Pirate of Darkness

Four hundred and thirty five postgraduate entrance examination

"What you said made it difficult for me." Jia Ji frowned slightly, feeling a little helpless, he couldn't decide on such a matter, and he didn't want to do such troublesome things.

"Don't bother, even if I don't have the identity of the navy, it's easy for me to get rid of that nobleman now. Besides, there are so many noblemen, even if they die, it has nothing to do with your navy, and the allied countries will not find out." Voya is very confident, even though he has told this matter, the navy knows.

As he said, the Navy will not intervene in the internal affairs of the franchise countries, and the franchise countries have not found out, so naturally there will be no arrest warrants for Novoa.

Let the headquarters make the decision, Jia Ji thought to himself, waiting for news from the headquarters.

Now Novoa is just saying casually, and has not indicated his attitude to joining the navy, and it is not known whether he will join the navy or not.

As for the Navy Headquarters, Sengoku has already received the news from Jiaji that a person with a natural devil fruit ability is enough for him to pay attention to.

As for Novoya's information, Jiaji has already sent someone to investigate. With the name and origin, it is very convenient to investigate. Based on the navy's information, it will probably take a few days.

Now that the navy is in an urgent situation and its combat power is lacking, it is impossible to let go of any potential seeds. Moreover, there are three generals with natural abilities. If they are properly trained, they can at least become a high-level combat power of the navy.

Novoya still doesn't know that Warring States has held a special meeting because of him. There are not many people, and many high-level combat forces of the navy have been sent out.

"Tell me, do you want to invite this ability user?" Zhan Guo looked at the others and asked.

"For this Novoa, nothing else is a problem. The most important thing is his indifference to the navy." A naval general frowned and said, and he could see the issues that the Warring States had considered at a glance, "This way A man is unruly and can do whatever he wants, and the navy is nothing more than a status to him, a convenience, and there is no justice at all.”

"What are you afraid of? Isn't there a lot of people of all kinds in the navy? Why can't he be tolerated? Besides, there is no black spot in his experience. Instead of letting him go and pushing the future to the opposite of us, it is better to be with us directly. Under the eyes." Another admiral laughed.

There are many people who join the navy for various purposes, some may just be for food and clothing, or to seek asylum.

Noboa's problem is not a problem in his opinion, the main reason is that Noboa's future strength may be relatively strong, and it may be more difficult to control.

Moreover, it is undoubtedly worthwhile to add a combat power to the navy.

A natural devil fruit ability user has three generals in front of him, and they want to train another one, although there is a natural devil fruit ability user in the naval elite training camp.

However, the greater the hope, the greater the disappointment. Although they performed well in the elite training camp, they can be seen in their vision.

But it didn't show the monster aptitude comparable to Sakaski, Polusalino, and Kuzan, and it was much worse.

"That's right." Zhan Guo nodded. He actually thought the same way. He could even tolerate someone like Garp. Why couldn't he tolerate a brat? As long as you can do things for the Navy.

Polusalino clocks in at work all day,

He didn't say anything about the guy who was not serious about his work, even if he did, he still acted his own way.

Besides, Polusalino was also invited to join the navy.

"The information about him has not been confirmed yet, so there should be nothing wrong with it. Since we decided to invite him to join, let Jiaji test his ability and strength before that." Warring States directly made a decision.

The state of the navy is now in a bad state. The Warring States has the idea of ​​recruiting troops from all over the world after the Golden Sea Battle to supplement the missing number of sea soldiers. There are not enough troops to suppress the sea.

This is the second time since the era of the Great Pirates began, and only four years have passed since the beginning of the Great Pirate Era. With the chaotic sea and the destruction brought about by the pirates, many families will be ruined and people who hate pirates will join the navy.

Warring States' orders came to Jiaji very quickly, and it didn't take long. The final result was not as expected by Jiaji. There are even moths in the navy, and there is no problem in joining a Novoa.

Besides, Novoa is still young and very malleable. His own personality may be the reason for his early experience, but it can still be reformed the day after tomorrow.

But to test Novoa, Jiaji also wanted to see the difference between the ability of this future colleague, the steam fruit, and the smoke fruit.

