't know, I don't know, the person who kidnapped Naruto didn't have any characteristics of his own power, and I didn't have time to see him activate Ninjutsu. Toad replied.

This can of Jiraiya turned out to be a stupid question. This little toad, Mount Myōboku, has not left a few times. Naturally, there are not many ninjas I know, and my understanding of the entire ninja world is limited to the narration of some old toads. Ask it Naruto Who was taken away, can know that there is a ghost.

Thinking of this, Jiraiya thought deeply for a while, and then asked a very simple question: "How many people are there in total who kidnapped Naruto?"

·0 for flowers.....

"There was only one, a ninja who looked very young.

Hearing this, Jiraiya was slightly surprised.

He knew very well that Naruto had just completed his mission and should be in the Konoha Ninja Village.

If there is only one person who kidnapped Naruto, it means that this person sneaked into the Konoha Ninja Village without anyone's attention, and then took Naruto out of Konoha without knowing it!

In the entire ninja world, only those who stand at the top can do this.

So, who is it?

After thinking hard for a long time, Jiraiya still couldn't come up with an answer. Suddenly, a light flashed in his head, and he asked the little toad in front of him, "Where is the place where you kissed Naruto Summoning?"

0 But waiting for him, only Xiao Toad's confused eyes. Seeing this almost demented gaze, Jiraiya couldn't help but whimper: "Naruto, why don't you hook Wentai Summoning, what's the use of calling such a little toad that doesn't know anything!

"Hey, hey, Jiraiya, are you despising me!" The little toad had a dissatisfied look on his face when he heard this, and tingxiong raised his head: "I am also very useful, can't I know the news of Naruto's kidnapping? After hearing this, Jiraiya nodded helplessly. After thanking the little toad, he sent it back to Mount Myōboku. After that, Jiraiya's face showed unprecedented caution. He knew exactly what Naruto represented, That is not just an ordinary ninja of Konoha, nor is it the only child of the previous Hokage. Most importantly, Naruto is the Jinchūriki of Nine Tails, and in his body, imprisoned a terrifying and ferocious monster! Let Jiraiya absolutely not ignore this matter.

"It would be very difficult to find Naruto by me alone. You have to notify Tsunade about this matter first, and then make a long-term plan! After saying that, Jiraiya flashed and rushed directly to Konoha! Yi,

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