The two of them were so busy that they had to eat a lot of meat.

Ling Yan and Nami came to the forest. The forest was not very big, but there were many large animals living there.

Soon, they met a big bison that was eating grass with relish!

Not far in front of the big bison was a small pool of water.

"Nami, you climb up the tree and wait for me. I'll kill the cow and then you can come down!"

"Yeah, be careful, Ling Yan."

"Don't worry, Nami, I'm very strong!"

Nami nodded, climbed up a big tree, and then watched Ling Yan closely on the branch.

Ling Yan saw that Nami had hidden, and then quietly walked towards the big bison.

He held his breath, not letting the bison hear any movement.

After approaching the big bison within seven or eight meters, the big bison became aware of it.

Ling Yan squatted down instantly and hid under the grass.

The bison looked back at Ling Yan's direction, and after more than ten seconds, he found that there was no movement, and then continued to eat grass happily.

Not far away, Nami watched Ling Yan's movements nervously.

Although she knew that Ling Yan was very strong, the bison was also very strong, so she was still a little worried.

Ling Yan hid in the grass and quietly looked for opportunities.

At this time, several goats came out of the forest, walked to the pool and started drinking water.

When the bison heard the movement of the goats, it stopped eating grass and raised its head to look at the goats drinking water.

Ling Yan knew that the opportunity had come!

He jumped out of the grass with a "whoosh", and the distance of seven or eight meters was reached in the blink of an eye.

At this time, the bison also felt movement behind him.

It instinctively looked back, and what it saw was a small humanoid animal with a fist as big as a sandbag coming down at it!

Ling Yan clenched his fist and smashed it hard on the bull's head!



The big bison felt dizzy after the hammer hit it.


A few seconds later, the dizzy bison fell to the ground!

A few goats saw the boy so fierce and fled in fear!


"Success! The bison fell!"

"Ling Yan, you are awesome!"

Nami was so excited to see this scene that she immediately jumped down from the tree and ran towards Ling Yan.


"Am I awesome?" Ling Yan stood in front of the big bison and proudly made a victory gesture to Nami.


"Great, Ling Yan, now we can eat meat!"

Nami looked at Ling Yan, her mouth watering. With Ling Yan here, she will have meat to eat in the future!

"Of course, Nami, wait a minute, I'll deal with the bison first, and soon we'll have meat to eat!" Ling Yan pulled out his knife and prepared to start dismembering the bison.

"Okay, then I'll go find some firewood!" Nami ran to pick up firewood impatiently.

Ling Yan began to deal with the bison, cutting it into small pieces of meat.

Not long after, this bison weighing more than a thousand pounds turned into pieces of bone meat!

At this time, Nami had already picked up a pile of firewood next to her.

"Ling Yan, make a fire quickly, I want to eat roast beef!"

"Okay, okay, I'll be right there!"

Ling Yan set up the firewood, touched it with his fingertips, and the hot flames rose instantly. He flicked the small flame towards the firewood.

With a bang, the dry wood was immediately ignited.

Ling Yan and Nami put the skewered bones and meat on the fire and roasted them.

"Wow, it smells so good!"

"Nokigo and the others can eat a lot of meat tonight, hehe~~" Nami was very happy. It was the first time she could eat so much meat since she was a child.

"That's a must. If we are short of meat in the future, we will go hunting again!" Ling Yan said proudly.

The bones and meat were roasted on the fire and sizzled.

Ling Yan and Nami were drooling all the time. The waiting time was like a year.

Half an hour later, Ling Yan finally couldn't help but stand up and try it.

"Wow~ It's edible!"

"I'll do it, I want this piece!"

Nami couldn't wait to take a piece of roasted meat down.

"Don't worry, don't worry, it's hot~~"

Then, the two children ate it greedily and finished their first picnic in this forest.

After eating all the roasted bones and meat, they lay back contentedly with satisfied smiles on their faces.

"Hehehe~ I'm so full, great Ling Yan~"

"Of course, just follow me and hang out

, guaranteed to have meat to eat!"

"No, no, I'm a navigator, you have to listen to me!"

"It seems so, never mind, anyway, there will be meat to eat every day in the future!"


Just then, a shocking beast roar suddenly came!

Ling Yan and Nami stood up immediately and looked in the direction of the beast roar.

"This voice... can't it be the beast king here?" Ling Yan guessed.

"Beast king? Isn't that very powerful? Let's go quickly, Ling Yan, it will be dangerous if we are discovered by the beast king!"

When Nami heard the word beast king, a trace of fear appeared on her little face.


"Roar!!!" "

Just then, another beast roar sounded.

In an instant, all the animals in the forest began to flee frantically!

Ling Yan held Nami and jumped onto a big tree in the blink of an eye.

"Don't be afraid, Nami, it's probably two beasts fighting for the position of the beast king." Ling Yan looked at the direction where the huge beast roars came from and said softly.

Just two beasts, as long as he wanted, he could burn them all with a fire.

"Fighting for the beast king?" Nami looked at Ling Yan in confusion.

"It should be, otherwise, Nami, let's go and take a look, the meat of the beast king must be much more delicious than beef."

Ling Yan knew clearly that in this world, the stronger the animal, the more powerful the energy contained in its meat, such as the sea king!

"But what if the beast king pounces on us?"

"Don't be afraid, the beast king can't beat me, and Nami, have you forgotten? You can open the door and run away at any time. "

"Oh, I forgot that I'm the user of the Door-to-Door Fruit now!"

Nami suddenly remembered that she has superpowers now!

"Hehe~ Let's go and take a look!" Ling Yan hugged Nami and jumped down.

Now all the beasts in the forest have run away, so there is no need to worry about any beasts bumping into them.

"Let's go, let's go and take a look~"


When she thought of her Door-to-Door Fruit ability, little Nami was no longer afraid, but felt a little excited.

Then the two little brats immediately ran towards the direction where the huge roars of beasts came from.

More than ten minutes later.

Ling Yan and Nami finally saw the two beast kings who were dueling, a tiger nearly ten meters tall and a huge black bear more than ten meters tall!

At this time, the two beasts had suffered serious injuries due to the fight, and the tiger had already shown signs of defeat.

"Is this the beast king? It's really big~" Nami exclaimed.

"Roar! ! !”

At this time, the black bear let out an astonishing roar, and its huge paw hit the tiger's head heavily!

The tiger, who was already seriously injured, could no longer bear it at this moment, and fell to the ground with a whimper.


The black bear roared wantonly after seeing that it had won, as if telling the animals in the forest that it was the only king here!

Ling Yan looked at the black bear and the fallen tiger with shining eyes, and his saliva was about to flow out.

"Nami, wait for me here, I will kill this black bear!"


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