While Carl was immersed in the joy brought by the system, Zefa had already set a training plan for the members of [Zero] and started training directly without any delay.

"Hey, what are you doing standing there like an idiot? Instead of wasting time, why don’t you train with them and make yourself stronger!"

Zeffa showed strong dissatisfaction with Carl's indifference and couldn't help but scold him.

Carl smiled and said with pretended shame:"Admiral Zefa, they are all young elites of the navy. I can't be compared with them with my little arms and legs. I think I can do my job well."

As he said, he raised the folder in his hand to remind Zefa that he was a civilian staff member.

Besides, even if he was not a civilian staff member, he would not train with them. The system has awakened, so why not lie down?


What kind of training?

Zefa's mouth twitched, and his eyes looking at Carl became disappointed, and he said angrily:"Carl, I don't know why you insist on forming [Zero], but I can���I tell you, it is impossible for you to be lazy. Their training must include actual combat. When the time comes, facing the vicious pirates, the danger will only be greater. You will only implicate them and yourself!"

Hearing this, Carl was slightly stunned, and then he understood: Although Zephyr was dissatisfied with him, his dissatisfaction was completely based on considerations for [Zero] and Carl.

Suddenly, Carl re-examined this admiral in his heart.

Zephyr is worthy of being Zephyr!

If he had not experienced many changes, maybe he might have become a naval hero comparable to Garp.

Feeling Zephyr's kindness, Carl also restrained his carefree look, and said very seriously:"Admiral Zephyr, don't worry, I will definitely let [Zero] exceed everyone's expectations!"

Seeing Carl's stubborn words, Zephyr sighed helplessly in his heart,"After all, civilian personnel still don't know the real danger of facing pirates."

""Okay! I'm waiting for that day!"

Zefa turned away, unwilling to continue talking to Carl.

Carl looked at Zefa's receding back, his eyes flickering, then shook his head, walked to the edge of the training ground, found a shady spot and started to slack off.

The morning's training hadn't ended yet, and a soldier came to look for Zefa in a panic.

"Admiral Zefa, the navy's material transport team encountered a powerful pirate, and Marshal Steel asked you to go and support them as soon as possible."The navy soldier who came reported loudly.

Zefa frowned,"Where is Sengoku? Why don't you let him go?"

This is Zefa's first day supervising the training of [Zero], and there will be actual combat instructions later.

"General Sengoku is on a mission outside, so he won't be able to make it in time."

Hearing this, Zefa could only stand up helplessly, turned his head and said to Carl:"Carl, you supervise their training."

After leaving this sentence, Zefa left angrily.

Seeing Zefa's appearance when he left, Carl couldn't help but muttered:"It seems that another pirate is going to be in trouble."

When Carl turned his head and found that the people who were training had stopped, he couldn't help but yelled:"What are you all standing there for, go train!" If you don't train hard, how can I become stronger?

The morning passed quickly.

In the afternoon, Zefa arranged a practical guidance class, but Zefa was not there now, Akainu, Kizaru and others were sitting scattered on the edge of the training ground.

When Carl arrived, he saw such a casual scene and raised his eyebrows.

"What, haven't you rested enough? Do you need a bed to let you have a good rest?"

Looking at Carl approaching, Akainu, who looked young, was dissatisfied. He stood up suddenly and said bluntly:"In the afternoon, there is a practical class arranged by Admiral Zefa. If Admiral Zefa is not here, who can we find to guide the training? Are you here?"

Carl looked at Akainu's tough attitude, narrowed his eyes slightly, and a dangerous light shone in his pupils.

He heard a hint of provocation.

It is true that these people are the elites of the navy and can obey the orders of the admiral, but what qualifications does a weak civilian have to point fingers at them?

Not only Akainu was dissatisfied, but even Kizaru, Chaton and others were also watching the excitement to see how Carl would handle the incident in front of them.

After all, they were all seventeen or eighteen years old, young and vigorous, arrogant and frivolous.

At this time, Akainu was not yet twenty years old, but his face was already serious and unsmiling.

He had a short haircut and looked a bit fierce.

His current strength has reached the level of major general, proficient in the six styles of the navy, strong, and has the capital to be arrogant.

The strong Kizaru is two years older than Akainu, but he also looks lazy, and even in training, he seems to have not used all his strength.

At this time, the eyes staring at Carl suddenly became alert.

Just now, he seemed to be in front of the man in front of him.

I can feel the sense of danger from someone.

Taotu is tall and slender, wearing shorts. Her straight and slender legs are exposed to the hot air. The spider tattoo on her thigh is clearly visible. Her beautiful eyes flicker as she stares at Carl with a little curiosity.

She had heard about Carl from He before.

Chatun is short in stature, and always has a smile on his face. His small eyes make it even harder to recognize him. He looks at the conflict in front of him with a smile, and does not comment.

Huoshaoshan, who is chewing a cigar, and Mole, who has a sword on his waist, are also crossing their arms and watching quietly.

Carl clearly noticed that the atmosphere suddenly became subtle.

It was as if these students were here to give him a warning.

If it were the previous Carl, there might really be no way to solve the current situation.

However, the current Carl is someone these guys cannot afford to provoke.

Are you not convinced?

Then I'll beat you until you're convinced!

Carl stretched out his hand to straighten the cloak behind him, and a cold smile appeared at the corner of his mouth,"So, you want me to give you some guidance?"


"Let me be frank with you. I'm a heavy-handed person, so you better be prepared."

Staring at Carl's smile, Akainu couldn't help but shiver for some reason in this hot summer.

The others who heard what Carl said also felt a chill in their hearts.

"You? Do you think you are qualified?"Akainu took a deep breath and continued to brag.

Carl's smile became even more intense:"Whether you are qualified or not, you will know if you try."

After that, he waved to Akainu contemptuously.

Akainu twisted his neck twice, making a"crackling" sound, and then exerted force with his feet, and a ball of air suddenly exploded under his feet. The whole person swept by like a gust of wind, his figure was erratic and difficult to catch.

Navy Six Styles: Shave!

When Akainu appeared again, the fist wrapped in armed color had come in front of Carl, and it kept getting bigger in Carl's sight.

In the eyes of everyone, Carl was completely unavoidable.

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