The story is about the protagonist eating a devil fruit.

PS: The protagonist did not eat the devil fruit. I will explain it later. It is absolutely reasonable.

‘Saint Rozward, this is the slave your father gave you when you were 4 years old. You will have 100 million pocket money every month. Happy birthday///Thank you, Dad! ’

These are the 10 slaves obtained when Saint Rozward began to remember things clearly.

After that, in addition to buying, Saint Rozward would take his CP to the street to catch slaves himself, just like a game of catching!

Whoever he liked would immediately become his slave, men, women, the elderly, and children. If they resisted and ran away, they would be killed immediately!

Every day he came back to show off how many slaves he had caught, how many strong, beautiful, and special-skilled slaves he had caught, just like the game of insect catching boys! !

However, slaves are just tools, and there are so many of them all over the world, so how can we cherish them?

Humans and beasts fight for a piece of meat, throw them into the beast herd and tear them into pieces, go to the arena, etc., and even curiously dissect human organs alive!

In Saint Rozward's memory, all Celestial Dragons are like this, killing and torturing to satisfy their brutal and bloody interests, completely consumables! !

One photo after another flashed by quickly, there were too many, and if they were to be played, it would probably take a year to finish.

And a floating number appeared next to it, each photo represented a slave, representing their death, until 50,000+

"You don't believe that the pictures extracted from his memory can go to find the families of those who were enslaved! Don't they know the evil deeds of the Celestial Dragons???"

"Those families who were bullied and taken away as slaves, they can't resist the World Government at all, and they can only grit their teeth for the sake of those who are still alive!!"

Adolf roared, shouting out the resentment and anger of those who lost their loved ones!

Because he was almost enslaved and taken to Marijoa!

If he hadn't risked everything and fought, if he was really taken up, he would have been finished! !


"50,000? Killed more than 50,000 people!!!"

"Unbelievable, catching humans like catching bugs and turning them into slaves, is this still a human being?"

"It's even more brutal than pirates!"

"How can it not be brutal? They have been killing people since they were three or four years old. In their eyes, we are not human beings! Kill whoever they want!!"

"Damn it, how can they let such people rule the world?!"

In front of the projection of Den Den Mushi around the world, countless people looked at the screen in horror, their hearts chilled with fear, their hands and feet cold.

It's hard to imagine that just one Celestial Dragon killed more than 50,000 humans! !

And in various cruel ways of torture--

"Ginny... Dad!" Bartholomew Big Bear burst into tears. He obviously had such a burly body and powerful strength, but his heart was scarred.

"Damn Celestial Dragon!" Kerla clenched his fists in hatred.

"Damn it! All these guys deserve to die--" The fishman who was rescued by the hero Tiger gnashed his teeth, with extreme anger in his heart!

"Stella...!!" Somewhere in the world, a man touched the huge five-pointed star behind him, hatred, anger, unwillingness!

Those people rescued by the hero Tiger, the families of those slaves, all gnashed their teeth and were full of anger!

They wished to tear Saint Rozward into pieces, and wished to skin and eat all the Celestial Dragons alive! !

"This is not just as simple as executing the Celestial Dragons, but a public execution of the World Government!" Whitebeard grinned, and noticed at the same time, "But what's the matter with this devil fruit ability? Joy Boy is an animal type, right?"

"It really shocked the world! He is indeed qualified to call Roger the King of Thieves! The world is about to change--" Big Mom laughed, and rarely got serious "Is that the ability of the devil fruit?"

"I like this kid more and more, and he messed up the world--" Kaido laughed wildly, which was too much for his taste "Speaking of which, the racial talent is so strong, why do you still eat devil fruits?"

Obviously, many strong people noticed the scene of Adolf's fingertips flowing with colors and extracting memories to the Den Den Mushi.

"The world... is going to go berserk--" Red Hair Shanks' expression was extremely solemn!

[Remind the Scarlet King again that the protagonist did not eat the devil fruit. 】


"Assholes!! Cut off the signal quickly, don't let it get out!"

"It's over, there's no signal! There's no signal coming from Fishman Island!"

"Find more technicians quickly! Otherwise we're all done for--

“No, it’s the same when contacting the Navy Headquarters. They didn’t find any signal coming out either!”

“Quickly push the wheelchair to bring Vegapunk here. Even if he’s not healthy, just moving his mouth will help—”

Marie Geoise’s communications department, including the Navy Headquarters, was busy, but there was nothing they could do.


“Are you scared now? Do you think the Celestial Dragons will just kill people and enslave others? How could it be that simple! !”

Adolf dug out a deeper level of darkness from the world!

“There is a collective activity going on among the Celestial Dragons, which is held only once every three years!”

“To the outside world, they call this activity a · Celestial Dragons’ School Trip! But in fact, it’s a · Game of Destroying a Country! !”

“Anyone who is not a member may become a target. Dozens of warships surrounded the entire island, allowing the Celestial Dragons to hunt down everyone in the kingdom! ”

“Win the championship by the number of kills…”

“This is an inhumane killing game—”

Adolf’s eyes burned with anger and swept across everyone present, as if he was projecting out of the image, looking at them in front of the Den Den Mushi!

The anger in his heart made the people in front of the Den Den Mushi feel his suppressed killing intent!

And behind the execution platform, the huge image continued!

East Sea: Kingdom of Wodehouse, Kingdom of Harold…

West Sea: Kingdom of Matilda, Kingdom of Hobson…

South Sea:…

North Sea:…

Grand Line:…

In the projection behind, the countries that were destroyed one after another, countless hunting scenes, even the final winners were clearly visible!

And the world’s highest power, the Five Elders, who went to visit—

The faces of the Celestial Dragons, their cruel and joyful faces!

Saint Rozwald is over 60 years old, and once every three years, you can imagine how many such ‘school trips’ he has participated in!!


“Too exaggerated! Destroying a country is just a game for the Celestial Dragons? Or a school trip? ? Are they demons? "

"That's a country, how many people are there? How can they just destroy it!"

"Once every three years, how many countries have they destroyed? When will it be our turn? ? "

Everyone couldn't believe it, and it sounded exaggerated!

That's the destruction of a country, and there's no report in the world? They're completely unaware?

But after learning about the cruel nature of the Celestial Dragons and seeing the ironclad evidence behind them, how could they not believe it? ?

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