The two of them were so busy that they had to wait for the next few days.

Nami did not emerge from behind Ling Yan until Hoba's figure disappeared.

"Finally he left. I thought this loudmouth had discovered us. I was so scared." Nami patted her chest and said in fear.

"Don't be afraid, Nami, I'm here. I'm very strong." Ling Yan stretched out his hand and gestured with his biceps, with a proud face.

"I know, I just didn't react suddenly just now. Let's not talk about this for now. Boss, we want to buy Den Den Mushi!" Nami shouted to the man at the counter.

"Two guests, our Den Den Mushi include surveillance Den Den Mushi, video Den Den Mushi, and ordinary call Den Den Mushi. Which one do you want?" The boss asked with anticipation, rubbing his hands.

"Hmm... Ling Yan, which one do we want?" Nami couldn't make up her mind for a moment, so she simply let Ling Yan make the decision.

"Boss, give me three Telephone Mushi and two Video Telephone Mushi." Ling Yan thought for a while and said.

One Telephone Mushi was given to Bellemere, and then he and Nami each had one, in case they got separated and couldn't find anyone.

One Video Telephone Mushi was also left at Bellemere's house, and the other one they carried with them.

"Oh, thank you two guests, the Video Telephone Mushi costs 300,000 berries each.

There are two types of Telephone Mushi, one is portable, and the call distance is not far, and the other is the same size as the Video Telephone Mushi, which can be used for long-distance calls.

The portable one costs 200,000 each, and the long-distance one costs 500,000 each. Which one do you want?" The boss asked, suppressing his inner excitement.

"Then we need two Video Telephone Mushi, two portable Telephone Mushi, and two long-distance Telephone Mushi." Ling Yan said calmly.

"Okay, thank you! Please wait a moment, I'll get it for you right away!" The boss was very happy, this is a big deal!

He is not worried that the young man in front of him can't afford it, this is a capable person that Colonel Hoba has chosen, how can a capable person not afford it?

Ling Yan gave Nami a look, meaning that it was your turn to take action, Nami understood immediately, waved at Ling Yan with disdain, and asked him to go out and wait.

Ling Yan walked out of the store very obediently, staying here to prevent Nami from lowering the price. Sure enough, as soon as Ling Yan walked out, there was a fierce quarrel inside.

Ten minutes later, only Nami came out with a few packaged Den Den Mushi, and her face was filled with a happy and proud smile.

"Ling Yan, it's done, each Den Den Mushi is 100,000 berries cheaper, am I awesome?" Nami looked up at Ling Yan with her cute little face, looking at him expectantly, waiting for his praise.

"Of course, Nami, you are the most gentle, lovely, lively and clever child in our Kokosia Village!" Ling Yan praised Nami without thinking.

"Hehe~ Of course, let's go, I'm going to draw a picture next!" Nami was very satisfied and immediately stretched out her hand to Ling Yan.

Ling Yan naturally took Nami's hand, and then walked towards the mountain of Rogue Town together.

Polaris Island is not small. If you want to draw a blueprint of this island, it will probably take until the evening.

In the Telephone Bug Shop, the boss looked sad, looking at the 1.4 million berries in front of him. He actually lost 300,000 berries in this business!

Half an hour later, Ling Yan and Nami were already traveling through the mountains and forests of Polaris Island.

"Ling Yan, measuring tool~"


"Ling Yan, paper~"

"Come here, give it~"

"Ling Yan, help me cut down that tree, it's blocking my view."

"Okay, I'll go right away~"


After an afternoon, Nami finally drew the nautical chart of Polaris Island.

Drawing a nautical chart is not as simple as drawing an island. You have to draw the sea area around the island, judge the climate of this sea area, and then mark it.

Finally, Nami has to calculate the approximate distance from Kokosia Village to Polaris Island based on her own judgment.

This afternoon, Ling Yan saw what a genius is. Nami is a genius, the top navigator!

No wonder the Golden Lion wanted to snatch Nami's talent after seeing her.

Even if the Golden Lion can fly, it will be at a loss when encountering extreme weather during the Battle of Etwal.

By the time the two put away the sea chart drawn by Nami, it was already evening. This time, the two decided not to use the Menmen Fruit to go back.

"Ling Yan, why are you so nice to me?" Walking on the small path in the mountains, Nami was very curious.

Ever since following

When Ling Yan came to Kokosia Village, he treated her very well.

Although Ling Yan was also very good to Nokigo and the others, he treated her very well. Although she was young, she was not stupid.

"Well~~ Because Nami is very cute, I want to marry you as my wife when we grow up!" Ling Yan said without any concealment.

"Ah? Ling Yan, I'm still so young, and you don't even let go of children!" Nami hugged her hands in front of her chest, pretending to be frightened by Ling Yan.

"What? I mean when we grow up!" Ling Yan patted Nami's little head lightly in annoyance.

"Huh~ I won't marry you when I grow up!" Little Nami turned her little head to the side and said.

But she was also very happy in her heart. Ling Yan was so handsome, it seemed that marrying him would not be a loss? Nami thought so.

"Really? Then I will marry another woman in the future?" Ling Yan said faintly.

"You dare! Humph! This beautiful lady is tired, you carry me back!" Nami said, and then she jumped directly onto Ling Yan's back.

Ling Yan naturally held Nami to prevent her from falling.

Nami, who is less than 10 years old, is very light. Ling Yan can even run a marathon with her on his back!

"Hold tight, we are going back!" "

Yeah... hold tight~"

Ling Yan carried Nami on his back, bathed in the afterglow of the sunset, and walked leisurely towards Rogue Town.

Unknowingly, Nami had fallen asleep on Ling Yan's back. Listening to the slight snoring coming from behind, Ling Yan's mouth corners slightly raised, a little proud.

The two returned to Rogue Town. There were not many people in the street restaurant, but the aroma of food still came from it.

Nami was also awakened by the aroma.

"Ling Yan, I'm so hungry~" Nami rubbed her eyes, and her voice was a little vague, as if she had not woken up yet.

Ling Yan looked towards the restaurant. Wasn't this the one they had entered the day they first arrived?

"Then let's have dinner here."

"Yeah~ Ling Yan, you can put me down~"

Ling Yan let go of the hand that was supporting his back, and little Nami slid down.

The two walked into the restaurant hand in hand happily.

The boss, Jharen, was counting the bills at the counter. When he heard someone coming in, he was about to say that the restaurant was closed for the day.

But when he saw that it was Ling Yan and Nami, a surprised expression appeared on his face.

These two little ghosts are still here? Did Bart fail? Or have they been killed? Questions came to his mind one by one.

"Boss, we want to eat the same food as that day, two servings!" Nami sat down and ordered happily.

"Okay~ I'll be right there!" Jharen suppressed the doubts in his heart and hurried to tell the kitchen.

He always felt that there was something wrong with these two children.

Could it be...

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