Pirate of Darkness

One hundred and seventy seventh meeting in the palace (1)

Canosfa Island, a super-large island, is located close to the windless zone. Once it passes through the windless zone, it will directly reach the New World.

Recently, the cloud of war seems to cover the entire island of Canosfal. In order to alleviate internal conflicts, the Kraken Kingdom decided to use war to divert it, and the target of the war is the neighboring feud, the Kingdom of Tirisfal.

The Kraken Kingdom is collecting supplies, manufacturing a large number of weapons, and even ships. Wars do not have to be on land, and there are also wars at sea. The effect will undoubtedly be greater.

The Kingdom of Stirifal is huge, and its economy is based on hundreds of billions or trillions. If it is not restricted at sea, it can rely on its strong economic strength to continuously purchase materials and war equipment from other places on the sea.

At the same time, attacking through the weak points of the Tirisfal Kingdom through the sea might bring special effects.

It is precisely because of the huge area that in addition to the main battlefield, a lot of guards have to be deployed in the coastal area, which will consume a lot of energy of the Tirisfal Kingdom. After all, because the area is too large, it is impossible to take care of all .

It is impossible to fight this battle for only a few days, a month, a few months, or for a long time, because the economic losses caused by the war are huge, and there are other effects. If it is extended, the economy of the Kraken Kingdom will really collapse, and it will violate the original intention of starting the war.

In the royal palace of the Tirisfal Kingdom, Sanssouci Palace, the most magnificent building in the entire kingdom, is also the pinnacle of power. Although it is called Sanssouci Palace, overall, the entire palace looks like a sharp sword facing the sky.

At this time, a major meeting was being held. On the high throne, as the king, Carterotier von Wilhelm, wearing a black and gold king's costume, wore a kingdom of huge orbs on his head. He had no power in his hands. Staff, only a black long sword.

Sitting here like this, there is a domineering and powerful aura exuding from his body.

Looking down, King William's eyes flickered, but he didn't see a figure that should be here.

"Didn't Redyard come?" William was a little helpless.

"Well, I don't know where I went? But my brother should go to the Kraken Kingdom to inquire about news. This war is very important to the kingdom." A young man below couldn't help but smiled softly.

"Well, what Mainz said is correct. Redyard has already told me that before." General Hindenburg, who stood at the top below, laughed, his eyes were a little pity, but also a little relieved.

Really like that, Mainz, and Redyard is like that one.

Hindenburg, Carterotier von Hindenburg, is now sixty-three years old, and his body is still strong. He is not only the general of the kingdom, but also the uncle of the current king.

As the royal family, the Catrotier family holds all the rights in the Kingdom of Tirisfal and has a supreme status. In addition to the king, the general, and Oscar, the Minister of Finance of the Ministry of Finance, his identity is the younger brother of the current king. It also holds the largest Chamber of Commerce in the Kingdom of Tirisfal, and is also the Kingdom Chamber of Commerce.

Now the Kingdom of Tirisfal has two heirs, one is Mainz standing here, and the other is Redyard mentioned in the discourse before.

As one of the top-ranked kingdoms in the world, it has power that even the world government fears. If you can notice that Hindenburg, as a general, has great strength,

You can feel that heavy breath even if you see him.

And in the entire palace, in every corner of the palace, there are many powerful people hidden in the dark, guarding this country. As a country that even the world government is afraid of, it is impossible to only have these powers on the surface.

The current king has no heirs, and the two heirs are the children of the eldest princess. The eldest princess Isabella is the elder sister of the current king and the most beautiful woman in the kingdom of Tirisfal, the goddess of everyone's dreams.

Gentle, virtuous, and beautiful, Isabella's reputation in the kingdom when she was young was even stronger than that of the king back then.

After the news of Isabella's childbirth came out, many men and women were heartbroken.

The two future heirs are very perfect in terms of strength potential, kingdom governance ability, and character.

Mainz is gentle with a little domineering, while Redyard is domineering with a little gentle.

In terms of strength, Redyard is stronger, and it is precisely because of this that in the eyes of some people, Redyard is the most suitable candidate to inherit the throne, but Redyard is not interested in the throne. The two brothers The relationship between the two is also very harmonious.

This also avoids the problem of internal competition in the royal family. In fact, the two brothers have no interest in the throne. This is more of a responsibility. As the younger brother, Mainz has assumed this responsibility.

"That's it, let's talk about the information we found about the Kraken Kingdom." William nodded and said to the ministers below.

"Okay!" Below, after the general, a minister stood up. An important department of the kingdom, the Ministry of Defense, is called the Ministry of Defense of the Kingdom, but unlike the army, it is actually the Department of Intelligence. , similar to the nature of the world government cp.

Divided into intelligence and spies, almost all of Kraken's secret intelligence was detected by the Ministry of Defense.

As the minister of the Ministry of Defense, he exudes a slightly cold atmosphere. His name is Black, which is also a code name, which means darkness, and it is also the darkness of the Kingdom of Tirisfal. Masked, not only the ruler of all spies Intelligence officers are also the greatest spies.

He is one of the few people who has been cultivated from the bottom through the Tirisfal Kingdom and has climbed to the position of spy chief.

It can be seen from this that his strength and ability are powerful.

Being a spy has identities elsewhere, so it's no surprise that Blake masks others.

Those who can stay here are those who stand at the pinnacle of the Tirisfal Kingdom. Most of them are not weak in their own strength. Enough to ignore these.

"The army of the Kraken Kingdom is expanding, and the target is 3.5 million. In addition, there are 2 million slaves, including war criminals, slaves, and people plundered from other countries through wars. This number is still increasing, and according to intelligence estimates, it will increase by another 300,000." Black said coldly.

