Pirate of Darkness

One hundred and thirty-two silver-haired boys

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Early in the morning, the members of the Dark Night Pirates began to practice. They were not at Cos’s house, but in the mountains behind. Tiqi had already practiced all night, and ordinary weights had no effect on him. .

But the load, he has been wearing it all the time. In the mountains, Tiqi is carrying a hill on his back. Hands doing push-ups.

Ke Si also started physical training. It is very difficult to become a strong man just relying on spear skills, and he cannot be weak in physical skills. Long-distance combat depends on spear skills, and close combat requires the combination of physical skills and spear skills. Stan has three guns, a long gun and two pistols.

Both Wallace and Nelson practiced physical skills, exercising the six naval styles, and at the same time strengthened their physiques. Both of them needed powerful physical skills to exert a stronger effect.

Gal is doing the same training as Teach, but the intensity is weaker. After seeing the strength of Teach and the battle between Teach and Barrett, who is close to the top of the world, he is no longer satisfied. With his current strength, he wants to become stronger.

There are many people stronger than him in this world, and they are all prey in Gal's eyes, and if he wants to hunt them, he has to become stronger.

The same is true for the others. As the captain, Tiqi is much stronger than them. If they can't keep up with Tiqi's footsteps, they will be eliminated.

Although Tiqi didn't say it clearly, they also guessed that the status on the ship in the future will undoubtedly be based on strength. In addition to people with special abilities like Bacala, there are also people like Peter who are talented and powerful, but are not interested in status. people.

Others are very concerned about their status on the future ship, and this leads to competition.

They are all people who are favored by Tiqi. They are full of strength and potential. Among their peers, their strength is top-notch, and they have not even met opponents. Even Nelson, who is the weakest, has great strength. The potential, the weight given to him by his own space is a self-contained cheating device for cultivation, which even Tiki envies.

In addition, Nelson's ability is very practical, and now Tiqi and the others also know his ability, the devil fruit ability called stealing fruit, comes with a space, and a stealing field, which can steal things in the field Walking, and then sending it into the space, replacement is just an ability he developed.

Peter seldom takes it seriously, but when he does, it is very scary. She usually only does some ordinary training, and Tichi has no requirements for her, but since Tiki lost the battle with Barrett, Afterwards, Peter also began to train seriously,

Strength is growing rapidly.

At the same time, according to Garr, Tiki's crew is not just them, there are also some in the new world, such as the captain of the White Bird Pirates who is now shining with a bounty of 450 million, "Smart Angel" Mosti Ma, in just two months, his bounty has increased by another 30 million.

First, he defeated many pirates who challenged him, and the territory expanded to three islands.

At the same time, the strength of his own crew has greatly increased. Hadnor who ate the animal-type monitor lizard fruit, Hardman who ate the animal-type silverback orangutan fruit, Abby who has the ability to pray for the mantis fruit, and Shu Ke who has the ability to have the mole fruit. Ke's potential is limited, so he chose this ability from the devil fruits that Tiqi snatched, also to enhance his strength.

Moreover, Mostima also subdued Kaski, the spray man who was defeated by him in the Chambord Islands. The rise in fame attracted many pirates, and Mostima's power continued to expand.

There is also a terrifying monster that is not weaker than Tiki, and two young pirates, a phantom beast devil fruit ability user, and an ability user who has eaten the ability of the top ancient species.

This is the news they got from Peter. All the strong men and monsters have put tremendous pressure on them, and they need to become stronger and seek breakthroughs.

The crazy training of the Night Pirates shocked Telly and the others, but they didn't disturb them, except when they were resting and eating.

And the young Van Oka also joined in, but he was not watching their training, watching their battles with each other, and practicing his own marksmanship, although he didn't have any strong concepts in his mind. But Tichi and their training planted a seed called strength in Van Orka's heart.

"Would you like to go to the battlefield for a while?" Ke Si smiled, holding a gun in his hand, and turned to ask Tiqi and them.

"The battlefield, let's go and have a look, I've been training recently, I'm so bored." Wallace regained his energy after hearing this, stretched his waist, and said excitedly.

"Battlefield, is it interesting?" Baccarat obviously had no interest, and with a smile on his face, he glanced at Cos.