Now that the headquarters has made a decision, he no longer hesitates.

Now that the warship has approached an inhabited island, Novoa is preparing to leave.

He was also a little apprehensive in his heart, wouldn't he play it off? The Navy just gave him up? Although he is very confident, and now the navy is short of combat power.

His problem is not a problem at all. If he really gives up, he will feel that there is something wrong with the head of the Navy Headquarters.

"Please wait, Novoa." Jia Ji called out to Novoa, making Novoa feel certain.

Pretending nothing happened, he turned his head, "What's the matter? What's the matter? I'm planning to leave."

"I want to invite you to join our navy." Jiaji looked at Novoa and said seriously. He now represents the Navy headquarters, so it needs to be more formal.

He and Novoya were just a meal away, so they weren't even close to each other.

Although Novoa has the idea of ​​joining the navy, he just said it casually. There are still many lone rangers in the sea, and most of them don't want to be restricted by the navy.

Noboa is undoubtedly a person who will not be restricted by the rules. Even if Noboa refuses, they have nothing to do, but they may focus on Noboa.

In fact, Jiaji did not expect much from this report.

"Oh, I agree." Novoa decisively agreed to Jiaji's invitation.

This appearance is not only a plus, but also the Navy Headquarters, which is secretly watching through the video broadcast, is a little surprised.

"Can you tell me why?" Jia Ji asked curiously, which was also the doubt of the Warring States Period.

Novoa couldn't help laughing at Jia Ji's question, "Since you can do things from the commanding heights of justice, why not?"

As soon as he said this, he directly expressed Novoya's thoughts without any concealment.

For Novoa, justice is a cloak, which can give him great convenience, and he can do everything in the name of justice.

This nature seems to be no different from Qiwuhai. The difference is that Qiwuhai has the legal right to plunder granted by the world government.

As for Novoya, he was able to do things with the identity of the navy.

This is undoubtedly a very rebellious statement. If Akainu heard it, he might be wiped out with a magma fist, making other admirals in the Navy headquarters frown.

But Zhan Guo felt relieved. Novoa's promise was so forthright, which made him a little unreal. He wondered if Novoa had some premeditated plan. What he feared most was that Novoa had some ulterior motives.

As for Novoya's undisguised behavior, he felt relieved. When he joined the navy, he naturally had to follow the rules of the navy. Novoya was a smart man and would not make things difficult for them.

The Procuratorate within the Navy is not a vegetarian nowadays. Although it is not the most important, it is undoubtedly the department with the most power and momentum.

Under the leadership of Akainu, even the Vice Admiral will not let it go.

Next, it came to the point, "Novoa, you are considered a special recruit of the navy. Although you have no credit, you can be given a rank based on your strength. The credit needs to be made up within the specified time." Jia Ji said.

"This is your preferential treatment, which can save you a lot of time."

The unspoken meaning is to show your full strength.

"Yes, where to fight?" Novoa looked at Jiaji and said seriously.

He is not arrogant, his opponent is likely to be Jia Ji, he is not the opponent of Jia Ji at all, he still understands Jia Ji's information.

Although he has not yet become a lieutenant general, he has full lieutenant-level combat power and is a young monster in the navy.

Very calm, such a disposition, people can't help but nod.

Novoya has experienced family ruin, wandering alone, crossing the sea, and almost becoming a slave. He has experienced life and death, and his character is far beyond that of ordinary people.

At least it is far better than those flowers in the elite training camp of the Navy Headquarters.

Naturally, Novoa will not hide his strength, no matter how he shows it, his strength will not be very strong, and Novoa is ready to work hard with all his strength.

Novoya's head was empty, his expression was firm, and he completely substituted himself into the identity of "self", and everything was up to him to fight for.

In the two years of practice on Dark Night Island, apart from learning knowledge, it is more about fighting and physical training. As for physical skills, they have never learned the six naval styles.

At most, it taught a little basic.

The so-called taijutsu is the technique of killing. Many powerful taijutsu masters have never learned taijutsu. Their taijutsu is all learned by fighting and killing themselves.

