The two of them were so angry that they couldn't stop talking.

‘Hah, ah, ah, ah, ah——’

Satan was furious and extremely angry!

His eyes were bloodshot, his face was twisted hideously, and veins on his forehead were bulging. He was in a state of extreme rage, but he had nowhere to vent and had to suppress his temper! !

He could already imagine the scene of himself being pressed to the ground by Adolf! The scene of him spitting seastone into his mouth and swallowing it! He was even dragged on the ground like a dog!

Even those threatening words were seen by everyone in the world————

He also felt the same as Sakaski and Zhan Guo! !

No, it was even more uncomfortable!

Sakaski and Zhan Guo had already become a fact. But now he can't stop it, he can only watch it happen, how tormenting is that? !

Who can imagine swallowing a spit on him, and almost having his anus exploded by a gay man, and let the whole world see it! !

And you are the highest power in the world, equivalent to the president and the king, can you be as shameless as a beggar! !

"A! Dolph!!!"

Saint Satan's eyes were bloodshot, his blood pressure soared, and he exhaled hot air from his mouth. He wanted to eat his flesh, drink his blood, grind his bones and scatter his ashes! !

But he couldn't, he couldn't do it! !

He was the highest power in the world government, Saint Satan who stood above all living beings. He couldn't do it--

"Saint Satan, it's humiliating, right??" Adolf took a deep breath.

"You Celestial Dragons... the world's nobles only care about your own dignity, but you don't care about the face of Fishman Island or the dignity of the Fishmen!!"

"Two hundred years ago, Fishman Island joined the World Conference, hoping to make friends with all races and spread goodwill, but it was repeatedly humiliated!"

"You, the world's noble Celestial Dragons, treat us as fish! You capture and enslave us at will! Not only dignity, but also life is trampled and deprived at will! For more than two hundred years-"

"I know that you treat not only our Fishmen like this, but all races in the world, treating everyone as ants, insects, and pariahs!"

"But Fishman Island has me as its king, so I will take back this face!! Take back the dignity that you Celestial Dragons have trampled on bit by bit!! "

"Don't mention the pigs that are about to be executed. As long as you Celestial Dragons dare to come to this sea, as long as I find you, I will kill you one, two, three, five, even including the five of you——"

"When I set foot on Marijoa, you will be slaughtered! !"

"Tell Sengoku that all previous negotiations are invalid. Redeem it? Don't dream! Wait for my revenge——"

Adolf was excited, but his words were firm and resolute.

Even the previously agreed things were invalidated, because he had the power and the choice was in his hands——

"Adolf! Wait, we will come——" like a devil, twisted and hideous.



After that, the Five Elders could no longer talk, and punched the Den Den Mushi to death, and Adolf ended the call immediately.

"Tell Bruno that if he can't develop it before the deadline, he'll die--" Satan Saint's voice was hoarse, and he tried to hold the cane in his palm to control his emotions.

The other four Five Elders looked at Satan Saint, they didn't know what happened.

But Satan Saint was a Five Elder, and his humiliation was equivalent to the humiliation of the Five Elders, which was absolutely not allowed.

"Order the whole army to find the News Bird and shoot it down!" ordered the Environment God of War

"Order the whole world to burn all newspapers that are unfavorable to the World Government! Those who hoard it will be wiped out!" ordered the Law God of War.

"Mobilize all CP organizations to find Morgans, and kill him directly after finding him!" ordered the Finance God of War.

"Order all member countries to destroy all unknown video telephone bugs as long as they appear!" ordered the Agriculture God of War.

The Five Elders' murderous intent could not be suppressed, and it spread out from the room, which made people shudder.

Even the sky of Marijoa, 50,000 meters above, was covered with dark clouds, as if it was shrouded in despair, and the nobles living in Marijoa were frightened.

From this time on, the entire Marijoa will be shrouded in an extremely depressing atmosphere, and no one dares to speak loudly...

"This is so angry~" Adolf looked at the Den Den Mushi in his hand, his eyes deep, 'You must come! Come to the deep sea--'

Even now, he is not sure whether the World Government will send people to the deep sea, after all, this is the deep sea!

Don't mention the ability users, this is a forbidden place for all ground races! !

