Leave Ace... as a hostage.

Whitebeard was stunned, and the pressure in his heart suddenly increased. Luffy was still confused and didn't understand the situation. When he heard that Ace was going to be handed over, he immediately stood in front of Ace and shouted,"Hey! I will never hand Ace over to you!"

"Luffy, if it weren't for Dragon and Garp, you would be dead now."Carl said coldly. Does he really think of himself as the protagonist?


The golden domineering aura rose and condensed into a spirit, instantly invading Luffy's mind.


Luffy felt a sharp pain in his head, and then he fainted unwillingly.

His current strength is not enough in front of Carl.

"Luffy!"Ace quickly reached out to support Luffy's body, his expression changed.

"Carl, I will definitely do what I said!" Whitebeard held Kusunokiri and assured again.

Carl shook his head firmly,"I believe in you, but it doesn't mean that there won't be accidents."

Whitebeard was silent.

Ace gritted his teeth and took the initiative to say,"I'm willing to stay!"

Even if Whitebeard couldn't save him, he had no complaints. Carl's healing of Whitebeard just now was what he wanted to see most. After all, he chose to support Whitebeard as king.

"Ace……"Whitebeard lowered his eyes, and it was hard to tell what he was thinking.

"Dad, let me stay as a hostage!" Marco requested.

Whitebeard remained silent. He was in a difficult decision.

At this moment, several figures appeared on the tall buildings in the distance.

""Hey! Look! There seems to be something in the thick fog behind the Navy Headquarters!" A naval soldier found something wrong. There seemed to be a huge black shadow there.

When people looked over, a huge figure in black and white prison uniform covered his mouth and laughed,"Hehehe, we've been discovered."

The appearance of San Juan the Wolf means that Blackbeard and his gang have arrived!

"There are people there too"

"When did they appear?"

The figures were soon discovered.

"Thief, hahaha~ Did you just notice it!"A loud and arrogant laugh suddenly came out, attracting all attention.

Hearing this familiar voice, Ace's body suddenly stiffened, and his eyes were burning with anger.

Whitebeard paused and slowly looked up.

There... stood Blackbeard and his gang.

Van Oka carrying a sniper rifle, Poison Q lying sickly on the back of a camel, Lafitte dressed as a magician, Badgers laughing with his hands on his hips, a drunk, Depen with a weird makeup, the Evil King with a weird smile on his lips, and Xilu of the Rain biting a cigar with an indifferent face.

Together with Blackbeard in the front and San Juan Wolf at the end, all members of Blackbeard's gang are here

""Teach! How dare you show up again! You can't get away this time! I will punish you with my own hands!" Ace roared, and a wisp of fire slowly spread behind him, burning and spreading, like a fire god standing in Marinford.

Seeing the culprit who made him so miserable again, his anger was almost uncontrollable.

""Huh? Ace? You're not dead yet, the navy is really useless." Blackbeard was slightly startled, then said in a disappointed tone, circles of tiny darkness spread in his palm.

He didn't expect that the navy not only didn't kill Ace, but was also rescued by Whitebeard. This seemed to be a little different from his plan, but nothing could affect his obtaining the devil fruit.

Carl, who felt the breath, frowned slightly, and murderous intent suddenly emerged in his eyes. It was indeed the same hateful darkness.

"Something seems wrong, meow~" The King of Evil Government glanced at the battlefield, his eyes fell on the figure in the wheelchair, and he felt an inexplicable sense of oppression, and whispered beside Blackbeard.

The atmosphere on the battlefield was obviously wrong. Who was the young man sitting in a wheelchair surrounded by the navy?

Sengoku noticed the clothes of these people and was immediately furious,"Blackbeard! You are the Seven Warlords of the Sea, not only do you defy the Navy, but you also associate with prisoners!"

Blackbeard smiled indifferently,"Seven Warlords of the Sea? Prisoners? The people around me are all my crew members! As for the Seven Warlords of the Sea... I don't care about them anymore. Hahahaha……"

"The navy is just a stepping stone for me! Sengoku, you are too naive."

His laughter was arrogant and arrogant.

Sengoku clenched his fists, his eyes were filled with anger, he really wanted to kill Blackbeard, the arrogant guy who mocked the navy. However, he didn't need to do so because... Whitebeard was still here.

"Rain Shiryu! Are you going to betray the navy?"

Rain Shiryu standing in the crowd was naturally discovered

"Humph, what else? Are you planning to lock me up for life?"Yu Zhi Xiliu said bluntly.

The drunkard, Lafitte and others all looked down, each of them was confident, as if they had everything under control.

""Teach! You're going to pay with blood!"

Whitebeard's arm veins popped up, and a layer of pure white light waves appeared on his fists, and the power of the Tremor-Tremor Fruit was activated.

Crack - the wave spread.

The place where Blackbeard and others were was suddenly hit, and everyone fell down.

"Hahahaha... Dad, how many more attacks will your body allow you to launch? I am here to see you off in person. Please don't let me down." Blackbeard stood up from the ground with a ferocious smile on his face. Hearing Blackbeard's words, everyone who knew the situation had an urge to laugh.

Do you still think Whitebeard is the same Whitebeard he used to be?

I'm afraid he will die miserably.

"Dad, let me deal with him." Ace volunteered.

His battle with Blackbeard was not over yet.

Whitebeard shook his head slowly and said in a deep voice:"I will kill this traitor with my own hands!"

""Gulala Lala~ Teach! I have never let anyone down!" As soon as the voice fell, Whitebeard's huge body rushed directly towards Blackbeard.

Blackbeard's face had a ferocious smile, and his eyes gradually became cruel. He stretched out his palm, and dark matter flowed in the palm, slowly rotating like the appearance of Xia Lan's mark.

""Not good! Dad! Be careful of his ability!" Ace saw this scene and hurriedly reminded.

But it was too late.

Whitebeard felt that his body was out of control all of a sudden and flew towards Blackbeard. At the same time, even the rhythm of his attack was interrupted. He wanted to use the power of the Tremor-Tremor Fruit, but as soon as it condensed on his fist, the light wave dissipated.

In a flash, Blackbeard punched Whitebeard in the abdomen and laughed ferociously, cruelly, and evilly:"Thief hahaha... In the face of darkness, everything is in vain. Dad, your Tremor-Tremor Fruit is useless in front of me."

Blackbeard laughed, but then his laughter stopped a little bit. He looked up and saw Whitebeard's gloomy expression, as if it was a precursor to a volcanic eruption. Blackbeard was suddenly startled and showed a rare look of fear.

Whitebeard smiled coldly,"Teach! Are you... tickling me!"

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