After a long time, the five children returned to the village of Kokosia.

Several days have passed since they returned to the village of Kokosia, and the five children have returned to orderly training.

The training room of the manor is super luxurious, with all kinds of auxiliary training equipment, which makes Kuina and Desha super happy. They are super serious about training their bodies!


"Kuina, Desha, Nokigo, why are you here so early today?" It was just dawn when Ling Yan came to the training room and saw that the three little guys had already started training here, which was really earlier than him!

"I want to become the world's strongest swordsman, of course I have to exercise my body better!" Kuina said seriously while exercising.

The training equipment here is very useful for physical training. She didn't touch it when she was in Isshin Dojo. Now that she is here, of course she has to work harder!

"Yes, I want to become stronger too. In the future... I want to beat ten!" Dessa also looked very hard. Ever since she couldn't help at all that night on Clover Island, she vowed to become stronger!

Seeing this, Ling Yan was very satisfied. It's good to become stronger. After becoming stronger, he can be a young master, hahahaha.

Finally, Ling Yan looked at Nokigo who was doing low-oxygen exercise and asked: "Kuina wants to become the strongest in the world. Dessa said that she will beat ten in the future. What do you think, Nokigo?"


"I want to improve my breath-holding time in the sea, so that you and Nami, two landlubbers, won't fall into the sea and drown." Nokigo said without looking back.

"Uh ←_←"

"Ahahaha, thank you for your hard work, Nokigo, Nami and I will rely on you in the future..." Ling Yan laughed dryly, and then began his own training.

While Ling Yan and the other four were training hard in the training room, Nami did not slack off. She had gotten up early and was studying hard in her studio.

And she had a small piece of seastone in her hand, so she could train the resistance of seastone while studying.

On the sea, the most important thing is not the captain or the fighter, but the navigator!

As their navigator, Nami naturally would not forget her mission. She needed to study hard and absorb all kinds of knowledge about the climate.

While the five children were busy training, Bellemere also got up.

The children all wanted to work hard to become stronger, and Bellemere certainly agreed with both hands. What she had to do now was to ensure that the children could keep up with their daily nutrition. This was not an easy job, after all, the five children were growing up quickly, and each of them was a big eater!

After the morning training, it was already 9 am. The five children came to the restaurant. Belle-mère was not there, but the delicious dishes she prepared had already filled the table.

"I'm going to eat!"

Kuina's saliva kept flowing when she saw so many delicious foods. Without waiting for everyone, she picked up two pieces of bone meat and started eating.

"It smells so good!"

"Belle-mère's dishes are so delicious!"

The other four children also sat down and started eating to replenish the energy consumed this morning. After all, the more you eat, the greater your physical potential!

As a result, the dishes on the table were reduced at a speed visible to the naked eye. In just half an hour, 300 servings of dishes were swept away by the five children.


"I'm full~~"


"It's so delicious--"

"I... I seem to be full--"

Several children lay directly on the ground, stroking their round bellies with happiness on their faces.

After breakfast, several children began to learn cultural knowledge.

There is no school in the world of One Piece. You have to learn by yourself. Everyone is the same in this regard. No one gives up learning because of poverty.

At noon, the five children began their own skill training.

Ling Yan wants to develop the power of the devil fruit and exercise his body.

Nami is also training her body so that her space can open the door farther.

Kuina and Nokigo are both practicing swordsmanship. Now both of them have their own famous swords, so they can practice from time to time.

Of course, since Kuina has experienced actual combat, Nokigo is no match for Kuina, but Nokigo is not much worse, after all, she has been fighting for half a year!

Finally, there is Desha. She is doing the early training according to the training notes of the Navy Six Styles brought back by Ling Yan. She thinks the Navy Six Styles is very suitable for her.

In this way, each

After completing their training, everyone started to relax their bodies and minds in the afternoon, such as playing games.

Of course, there is also hunting!

The meat in Kokosia Village is generally ordinary fish meat, and the energy contained in these fish meats cannot meet the needs of Ling Yan and others.

So they can only go to the mountains to hunt by themselves. They only want those beasts that have reached the level of beast kings!

Now it is not so easy for Ling Yan to eat the meat of sea kings. At least he has not seen the king of the near sea for so long since he came here!

In Kokosia Village, the five children live a fulfilling life like this every day, and everyone is working hard to grow up.



"Daisy, what book are you reading?" In Nami's studio, Daisy was concentrating on a book she had never seen before.

"Are you talking about this one?"

"I borrowed this from the village doctor. I think this book is very interesting." Daisy raised the book in her hand and said excitedly.

"Doctor's book? Desha, are you going to learn medicine?" Nami asked curiously.

"Well~ I just think the content is very interesting. Nami, look here, it actually says that people can survive by cutting out the intestines in their stomachs." Desha pointed to a passage in the medical book and said.


"How is this possible? Can people survive by cutting out the intestines? Impossible!" Nami's first reaction was unbelievable.

"It's true, Nami, look, the appendicitis mentioned here is a disease. The medical book says that after getting this disease, as long as the intestines are cut out, the person can be saved!" Desha tried to explain to Nami.

"So you are here, what are you discussing? Tell us too..." At this time, Ling Yan, Nojigo and Kuina also came to the top floor and heard Desha and Nami talking about cutting out the intestines.

"Ling Yan, come and see, the medical book that Desha is reading says that people can survive by cutting out the intestines. Is this true?" Nami pointed to the book in Desha's hand and said.

"Cut out the intestines?"

"Why do we have to cut out the intestines?" Kuina and Noqigao asked one after another. Can you still live after cutting out the intestines? They didn't understand. They only knew that the white knife goes in and the red knife comes out...

"Medical book?" Dasha was actually reading a medical book? This aroused Ling Yan's interest.

Several children came over to take a look. After Dasha's explanation, everyone finally understood, and Ling Yan also knew why Dasha said that cutting out the intestines would allow survival. It turned out that this was appendicitis...

But what Ling Yan didn't expect was that Dasha was actually interested in medical skills. It felt like a doctor would emerge among them in the future!

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