Pirate of Darkness

One hundred and one fierce auction

They still don't know about the arrival of the Tianlong people.

People who participated in the auction came one by one, and soon, the entire venue was almost full, and the auction was about to start.

The venue on the stage was blocked by two huge red curtains, which made people look forward to it.

And the entire venue, the dimness between the lights, became dark like watching a movie.

After a long time, it seemed that it was ready. Someone was checking the sound, and some voices came out slightly.

Suddenly, there was a "boom", and the lights of the venue were turned on in an instant, bright and colorful. At the same time, the red curtain covering the stage moved quickly to both sides under the operation of the machine, and a person inside A man in a blue suit, behind him there is a gold-rimmed table specially used to hold auction items.

Seeing this, Tiqi not only nodded, this is what a regular auction should look like. This is the first time he participated in such an auction. The previous ones were all auctions in the black market, and there were not so many bells and whistles. Start the auction right away.

Holding a silver microphone in his hand, he looked at the people preparing for the auction below.

The host showed a bright smile on his face and opened his arms, "Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to this auction. I am your old friend, Kyle!" The host named Kyle smiled Dao, the high-pitched and passionate voice immediately mobilized the emotions on the field.

"Kyle!" Some people familiar with Kyle shouted his name.

There was even an aristocratic woman who expressed her love on the spot, "Kyle, I love you, come with me, I'll take care of you!" The people around all glanced at her, but just glanced at her turn around.

Showing pitiful eyes to Kyle, that figure is very "majestic".

Kyle was not embarrassed. "Of course, there are some new friends. I don't have much to say. I hope you will spend this pleasant event with me." Kyle looked at the audience and smiled.

The word "friend" directly shortens the distance between the supporter and the auctioneer, making people feel bad.

I have to say that this Kyle, as the host of the auction, is really very popular. He has a handsome face, is dressed in a gentleman's attire, and has two delicate mustaches on his mouth.

"Then, the first auction item is a sapphire blue pearl the size of a fist. This is the largest pearl on the inheritance scepter of the king of Auburn Kingdom, which was destroyed in the North Sea 150 years ago. "

"Known as the Heart of the Kingdom, it is said that it will bring good luck to people. During a rebellion, the king's scepter lost its trace, and after that, the kingdom gradually weakened and was eventually destroyed."

The story Kyle tells is very attractive. Of course, most people will not believe what he said, but this cannot change that this is a rare big pearl, which is very precious. You won't suffer.

Especially those rich collectors, nobles, kings, many people have taken a fancy to it.

"The starting price is one million Baileys. Excuse me..." Kyle laughed. Before he could finish speaking, someone interrupted him and started bidding directly.

"Five million!" A rich man shouted, looking very confident, but the words just fell, "Six million!" The rich man turned his head after hearing this, and saw a nobleman who made an offer, and looked at him with contemptuous eyes. he.

It seems to be saying, do you want to buy it for such a small amount of money?

Being an aristocrat naturally has some advantages, especially for common people, and for such rich people, although the rich have a prominent status in society, they are also common people in the eyes of these nobles.

This angered the rich man a little bit. You can forget about bidding, so what are you doing provocatively?

The two of them began to raise the price continuously before the others made an offer.

Bidding can cause conflicts, and it can also cause face-saving battles.

After all, there are so many prominent people present, maybe the news that I lost the bidding will spread. Although it is not a big deal, if someone keeps focusing on this point, it will be very embarrassing.

It is precisely because of this that auction items at auctions can often be sold at prices much higher than their own prices. It is also because of this that auctions around the world have been established one after another, some auctions have fallen due to poor management, and some new auctions have sprung up.

The main profit of the auction is to earn a part of the final auction price of the auction items through the auction. The more auction items are sold and the higher the value, the more money they will earn.

This is also an industry that does not open for a year and has been open for three years. A large-scale auction like this will auction nearly a hundred items at a time. The final auction price will add up to tens of billions of Baileys. Part of the auction will be carried out. If you take a commission, you can make hundreds of millions of Baileys.

Kyle smiled and recognized their identities and names. Whenever a person bids, he would shout out his name and the price he quoted. It seemed normal on the surface, but secretly made this person The competition between the two became more intense.

Seeing the two people bidding wildly, other people who wanted this huge pearl gave up the idea of ​​making an offer and watched the excitement here.

In the end, this huge pearl was bought by the rich man at a high price of 22 million. With a smug look on his face, the nobleman was very angry and couldn't hide his anger. If it wasn't for his status as a nobleman, If he wanted to look like an aristocrat, he would have to rush up and teach this rich man a lesson.

And the auction also has the order of the auction, there are rules not to cause trouble, coupled with a strong background, he is not afraid of his noble status at all, once he is kicked out and blacklisted because of trouble, it will really become a laughing stock .

Although this huge pearl is precious, ten million Baileys is the most. Even if its collection value and historical value are added, it is only five million more at most.

Such a high price was due to the fiery atmosphere in the auction house, which made people excited and more impulsive, and the superb hosting skills of the host named Kyle.

It can be said that this is a talent!

The auction is still going on, and precious treasures are brought up one by one, most of them are some treasures, which are of great collection value, and there is even a crown studded with gems that has sold for a high price of one billion. The legendary crown of a powerful kingdom three hundred years ago is the inheritance of that kingdom, and only the most beautiful queen is eligible to wear it.

According to historical records, all the women who wore it were women who were famous for their beauty and were recognized as the most beautiful women at that time. There were only four people who wore this crown, and only four were qualified to wear it in two hundred years. on it.

