The calm voice, which seemed a little ethereal, woke up those who felt it was unreal to reality.

""Boss?" Akainu said tremblingly, the joy in his eyes blooming little by little.

All this is true!

"The boss is back……"Aokiji regained his composure and murmured in a low voice, his voice choking a little.

"Well, it's great that you're still alive." Huang Yuan breathed a sigh of relief, and the smile on his lips slowly spread. For some reason, he suddenly felt like laughing out loud, as if he wanted to release all the repression he had been feeling for these years.


Chatun rushed to Carl in the flash of lightning, fearing that Carl would disappear again if he arrived too late.

He leaned over and held Carl's hand tightly, tears welling up in his eyes. Carl was the first person in the navy to treat him as a family member, and the way they addressed each other was different from that of other members.

""Brother, I haven't heard from you for so many years. What have you been through? Why don't you contact me? As long as you say something, I will do anything!" Chatun said excitedly. Looking at Carl's pale face, his heart was once again gripped.

What has he been through in all these years? Why does he look so weak?

Akainu, Aokiji, Kizaru and others came back to their senses and rushed up at the fastest speed.





At this time, there is no need for too many greetings. All the friendship is contained in the"Boss".

Carl smiled happily.

For some reason, a warm current arose in his heart, and he even felt a sore nose.

After so many years, things have changed.

But the bond that once existed will never change.

"It's okay, I'm back, right?" Karl stretched out his hand to wipe Chatun's tears, helped him stand up, then glanced at everyone and said,"Stand up, let me take a look, what have you become, can I still recognize you?"

"Wow~ Kuzan, you've become even darker. I wouldn't have recognized you if you weren't standing next to them."

The emotion on Aokiji's face froze, and the corners of his mouth twitched fiercely. The boss still spoke mercilessly,"Boss, can you give me some face for the sake of being an admiral?"

"You little brat, you don't have the face to be in front of me." Carl scolded with a smile, and then continued:"Borsalino! Can't you shave your beard? The boy back then has become a wretched uncle now!"

Yellow Monkey's mouth twitched, he actually became the wretched uncle in the boss's mouth??

He really wanted to grab a marine and ask him, is he wretched?

"Spider, what happened to your face?"

"Who is smoking? It's killing me. I guess it's Huoshaoshan. He has been smoking cigars since he was a child.……"

"Flying squirrel, you have a beard too……"



Carl spoke to everyone like he knew them all, and was as friendly as ever. Everyone seemed to be dreaming back to the time when they first joined Zero.

Everyone's face was filled with a smile from the heart.

Carl's eyes finally fell on Akainu, and after a look, he said,"Sakaski hasn't changed much, but he has matured a lot."

Akainu nodded sullenly, holding back the moisture in his eyes,"Boss, it's been almost forty years."

Yes, it's been almost forty years since we last met.

Everyone was filled with emotion and sighed endlessly.

Akainu and the others had too much to say and too many questions to ask.

"Boss, what happened back then? Have you been with Gion all these years?"Akainu asked impatiently.

This is the question he cares about most, and the question everyone wants to know the answer to.

"Something did happen back then, and Gion saved me. Then I fell into a deep sleep and just woke up. I came back when I woke up, so don't blame me."Carl couldn't help but joked.

Gion pinched Carl's back lightly from behind, and said angrily:"Then the boss wants to blame me? I've taken care of you for so many years. Is it my fault? Humph."

Carl hurriedly patted the jade hand on his shoulder and comforted:"Blame me, blame me, I shouldn't have slept so long."

This little girl has paid too much over the years, he has to coax her well, and if not, it's okay to worship her.

Seeing the state of the two, Akainu, Kizaru and others showed enlightenment on their faces, and gradually a hint of weirdness appeared in their smiles.

As if aware of it, Momotoki quickly pulled his hand out of Carl's hand, his cheeks flushed

"Brother, your appearance……"Chatun asked curiously.

Why didn't he age?

Carl was older than them, but they were all middle-aged men, while Carl was still a young boy?

"Is there a possibility that sleeping doesn't make people old?"Karl said with a smile.

Aokiji suddenly felt a chill behind him, colder than his frozen fruit, and pulled the corner of his mouth,"Boss, this joke is really cold."

Everyone laughed, and Kahl was also laughing,"Kuzan, Kuzan, you were the youngest and looked obedient at the beginning, but now you are really not cute at all."

Everyone laughed even louder.

The whole battlefield was looking at this weird atmosphere.

Everyone's face was solemn, and only they were laughing unscrupulously.

Who is that young man?

Everyone has this question in their hearts.

Especially the navy soldiers, they are the most confused and puzzled. How can the admirals who are usually serious laugh like idiots now? Has the world become so crazy?

Aokiji wanted to cry but had no tears. He didn't expect that he would become the focus of Kahl's ridicule now.

Although this is the case, he feels very warm in his heart.

After so many years of being with the ice, this is the first time he feels the warmth in his heart

"Well, let's deal with the business at hand first. It looks like you guys are very busy." Karl stopped reminiscing about the past, and the smile on his face faded a little.

"Yes, the navy has changed a lot.���"But the navy is our navy."

This sentence contains too much meaning.

Carl raised his eyebrows. It seems that these guys have been busy all these years. No wonder Aokiji is so tanned.

Akainu and others walked behind Carl and surrounded Carl in the center.

Opposite them, Sengoku, Garp, and Crane walked over step by step.

""Zhan Guo, Garp, Crane, long time no see."

Carl took the initiative to greet, but the smile on his face did not have much of a friendly feeling.

Zhan Guo sighed:"Carl, you are still alive. Where have you been all these years?"

This first sentence has a tentative taste.

"Thanks to the Five Elders, he just fell asleep."Carl said with a half-smile.

Sengoku's face froze, and his body became a little stiff. He was known as a"wise general", but his mind went blank for a moment, and he didn't know what to say.

Carl chose to get straight to the point.

We are all smart people, and it's too tiring to beat around the bush.

Garp didn't say anything, but his eyes were on Carl and he never moved away.

Fortunately, it was Crane who broke the awkward atmosphere,"Gion, come here and let me see, have you been okay all these years? Why didn't you contact me?"

Taotu smiled faintly, and her palm involuntarily rested on Carl's shoulder, and said with a smile:"Don't worry, Sister Crane, I'm fine, but it's not convenient to contact the navy these years."

It's not convenient to contact the navy, and it's said very bluntly.

Crane's face was slightly pale.

Sure enough, what was supposed to come still came.

She knew that when Carl returned this time, something big would definitely happen to the navy.

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