Whoosh - before Akainu, Kizaru and the others could react, a man descended from the sky and appeared in front of them.

The man was covered in silver armor.

He held a silver shield and a silver axe in his left and right hands respectively, and he looked like a knight.

"he is……"

Akainu's pupils suddenly shrank and he exclaimed:

"Silver Axe!"

Silver Axe!

A leader of the Rocks Pirates!

But no one expected that he would suddenly appear on Gus Island.

""Haha... it's quite lively!" A sinister laugh came from under the silver helmet, which seemed to be full of mockery towards everyone. When

Dibal, who was still alive, saw this man, his eyes suddenly lit up, as if he saw hope, and he begged for help without caring about his image:"Lord Silver Axe! I am Dibal! Lord, save me!"

"Dibal? You are really unworthy of your position!" Silver Axe's cold eyes pierced through the armor and glanced at Dibal, who was lying on the ground begging for mercy like a mangy dog, and said with disgust

"Where is the magma fruit?"

Silver Axe never looked at the navy including Carl from beginning to end, and simply ignored their existence arrogantly.

Dibal's tone stagnated,"Sir, the magma fruit was taken away by the navy!"

Hearing this, the armor twisted, and after a glance, Silver Axe's eyes fell on Carl, and the breath became murderous,"Hand over the magma fruit obediently, and I will let you die quickly."

Carl was carefully looking at one of the three legendary giants of the Rocks Pirates. Until Silver Axe showed an arrogant attitude towards him, he raised his lowered eyes slightly and chuckled,"Oh? So you want the magma fruit." Click.

The treasure chest in Carl's hand opened.

Revealing a fiery red fruit covered with patterns, it seems that you can feel a burning meaning when you look at it with the naked eye.

【Natural series: Magma fruit】

【The body of the user of the Magma Fruit can turn into magma, and can also create magma through the body.

The temperature is so high that it can instantly evaporate an iceberg, and can even burn fire.

It can make physical attacks, most energy attacks, and non-domineering attacks ineffective against the user's body.

It can freely control magma and burn everything.

It has top attack power among the three types of devil fruits, can cause devastating damage to the enemy's body, and has the impact of a volcanic eruption.

It is not inferior to the strongest superhuman Tremor Fruit and has the strongest attack power of the natural fruit.

The gaze under the silver axe armor paused slightly on the magma fruit, and then a low voice came out,"What do you want to do!"

He had a vague feeling that something was wrong.

The other party seems... not afraid of him?

Carl himself is very powerful, but he always hides his aura, and outsiders can't detect it at all.

And from his appearance, he is thin and weak, and doesn't look like a strong person at all, so he is easily despised.

"What to do?"

Carl smiled indifferently, grabbed the magma fruit and threw it to Akainu behind him, and ordered:"Sakaski, here you go."

Akainu held the magma fruit in both hands, his palms trembling a little.

Such a powerful nature-type devil fruit was just thrown to him casually?

Even in front of Silver Axe, isn't this a naked provocation to Silver Axe!?

Silver Axe's armor turned, and his dim eyes shifted to Akainu,"Kid, hand it over. Otherwise you will die ugly."

Akainu was a little hesitant about whether to take the magma fruit, and now he was threatened by Silver Axe, his temper also came up.


"……Terrible... to death……"

Akainu took a bite of the magma fruit, and his body instantly became hot. Then he waved his hand and threw the ineffective devil fruit at Silver Axe.

Naked... provocation!

It was simply contempt for Silver Axe!

Carl clearly felt the changes in himself, a burning energy hidden in his body, and even had the idea that he could become magma at any time.

The power of the magma fruit, got it!

"Akainu did a good job!"Carl was very satisfied with Akainu's behavior.

At the same time, the system's clear prompt sounded in his mind:

【Ding! Host's ability has increased!】

【Reward: Dragon Talisman! A lot of Conqueror Haki!】

【Dragon Talisman: One of the twelve talismans, it can shoot out explosive flames with huge destructive power, representing explosive bombing! 】

Dragon Talisman? ?

Carl's smile gradually deepened, his eyes shone with brilliance, and he looked extremely happy.

What effect would be produced if the explosive bombing of the Dragon Talisman was combined with the magma fruit?

At the same time, he obtained a large amount of rewards of Domineering Haki, allowing the Domineering Haki level to reach [Intermediate], and his strength was improved again, but it was still stuck at the peak level of the general.

He encountered a bottleneck.

A bottleneck that is very difficult to break through and cross!


The scrapped magma fruit fell on the shield of Silver Axe, making a dull and clear sound.


A cold laugh suddenly came from the silver armor.

"You...are really courting death!"

A cold, brutal killing intent instantly erupted from Silver Axe.

He was a general under Rocks!

He was a famous pirate!

Anyone who dared to provoke him would die!


The silver armor moved.

He stepped down, rushed out quickly, and swung the silver giant axe in his hand. For the first time, he rushed to kill Akainu!

Although the magma fruit was not important in his eyes, and even Rocks was just in a momentary mood, Akainu's action just now was no longer a matter of devil fruit. It was a complete provocation and contempt for Silver Axe!

Silver Axe couldn't bear it anymore.

Carl swung his body, and when he was about to attack, he didn't expect Akainu to take the initiative to counterattack.


Akainu's face was grim, and both of his arms turned into hot magma with billowing smoke, rushing forward like an overwhelming force.

��"Looking for death!"

Silver Axe shouted coldly with a blank expression.

Want to fight him with a magma fruit?

It's a joke!

The armor with silver light instantly radiated a layer of Armament Haki, flashing with a powerful luster. At the same time, the silver giant axe became more and more powerful under the Armament Haki, crossing the magma and coming down on Akainu's head. Akainu looked horrified. He didn't expect the opponent's attack to be so strong.

When he was about to transform into an elemental body to dodge, he found that he couldn't transform into an element!

He was locked by Silver Axe's Armament Haki!

Akainu's eyes showed a trace of horror, and a feeling of despair was throbbing.


At the critical moment, a pair of hands wrapped in Armament Haki blocked Akainu.

Carl appeared in the rolling magma, stretched out one hand, grasped the axe blade with cold light, and a cold smile outlined at the corner of his mouth,"Everyone, get out of here!"

"I want to have fun with him!"

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