For half a month, the members of [Zero] have been training frantically and their strength has improved rapidly.

Zefa has not come back yet, maybe he has really encountered a difficult incident.

The only one who has lived a comfortable life is Carl.

With the unremitting efforts of the members of [Zero], Carl's strength has successfully broken through to the general level.


【Congratulations to the host for reaching the strength of a general. Rewards: 1 Bull Talisman, a large amount of Armament Haki.

Host: Carl.

Strength: General. Taijutsu (perfect),

Armament Haki (perfect),

Observation Haki (intermediate),

Conqueror Haki (low),

Finger Gun (perfect),

Moon Step (advanced),

Shaving (perfect), Iron Block


Storm Foot (advanced),

Paper Drawing (advanced),

Swordsmanship (intermediate)


Carl, who was leaning against a big tree to enjoy the cool, shuddered instantly, and then a look of joy appeared on his face. He whispered in a low voice:"I didn't expect that the strength breakthrough system would have such a generous reward! Originally, my Armament Haki was only advanced, but after being rewarded with a large amount of Armament Haki, it has broken through to the perfect level. And……"

"The reward even includes the Bull Talisman!"

The Bull Talisman, one of the twelve talismans, represents strength. The holder can obtain super strength, but the strength is increased according to the holder. The stronger the holder is, the stronger the power of the talisman can be exerted. The power set by the talisman is infinite!

Carl played with the octagonal block with a bull head pattern in his hand, slowly suppressing the shock in his heart.

The Bull Talisman!

It can be called a divine artifact.

Carl, who has the Bull Talisman, will improve his combat effectiveness to a higher level again!

"Bull spell... Giants... Wait!"

Carl looked at the huge figure of Sauro in the training ground, and suddenly an idea popped up in his mind: If Sauro had the Bull Spell, then……

"System, if Sauro has the Bull Talisman, will I be blessed by the Bull Talisman?"Karl asked expectantly.


The system's answer made Luo Er unable to suppress the smile on his face.

He was so satisfied with this answer!

It could not only increase Sauro's combat power, but also increase his own strength. It was simply killing two birds with one stone!

"Wait." Carl thought of something and asked again,"What if the talisman is lost or stolen from them?"

This is a talisman, and it can change its owner. If it is stolen, Carl will lose a lot.

Fortunately, the system did not disappoint Carl:

【The host has absolute control over the talisman! It can be taken back at any time through the system!】

"Ah? So that's how it is, then it's all right!" Carl breathed a sigh of relief.

My things are always mine, just like the saying goes: Gao family's things are always Gao family's.

After calming down a little, Carl called Sauro over.

In fact, Carl was very eager for everyone to become stronger. The stronger [Zero] meant that Carl would become stronger.

Secondly, the binding quota cannot be changed. Once the binding dies, the strength will not increase. And when they become stronger, they can better have the ability to protect themselves.

After all, it is a system, and the strength will not decline.

Therefore, Carl and the members of [Zero] are mutually complementary.

""Coach Carl, what can I do for you?" Sauro rubbed the back of his head, perhaps thinking that he had done something wrong in the training and would be criticized.

Carl looked up at Sauro, wondering if this big guy would be worth his investment in the future.

"You have trained very hard, this is your reward."

Then, Carl threw the bull charm over.

""Ah? Reward?"

Sauro's eyes were filled with doubt. He didn't think he had worked hard.

But when he took the bull charm, he felt that all the strength in his body was mobilized and strengthened several times.

He felt that he could smash a mountain with one punch!

"Teacher, this……"

This is too incredible!!

Sauro's face was filled with shock, immersed in the shock brought by the Bull Talisman, unable to extricate himself for a long time.

With the Bull Talisman, Sauro's strength suddenly increased to the level of a general candidate.

At the same time, Carl also felt a mysterious power appearing in his body, which was the power of the Bull Talisman. This meant that even if he did not have the Bull Talisman, he could use the power of the Bull Talisman.

【Zero] The other members came over curiously, wanting to see what was going on.

Carl looked at them and had another idea in his mind.

"Sauro, let them feel it."

"Well, OK."Sauro handed the Bull Talisman to the nearest Akainu.

After the latter received it, he was completely stunned.

The feeling of power surging through his body even made him want to fight the admiral.

""Teacher Carl, what is this?" Akainu couldn't help asking.

Carl leaned against the thick tree trunk and said lazily:"The Bull Talisman is something that increases the power of the holder. But don't be surprised, if you perform well, I will also give you corresponding rewards."

The first rule of management: You must be able to draw big pictures!

Akainu's eyes changed. Now Carl has become an extremely mysterious existence in his eyes, and he can't help but feel more awe in his heart.

After everyone tried the increase brought by the Bull Talisman, they were all dumbfounded.

"Hmm~ There is such a magical thing in the sea, it is not weaker than the devil fruit~"

"That feeling of power is as if I instantly possessed the strength to fight against a general!"

"I must train hard and try to get the reward from Teacher Carl!"

"Yes! Work hard! Practice two extra hours today!"

"I want to practice three more!"

Carl looked at this scene and smiled without saying a word.

That's right, roll up for me!

The members began to concentrate on training, and even fought hard in the battles.

Sauro was still a little dazed, and lowered his head embarrassedly and said:"Instructor Carl, I still think you should keep this powerful thing for yourself.……"

"What's the matter? My duty is to train you. Your strength comes first! For this, I will give everything I can to help you grow up. The future of the navy depends on you!"

Carl said this loudly, deliberately letting everyone hear it.


Carl's image in everyone's mind suddenly rose to a higher level. Even Akainu's perception of Carl changed. He didn't expect that the other party could be so selfless! Taotu looked at Rawl with beautiful eyes, with admiring little stars in her eyes: Such a strong, selfless and handsome instructor is too charming!

"Well, go to training now, don't let me down."

Karl said to the hesitant Sauro.


At this moment, Sauro's eyes became firm and he returned to training.

The sun was setting, and the beautiful day soon ended.

Carl went off work leisurely, and the remaining members of [Zero] who were reluctant to leave continued to sweat on the training ground.

The night was dark, the stars were twinkling in the sky, and the deep moonlight illuminated Marinford.

Taotu dragged her tired body back to the dormitory, and as soon as she saw the door, she saw He sitting in the house waiting for her.

"Sister He!" Taotu said in surprise

"Why did you come back so late?"

He looked up and saw Taotu's tired look, and immediately felt distressed. He couldn't help but scolded:"What does Carl want to do! Why does he have to organize an elite class for no reason? Now that Zefa is not here, he makes you train so late? Does he really treat you as tools!"

"I will go to Marshal Steel tomorrow and ask him to approve your withdrawal.】!"

He said angrily.

Quit [Zero]?

Doesn't that mean I won't have the chance to meet Teacher Carl?

For some reason, Taotu had this thought in her mind at the first moment.

Her pretty face instantly turned red, and she suppressed those strange thoughts and hurriedly explained to He:"No, Sister He, we volunteered to practice until now, and it has nothing to do with Teacher Carl... Teacher Carl."

"Voluntary? What happened?" He's eyes became scrutinizing. She always felt that Taotu seemed to be acting strange.


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