Pirate of Darkness

Four hundred and ninety-fourth dark emperor vs white beard (2)

And on the third day, the battle between the two finally reached its climax.

The tall white beard waved the juvenile knife in his hand, and the terrible power fell on Tiqi's body like driving away mosquitoes.

Tiqi didn't have time to dodge, even if it was dark jade, it was easily broken by Whitebeard.

After fighting for such a long time, Whitebeard also understood the characteristics of the dark jade. Under the terrifying attack power of the vibration force, it was difficult to resist at all, at most it weakened the attack a little.

Tiqi took this blow hard, even with the defense of domineering and dark fruit abilities, the terrifying power of vibration still entered Tiqi's body along the juvenile knife.

Double the pain, as painful as a needle piercing Ticky's brain.

Although Tiqi thinks that his endurance is very strong, the damage caused by the shaking fruit is even more terrifying.

However, Tiqi's overlord body has been initially formed, and the vibrating power of a pair of sharp claws that can face Whitebeard for a long time is enough to show the effect of the overlord body.

Although the hand bones were also broken during the battle, they were able to recover quickly under the effect of life return.

The enhancement inside the body also has some resistance to the force of vibration.

Tiki's tenacity is beyond Whitebeard's imagination, not only because of the effect of the dark fruit, Tiki's own physique has also reached a very terrifying level.

Moreover, White Beard can also feel the growth of Tiqi.

Tiqi, who was flying upside down in the air, quickly stabilized his body by manipulating gravity and flew in the air.

Looking down at the white beard below, Tiqi looked dignified, the clothes on his body were all torn, and the pirate coat flew to nowhere.

He knew that if he continued like this, he didn't know how long he would have to fight, and his goal had been achieved in the battle with Whitebeard, and he felt as relaxed as if he had breathed out a foul breath.

If so, then you can do whatever you want.

Thinking of this, Tiqi showed an excited smile on his face, and shouted at Whitebeard, "Take the move, Whitebeard!"

Tiqi's figure changed in the sky, flashing quickly, one after another black spheres fell from the sky, and under Tiqi's control, they landed like meteors,

Appeared around Whitebeard and kept approaching.

It seemed that he didn't want to give White Beard any way out.

This trick has appeared twice, whether it is the World Expo or the Golden Sea Battle, it has amazing records.

The eyes of many people who knew it were fixed, and the faces of the members of the Whitebeard Pirates showed worried expressions.

"Empty shock!"

Whitebeard put down his naive knife, clenched his fists tightly, and a hollow spherical dome filled with vibration emerged from the fists, and then smashed into the air on both sides at the same time.

Accompanied by a crisp cracking sound, the huge shock wave shattered everything within the attack range. The entire island was directly shattered into pieces, and large spider web-like cracks spread all around. open.

The entire island was completely torn apart by this blow.

The originally colorful island became desolate and desolate in a short period of time. The ground of the island, except for the place where Whitebeard was standing, dropped by half a meter visible to the naked eye.

This is the power of the superhuman series - Zhenzhen fruit!

The power that can cause vibrations at any time can vibrate the atmosphere and crack the sea. It is powerful enough to destroy a small island with a snap of a finger. It is recognized by the world as an ability capable of destroying the world!

The superhuman-type Zhenzhen fruit is also known as the strongest superhuman-type devil fruit!

Even the previous destruction was far less clear and shocking than this time.

Looking down from above, the island seems to have peeled off a layer of skin.

In the sea farther away, huge waves of more than ten meters have been set off, and countless ships of concern have been affected.

However, due to the continuation of the battle and the expansion of the spread, they have already retreated to a farther distance. Such a battle is simply not within their reach.

It can only be viewed through live video.

Such a battle, Morgans did not dare to approach, because the aftermath of the battle between the two could really kill him.

But the king phone bug is also quite powerful. Even at a super long distance, with the ability of the method, you can see some situations on the battlefield.

And the "gravitational balls" created by Tiqi, those black spheres, were naturally engulfed by Whitebeard's shock wave and exploded ahead of time.

It's not over yet, Whitebeard's fine hairs can't help but stand on end, feeling a lot of energy.

A blue energy ball has landed and is constantly approaching Whitebeard.

The star of death, this nuclear-level move, was once again displayed from Tiqi's hands, causing countless people's expressions to change.

