Everyone gradually recovered from Ace's life story. The navy suddenly realized the significance of this matter and felt more and more pressure. The person being executed was not only the captain of the Whitebeard Pirates, but also the son of the Pirate King!

However, the navy did not have much time left.

Soon the lookout discovered traces of the Whitebeard Pirates in the distance.


"They are coming!"

The shrill alarm sounded throughout Marinford.

"It's the pirate fleet!"

"Knight Ranger, Doma"

"Lei Qing Makugai"

"DeCarban Brothers"

"Giant vortex spider Squad"


A total of 43 large pirate fleets appeared and rushed towards Marinford.

Sengoku frowned slightly and muttered,"Where is Whitebeard? Why didn't he show up?"

Suddenly, there was a movement in the sea water in the bay.

He Canglao's eyes were filled with surprise, and he subconsciously exclaimed,"No way... Did I miscalculate the opponent's appearance?"

Sure enough, the next moment, the huge Moby Dick led three foreign ships and jumped out of the sea overseas, like a monster rushing into the encirclement, which frightened everyone.


Ace looked up, his eyes slightly moist.

Marco, Joz, Vista... everyone is here!

Dang, dang, dang... accompanied by a series of crisp sounds, a tall and burly figure slowly walked to the front of the Moby Dick's deck.

A monster-like height, with a deep aura, holding the unparalleled large sword Kusugawa Kirei, he walked step by step and stood still.

"Gulala~ Is my son okay?"

Whitebeard laughed loudly. He broke into Marinford not only without a sense of urgency, but full of pride. Zhan Guo gritted his teeth. He didn't expect Whitebeard to appear in such an unexpected way.


Whitebeard appeared! Whitebeard looked around, and after seeing that Ace was still safe and sound, he looked at Sengoku,"Sengoku, long time no see."

The two had indeed not met for many years.

"It has been a long time indeed. I didn't expect that you, an old man, are still alive."Zhan Guo snorted coldly.


Whitebeard laughed heartily, showing the spirit of the strongest man in the world.

The navy and the pirates are destined not to be able to exchange pleasantries.

Whitebeard suddenly waved his arms and shouted:"Ace - Daddy will take you home right now!"

As soon as the voice fell, the ability of the Tremor-Tremor Fruit was activated!

A heavy punch fell, and the air shock exploded.

Kakakaka - full of dense and crisp sounds.

Whoosh~ Whoosh~ Whoosh~

The sea water suddenly became chaotic, the waves surged, and receded at a very fast speed, like a low tide.

This scene made Sengoku's face change drastically, and he exclaimed:"It's a tsunami!"

Soon after his voice fell, everyone in Marinford witnessed a horrifying scene.

The waves that rolled back continued to rise until they covered the entire Marinford. The huge waves, with the momentum of destruction, rumbled down.

"Sea, tsunami? We are all going to die!"Belumebear in the crowd was so scared that tears streamed down his face. What kind of monster is the navy fighting against?

Coby beside him felt a sense of suffocation and subconsciously murmured:"It's too scary!……"

Suddenly, a figure flew across the sky.

The whole space was suddenly filled with an icy and chilly atmosphere.

Aokiji took action.

The coldness on his body surged wildly, and frost condensed on his face, making it impossible to see his expression.

Under his feet, a huge ice monster quietly condensed, and a giant-like ice monster appeared. Its size was incomparable to that of the giants, and it was even on par with little Oz.

In the body of the ice monster, there was an octagonal object with a mouse engraved on it, and its magical power gave life to the ice.

Aokiji put one hand in his pocket, stood indifferently on the shoulder of the ice monster, and overlooked the entire Marinford.


The ice monster roared suddenly, and countless cold air gushed out of its open mouth. When it came into contact with the huge waves, it instantly froze them, resolving a crisis in Marinford.

In addition, the entire area of Marinford turned into ice, controlling all the ships of the Whitebeard Pirates.

"That is……‘Ice Devil’!!"

"Admiral Aokiji!"

A cry of surprise came from below.

Countless people looked at the huge monster created by Aokiji, and the name given to the ice monster on the sea is"Ice Demon"!

The Ice Demon is made entirely of ice, but it seems to have real life. After Aokiji wrapped it with Armament Haki, its combat power is terrifying!

Aokiji once severely injured Jack, one of the Three Disasters of the Beast Pirates, with just the Ice Demon!

The name of the Ice Demon is even more terrifying than the one spread by Aokiji.

"Gulala~ Kuzan, you ruined my good thing again."Whitebeard's attack was blocked, but he was still laughing, not taking it seriously.