After hearing this, the other people couldn't help but change their expressions, "This Kraken Kingdom is crazy, don't you want to invade our territory in this war." As the Minister of Finance, Oscar couldn't help frowning .

"Very likely, because the situation in their country is already very serious. If they get a larger territory and wealth in our territory, there is a great possibility of relief, and even greater strength." Another important kingdom The minister analyzed.

But this is something they don't allow. As old enemies, they still want to take back the Kraken Kingdom from the territory separated from the Tirisfal Kingdom. How could such a thing happen?

"Those slave troops are all cannon fodder, but this is also very troublesome, after all, there are too many people." Another minister nodded slightly.

"It's just some cannon fodder. It's impossible to threaten our kingdom no matter what. We have more powerful people. There are also two princes, Mainz and Redyard, who are both qualified to be kings." Another The minister is very confident in the power of the kingdom.

The powerful hidden power of their Tirisfal can completely swallow the Kraken Kingdom and take back the former territory.

But they can't do that.

"No, this will expose the two princes. There is also a cp of the world government in the kingdom, and we hold the position. Once it is exposed, it may become the focus of the world government. It will cause too much trouble. .” A minister shook his head.

"Unless there is an opportunity to directly break through the Kraken Kingdom and take back the territory of the Kraken Kingdom in just one month, with our current strength, but this is difficult to do."

"As long as this is the case, the entire kingdom can be smashed into an iron barrel in a short period of time. At that time, even if it is the world government, there is nothing we can do."

You know, destroying the Kraken Kingdom and recovering the lost land is their goal. It is precisely because of the accident that the Kraken Kingdom was born that the position of the general of the Tirisfal Kingdom has been held by the Catrotier family all these years with.

In order to prevent that incident from happening again, this also brought some benefits, the position of the Cattrotier family was more stable, and they completely controlled all the troops of the kingdom.

After the split of the kingdom, the Tirisfal Kingdom came out of a weak state in a short period of time, and the chaotic situation in the country quickly stabilized, without giving the Kraken Kingdom and the World Government an opportunity.

Up to now, the power of the Tirisfal Kingdom has become stronger, whether it is economically, militarily, or the power behind it.

Once the territory of the Kraken Kingdom is recovered and the military technology of the Kraken Kingdom is obtained, the power of the Tirisfal Kingdom will be greatly improved.

"Impossible, unless someone can directly eliminate the royal family of the Kraken Kingdom. In a short period of time, if the royal family loses control like this, the entire Kraken Kingdom will become more chaotic and collapse directly. After that, with our The power of the Kraken Kingdom, Anzi, can take back the Kraken Kingdom in a short time."

"As for the army on the front line, once the previous statement is established, it doesn't matter even if the two princes are exposed."

This is just their imagination, and it is very difficult to do it. It is precisely because the Kingdom of Tirisfal has control over the intelligence of the Kingdom of Kraken that they know the strength of the defense force of King Kraken's King City.

It is very difficult for them to do it, because there are secret spies of the world government in the dark. Once they make a move, the world government may find out, and then send some forces to secretly help the Kraken Kingdom.

Today, the world government is not very prepared for the Tirisfal Kingdom. Many secret forces and spies are held by the Tirisfal Kingdom. Many of them are hidden deeply and were discovered by Red Yatt. .

As for the reason, a few of them have guessed in their hearts, but they all tacitly did not say anything.

Because this situation has lasted for more than a hundred years, and now, in this era of great pirates, some of the power of the world government has been transferred away and dropped to other places.

It is impossible for the world government to take action against the franchise countries openly, interfere in the internal affairs of the franchise countries, and affect the wars of the franchise countries. This is a principle. If fairness and justice cannot be guaranteed, then why should the franchise countries join the world government.

In itself, the franchise countries joined the world government because they were attracted by the fair and just name of the world government. When they joined the franchise countries, they also had to worship the void throne of the world government. King's weapon.

It is precisely because the Void Throne has no people, it is only a symbol, so the kings of these world government countries will bow down.

If it is revealed that the Void Throne has an owner, it must be a huge blow to the world government, and the same is true for these alliance countries. These kings are already at the peak, why should they have another king on their heads.

If it is true, then the number of affiliated countries of the world government will be halved, and a large number of affiliated countries will leave in a short period of time. Don't underestimate the power of these countries on the sea.

Therefore, even if the world government wants to intervene, it can only do so secretly, and the alliance countries still have great power in the world government.

Don't look at the high status of the Tianlong people. Among the franchised countries, some countries treat these countries as their ancestors. These countries are all small and medium-sized countries.

The powerful ones don't know much about these Tianlong people, and Tianlong people will not go to these powerful countries. Their trips are all on the list, and the names of some countries will not appear on the list of Tianlong people.

What they can bully are only those weak alliance countries, or countries that have not joined the world government alliance countries that want to curry favor with the Tianlong people.

Therefore, although the top leaders of the Tirisfal Kingdom are a little worried about the Kraken Kingdom, they are mainly worried about the world government. For these powerful countries, they mainly focus on weakening them.

Because the Kingdom of Tirisfal has a navy, these powerful countries basically have a navy, and they are not very dependent on the navy of the world government.

The means by which the world government controls the world relies on the navy. With the navy, other countries will not develop their own navies, and gradually rely more on the world government and the navy.

Although they have joined the world government and become a member country of the world government, it is only on the surface, and the annual gold in the sky is just a symbolic bit.

Even if it is a meeting of the world government, the Kingdom of Tirisfal will not attend, because they have enough strength and have nothing to worry about. Even within the kingdom, it is very stable, and there is no soil for the development of the revolutionary army.

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