"That's it. I went to the battlefield when I was very young, using enemy soldiers to practice my marksmanship." Cos thought for a while, and then said lightly.

"Very young, how old were you at that time?" Nelson grasped this key information, looked at Cos and asked.

"It's only seven years old, but it will soon be eight years old." Cos said the most pretentious words in the most flat tone.

Kos started killing when he was seven, and what were they doing when they were seven? Playing with mud?

"However, won't it be affected if you go to the battlefield, will you be attacked by those soldiers?" Wallace was a little worried again, they just went to the battlefield to see, they didn't intend to fight, and they hated trouble.

"No, there is no large-scale war now. We will not go to the main battlefield around large gold mines. What we are going to is only the fringe area. There is no war there, only small-scale friction, but occasionally there are people. Flow," Coase explained.

"Both kingdoms will continue to send cannon fodder to the edge area, trying to sneak into the interior of the enemy kingdom, but the two kingdoms have the same idea, so there are constant small frictions in the edge area, and no one cares."

"The cannon fodder is made up of slaves, orphans, and servants. It's not that dangerous. From the time I was seven to when I left at the age of sixteen, I often went there and there has been no danger."

"In this case, let's relax for a day and go to the battlefield for a while." Seeing that they were a little moved, Tiqi agreed at once.

Hearing their conversation, Oka seems to want to go too, but this is not up to Tiqi and the others to decide, and his mother needs to agree. There is no doubt that Lindsay did not agree, and it is impossible for her to agree. How could she let such a young man go? The child goes to the dangerous place of the battlefield.

She even found out that Kos had secretly gone to the battlefield when she was a child, which she didn't know at all, so she gave him a good lesson.

On the edge of the battlefield, in a dense forest outside the border between the two countries, this is still within the scope of the Kingdom of Kuroyer, and further forward, is the real battlefield, standing in the dense forest, standing on a high place, this is a small hillside, the location Excellent, it is the place where Coss used to practice guns.

It can be seen that the land is barren, and there are still some dilapidated house wreckage. It has a history of decades. There used to be many small towns and villages at the junction of the two countries, but now, most of them are abandoned. The war destroyed all the residents inside, and fled to the east and middle of the kingdom.

Only a few small towns existed, and they were built as military fortresses to prepare for the war. Most of the residents inside were driven out, or fled with their families in fear of being affected by the war.

The war left a piece of wreckage. The ground was stained with dried blood and some old clothes. There were no corpses on the battlefield. In order to prevent the birth of the plague, these corpses would be disposed of every once in a while.

After all, the plague is terrible. Once the plague occurs, it will not kill thousands of people, but tens of thousands and hundreds of thousands of people. Even if there is a war on the battlefield, both sides actually restrain themselves. After all, they have fought for half a century , Both sides know each other very well, and no one can do anything not to love the other.

And now, there is a small war happening.

Just a hundred meters away, two camps rushed towards each other. In order to distinguish their own camp, they wore a yellow shoulder strap and a red shoulder strap on their shoulders.

"The one with the yellow shoulder strap is the cannon fodder from the Kingdom of Crowley, and the one with the red shoulder strap is the one from the Kingdom of Nolan." Kesi explained, looking at the battlefield from a distance.

"There are children, old people, slaves, and young people. It's too miserable. They don't even have decent weapons, and some even have tattered clothes." Seeing this scene, Bacala couldn't help but wrinkle her face. Brows, this scene, although she is not very emotional, is also a bit difficult to accept.

"That's why it's called the Cannon Fodder Camp. It's full of cannon fodder. There are domestic orphans, vagabonds, and slaves who are sent to death. This can also reduce the burden on the country. Those people above should think so." Ke Si is very indifferent and has no other opinion about it. This kind of thing has nothing to do with him.

"These cannon fodder battalions will fight every few days, sometimes in frontal battles, sometimes in surprise battles. While ensuring their own lives, they also have to kill five enemies and take five shoulder straps of the enemy, so they go back You can get food after that, and it’s just the most common food, bread, which barely fills your stomach.” After staying in this battlefield for so long, Kos knows it very well.

