The more you read, the more you will remember.

Brain storage~

One by one!

This book will not have too many ups and downs, and the main theme is a relaxed and happy one!

Nami: Am I beautiful?



A burst of rapid keyboard tapping sound fell, and Ling Yan finally completed the update before twelve o'clock on the last night of the month.

"Ah... I finally completed the task. It's not easy to get a full attendance award..."

After Ling Yan clicked to publish, he leaned back on the gaming chair to relax.

Thinking that the listening and reading this month has exceeded two hundred, the full attendance award can be obtained!

Thinking of this, Ling Yan felt happy. Just when Ling Yan was thinking about going to Happy Thursday after receiving his manuscript fee next month, his consciousness slowly began to fade...

In the East China Sea, somewhere in the sea, on a mysterious island, the weather was hot, and the sea breeze was a bit strong and salty today.

On the branch of a giant tree with a trunk diameter of more than 50 meters in the center of the island, Ling Yan finally woke up slowly under the constant blowing of the sea breeze.

"Is it dawn..."

Ling Yan sat cross-legged on the huge branch and rubbed his slightly squinting eyes with his hand.

"Where is this?"

Ling Yan, with his eyes fully open, finally realized that something was wrong!

"Fuck... Why am I on a tree!"

"Also, why does this tree look wrong? Why is it so big? Primeval forest"

Ling Yan was startled and stood up with disbelief in his eyes.

He looked around anxiously and found that everything around him was so strange.

After a long pause, Ling Yan finally understood that he had traveled through time...

At this moment, Ling Yan's age had regressed to the age of ten, and his height was only about 1.23 meters.

Looking at his loose short-sleeved sweatshirt and floor-length trousers, a trace of helplessness flashed across Ling Yan's cheeks.

"My Kun, my fifty-dollar Kun..."

Ling Yan felt depressed when he thought that he didn't get to eat the fifty-dollar Kun on Crazy Thursday.

Sitting on a tree branch, Ling Yan slowly accepted the fact that he had traveled through time, but he was still muttering about the delicious Kun wings.

"What kind of world is this? Such a dense primeval forest, is it ancient? Or somewhere else?"

Ling Yan looked at the unfamiliar environment around him, and his heart was full of doubts. He was wearing a mask and had no memory of this place.

After all, he was a novelist who had read more than 3,000 novels on Yangshizi and had read for more than 5,000 hours and had written three novels.

He had a deep understanding of things like traveling through time, so he didn't panic much after confirming that he really traveled through time.


"Is the system here?"



"No, isn't it said that all time travelers are children of destiny, and have their own systems or golden fingers?"

Ling Yan tried several times, and checked whether there were any special items on him, and found that he didn't seem to have a golden finger?

He was now sure that he really didn't seem to have a golden finger...

"Which world is this?"

Ling Yan stood up and carefully observed the surrounding situation.

This is an isolated island, with a volcanic peak in the center of the island. He is now on a huge towering tree.

The sea breeze is a bit strong at this moment, and the weather is a bit sultry. Ling Yan has sweated a lot.


At this time, Ling Yan's stomach began to protest.

Ling Yan touched his hungry stomach, and his expression was a little helpless: "My Kun..."

Suddenly, Ling Yan saw a strange thing on a hidden branch of the tree.

He was stunned for a moment.


"Devil Fruit, is this the world of One Piece?"

"Hahahaha, I knew that time travelers must have their own benefits!"

"Isn't it here now?"

Ling Yan looked at the fruit covered with strange patterns, and his mood suddenly improved a lot, and his tense heart just now relaxed.

He suppressed his excitement and slowly crawled towards the devil fruit.

Ling Yan climbed to the branch, hugged the devil fruit tightly in his arms, and then observed it carefully.

Found that there were some flame patterns on this devil fruit, and the shape of the flame was a bit like a flying bird.

It looks like this?

"Related to fire? It's not the Flame-Flame Fruit..."

Ling Yan muttered as he looked at the devil fruit in his arms.

When he saw the flame pattern, Ling Yan first thought of the Flame-Flame Fruit, but this was obviously not the Flame-Flame Fruit.

"Well~ the ability of flame is not bad, but there should be other abilities, which is better than the one that even dogs say they won't eat." After Ling Yan figured it out, he bit the devil fruit directly.


"It's so disgusting! What's this taste..."

After Ling Yan swallowed the first bite with difficulty, he felt nauseous in his mouth and his whole body was covered with goose bumps.

But thinking that the chance of awakening after eating the devil fruit would be higher, he made up his mind and pinched his nose to eat the devil fruit in one go.

"Cough cough cough~~yue~~~ too disgusting!"

Ling Yan felt so disgusted in his mouth, and the disgusting taste kept flowing back from his throat.

Ling Yan hugged the tree trunk tightly and it took him a while to recover.


"What's going on~~ It hurts~~~"

Suddenly, Ling Yan felt as if all the bones in his body were broken, and even the muscles in his body were torn!


"It hurts so much!!!"

Ling Yan rolled on the tree trunk in pain, and suddenly fell from the tree accidentally.


"Help! I just... just crossed over!!!"

With a bang, Ling Yan fell heavily to the ground, and a mouthful of blood spit out of his throat with a fishy and sweet taste.

Coupled with the unbearable pain in his body, Ling Yan fainted all of a sudden.

After fainting, the surface of Ling Yan's muscles continued to wriggle.

After an hour, because of the pain in his body, Ling Yan's consciousness was forced to wake up again.

"Am I not dead?"


"Why is it still so painful? What kind of devil fruit is this!"

"Bird-Bird Fruit·Mythical Beast·Fire Phoenix Form?"

Before Ling Yan could figure out why he was in so much pain, the island suddenly began to shake violently!

"What's going on... Is there an earthquake?"

Ling Yan endured the pain and struggled to stand up, but fell to the ground again because of the violent shaking of the ground and the pain.


The fire in the middle of the island suddenly began to erupt.

The strong seabed pressure squeezed the magma in the volcano and sprayed it high into the sky!

When Ling Yan saw this scene, he didn't know whether it was because of fear or pain, his face turned pale.

"What kind of start is this..."

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