The old man was in a mess.

The port of Cocosia Village was already in ruins and in a mess.

On the port, a huge pirate ship was docked, as if a ferocious beast was entrenched here. This pirate ship was the shark of the notorious Dragon Pirates - the Spab!

Not long ago, Captain Gurachi led his crew back to Cocosia Village with joy.

However, they never expected that what was waiting for them was a nightmare. The Dragon Pirates had already followed them and launched a surprise attack on them.

Poor Captain Gurachi and his brave and fearless crew were defenseless and fell into a passive situation in an instant. In the fierce battle, they fought bravely, but they were eventually severely injured because they were outnumbered. Not only that, even the precious cargo on their merchant ship was not spared and was looted by the Dragon Pirates.

The villagers on the shore trembled at the ugly fishmen on the pirate ship. These monsters were too strong, not to mention that there was a huge bull-headed sea beast next to their pirate ship.

On the coast, Ajian's chest was bubbling with blood and he spoke incoherently. Several villagers were treating him.

"Shahahaha, humans... are really weak creatures~" Arlong, the captain of the Dragon Pirates, laughed wantonly, his eyes full of discrimination.

On the coast, everyone saw Arlong's look and showed fear and resentment on their faces.

"Hurry... hurry to... Bellmer's house and call... Ling Yan..." Arlong said with great difficulty.

He knew Ling Yan was a Devil Fruit user, even though he was still a child, but he had no other options. No one in the Kokosia Village could defeat these monsters!

"Ajian... Ling Yan... Can he really do it?" A man was very skeptical, with a tangled look on his face, and several villagers next to him didn't believe it either.

"He can definitely... defeat... these monsters! Go!" Ajian said in a deep voice.

"Okay... Ajian. I'll be there right away!" the villager said with difficulty.

His face was full of reluctance. A man like him actually had to ask an eleven-year-old child to save them. This was a shame!

"Brother Along, someone ran away." The Kissing Fishman cadre said with a smile as he looked at the villagers running away from Ajian.

"I guess he went to get help. Don't worry about him. It's just right to solve it all at once! Shahahaha!" Along's eyes moved away from Ajian and looked at the villager running towards the mountain, his eyes full of disdain.

After saying that, Aaron stood up from his big shark sofa, walked to the bow and scanned the humans on the shore with contempt.

Everyone on the shore felt Aaron's powerful momentum and lowered their heads in fear. They didn't dare to look at Aaron at all, for fear of angering this terrible fishman.

"Although there may be some trouble, it's your problem. Now I declare! Cocosia Village is ruled by my Dragon Pirates! Here I set the first rule, that is, on this island, fish people are the most noble creatures, and you, humans, are our slaves! Hahaha!" After Aaron finished speaking, he looked at the horrified eyes of the humans on the shore, and his heart was immediately very proud.

The other fishmen on the pirate ship were also very excited to see this scene. They were right to follow Brother Aaron here. These weak humans are not their opponents at all!

"Brother A'long, do you want me to get rid of those people who don't obey!" The octopus man Xiao Ba raised six knives, looking at the humans on the shore with hatred in their eyes, eager to try, as if he would rush over to kill these humans in the next second!

The humans on the shore were indeed scared. They thought that this group of monsters would be like the pirates in the past, just looting the treasure and then leaving, but now listening to what this fish man said, they are not going to leave Cocosia Village now, but to rule this village!

"No, no, no, Xiao Ba, you must be friendly to our slaves, they are all our wealth..." After A'long finished speaking, his eyes were full of ridicule when he looked at the humans.

"Wealth? Brother A'long, what's the use of these weak humans?" The minnow fishman cadre Kroobi was a little puzzled.

"Of course they are wealth!"

"Weak humans, as great fish

"You, did you hear it clearly!" A

The dragon was in full force, and his murderous eyes swept over everyone on the shore.


"One hundred thousand berries per person?"

"But how can we have so many berries!"

"You are charging protection fees even for children... You are so unreasonable!"

"I won't pay!"

"Yes! We won't pay!"

Protests were heard from the crowd on the shore.

When Aaron saw that these humans dared to oppose his proposal, he suddenly felt bad, his eyes began to darken, and a faint murderous aura began to spread. Everyone shivered and felt extremely cold.

"Yan Shao~" Aaron shouted in a low voice.

These ignorant humans dared to refute him, he had to teach these weak humans a lesson!

"Yes! Brother Aaron! Hiccup..." The salmon fishman Yan Shao took a sip of wine and looked at the few humans who had just protested on the shore, with a hint of bloodthirstiness in his eyes.

He jumped off the pirate ship, walked slowly to the shore, and then raised his big fin-like hand, and a few drops of raindrops like water drops flowed vertically from his palm.

"Hit the water!"

Yao released several drops of water balls from his hand, and shot them at the humans like bullets!


With a few puffs, the few humans who had just resisted were pierced through the chest by the gelatinous water drops of Yao!


"What have you done!"

The village chief shouted angrily at Yao, but the next moment, he was slapped away by Yao!

"Village chief!"

"Are you okay! Village chief!"

"Damn! These monsters are too strong!"

The villagers immediately ran over to check on the village chief, their hearts full of anger and unwillingness.

Now Ajian, a patrolman, was seriously injured, and Captain Gurachi and his group, who were highly expected, were all injured, and even the village chief was knocked away.

As villagers of Kokosia Village, they felt very helpless at the moment. They seemed to have accepted the fact that they would be ruled by this group of fishmen.


"How about it, have you faced the reality? You humans are weak and humble low-level creatures. It is your honor to be ruled by high-level fishmen like us!" A Long jumped onto the shore with a big laugh, and slowly walked towards the humans who were slowly retreating because of fear.

"Damn it!" "Ling Yan, come quickly!" A Jian shouted wildly in his heart.

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