Taotu cried for a long time before she recovered. Her red and swollen eyes could not hide the joy on her face. Nothing could make her happier than Carl waking up. She thought that Carl would never wake up again. She had spent so many years in despair.

The memories in Carl's mind came back like a tide.

The Valley of the Gods... Rocks... The Five Elders, one thing after another lingered in her mind.

"Haha, maybe no one would have thought that I was still alive."

Karl laughed softly, but his smile was a little cold.

"Boss, I'll go get you some food."

Taotu looked at the pale Carl and hurried to prepare some food. After lying down for so many years without food or water, Carl was indeed weak and his skin had become unhealthily pale.

Looking at the graceful figure of Taotu turning away, Carl was slightly moved. In his mind, the mumbling of Taotu in his ear when he was unconscious emerged.

Carl was slightly surprised and knew what Taotu meant.

Besides, Taotu had been guarding him for so many years... If it weren't for Taotu, Carl might have really restarted...


"Thank you for your hard work over the years."Karl said with a smile while eating.

Taotu looked at Karl, with joy and deep affection in her beautiful eyes.

"By the way, what is the current situation of the world?"

Momotu sorted out her emotions and said slowly:"Boss, after the battle in God Valley, your traces were ordered to be wiped out by the Five Elders... In fact, when you were fighting with the Five Elders, I sneaked in and saw that scene, so I didn't dare to contact anyone in the navy for so many years."

Carl sighed in his heart, knowing that this little girl had suffered for so many years, and gently held Momotu's warm little hand, comforting her:"I'm back, it's okay."

Momotu's cheeks were flushed, but she let Carl hold her palm and continued:"It's just that the Five Elders gave the credit to Garp and Roger.

Roger later became the Pirate King, and then surrendered himself and was executed by the Navy...

Golden Lion escaped from prison...

Whitebeard became one of the Four Emperors, Kaido and Big Mom successively reached the highest position of pirates.

And the Navy is going to execute the captain of the Whitebeard Pirates, Fire Fist Ace!

I'm afraid it will be a big battle.


Carl's eyes flashed, Ace...

Speaking of which, he still owed Roger a favor.

"How about them, are they okay?" Carl asked lightly.

Taotu paused for a moment, knowing who the"they" Carl was talking about, and said again:"In the Valley of the Gods, Sakaski almost had a conflict with the Five Elders, but was stopped by Borsalino in an almost self-harming way. Now, Sakaski, Borsalino, and Kuzan are admirals of the navy, and Chatun is the chief of staff, with a status only below the admiral of the navy, and on an equal footing with Sakaski and others... For so many years, they have not reacted."

Taotu said the last sentence with a hint of disappointment.

Carl pinched Taotu's little hand to comfort her, and then smiled and said,"Don't worry, I trust them very much."

"Will the execution be carried out tomorrow?"

Taotu nodded."

"Okay, let's go back tomorrow."

Go back.

I'm going back.

Zero, I'm going back.

Navy, I'm going back.

Five Elders, I'm going back.

Everyone, I'm going back!


One day passed in a flash.

It was the most turbulent day on the sea.

The navy executed Ace.

Although Ace's true identity was not exposed at this time, it was enough to rely on his identity as the captain of the second squad of the Whitebeard Pirates.

At dawn, the navy was ready, and Sengoku began to deploy troops to prepare to"welcome" the arrival of the Whitebeard Pirates.

The meeting room of the navy. It was so quiet that you could hear a pin drop.

There were three extremely depressed figures here.

Akainu, Kizaru, Aokiji.

No one else.

This was a rare gathering of the three in all these years.

"What about them?"Akainu bit his cigar and spoke in a low voice.

"Chatun was transferred to the Marshal's side to arrange the troops, and the rest of the people were busy."Kizaru crossed his legs and said lightly:"Well~ Come to think of it, we haven't gathered for a long time~ I really miss those times~"

Aokiji folded his arms and said expressionlessly:"I don't care what you think, no matter what I do today, I want to hear the truth about what happened in the past from Whitebeard's mouth!"

Although Roger was the last guy to leave, Garp followed him throughout the execution, and Aokiji had no chance to get close.

Now, Roger is dead.

When that incident was mentioned, the room was terribly quiet.

Akainu suddenly said in a cold voice:"The truth? No need for the truth! I will let everyone be buried with me!"

At this moment, he became extremely crazy.

Kizaru raised his eyes and glanced at Akainu, and whispered:"Sakaski, if we could do it, would we wait until today!"

None of them have forgotten that incident

"It's a pity that Gion was not found." Kizaru showed regret on his face.

If what he expected was correct, Momosagi should have seen the whole thing, but unfortunately, with Carl's death, she also disappeared.

There is another possibility for Momosagi's disappearance, but they dare not say it.

Akainu paused, as if he was weighing something, and finally said:"I'm awakened." Kizaru

's eyes flashed with a strange color, and he seemed a little excited,"Conqueror's Haki?"

"Yes." Akainu said calmly.

The awakening of Conqueror's Haki successfully allowed Akainu's strength to break through from S to SS. It was also this help that allowed Carl to break through and wake up...

Aokiji put down his hands, pressed them on the table, leaned forward slightly, and said in a deep voice:"Then let's act."

"The boss said that the future of the navy belongs to us. Sengoku has controlled the navy for too long, it's time to change people."Aokiji said expressionlessly, with a slight frost in the corners of his eyes.

This is just the first step they want to take.

"How are your men doing?" Akainu glanced outside the door without leaving any trace.

"no problem"

"No problem."

Kizaru and Aokiji said at the same time.

They were already impatient.

"Then... let me inform you"



After saying the last sentence, Akainu got up and left first.

Kizaru straightened his yellow striped suit and narrowed his eyes slightly. They had waited for this day for too long. They were desperately moving forward on a road without any hope.

Aokiji got up and left. When he passed by the marshal's office, he and Chatun looked at each other inside. Just that one look was enough to explain a lot of things.

At this moment, lightning flashed in the depths of Chatun's eyes.

After Kizaru left, he seemed to be walking aimlessly, but when he passed by Ghost Spider, he patted him on the shoulder and said,"Thank you for your hard work."

Ghost Spider's body shook, then recovered as usual and left without saying a word.

Kizaru continued to stroll around, and"accidentally" met many acquaintances along the way, Flying Squirrel, Fire Mountain, Doberman...

Aokiji walked to a deserted place, took out a private Den Den Mushi, and dialed for the first time.

"Beep Beep——"


The phone call was connected, but no sound came from the other end.

"Come back." Aokiji just said lightly.

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