The next morning, Ling Yan woke up slowly. He slowly opened his eyes, and his blurred vision gradually became clear. "It turns out that you are not dead. Who saved me?" Ling Yan asked with his dry lips. "Ah~" "Are you awake? Ajian went out. He asked me to take care of you." A childish and crisp voice reached Ling Yan's ears. Ling Yan knew at the first time that it was the voice of a little girl. He raised his eyes and looked in the direction of the voice. A cute little girl, about eight or nine years old, with orange hair on her head, holding a book and squinting her eyes, appeared in front of him. Isn't this Nami when she was a child? Nami when she was a child! "Hello...Hello. My name is Ling Yan. Can you tell me your name?" Ling Yan looked at the little Nami who was close to him, and somehow his cheeks suddenly blushed.

Ling Yan would never admit that he was shy! He just thought of what Nami would look like when she grew up!

Nami when she grew up!

Who can refuse Nami when she grew up!

"So your name is Ling Yan, and mine is Nami."

"By the way, how did you fall from the sky yesterday? If Bellemere and Ajian were not there, you might have drowned in the sea." Nami asked sweetly.


"This...this, Nami, do you know about devil fruits?" Ling Yan scratched his head, not knowing how to explain this to Nami.

After all, for ordinary people, devil fruits are too incredible.

"Devil fruit? What is that? Is it a fruit eaten by the devil? Are there really devils?" Nami's big eyes flashed with curiosity.

It was the first time she heard such a magical thing, and her little head was full of all kinds of questions.

"Well... how should I put it, Nami, can you pour me a glass of water first? I'm very thirsty. I'll tell you slowly after I finish drinking." Ling Yan licked his dry lips and said softly.

Since he came to this place, he hasn't drunk a drop of water (sea water doesn't count!).

"Oh, okay, wait a moment." Nami agreed obediently, gently placed the book in her hand next to Ling Yan, and then turned to walk towards the table.

The table was slightly higher than her, and she needed to tiptoe to reach the kettle.

Ling Yan quietly watched Nami's busy little figure, and a warm current surged in his heart, and the originally nervous mood gradually relaxed.

Looking at the cute Nami in front of him, Ling Yan's mouth corners slightly raised, and his mood became particularly happy.

He took a look at Nami's book, which was about the weather. Sure enough, top navigators have been working hard since childhood!

"The water is here. Come on, drink it." Nami handed a glass of water to Ling Yan, and then stood beside him, waiting for Ling Yan's answer.

"Thank you, Nami." Ling Yan said politely, took the water cup and drank the water in a few gulps.

Some warm water flowed into his mouth and down his throat. Ling Yan finally felt that he was alive, but the process was a bit stimulating.

"I'm done. Now I'll tell you what a devil fruit is."

"Yeah, yeah, Ling Yan, you say~"

Ling Yan sorted out his thoughts, and then said: "Devil fruit is called a secret treasure of the sea. It is the incarnation of the sea devil. After eating it, you will get different abilities, but as a price, the eater will be rejected by the sea and become a landlubber. But because eating a devil fruit will give you powerful power, there are many people on the sea who want to get a devil fruit! And each devil fruit, the cheapest one is 100 million berries!"

"One... one hundred million berries? ? ? " After hearing 100 million berries, little Nami showed an incredible expression on her face.

Her mouth opened so wide that an egg could fit in it.

She was stunned, her eyes widened as if they were about to pop out.

Then, her originally cute big eyes immediately turned into the shape of berries, flashing with greed.

Then, as if attracted by an invisible force, Nami tightly grasped Ling Yan's arm and asked excitedly: "Nick~ Ling Yan, you just said that you also ate the devil fruit? Is this true?"

One hundred million berries!

She had never seen so many berries in her life.

Now in her eyes, Ling Yan is no longer a simple person, but a gold mountain worth 100 million berries!

Ling Yan was shocked when he saw Nami like this.

All of them were stunned. It turned out that Nami's greedy character was developed since childhood!

"(⊙o⊙)... Yes, I ate a devil fruit that can fly, so it fell from the sky." Ling Yan looked at the expression of little Nami at this moment, and suddenly felt a little panic in his heart.

Little Nami wouldn't want to sell me for Berries now, right?


"Ling Yan, 100 million Berries, just eaten by you." Little Nami let go of Ling Yan's arm, and her eyes gradually returned to normal.

However, her heart was filled with unacceptable emotions. 100 million Berries, that is a huge fortune!

"Actually... Actually, the one I ate may not only be worth 100 million Berries, maybe it can be worth 3 billion Berries." At this time, Ling Yan said indifferently.


"Worth 3 billion Berries!!!???"

The exciting shouting resounded through the sky, deafening, and Ling Yan felt that the whole Cocosia Village heard her voice.

Little Nami's eyes were bigger than copper bells, and her mouth opened into a big "O" shape.

Her face was full of disbelief and extreme shock, and her body trembled involuntarily.

"(⊙o⊙).....Nami, calm down, it's just 3 billion berries, it's no big deal." Just kidding, that's a mythical beast, not to mention 3 billion, he would eat 30 billion!

But after Nami heard Ling Yan's words, she felt like stabbing a knife into her weak heart.

"Woo wow~~"

"3 billion berries, you actually ate 3 billion berries!"

Nami couldn't stand it all of a sudden, and suddenly burst into tears, sad tears flowing down.

"Ah this~~"

"Nami, don't cry, 3 billion berries are nothing, I will take you to earn more berries in the future, I know a place with a lot of gold, I guarantee it's more than 3 billion!" Ling Yan said with a slightly mysterious look on his face.


"Gold? Are you lying to me? That's three billion berries. Where can there be so much gold?" Nami stopped crying immediately and asked excitedly while grabbing Ling Yan's shoulders.

"Of course, and I'm sure there are more gold than three billion berries there!" Ling Yan was stunned for a moment and immediately assured.

"Great! Ling Yan, don't lie to me!" Nami was very happy, and her cute little face came directly in front of Ling Yan.

"Nami, what's wrong with you? What three billion berries?" At this time, the door was opened with a bang, and Nokigo ran in anxiously.

She heard Nami's voice just now in the orange orchard, so Bellemere asked her to come back and see immediately.

When Nokigo was a child!

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