Pirate of Darkness

Three hundred and eighty second to become a king

The latest website: "Baboon Baboon, do you agree?" Doflamingo looked at the phone bug in front of him, seemingly asking, but actually very confident.

"Are you threatening me? Doflamingo." The voice on the other side of the phone bug was a little annoyed, seeing Doflamingo's arrogant appearance.

"How could it be? Uncle Gulemek." Doflamingo laughed, "I should be qualified to inherit Dressrosa, no, definitely."

"Is this the reason for you to steal the country?" St. Guliemoke frowned, and said coldly, "cp0 told me the situation there, is it you who made trouble?"

Doflamingo categorically denied, "I didn't do it, and I was quite surprised."

"It must be you! Because you are too tolerant towards Dressrosa! If something goes wrong, there must be a demon, and your tolerance for Dressrosa is not in line with your character." Saint Guliemoke sneered.

"That is the land of my ancestors, why should I be more tolerant to it?" Doflamingo still refused to admit it.

"You are not such a person!" Saint Guliemoke chuckled, seeming to be a little mocking.

"Baboons, Baboons!" Doflamingo laughed loudly, and then sighed softly, "People do one thing in front of them, and another in the back. Everyone is like this. What's wrong with that?"

"I just let Dressrosa go back to the reign of Don Quixote."

"You don't want to let the news about the national treasure leak out, it will cause you a lot of trouble, after all, it is a legendary..."

"Shut up!" Before Doflamingo could finish speaking, his words were interrupted, Gulemek Sheng said coldly, "It's better to rot the news in your stomach, you have already lost the Tianlongren's identity."

As if he didn't want to push Doflamingo too hard, Gulemek Sheng relaxed his tone, "Congratulations on your coronation in advance, Your Majesty the King! The World Government will send someone to endorse you at that time."

After speaking, the phone bug hung up.

Doflamingo was a little silent, and then he couldn't help laughing, "Baboon Baboo..." The laughter spread outside, making people shudder, wondering what happened to their young master.

After an unknown amount of time, Doflamingo walked out. He was about to become the king of Dressrosa.

The public opinion has been settled. Ninety-nine percent of the residents of Dressrosa support him as the new king. The power of the Liku clan over Dressrosa has been completely wiped out by him.

As for the world government, it is completely resolved.

Navy Headquarters, looking at the news from Dressrosa, Doflamingo is about to become the king of Dressrosa. This is also a big news in the new world, and it also makes Doflamingo enter the eyes of many.

"It must have been done by Doflamingo." Crane was very sure, connecting all the time, it was easy to see that it was all done by Doflamingo.

"That's for sure." Warring States nodded, then sighed, "We can't do anything, we can't produce evidence, this is an internal resolution in Dressrosa, we can't interfere, besides, the world government has agreed this matter."

Now that the world government has intervened, everything their navy does is useless, and Doflamingo, a cunning guy, will not easily reveal his secrets.

Dressrosa has a superior geographical location and is a tropical island with a lot of resources. The nearby coast has a lot of mushroom rocks, which are a natural umbrella.

With Dressrosa, Doflamingo's development will be unstoppable, and the navy will not be able to interfere with the world government alliance countries. Moreover, Doflamingo still has the identity of Shichibukai and enjoys various privileges.

"Although we can't intervene directly, we still have to send someone to watch. With his personality, I don't know what kind of trouble he will cause." He said seriously. She can also say that she watched Doflamingo grow up. .

In just a few years, from a well-known gang in Beihai to the overlord of Beihai's underground world.

Whether it is means or ability, people dare not underestimate Doflamingo's status as a "joker" in the underground world. It is no secret to some people, and naturally he was also found out by the navy.

The forces secretly supporting Doflamingo's development, Crane also locked on the Night Pirates. Although there is no clear evidence, the Night Pirates are undoubtedly one of them who can spend so much money.

Moreover, according to Navy intelligence, the Devil Fruit that originally appeared in the North Sea has now appeared in the hands of the Night Pirates, and it appears in the auction items of the Night Pirates at the World Expo.

And those devil fruits were probably obtained by Doflamingo, and thus got the news that the Dark Night Pirates secretly supported Doflamingo's development.

"Well, let the G5 branch watch for the time being." Sengoku nodded, Dressrosa was in the sea area guarded by the G5 branch, and it was just right for the G5 branch to watch Doflamingo.

Of course, intelligence personnel will also be sent there. However, the intelligence capabilities of the navy in the New World are insufficient. Moreover, with Doflamingo's cautiousness, no intelligence can be found in a short time, which will make Doflamingo more careful.

Dressrosa, port.

The ministers of the Kingdom of Dressrosa and thousands of ordinary residents who heard the news waited for Doflamingo's arrival here, including Scarlet and Violet.