Now it is time to show his strength and potential. Only in this way can he learn the Sixth Form of the Navy earlier. To be precise, it is the skill represented by the Sixth Form of the Navy. That's all.

The so-called six-style extension technique is the extension and sublimation of skills.

If you have learned it, or if you have the shadow of the six-style technique, you will probably be suspected by the navy.

As for the two-color domineering, learning methods and related knowledge, he has already remembered it in his mind, and he has not yet reached the time to learn the two-color domineering.

But it can quickly master the two-color domineering and quickly improve one's attainments in the two-color domineering.

"Send the warship to the uninhabited sea, and we will fight on the sea." The former sentence was said by Jiaji to other sailors, and the latter sentence was said to Novoa.

I don't know the details of Novoa. As a steam fruit capable user, according to Jiaji's cognition, Novoa should be good at air combat.

As for gymnastics, he had no expectations of Novoa.

Using Yuebu to fight people like Novoya, Jiaji can still face it easily.

Soon after the warship left, it was far away from the small island that was about to approach. On the sea, they were the only naval warship alone.

Novoa has already flown into the air, plus he is opposite to Novoa, and before the fight, Novoa feels some pressure.

Jiaji also intends to give Novoa some oppression, so that Novoa can display his full strength.

Jiaji stepped on the moon steps, raised and lowered his body, looked at Novoa, as if he was waiting for Novoa to make the first move.

Taking a deep breath, Novoa's eyes froze, and he stopped waiting. The steam power broke out, and Novoa's figure was winding around Jiaji at an extremely fast speed, and then his body burst into a burst of strong steam. , like a jet of rocket, rushing directly into the sky.

Relying on the flight ability formed by the steam expansion characteristics, it is possible to control the speed and direction of the flight. The flight speed brought by the steam power makes the eyes of Jiaji and the generals of the Navy headquarters watching with video phone bugs brighten.

It’s okay if it’s on land, but in the air, even Jia Ji can’t keep up with such a speed, which makes Jia Ji wonder if he is a little too big.

Novoa flew high into the sky, then stopped, looking down at Jiaji below.

I saw Novoa stretching out his right arm, clenched his fist tightly, hot steam erupted from his fist, and the air became distorted due to the high temperature when he punched down.

"Steam Punch!"

Seeing the air mass coming straight towards him with terrifying power, Jia Ji's expression changed.

Jia Ji felt the scorching high temperature and burning power from it. Once he was hit, he would definitely not feel good.

The huge air mass can easily engulf the entire naval warship, which shocked the sailors on the distant warship. They did not expect the power of this unknown ability user to be so terrifying.

Fast speed, wide range, great power, strong impact!

This is definitely a very lethal move. It was Tiqi's suggestion and used for reference in the future "Fire Fist".

Although the fire fist and the steam fist have different energies, the effects they bring are the same.

With the dense airflow, the air seems to be melted.

"Good job!" Although this move is scary, he is not afraid of it. The goal of this battle is to see Novoa's strength, but it does not limit his strength.

Besides, he still has to face, and a group of high-level navy officials are paying attention, how can he make himself embarrassed, it's fine if he doesn't use the fruit ability.

Now that he represents the navy, he naturally has to show his strength and not make Novoa too arrogant.

Facing the scorching impact, Jiaji's armed domineering energy flows throughout his body, forming an invisible armor to protect his surroundings.


Jia Ji's whole body was enveloped by a huge air mass, and this punch, visible to the naked eye, hit the sea directly.

In an instant, smog filled the air, and the white mist filled the air. The sound of boiling on the surface of the navy was clearly visible, and disappeared after only a few seconds.

The sea was disturbed, and the waves rolled up and down, and big waves rolled around.

Novoa's shot is very terrifying, the power of the devil fruit is undoubtedly revealed, and the heat can be felt even through the video.

However, they were not worried about Jiaji at all. Novoa hadn't developed enough Devil Fruit abilities. After all, it was only a month, and it was impossible for the lethality to hurt Jiaji.

The temperature wasn't hot enough, and the shock wasn't strong enough.