"Huh? No one is watching around, that is to say..." Nelson suddenly thought of something, and couldn't help but widen his eyes.

"It should be that the same camp can snatch shoulder straps from each other, and no one is watching anyway." Wallace said looking at the situation on the battlefield.

"That's right, they are cannon fodder after all, no one will care about their lives, and the upper echelons only care about their results." Cos nodded, looking in the direction of the battlefield.

"Hey! It's him." Ke Si's pupils shrank suddenly, and his eyes fell on a person on the battlefield.

"What's the matter? Cos, who is it?" Wallace saw Cos's surprised look. You know, Cos seldom showed such an expression.

"Look at that, there is a silver-haired kid on the battlefield, about eleven or twelve years old, who is being besieged by four adults." Kos pointed to an area in the center of the battlefield.

Reminded by Cos's words, Tiqi and the others all looked at the center of the battlefield. They would not have cared about such a small battle at first, but Cos's performance made them a little curious. Who is that "he"?

It can be seen that a young man with silver hair, bare to the waist, looks very thin, but he has shown amazing strength. Those who can survive in the cannon fodder camp have good momentum and strength. Among them, so many orphans, children, Adults have a great advantage in this.

But even so, in the face of the siege of four adults, he was not weak. Holding a stick in his hand, he kept sweeping left and right, and every time he would attack the weapons of these adults, block them, and then grab them. Seize the opportunity to attack.

The wooden sticks in their hands kept hitting their opponents, causing them pain, but after all, it was four against one. Soon, they seized the opportunity, and the three of them resisted the boy's attack. The boy wanted to Backing away, one of them blocked the wooden stick he swung, while the other two stood on either side of him, swinging at the young man with an iron rod or steel pipe in their hands.

"You white-haired devil, die for me, we will be free after you die." One of them opened his eyes and said excitedly.

The boy didn't change his face, the adult in front of him had already driven with all his strength, but was still easily blocked by the boy's wooden stick. Sensing the danger on both sides, the boy rushed forward suddenly, and the wooden stick in his hand was pressed against the opponent's body. Iron rod.

As an adult, he has a great advantage in the cannon fodder battalion, and the weapons he gets are also the best, unlike other people who are all sticks, some don't even have the weapons they want, and can only pick up stones on the ground That acts as a weapon in its own hands.

The top of the wooden stick was sharpened to a conical shape. At this moment, the threat it erupted was more deadly than the harder iron rod, and the tip directly penetrated the adult's abdomen.

He stared blankly at his abdomen. The severe pain was unbelievable. He was about to die like this. In the cannon fodder camp, no one would treat them when they were sick, not even their injuries. Give you a few bandages at most to dress the wound yourself.

However, the young man would not give him time to react, he snatched the iron rod in his hand, the attacks from both sides had already come, he instinctively turned sideways to dodge, while avoiding the steel pipe on the right, the iron rod in his hand swung at the same moment out, swinging to the left, bringing out a gust of wind, the two iron rods collided with each other, but undoubtedly, the strength of the young man was greater.

The iron rod in the adult's hand fell out of his hand, and was blown away by a powerful force. However, in his eyes, a black light flashed, and an iron rod had already swung towards his head and neck.

Blood spattered out, and the head of the iron rod scratched his neck in an instant, a fatal blow.

However, it wasn't over yet. He swung the iron rod in his backhand and swung it to the right. The adult holding the steel pipe before faced this blow. He wanted to dodge this dangerous blow, but he couldn't react anymore. , this stick was swung too fast, and it also slashed across his neck.

The three people who besieged him were killed by the Jedi just like that, two were killed and one was seriously injured, but there was another one, behind him, holding an iron rod, from top to bottom, towards the boy's head, and smashed it down .

Turning sideways, the iron rod that was swung down did not hit the boy's head, but landed on the boy's shoulder.

However, the boy didn't change his face. The blow didn't seem to hurt at all, "Devil, the white-haired devil." Seeing the boy like this, the adult finally felt fear, and the four of them besieged together, but they still failed.

The rumored white-haired devil really frightened him.

He couldn't help but take two steps back, but what he was facing was the indifferent pupils, the fluttering silver hair, and the already swung iron rod.

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