However, the average IQ of this world is not high, and most of them have muscles to fill their brains.

After being humiliated by him, the powerful Five Elders may do something stupid.

In any case, if they can influence the Five Elders' emotions and even their decisions, they will make a lot of money, and even lose their minds at the critical moment.

Akainu has a say in this~~

"Adolf... His Majesty the Sea King!" All the members of Arlong were moved, and they looked at their king with tears in their eyes, wishing they could offer their hearts to him!

This man, their king——

The man who supports the dignity and future of the entire race! !

"Ah... No, Your Majesty the Sea King, I suddenly realized that there is indeed no pirate group that is qualified to recruit you, even as a captain! ! How can a ship accommodate the entire ocean??"

Black Maria looked at Adolf with glittering eyes, and she was so soft that she couldn't help wanting it? !

"It's really amazing, he is worthy of being the Sea King! The king of Fishman Island, the king of this sea!!" Praline was moved and immediately came over, and the longing in her eyes seemed to overflow.

"What a fascinating man." Garette was also overwhelmed. She was obviously a very stable person, but at this moment she seemed like a little fangirl.

"As an enemy, you are the only one I still admire." Marco was both impressed and uncomfortable! !

"Hey, hey, hey, hey! Then take a good look now, and then decide whether to make a change, or still choose to be our enemy!" Doflamingo laughed wildly, and only such a man was worthy of his admiration--

"Big news! All big news!! Coming to Fishman Island, no! After Adolf appeared, all big news that shocked the world!! Are you born to be the focus of the world?"

"The man who is destined to overthrow the World Government and become the king--"

Morgans was so excited that he couldn't help himself, and completely became Adolf's licking bird.

Rather than the Five Emperors and King Luffy that it blew...

"This bad guy..." Sugar looked at him in the crowd with admiration, and it seemed that he was not so annoying, no, on the contrary...? ?

"Very charming, isn't it?" Monet came to her side and smiled.

"Ah, sister!" Sucrose was startled and quickly held her mouth. Was her secret exposed?

"Hey, hey, I feel embarrassed to hit you guys like this. I suggest you go back and think about it carefully. Isn't it natural to be a good person?"

"Otherwise, according to your pirate rules, you should be eliminated by me! I am giving you a chance to start a new life now!!"

To be honest, if he could, he didn't really want to eliminate Whitebeard, Kaido, Big Mom and others.

To say bad? There are too many pirates in this world, and they are not ranked in terms of the cruelty of burning, killing, looting and plundering.

"But we are pirates..." Marco scratched his head helplessly.


"Sengoku, don't prepare Bailey anymore! All previous negotiations are invalid! Prepare the whole army for war--" The voice of the environmental warrior god was cold.

"What? Impossible! Even the three of Sakaski failed? Even if the entire navy pressed on, they would only be wiped out!"

"Are you going to sacrifice the entire navy for a Celestial Dragon?!"

Zhan Guo rejected the order of the Five Elders without a second thought, and asked angrily! !

He was annoyed when he saw the Celestial Dragons. He finally found a way to rescue the three major forces of the navy, but it was invalidated with just one sentence?

"Zhan Guo! Didn't you hear it——" All the Five Elders were full of anger, and you still questioned? !


"Five Elders! I said from the beginning not to go to the deep sea, and now I'm trying to clean up your mess, and you still want me to lead the entire navy to bury them all at the bottom of the sea??"

Zhan Guo smashed the table with one palm, and could no longer hold back his anger and roared.

"Wipe our asses! You really dare to say that, Sengoku--"

"Isn't it only the navy you are considering? Don't forget that the navy is just an agency under the World Government--"

The voice was squeezed out from the teeth of the God of Law, his eyes were burning, and their anger was suppressed to the extreme.

They were bullied by Adolf, so should they also be bullied by you, Sengoku, who has the highest power? ? ?

"I said before that as long as I am given certain powers, all the captured fish-man slaves are released, and even the Celestial Dragons are given privileges, it is possible to end all this--"

"Do you know what the end will be if the conflict with the fish-man tribe continues!"

Sengoku's voice roared and suppressed.

He could not forget the racial war that Gion told him about. The moment he heard it, he was stunned.

