After explaining the matter clearly, Ling Yan should leave. He looked towards the volcanic island with a firm gaze.

"Everyone, keep up the good work!" After saying that, Ling Yan turned into a full-beast form.

"We know!" The four girls also looked at Ling Yan with a firm look.

Ling Yan nodded slowly, and then flapped his wings and flew towards the volcanic island.

Until Ling Yan's figure could no longer be seen, Nami and the other four withdrew their gazes, and they also had to start their own training.

"Everyone, let's start too!" Nokigao looked at everyone and said in a deep voice.



The volcanic island is not far from the nameless island just now. Ling Yan flew for a few minutes and arrived here.

This is an active volcano, with hot magma flowing out all year round. There are no traces of any animals on the island.

Looking at the volcano below that is constantly spewing hot lava and emitting endless heat, Ling Yan's desire in his heart becomes stronger and stronger, and it is difficult to contain it.

It is an extreme desire for powerful power, as if it is an instinctive call from the depths of the soul!

Driven by this strong desire, Ling Yan's fire phoenix body suddenly burst into raging flames, wrapping him up.

Then, he jumped without hesitation and rushed straight to the crater like a burning meteor!

Accompanied by a huge muffled sound, the magma that was originally only slowly surging was instantly stimulated, setting off waves of raging magma waves.

Ling Yan's huge body fell at a very fast speed, and the huge impact caused the magma to roll violently like boiling water.


"It's so comfortable, full of energy!"

Ling Yan, who was in the magma, couldn't help but let out a pleasant low moan.

He clearly felt a mysterious and wonderful flame energy constantly emerging from the surrounding magma, and was quickly absorbed by the fire phoenix body in his body.

At the same time, the surrounding magma seemed to have life and began to slowly gather towards Ling Yan.

As if they were attracted by some invisible gravity, they automatically surrounded Ling Yan and formed a huge magma vortex.

And Ling Yan's fire phoenix body was like the core of this vortex, emitting a powerful breath that made people's heart palpitate.

Unconsciously, Ling Yan's consciousness was immersed in the pleasure of absorbing energy, and his fire phoenix body slowly curled up.

Looking from the sky into the crater, Ling Yan's fire phoenix body was like a burning flame egg, and the surrounding magma seemed to be feeding this flame egg, constantly flowing towards the flame egg.

At this moment, the magma of this volcano, which has existed for who knows how many years, no longer flows out, and the violent breath gradually calms down.

Ling Yan, whose consciousness has been immersed, does not know that the magma rushing towards him around him, after he has absorbed the mysterious flame energy, actually has the intention of extinguishing.

And this magma that has lost energy is slowly replaced by the magma that surges out from the ground, and the newly emerged magma will squeeze the magma that has lost energy out of the crater.

This volcano is like forming a cycle at this moment, constantly gushing out flame energy from the ground, which is absorbed by Ling Yan, then excreted, and then new energy surges out again.


On the other side, the four girls also started their training journey.

The training method sent by Lindgas mentioned that only by improving one's physical fitness to a certain strength can one master the Navy Six Styles.

Physical fitness and the Six Styles are a set of training methods that complement each other. Each of the Six Styles is a trick to train a certain aspect of the body to the extreme.

If you want to develop a strong physique, you can't just use brute force to lift weights. Although this can indeed develop a strong physique, you may end up becoming a muscular man.

Those who have reached this level are either extremely strong, or their silver spears are vulnerable, or they have enough explosive power but insufficient stamina.

This method is definitely not suitable for these four girls, they don't want to become muscular women!

The correct way to practice is to develop, adapt and skillfully control the mobilization of your own energy while practicing.

The human body has great potential. As long as the energy in the body is developed and mastered, it can break through the limits of the body and become a real physical master.

The key is to learn how to develop and mobilize the energy in the body. These are the key points of Lindgas's development.

In the following days, the four of them began real physical training. After the training, they would not forget to verify each other. Kuina and Nokiko were in one group, and Desha and Nami were in another group. Every day, they would practice until their energy was exhausted. Then they would replenish their energy from the meat of various beasts in the forest, consuming and replenishing it in this way, and slowly learn to mobilize the energy in their bodies in this cycle. Unknowingly, they have been on this island for half a year. In the past six months, the four girls have grown to different degrees, and their physical fitness has also been trained to a certain extent. Now everyone has basically mastered the skills to control their own energy. As for the six styles of the navy, they can also use one or two moves. Among them, shaving is something that everyone can do. It is also the easiest of the six styles of the navy. On the contrary, the most difficult one is the iron block. So far, none of them can use the iron block, because being able to use the iron block already represents that their physical fitness has reached an extreme. In this state, it is only a thin layer of window paper away from awakening the armed color domineering.

Each of the four girls has her own focus on learning, which also caused the inconsistency of their mastery of the six styles.

For example, Kuina, in addition to shaving, she can actually use the first storm kick! This is also because she focuses on kendo.

In addition to shaving, Nokiko can also use the finger gun, and the storm kick is still a little short. Nami and Desha can only use the shaving style.

However, Nami is about to use the moon step, and Desha is about to use the finger gun.

At this time, the four girls are eating sea kings next to the camp. This small sea king is the first time they have caught it by hand!

"You say... Is Ling Yan almost ready?" Nami looked in the direction of the volcanic island.

The other three girls paused. Yes, it has been half a year now, and there is no movement from Ling Yan.

"It shouldn't be that fast. Ling Yan said it would take at least half a year. It's only been half a year now. Don't worry, Nami." Noki said softly.

"I... I'm not worried about him. Damn Ling Yan, there's no movement at all, hum!" Nami was angry and swallowed the barbecue in her hand.

Seeing this scene, the other three girls smiled knowingly, and then they all looked towards the volcanic island.

In fact, they are also worried!


On the volcanic island, the fireball curled up by the fire phoenix in the magma has become more and more dazzling.

The flame energy gushing out from the ground has slowed down a lot now. It's not that Ling Yan absorbs slowly, but the potential of this volcano has been almost exhausted.

Fortunately, the flame energy is enough now!

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