Aokiji lowered his eyes and looked at Whitebeard, exhaling cold air from his mouth,"Whitebeard, what happened when you left the Valley of the Gods!"

Just as Aokiji finished speaking, Akainu and Kizaru rushed out from under the execution platform at the same time. Kizaru's figure floated in the air.

Akainu stood in the front and looked at Whitebeard.

The three of them stared at Whitebeard.

Sengoku's brain crashed for a while. He didn't expect Aokiji and the other two to investigate what happened that year right away. What on earth were they going to do!

Are they crazy!

This is a live broadcast facing the whole world!

If Whitebeard really said something, the consequences will be disastrous!

""Shut up! What do you three want to do! Today is the day to execute Ace! Come back here." Sengoku scolded sternly without waiting for Whitebeard to speak.

Then, he was responded to by silence.

Aokiji, Akainu, and Kizaru didn't even turn their heads.

In their eyes, Ace was no longer important.

As long as Whitebeard gave the answer, they would immediately announce to the world that they had broken with the World Government and would fight to the death.

They had a legitimate reason to do so, and they could also give an explanation to their followers!

The Seven Warlords had different expressions.

"Hey hey hey hey~ What's going on? Things seem to be getting more and more interesting!" Doflamingo looked at the people confronting each other from afar, his expression inexplicably excited.

Hawkeye frowned slightly, looking a little confused,"What... are they talking about?"

Gekko Moriah was even more confused,"Hey, hey, aren't they going to execute Ace? What do those three guys want to do!"

Tyrant Bear had a blank expression and was silent.

There was worry in Hancock's beautiful eyes,"Where is Luffy now? You must be safe and sound." Whitebeard's heart trembled slightly, and then he laughed as usual:"Gulalala~ You little bastards want to threaten me?"

Not to mention that he didn't know what was going on, even if he knew, how could he say it under the threat of others?

He is Whitebeard!

"Hmm~ Whitebeard... If you say so, I can let Ace go right now." Kizaru said calmly with a yellow light flashing in his eyes.

There was a threat and a negotiation.

Marco was confused. What on earth did they want to know?

What was the incident they were talking about?

Everyone was stunned. They didn't expect such a drama to be staged right at the beginning.

""Borsalino, you know your identity! What are you talking about!" Sengoku shouted, and he could vaguely feel that something big was going to happen today, and the navy might be in chaos.

Garp's expression suddenly became serious,"Do they really want to rebel?" Whitebeard was threatened again, and he was furious, shouting:"Want to know the answer? Go to hell and ask them! My son, I will take him home!" As soon as the voice fell, he swung the Kusukumo-kiri in his hand, and a strong slashing edge burst out at Kizaru.

He is Whitebeard!

Kizaru stretched out his hands from his trouser pockets, with yellow light flashing in his palms, and slowly pulled out a long sword with yellow light all over.

Ten Kusukumo sword!

"Unfortunately... the negotiations failed~ Then let the Whitebeard Pirates go to hell to explore the way first!"

Kizaru's voice suddenly became fierce.

He twisted his body and rushed down in the sky, and swung out a yellow light slash in his hand, which dissipated at the same time as Kusukimi's attack.

His figure did not slow down, and he continued to rush towards Whitebeard.

Guys below the strength of a vice admiral could not detect Kizaru's figure with the naked eye.

The world's fastest speed is not just talk!

Marco realized that something was wrong, and used his observation Haki to intercept Kizaru, but still failed to catch up.

The azure flame flickered in the sky, but it passed by the yellow light.

Kizaru came in front of Whitebeard, the two looked at each other, and the weapons in their hands swung out at the same time.


A huge shock wave shook.

Kizaru's figure flew backwards and finally hovered in the sky.

Whitebeard withdrew his hand lightly, and no one noticed that the ice layer under the Moby Dick had spread cracks.

"Damn it, the guy who attacked my dad right away, unforgivable."

Marco flew into the air, flapped his wings, and rushed towards Kizaru

""Everyone, rescue Ace!" Whitebeard raised his arms and shouted, ordering an attack.

Akainu stood at the edge of the bay and ordered indifferently:"Whitebeard, you will regret your decision."

"Navy, listen up - kill!"

Obviously Sengoku was still there, but it was Admiral Akainu who gave the order.

Seventy to eighty percent of the navy shouted in an instant and rushed towards the pirates of the Whitebeard Pirates. In their hearts, Akainu's order seemed to be the order of the Navy Admiral? The leaders: Spider Demon, Flying Squirrel, Burning Mountain and others.

The navy who were stunned on the spot were a little confused, and seemed not to have reacted to this change.