Whitebeard's expression was solemn, and he also knew how terrifying the power of this move was.

And Tiqi, flew to a higher place, looked down, and wanted to see how Whitebeard would respond to this move.

At the same time, Tiqi was feeling his body, with a premonition in the dark, he found that in the process of fighting Whitebeard, the shackles of the dark fruit awakening disappeared, that is to say, his dark fruit had awakened.

Take this battle as an opportunity.

Tiqi can clearly feel that power is constantly emerging. Is this the awakening of the natural department?

And below, when Whitebeard wanted to escape, it was too late, and the death star released by Tiqi was constantly approaching when Whitebeard used the air shock.

The star of death exploded in an instant, turning into a gravitational field with a diameter of hundreds of meters, and the gravitational field continued to spread.

The mud and rocks on the ground are attracted by the terrifying gravity, and a large area of ​​land is continuously lifted into the air and sucked into the gravitational field.

And Whitebeard, because the time is too close, was locked by the gravitational force at the first time, and his body could not resist being attracted, accompanied by those soil and rocks, constantly approaching the gravitational field.

Whitebeard, was sucked in.

Everyone knows that the death star is terrible, and the army general was killed without any resistance. Even Whitebeard may not be able to survive this trick.

"Father!" The members of the Whitebeard Pirates couldn't help shouting, they were very worried, and they panicked.

Even though they had great confidence in their father, they couldn't guarantee it at this time.

"Whitebeard, you shouldn't die, right?" Shiji frowned in the palace of the flying pirates.

The Death Star is indeed a relatively unsolvable move. Even Shiji has to admit that if it was him, he might not be able to escape if he was drawn into it.

Although I haven't tried it, I can feel how terrible the gravitational force is just by looking at it. His ability to flutter the fruit is likely to fail under such a terrible gravitational field.

Gu Weili's white beard has been sucked into the gravitational field, and the body is constantly rotating along a certain trajectory with the gravitational field, and is getting closer and closer to the center of the gravitational field.

Whitebeard punched out, and the terrifying shock wave spread instantly, and a large amount of mud and rocks gathered and approached him. If this continues, he is likely to be wrapped in these mud.

At that time, it can be imagined that he had trouble even moving, and was even suffocated to death.

These gathered mudstones were instantly scattered, but the effect was not great, it just bought him some time, and soon, under the action of the gravitational field, these mudstones gathered together again.

The entire gravitational field has expanded to a kilometer in diameter, and Whitebeard's time is running out.

The accumulation of a large amount of mud and rocks, tens of millions of tons of mud, once stuck in it, Whitebeard couldn't break free at all.

At this time, the figure of White Beard can no longer be seen in the screen. Could it be that White Beard is really going to die?

I have to admit that Whitebeard really fell into what can be said to be the greatest crisis in history. In the gravitational field, his physical activities are very troublesome.

The sense of crisis in his heart is getting stronger and stronger. He knows that the star of death will not last long. At that time, he may really be unable to resist.

"I didn't expect to use such power." Whitebeard said to himself, looking at the soil that was about to envelop him, he clenched his fists, "Then let you see it!"

In an instant, Tiqi's pupils shrank, and he felt a terrible breath. It was Whitebeard. Tiqi clearly felt that the breath of Whitebeard became stronger and stronger, to a level that made people startled.

As for why? Tiqi already had a guess, "Awakening!" Tiqi said these two words, feeling the terrifying power that made his body tremble a little.

What is the awakening of the shaking fruit like? Teach didn't know, never saw it, and maybe Whitebeard never used it.

But Whitebeard has undoubtedly reached the level of awakening, the power of moves has been enhanced, and the consumption has been reduced. This is just an incidental to the awakening of the superhuman superpower category of the devil fruit. The real power will only be revealed when it is used.

Just like Tichi now that the dark fruit has awakened and its power is increasing, Tichi did not use the power that belongs to the awakening of the dark fruit.

Because although awakening is powerful, it consumes a lot of physical strength, and Tiqi has to explore the specific strength.

And White Beard, feeling the power constantly gushing out of his body, punched the air in front of him with a punch. With such a powerful force, the air shattered directly. This was not broken like a mirror, but the air was truly split.

It can be clearly seen that the huge crack and the strange void inside.