As soon as this kind of treasure came out, the audience was shocked instantly, and almost all the kings and nobles were excited. Even if such a treasure is placed there, it has a high value.

Even Titch had to admit that this crown was indeed the most beautiful and noblest he had ever seen.

This is a priceless treasure. It has been missing for three hundred years, and now it has been rediscovered. Even the books Tiqi read in the New World before have recorded the legend of this crown.

In the previous auction, it was a feast for the rich, the nobles, and the royal family, and the other people only made a few shots, and then, it was the turn of the pirates.

The auction of auction items in the auction is basically conducted in batches, one batch at a time.

"This one is the famous knife Yingge, which is listed among the fifty best knives. When swinging this knife, it will make a sound like an eagle. If a swordsman can have such a knife, he will be like a tiger with wings. The starting price is one million Baileys." Kyle took the famous knife Yingtiao and gently pulled out half of the knife. The sharp blade and the cold light shining on the sword made it look like a good sword.

The value of swords in this world is not high. First of all, there are fewer swordsmen, and there are even fewer powerful swordsmen. With the power of armed domineering, many strong men do not need famous swords. With their own domineering cover, they will also Very hard.

Most of the famous knives of the quality of Liang Kuai Dao are around one million Baileys, while the famous knives of the quality of large knives are only worth 10 million Baileys.

But that is for ordinary people. For a swordsman, a good knife is very important. In auctions, it can often be sold for several times or ten times as high.

"Two million Baileys!" A swordsman bid directly after the auction started.

"Four million Baileys, I want it." Another swordsman stood up.

The price of the fast knife has been soaring all the way. These swordsmen came to the auction basically for this famous knife. Some rich people also want to auction it. This famous knife has a high collection value. After only quoting the price once, he will Feeling a chill in his body, several sharp and malicious eyes fell on him.

He knew that if he took a picture of this famous knife, he would definitely be targeted by these lunatic swordsmen, and he didn't know if he would survive or not.

Very resolutely, he did not bid any more, and let these swordsmen bid here.

There are swordsmen and pirates who are eyeing this good and fast knife, and there are quite a lot of swordsmen among pirates.

In the end, this good sharp knife was bought by a pirate with a bounty of more than 100 million at a high price of 31 million.

These pirates exuded a ferocious aura, and confronted the swordsmen who were staring at him. Among them, they had different identities, such as lone rangers, killers, bounty hunters, and of course, fellow pirates.

Therefore, after the auction of this famous knife does not mean that this knife already belongs to them. After the auction is over, there will be a battle.

The bodies of some rich men and nobles around couldn't help trembling. After all, such an aura and the murderous aura cultivated in the killing were not something they could resist.

However, there are still some people who are not affected. Among them are kings, nobles, and people like Tiqi. Watching their battles, they seem to be thinking that it will be interesting to watch next.

However, they had a tacit understanding and did not do anything. After all, the power behind the auction house is still very strong. There have been some people who did not know the so-called trouble before, and in the end their bodies were all floating on the sea.

As the host, Kyle spoke out at the right time, breaking the deadlock and easing the situation. "Next, there are two famous knives. Don't worry." Kyle laughed.

Another famous knife was presented immediately.

This time, they directly diverted their attention, and then shifted their target to the new famous sword.

Kyle smiled and introduced the name and origin of this famous knife, but he was very happy in his heart. The final auction price of the previous famous knife was much higher than he thought. Originally, he thought it could reach 2,500 Wan is enough, he still didn't think about the pursuit and madness of these swordsmen for famous swords.

With this example, the final prices of the next two famous knives will definitely not be bad, and they will not be too low, and maybe even higher.

The auction he presided over also had a commission, and the higher the final transaction price of the auctioned item, the higher his commission would be.

Under the auspices of Kyle, the atmosphere of the entire auction has reached a peak.

"Next, the precious medicinal material, the century-old blood ginseng, has extremely high medicinal value, replenishes vitality, and the starting price is 10 million!" Kyle shouted excitedly.

The appearance of blood ginseng brightened the eyes of many people. Some nobles, kings, rich people, and people who knew the effect of this blood ginseng, their eyes shone brightly.

Extreme desire, you know, blood ginseng can replenish sufficient vitality, rich qi and blood, which has the effect of prolonging life.

There was once a nobleman who was about to die of old age. According to the doctor's judgment, his life span was a few days later, but he was brought back to life under the influence of blood ginseng, and he persisted for another year.

There are many such things. This rare medicinal material is really priceless and basically hidden.

Although there is only one or two years of life extension, for those who are reluctant to part with their own rights and wealth, life span is priceless.

The competition this time is more intense than that for the crown. There are only a few people who really compete for the handed down crown, but for this blood ginseng, most people participated in the competition, especially through word of mouth. Everyone knows the effect of this treasure. after.

"Tichi, don't you need to compete for this?" The effect of blood ginseng even moved Mostima a little.

"This is useless. Blood ginseng has the effect of replenishing vitality, and life extension is only useful for ordinary people. It has no effect on us, unless it is a thousand-year-old blood ginseng." Tiqi looked at the highly competitive venue and smiled. Said.

"Yeah." Mostima nodded and gave up the idea.

"Fifty million Baileys!" a nobleman shouted.

"Hmph! I'll offer fifty-one million Baileys!" A rich man ignored him and bid directly.

Soon, the price of this blood ginseng auction was about to rise to 100 million Baileys.

Suddenly, with a bang, the door of the auction house was kicked open, and the audience fell silent in an instant. They turned their heads and looked behind.

Their pupils shrank involuntarily.

Dragon people!

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