They got the news that Doflamingo was coming three hours ago. In order to give Doflamingo a good impression, they prepared a welcoming ceremony for him with all their heart.

Not long after, the ship with Don Quixote Pirates came to the port. After the ship stopped, Doflamingo, wearing a plush cloak, slowly stepped off the ship.

Scarlet sighed softly. This matter was decided by her, and because of her special status, she needed to set an example. She knelt down on the ground in front of Doflamingo. This kneeling also represented the royal family of Liku. The reign of Dressrosa is really over.

The others also knelt down, and the scene was very spectacular.

With a smile on his face, Doflamingo stepped forward to help Scarlet affectionately, and said in a calm tone, "Don't be too polite!"

Then, he got the others up, entered the palace as the owner of the land, and delivered an inaugural speech on the square in front of the palace.

"Although I am a pirate, pirates are also moral. Although I am cruel, it is only when I face the enemy. As for my people, I will love you as much as I love my family."

"You may think that I am not a good person, but a good person must be a good king? Is the former King Liku a good person?"

Hearing Doflamingo's question, everyone couldn't help being stunned. Is King Liku a good man?

Soon, Doflamingo gave them the answer.

"Yes, he is a good man, but he is not a good king! He can neither protect you nor give you wealth. He can only teach you to endure pain and live numbly. Such a person can be an ordinary person, But it should never be a king, he cannot shoulder the responsibility of a king, and it is because of this that his temperament changed drastically later on, adversity can put pressure on people, and pressure can make people change."

"But for me, the dilemma does not exist. As long as I am here, no pirate group will dare to make trouble."

The crowd cheered, they need such a strong king who have been ravaged by pirates.

Doflamingo continued, "More than that, I will give you wealth, you will get rid of the poor life in the past, and find... happiness under my rule!"

Doflamingo's words are very tempting, his eloquent and confident appearance perfectly fits the king in their hearts, so what if the king is a pirate?

Doflamingo's promise also gave them a boost, and they began to look forward to a better life in the future.

False and cheap promises are the abilities that every person in power needs to have.

Thanks to it, Doflamingo's inaugural speech was a huge success.

After the speech, the appearance of cp0 pushed the atmosphere to a climax.

The members of cp0 wore masks and announced to the residents of Dressrosa that Doflamingo's becoming King of Dressrosa had been approved by the World Government.

After all, countries joining the world government and countries not joining the world government are two completely different concepts, and countries joining the world government can even get the asylum of the navy.

Under the double protection of Qibuhai and the Navy, they have an endless bright future coming to them.

This made the residents here cheer, and the last worry in their hearts was gone.

After bidding farewell to the excited citizens, Doflamingo, led by Scarlett, came to the palace.

However, the original home of Scarlet and Violet was the royal palace, and now that Doflamingo has become the new owner of Dressrosa, they can be said to be homeless.

However, Scarlett had already planned to build a new home in Dressrosa's flower fields.

"Do you want to stay first?" Doflamingo invited.

Scarlett shook her head in refusal, she didn't want to stay with the pirates.

"Don't you want to watch this country get better? Create an ideal country."

Scarlett was not moved, Violet was a little moved, but still hesitant.

Doflamingo smiled and said, "If you leave now, others will guess wildly, saying that I, Doflamingo, can't tolerate the Riku family, and I will kick you out as soon as I became king, leaving you homeless .”

This left Scarlet with no choice, and Violet hesitated, "Then I'll stay."

"Violet." Scarlet's eyes widened. She didn't expect Violet to agree. Violet is still so young, it's too dangerous to be with this pirate.

Violet turned her head to look at Scarlett, "Sister, you go first, I can visit you anytime, what Doflamingo said is right, this must be considered."

Scarlett was a little moved. She thought that her sister was thinking of her and knew that she didn't like staying here.

Violet doesn't know why she agreed, maybe there is such a reason, maybe Doflamingo's words are very reasonable, maybe she has some curiosity about Doflamingo, nine years old, she is full of The age of curiosity.

Doflamingo smiled, and it would be a victory if she could stay.

As long as she stays, Doflamingo is absolutely sure that there will be enough time to brainwash her and strengthen her faith.

Is this living for him? No, no, live for this country.

Doflamingo is struggling to adapt to his new personality: a young and promising king.

Unlike the good-for-nothing King Liku, Doflamingo's desire to turn a country from poverty to prosperity is too simple.

With his huge influence and energy, Doflamingo quickly turned Dressrosa into a trade center in the dark world, that is, transferred the business that was originally in Half Moon Island to Dressrosa.

There are many trade centers in the dark world, but Dressrosa is very famous. This is a country where pirates are kings. Is there any more powerful advertisement than this?