The space was healing itself, and before it healed, two big hands grabbed it directly, wrapped in the hands of the vibration force, and Whitebeard grabbed the crack with his backhand and pulled it towards the two sides.

The space was pulled apart, the cracks became bigger and bigger, and continued to extend forward, and the mud and rocks on both sides could not get close due to the split of the space.

The gravitational field continues to expand, and the closer to the center, the stronger the gravitational force will be, that is to say, even if it stays in place, the gravitational force will become stronger and stronger.

The farther you get to the back, the harder it is to break free. The Doom Star has reached its limit, and the huge and constantly rotating gravitational field devours everything that comes close.

The edge of the gravitational field has extended from the center of the island to the shore, and the entire island is shrouded in the death star.

At this time, countless people sentenced Whitebeard to death, and even Whitebeard couldn't survive this trick.

In the Whitebeard Pirates, the breath of despair is spreading.

"This is impossible?"


The star of death shrank in an instant and disappeared out of thin air. The familiar scene was attracted by the dirt and dust a thousand meters above the sky, rising and sinking, forming a magnificent landscape.

"My God! What is that!" Morgans' shocked voice came from the video, and then Morgans moved, approaching, and the screen was zooming in.

Soon, a familiar person appeared in the drifting dust, and what came into view was a huge crack, eight meters high and more than ten meters long.

"Whitebeard actually tore apart the space, grabbed the space and escaped the gravitational pull of the Doom Star!" Morgonz widened his eyes, not daring to believe it. Although it was the first time he had seen the huge black crack, Morgans judged at a glance that it was a space crack.

The scene in the space crack made people feel frightened, and the unknown space actually unfolded in front of them.

Morgans also quickly judged how Whitebeard did it. Even so, it still makes people feel unbelievable.

More importantly, Whitebeard is not dead!

"Oh my god! Whoa! Whitebeard survived." Morgans laughed excitedly, announcing the good news to the world.

"Very good!"

The Whitebeard Pirates could not help but shed tears of excitement from hell to heaven as if they had come out of a desperate situation.

"White Beard, it's really you!" Shi Ji exclaimed, heaved a sigh of relief, maybe he didn't realize that just now he was worried about White Beard.

It would be so disappointing if Whitebeard just died like this.

In the crack of space, White Beard stretched his arms to support the crack. His hands were already stained with blood. Even White Beard was still not so relaxed in the face of the shrinking force of space.

White Beard was panting heavily, but such a figure made people feel very domineering.

What did White Beard grab hold of? That was space. If he really grabbed the space, it would be much more shocking than breaking the space.

This further highlights the strength of Whitebeard, and also shows the horror of this move. Even Whitebeard has to hide in the interlayer of space to avoid this move.

If it were closer to the core of the Doom Star, Whitebeard would not be able to survive, because there, under the extreme gravitational force, the space would be distorted.

Whitebeard let go of the crack in the space, and the figure descended from the thousand-meter-high sky. His foot stepped on the air like a moon step with the force of vibration, and the space shattered like a mirror.

In this way, Whitebeard stepped on the space and landed continuously, reaching the ground.

Under the effect of the death star, the entire island has become a "basin", and sea water has already flowed into it.

"It's really embarrassing, Whitebeard." Tiqi's figure descended from the sky, keeping a distance of hundreds of meters from Whitebeard, sarcastically.

"Didn't anyone tell you that you can't set off fireworks indiscriminately? Tiki." Facing Tiki, Whitebeard showed no sign of weakness.

"Let me see your current strength, Whitebeard." Tiqi said so, secretly vigilance has been raised to the extreme, and the knowledge of "predicting the future" has locked on Whitebeard.

A terrifying momentum erupted from Tiqi's body, and the entire sky was dark with naked eyes.

Tiqi clenched his fist out of thin air, and the monstrous power of darkness erupted, covering the entire sky. Facing the even more terrifying white beard, Tiqi did not dare to underestimate him. Feeling the continuous power in his body, he opened them like a valve let go.

The awakening of the devil fruit naturally needs to be dealt with by the awakening of the devil fruit. Who knows how terrifying the shaking power of awakening is.

In a terrifying scene, Tiki seemed to be transformed into the master of darkness, and a terrifying dark vortex spontaneously formed in the sky, as if to devour everything.

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