After eating all the dishes, the food was very delicious.

"Wow~ It's so delicious~ I'm satisfied~~"

"It's really delicious, Nami, you have a good nose."

After eating ten dishes, the two little guys leaned back in the chair, rubbing their round bellies to rest.

"Boss, it's time to pay the bill!" Nami shouted to Jharen at the counter.

After hearing this, Jharen came over immediately.

He usually wouldn't be so diligent, these are all the waiter's work.

But seeing that they were two children, and they had just been bullied by him, Jharen was particularly enthusiastic towards Ling Yan and Nami.

"Two little guests, the total is 10,500 berries, just give 10,000." Jerhalen still squinted his eyes and said.

"10,000 berries..." Nami counted out ten 1,000-denomination berries from her backpack and handed them to Jerhalen.

"Hey, boss, this is 10,000." Little Nami said softly.

"Thank you, two little guests, but I have to remind you of one thing. Bart just now is a slave trader.

You may have been targeted by him now, so I advise you to go home quickly." Jerhalen looked at the two cute and handsome children in front of him, and he couldn't help but feel a little sympathetic.

"Ah? Slave traders?" Nami's eyes showed horror.

Even in the East China Sea, people here know how terrible slave traders are.

After all, even in the East China Sea, there are slave ships from time to time.

"Thank you, boss, we will go home now." Ling Yan said calmly.

He took Nami's hand and walked out of the restaurant. It seems that he is still inexperienced. He didn't even notice Bart's thoughts at that time.

But Ling Yan would not be afraid. If it was in the Grand Line, he might be more cautious.

But this is the East China Sea. On the surface, the base chief of Rogue Town is the most powerful existence.

Ling Yan did not care about a few slave traders.

"Don't worry, Nami, you forgot, I am very strong, like that big guy just now, I can lift ten with one hand!" Ling Yan comforted little Nami.

"That's right, and I am still a door-door fruit ability user now, so I don't have to be afraid of them!" Nami finally came back to her senses at this time.

Just now, I was just scared by the word slave trader. Even in Rogue Town, there are some hidden talent employment agencies.

Seeing that Nami has regained her cheerful temperament, Ling Yan was relieved and went to visit Rogue Town with Nami.

However, even if he did not master the observation Haki, Ling Yan still felt that someone was following them.

Presumably, the person following them is related to the slave trader Bart before!

"Nami, those slave traders have been following us. Let's get rid of them first, otherwise it will be uncomfortable to have someone following us all the time." Ling Yan said softly.

In his words, it seemed that the slave traders had been sentenced to death.

On Nami's tender cheeks, a slight arc appeared between her delicate eyebrows.

"Then... how can we get rid of them?" Nami asked softly.

She felt uncomfortable with someone following her all the time.

Ling Yan looked around and then determined a direction: "Follow me~"

Ling Yan pulled Nami and walked towards a dark and empty box.

After seeing this scene, the four Barts who were following behind began to rejoice with their deformed faces.

This remote place is more conducive to their capture of the two children!

The four of them hurriedly ran into the alley, but they didn't see anyone, as if they disappeared out of thin air!

"Boss, they are there!" A minion pointed to the mountain and shouted immediately.

The other three looked up and saw Ling Yan and Nami.

"How did they get there so quickly?"

"Now is not the time to discuss this, hurry up and chase them! We must catch them!"

"Yes! Boss!"

The four slave traders immediately climbed over the wall of the alley and chased after them.

However, when they went up the mountain, they saw Ling Yan and Nami appear a few hundred meters away.

The four could only continue to chase with heavy breaths until they reached a big tree, and the figures of Ling Yan and Nami disappeared completely.

"Damn it!"

"They escaped!"

Bart slapped the tree heavily.

"Boss, what should we do now?" asked a minion.

"Go back first. There will be an adult coming in the evening. As long as we meet the requirements of that adult, we can leave here and go to the Great Airship.

Road!" Bart said directly.

When talking about this, Bart also felt a little painful.

The adult's appetite is too big. If they want to go to the Grand Line, they may have to hand over all their savings over the years.

The other three people thought that they would be able to leave the East China Sea and go to the legendary Grand Line soon, and the expressions of the chain store instantly became crazy.

Then Bart took the three brothers and prepared to return to Rogue Town immediately.

Suddenly, Ling Yan's figure appeared in front of them.

"Boss, it's the boy who just disappeared!" The little minions looked at Ling Yan with greed.

In this world now, beautiful things are expensive, and slaves are of course no exception!

"Galala la la~"

"I didn't expect you to come to my door yourself, guys, catch him for me!" Bart shouted viciously.

"Yes! Boss! "

The three minions immediately rushed towards Ling Yan.

Ling Yan looked at the three people attacking him expressionlessly, and a blazing flame had already ignited on the finger of his left hand.

At the moment when the three minions approached him, Ling Yan threw the flame directly over.


"Boss! Save me!"

"What kind of fire is this? Why can't I put it out!"

"Ah! It hurts!"

In a few seconds, the three minions turned into firemen!

Until they burned even the bones, Bart couldn't make any moves.

He was so scared that his legs went weak.

"Evil... Devil Fruit! You are a Devil Fruit user!" Bart slowly came back to his senses, and the eyes he looked at Ling Yan were replaced by fear.

"How is it? Are you surprised or surprised?" Ling Yan looked at Bart and asked with interest.

Just then, Nami opened a door in the air and walked out of the different space.

"Hey? Why is there another one? Ling Yan, didn't you kill him?" Nami thought Ling Yan had killed all four people, and then came out of the space.

Another Devil Fruit user! Bart wanted to cry but had no tears at this moment.

How could he be so lucky today to meet two Devil Fruit users who he had never even seen before...

"Of course I'll keep him for robbery. He's a slave trader, so he must have a lot of treasure!"

As soon as these words came out, the shape of Berry immediately appeared in Nami's eyes!

"Yes, yes, yes!"

"I have treasures, and there are a lot of Berrys. I'll give them to you. Please don't kill me!" Bart said in panic with a sad face.

"Not bad, very sensible, then, take us there quickly!" Ling Yan looked at Bart with cold eyes.

"Don't play tricks, Ling Yan is very powerful!" Nami on the side glared at Bart fiercely.

But in the eyes of others, Nami's vicious expression was even more adorable.

"I... I absolutely dare not! "Bart hastily assured.

The two children in front of him were living ancestors. The three men just killed them without hesitation.

He didn't dare to joke with his own life.

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