Besides, Doflamingo also has the identity of Shichibukai, which is not only well-known, but also has the strongest security. Soon, Dressrosa attracted a large number of businessmen from the dark world.

Doflamingo has the experience of running a trade center. While Dressrosa became the Dark World Trade Center, it didn't cause chaos here.

Moreover, the main trade point is placed in the sparsely populated area of ​​Dressrosa, a port that is forbidden to enter.

Of course the residents of Dressrosa are aware of it, and they have long been mentally prepared for it, but as long as it doesn't affect them, that's fine.

And in a short period of time, the quality of life in Dressrosa has improved significantly.

As for what business Doflamingo does, they don't care about that.

With Dressrosa, Doflamingo's forces in the underground world developed rapidly in the new world like riding a carriage.

Among them, the influence of the Night Pirates was great. In the port of Dressrosa, merchant ships with the flags of the Night Pirates passed by, which affected a large number of people. The forces of the New World began to follow Doflaming Brother to cooperate.

After all, the power and influence of the Night Pirates in the New World is second only to the Emperor of the Sea, and even surpasses the Beast Pirates and the Big Mom Pirates in terms of influence.

The merchant ship of the Night Pirates appeared in Doflamingo's territory, and it was still so early. The change of direction shows that the Night Pirates have cooperation with Doflamingo, and may even be related, which makes people have to be vigilant.

"Hehe, you really know how to take advantage of the situation, Doflamingo." Looking at the news he got below, Tiqi couldn't help laughing.

The power of the Night Pirates is not something you can borrow if you want, and there are naturally some exchange of benefits.

Moreover, the development of Doflamingo is also of great benefit to the Night Pirates.

To Tich's surprise, the way Doflamingo captured Dressrosa was very stable. As for the process, it can be seen by checking what happened in Dressrosa a little bit.

You must know that his method was very rough originally, and it was precisely because of this that there were great disadvantages and hidden dangers. Although there were some twists and turns in this peaceful transition method, Doflamingo's position was stable.

Now in the eyes of some forces, Doflamingo is the spokesperson of the Night Pirates in the underground world.

At best, it can only be regarded as half of them. After all, the two are in a cooperative relationship, but the Dark Night Pirates dominate.

The way of cooperation involves all aspects, but with Doflamingo's current power, he cannot give much help to the Night Pirates.

In terms of weapons, there are Brotherhoods in the New World, which control most of the arms trade. It is difficult for Doflamingo to develop in the New World, and the focus can only be placed on the first half of the great route, the four seas.

As for arms, the Night Pirates don't need them. They have the ability to build them themselves. Moreover, the arms of the Kingdom of Tirisfal are top-notch in terms of power and quality.

Some illegal items are also not needed by the Night Pirates.

The devil fruit deal continues.

The most important slave trade is also an extremely important business for Doflamingo, but what the Night Pirates need is not slaves, but population.

The environment of the new world is doomed that the population will not grow too much.

The scramble for territory is actually the scramble for population.

In addition to the expansion of the territory and attracting people from other places to their territory, the Night Pirates need a large number of people in order to start a deal with Doflamingo.

However, Doflamingo's slave trade has not been developed for a few years now, and his influence is not great, but with his ability, as long as he contacts with the Tianlong people, with the support of the Tianlong people, he can develop quickly.

If you take advantage of the situation well, you can soar into the sky, as is the case with Doflamingo, and so is the Brotherhood.

It is necessary to have a spokesperson. Doflamingo can't control it. He needs someone who can control him. Therefore, Tiqi handed over this matter to Mostima and the others.

But now, the most important thing is the Kendo Conference.

It has been two months now, and there is still one month left before the Kendo Conference will officially start. Many swordsmen have already come to Pagila Island and signed up for the competition.

The population of the Dark Night Pirates' sea area has also increased greatly, and it is common for swordsmen to compete with each other. The Dark Night Pirates also specially built a temporary place for them to fight. It is not troublesome. Just build a fence.

A large number of pirates have come to the territory of the Night Pirates. The competition has not yet started, and the battle pyramids have not yet been opened to the public.

What is open is the living room, exercise area, and food area, like the battle field is not open.

Therefore, the thirty-six arenas located in the dark night sea area are extremely popular, and most pirates gather on the thirty-six islands where there are arenas.

The main reason is that the bonuses set up by the Night Pirates are very attractive, and there are even precious devil fruit rewards.

At the same time, in order to keep some people from being too bored, the Night Pirates built large screens to broadcast exciting battles in real time. For a while, the reputation of many people increased a lot.

As for Paguila Island, it already has some of the prosperous cities that Tiqi and the others envisioned.

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