Although the momentum is huge, the strength is not concentrated enough, and Novoa is also aware of his own shortcomings. This is a matter of time, and the development of abilities is not enough.

But this is amazing enough, against people who are not armed and domineering, the lethality is absolute.

After Novoya's move ended, he rushed towards the smoke cloud below, and Jia Ji would naturally be fine.

In a short period of time, the water vapor in the air dissipated, and the figure of Jiaji emerged, without any injuries, raised his head, and saw Novoa approaching quickly.

Unexpectedly, Novoa didn't keep a distance from him, took advantage of his ability, and rushed over directly, as if he wanted to fight him in close quarters.

Novoa raised his fist, and an expansive force erupted. The steam power transmitted huge steam energy in the body, accompanied by hot steam.

Bring a powerful burst of power through the power of steam.

Novoa quickly flew in front of Jiaji, and punched Jiaji with a burst of anger.

Jia Ji stepped on the moon, and his knowledge and knowledge had already locked on to Novoa, predicting Novoya's movement, and dodged ahead of time to avoid the punch.

Jia Ji didn't counterattack. After Novoa noticed it, the steam power pushed his body to change rapidly in the air. The speed of the change surprised Jia Ji.

Novoa's body didn't react right away. After his head reacted, he directly used his ability to control his body to change direction.

And taking advantage of the trend to attack, Novoa kicked directly at Jiaji with a kick wrapped in hot steam.

Without noticing it for a while, Jia Ji couldn't dodge it at such a close distance, the explosion of steam power, powerful force, Jia Ji instinctively raised his arms to resist.

Both feet stepped on the ground, without support, Jia Ji was kicked directly by this kick.

Novoya took advantage of the victory to pursue, driven by steam power.

Every punch and kick is accompanied by powerful explosive force, as well as hot, expanding steam.

After two years of training, Novoa's basic combat power is not weak, and with his own abilities, the explosive power is powerful.

It also amazed Jia Ji and the watching naval bosses. Novoya is not weak at all in long-distance and close-up attacks, and his combat awareness.

Novoa's potential is definitely visible, at least much better than those members of this year's elite naval training camp.

After fighting for more than ten minutes, "It's ok." Jiaji said to Novoa.

He still maintains a perfect state, and has not been affected by the battle. On the contrary, Novoa's physical strength is rapidly consumed, and he keeps shooting, and his physical strength is rapidly consumed.

The difference between the two is obvious.

However, the purpose of accumulating has been reached, and it is meaningless to continue fighting.

Novoa did go all out. The development of devil fruit is not that simple, and the time is short. Novoa focused on the development of hot steam and was distracted by cold steam, but the gain outweighed the loss.

"Okay, it should be fine." The Navy Headquarters, the discussion on Novoa has already begun.

"In terms of strength, he has barely reached the requirements of a brigadier general, but he hasn't learned domineering, and the rank of general is too high, which will make other people dissatisfied." A naval general said seriously.

"The colonel is the culmination of the graduation ranks of the members of the elite training camp. Give him the rank of lieutenant colonel."

"No problem, just the lieutenant colonel. Geniuses need special treatment, and let him feel the sincerity of the navy."

"Then what will he do next?" asked one of the admirals.

Others also turned their attention to Warring States. According to Li, they need to be sent to the Navy headquarters and enter the elite training camp to receive special training from Zefa.

But not now, the Golden Sea Battle is not over yet, and Zefa is fighting in the New World. I don’t know if the other naval instructors can convince Novoa.

Sengoku tapped his fingers, and then made a decision, "Let him follow Prodi first before the war ends, and Prodi can also teach him, and take advantage of this time to accumulate some military merits."

"Just right, that's the sea area guarded by Prodi. By the way, you can take him with you to see his nature."

Lieutenant Admiral Prodi, now the highest officer of the g7 branch, a veteran lieutenant general of the navy, and an old friend of the navy of the same era as Karp in the Warring States Period, is not weak, and is the strongest among the vice admirals.

Warring States still trust Lieutenant General Prodi.

In the future, it will be the director of the naval frontline station on Fren Island, responsible for monitoring big mom.

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