Compared with that, what are the Celestial Dragons? Even if they have national treasures, so what? ?

"Let us surrender to a fish that killed the world's nobles? We even have to give him

The privilege of being on an equal footing with us? Don't you know who you are? ! "The Five Elders were all so angry that they were laughing.

They had just been greatly humiliated, and now they were giving him privileges?

"Sengoku! Whether you are the marshal or the three admirals, you swore allegiance to the Celestial Dragons when you were promoted to this position! You are just dogs that the Celestial Dragons put outside! ! Don't try to exceed your rights!" said the God of Science and Defense, Satan Sheng.

"Damn it! Are you going too far? ! World Government————" Sengoku roared.

"Did you ask us before you did it? !" The God of Agriculture was tough.

"Now we order you, all the high-level forces of the navy to gather in Marijoa! Including you——" The God of Law gave a harsh order.

Adolf is in the seabed and they can't do anything now. Can't you, a small Sengoku, take control?

What is the king leading the world? That sky is the sky of the Celestial Dragons, and it is under the Celestial Dragons——

"——————! ! "Zhan Guo gnashed his teeth and his face was livid.

He even wanted to destroy the entire Navy Headquarters, so he might as well not play anymore——

The Five Elders hung up forcefully.

If he had talked nicely at the beginning, he could have explained it clearly.

But the Five Elders want to explain to you? Both sides were extremely emotional from the beginning, how could they talk nicely? The Five Elders would never be able to patiently explain the humiliation suffered by Saint Satan!

Even the anger they received from Adolf would inevitably be taken back on another person!

And Zhan Guo was the one who ran into the gun...

Even Zhan Guo's arrogant attitude made them feel uncomfortable. Full, what does it mean to wipe their asses? It's your duty to work for the leader——

Not to mention that they are not leaders, but masters——

You dare to yell at the master now? If the situation is not wrong now, this marshal should be squatting in the city of Impel Down!!

"Hahaha... It's really wonderful. The dignified admiral of the navy was scolded so badly. Will there be a split~~"

"It's a pity that the World Government holds the lifeline of the navy. Even so, it still has to obey the orders of the World Government, otherwise the navy will not be able to maintain..."

"I don't know if he can solve this problem and make the navy and the world government break up completely!"

Adolf's bedroom Violet was lying on the bed happy and distressed.

As a powerful violent organization sailing in the world, if the navy can break up with the world government, it will greatly weaken the strength of the world government, which can be said to be cut from the thigh root.

If it was before, of course she was worried that this would lead to instability in the sea and pirates everywhere, but now it is more beneficial to that man~

"Hmm? Did Violet see anything? "Charlie asked curiously.

"That's it..." Violet and Charlie chatted.

They are the only two people who can be in contact on Fishman Island, and they can be said to have a very good relationship.

And tonight they will become sweet friends in the room, honey's honey, honey's honey~

Adolf didn't know about the quarrel between the Five Elders and Sengoku. If he knew, he would probably laugh on the spot. He didn't expect that his emotions would take effect so quickly and he broke up with Sengoku directly.

Although the client's father must be pleased, if there is a chance, do you think he would add insult to injury?

Turning to Black Maria, "Are you still doing business? I need a lot of seastone, and I'll have someone bring a ship over now."

"Are you sure you want a ship? Although I don't participate in the arms business, I also know that this thing is not cheap. Even if you can't give it away for free, I can give you a discount~" Black Maria said.

"Let Doflamingo talk to the person in charge of you, Doflamingo, leave it to you. "

Adolf left and headed out of Fishman Island.

"Yes! My king——" Doflamingo grinned, feeling extremely happy.

"I'll give you the phone number, you can talk to it yourself." Black Maria didn't want to care about other people at all now, and hurried to catch up with Adolf.

"Hello? What about the discount?" Doflamingo had a headache, but unfortunately the people had already caught up.

Except for Black Maria, everyone else followed.

There was no way, all the members of Fishman Island left the island, there was really no fun, if they continued, they would probably mock and fight each other.

Morgans was rushing to finish his manuscript, he had to spread the newspaper across the entire ocean as quickly as possible, time was very tight!!

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