Sengoku was almost furious on the execution platform. He stared at Akainu's back with gritted teeth, wishing he could rush up and take Akainu down now.

He never thought that Akainu would suddenly attack at this critical moment and bring up the old things.

These things were all planned by them!

Sengoku was shocked and angry. He called a navy soldier and whispered quickly:"Go contact the World Government and ask Marshal Steel to support Marinford. Tell him that what happened back then is not over. Something big might happen! Go!"

After explaining, Zhan Guo immediately jumped off the execution platform, rushed to Akainu, and said gloomily:"Sakaski, what do you want to do? Do you want to rebel?"

"Rebellion? The navy is our navy."Akainu turned around calmly and looked at Sengoku calmly, his momentum was no less than his.


Sengoku's heart was burning with anger, and there was a faint golden light flashing on his body. He suppressed the action of attacking.

If he fought with Akainu at this time, the world would laugh at the navy.

While the two were in a stalemate, the navy had already started fighting with the Whitebeard Pirates.

Marco entangled with Kizaru, and was very angry at the person who disturbed their king right away.

Little Oz rushed out of the crowd, shouting that he wanted to take Ace home. With that huge body, even the vice admiral of the giant clan could not stop his steps.

Aokiji narrowed his eyes slightly, and the ice under his feet was as heavy as a knife. The demon suddenly roared to the sky after receiving the consciousness, bursts of cold air emanated from his mouth, and he took heavy steps to rush towards Little Oz and wrestled with him.

On the surface of the Ice Demon, a layer of dark purple armed color domineering aura flowed layer by layer, and a faint light flashed from time to time. It really looked like a devil, which was terrifying.


Lightning suddenly flashed in the sky.

A lightning figure fell from the sky, and crackling lightning continuously bombarded Diamond Joz's body. Although it was crystallized, it still couldn't stop its backward figure.

There was no smile on the face of Chatun, and it was filled with the same coldness as Aokiji.

"Hey, hey, hey, are these guys crazy?" Gekko Moriah originally wanted to fight for Little Oz's body, but was shocked by the people who took action.

Doflamingo narrowed his eyes slightly,"Trebol is talking about... that ability, right?~~"

There was a murderous look in his eyes. He learned from Trebol that a devil fruit he had hidden was stolen, and later he found out that it was the admiral Akainu who did it.

Now, that ability has become the power of Oni.

Hawkeye drew out the black knife, ready to move.

"What? Can't help but take action?"咈咈咈咈~" Doflamingo turned his head to look when he heard the voice. Hawkeye said expressionlessly:"Since the man is right in front of us, we must try to sense each other with him."

But as soon as the voice fell, his movement paused.

He suddenly felt a breath approaching... there was an inexplicable weirdness.

Aokiji froze a group of pirates who rushed up without knowing the danger, then turned his head to look at Little Oz who was fighting with the Ice Demon. Chills emerged in his eyes, and the frost on his cheeks became thick again.

A line of ice under his feet spread rapidly, extending to the feet of Little Oz.

The huge cold air was like a wave, and began to manifest into ice crystals little by little, and slowly began to condense, and in the blink of an eye it imprisoned Little Oz's legs.

The heavy fist of the Ice Demon came down with a bang, and Little Oz was unable to move. He was knocked down directly, smashing a large area of sea water.

""Oz!" On the execution platform, Ace's eyes were bloodshot and he screamed miserably.

Everyone... don't fight so hard.

Aokiji, who was about to summon the ice demon to rush forward, suddenly paused and turned his head to look.

Below the execution platform, Garp and Crane felt something and looked in one direction at the same time.

Whitebeard's eyes were shocked and he turned his head to look.

Hawkeye's eyes were as sharp as an eagle's eyes and stared in that direction.

Doflamingo and Gekko Moriah noticed something strange and also looked sideways.

Tyrant Bear turned his head slightly. Hancock looked puzzled, and his beautiful eyes stared at the ice in the distance.

Akainu turned his head with some stiff movements. Kizaru was distracted for a while, kicked away by Marco, and hit the ice. After getting up, Kizaru did not pay attention to Marco, but turned around and looked at the first time. Marco looked in confusion along his line of sight.

Sengoku stared there blankly, as if he had an illusion.

Tea Pig looked.

Ghost Spider looked.

Flying Squirrel looked


Countless people looked over there.

There... a woman was pushing a man in a wheelchair slowly.

The ice paved a separate ice path for the wheelchair, extending to the center of the battlefield.

The two of them came slowly and unhurriedly.

However, the entire battlefield fell into a dead silence.

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