Pirate of Darkness

Five hundred and six Lawrence

"Lieutenant General Garp, I will definitely take good care of the devil's heir!" Magellan, who looked like a devil with decorated black bat wings on his back, said seriously, and turned to Garp in front of him.

"Then I'll leave it to you, and I'll go back to the headquarters too." Garp nodded, and he personally sent Barrett to the Infinity Hell on the sixth floor of the Advance City, where he was imprisoned in the deepest cage.

Many years ago, in the mass prison escape incident in the city of advancement, a large number of criminals escaped from the city of advancement. After the efforts of the navy, only a small part of them were caught, and the rest were at large.

Because the time is too short, after returning to the New World, within a few years, the Golden Sea Battle will begin, which makes the Navy Headquarters unable to devote its energy. Many criminals are hiding in the New World, and it is difficult to get rid of them even if they find their traces.

Therefore, the fifth and sixth floors of the city are relatively empty.

As for the promotion city, the world government spent a lot of money to improve the defense capability of the promotion city. A large number of sea stones are more precious than gold, making it impossible for people to invade from the outside world.

The director of Advance City is now Magellan, and the previous director, Esses, has now completely retired. His abdomen was pierced by Tiqi, and he does not have the physique and resilience of Steel Bone Kong. Even after treatment, his combat effectiveness and vitality are greatly depleted.

It is barely supported by the ability to connect fruits.

And Magellan's strength is completely qualified, especially his sincerity, which has won the favor of the world government. In addition, Magellan is the only one who plays the leading role in the city of advancement, and Esses's election, it is completely logical for Magellan to become the director of the city of advancement .

Garp turned and left, and before he left, he glanced at the man next to the wall, wearing a mink coat, wearing a black eye patch on his right eye, with short yellow hair, a pinch of blue bangs, and a cigar in his mouth , with a cynical look, facing Garp's gaze without showing any weakness.

This is Isaac, the current Deputy Director of the Advance City, in order to supplement and enhance the combat power of the Advance City. After all, the Advance City has not only lost Esses, but also Shiliu, and the overall combat power has been greatly weakened.

Isaac also has another identity, that is, the son of Esses, who was recommended by Esses and the world government.

However, Isaac does not love the city of advancement like Esses. He has lived in the Holy Land since he was a child.

Accepting the training of the world government, it is the Tianlong people who are really standing behind.

Possesses undoubted monster-like strength, powerful physical skills combined with the power of technology, similar to Germa's transformation device, it is fully qualified in terms of strength.

Isaac is actually serving the Celestial Dragons, the nobles of the world.

As far as Karp knows, some prisoners have mysteriously disappeared in Advance City in the past few years. As for where they went? They were all transported to the holy land of Mariejoa and became slaves of the Tianlong people.

Through Isaac, the Celestial Dragons want to turn Advance City into their slave farm and provide them with high-quality slaves.

Such an approach annoyed Karp, but the navy couldn't intervene. Propel City is nominally tied to the navy and belongs to an important institution of the world government.

Although it is only the deputy director, its status is actually higher than that of the director Magellan, and it is actually not bad at all, but it is definitely not Magellan's opponent when fighting in the city of advance.

Magellan can also suppress Isaac, and will not let Isaac mess up the fifth and sixth floors, and will not let Isaac infect him. This is also the bottom line between the Navy and Magellan. The five old stars will also let Isaac Ke mess up.

The position of warden was held by Hannibal.

The position of the warden is vacant, but the deputy warden is a student who graduated from the Navy Elite Training Camp. His name is Lawrence. Although he is not as good as Shiliu, he is strong enough.

In order to enhance his strength, the World Government also specially provided a good devil fruit, which is in the shape of a snow wolf, the animal's fruit, and has the ability to eat meat, and can adapt to the environment of the fifth level of extremely cold hell.

The seat of the Propel City Warden has been reserved by Lawrence.

Such a pattern can also be said to be the result of multi-party compromise, mutual checks and balances, and taking into account the interests of the navy, the Tianlong people, and the promotion city.

Advance to the sixth floor of the city, Infinite Hell.

There was the sound of crisp footsteps, with a lantern in one hand, and behind him were guards carrying baskets containing food.

Seeing them, the criminals in the infinite hell showed joyful faces, and did not give them a blow as they imagined.

In order to ensure that these criminals do not die, Advance City also provides them with food every once in a while.

At this time, these vicious criminals are at their most peaceful.

Even so, these jailers trembled with fear, wishing to leave here immediately.

"That one, let me deliver it myself." Lawrence said, a jailer nodded happily, and a deputy warden was thinking about them.

Because the one in the mouth is the deepest part of the infinite hell, the "descendant of the devil" who just came in not long ago.

Pick up a plate of food with a lid on it to keep it warm.

Slowly walked to the cage where Douglas Barrett was imprisoned, bent down and put the plate gently on the ground, kept a distance from the cage, and said to the figure in the prison uniform in the cage, "Every sweet I will send you a newspaper."

Then he didn't do anything, stood up and left quickly.

Soon, after delivering the food, all the jailers left, and after a while, someone would take away the plates.

In the darkness, a handcuffed hand stretched out from the cage, picked up the plate, and opened the lid.

The steaming delicacies, the portion of the food is extraordinarily amazing compared to other criminals.

Others couldn't see the scene here, because the distance was too far, the gap with Barrett was too great, and there were many empty cages in between.

Barrett was slightly taken aback. On top of the food, there were obvious crossbones and three skulls, representing the marks of the Night Pirates.

This is the only thing Teach can do for Barrett, providing more food and befriending Barrett, it will not do any harm to Teach, and Barrett has a chance to escape from Advance City.

Besides, at that time, Titch was no longer afraid of Barrett, and he was confident that he had surpassed Barrett and was stronger than him.

In addition, providing newspapers can also allow Barrett to learn about the news of the outside world, and pass the boring time by the way.

Barrett also realized that Tiki was helping him, which he didn't expect. In this case, the deputy warden who brought him food was a member of the Night Pirates.

Lawrence is a member of the same group as Novoa who entered the naval elite training camp. The way to join the navy is different from Novoa's, it is through the four seas.

Although the navy has lost the Four Seas, and the naval bases in the Four Seas have been annexed by allied countries, it does not mean that they have completely given up on the West Sea. Many outstanding navies came from the Four Seas.

Unite those members who are still committed to the navy, and establish a large naval branch on an island in the four seas, specially recruiting navies from the four seas.

It is impossible for the Navy to give up the huge source of troops in the four seas. The large naval branch does not interfere with the actions of the joining countries, especially the maritime guards established in the West China Sea, the South China Sea and the East China Sea, and even draw a clear line.

It also has the effect of dealing with catching pirates, otherwise, there will be a steady stream of pirates pouring into the great route from all over the world, which needs to be contained to a certain extent.

To be honest, such a change surprised Tiqi a bit. He had placed a lot of people in Four Seas, but since the Navy established a large naval branch in Four Seas, he immediately arranged for them to arrive at the Navy Branch and rejoin the Navy.

In the case of a shortage of naval forces, they were quickly reused. They were originally chosen from thousands of people, and they could naturally be drawn out from the many sea soldiers.

Most of Gu Tu went to the Navy Headquarters and entered the Navy Academy to study. Among them, the outstanding ones went directly to the Navy Elite Training Camp and became Zefa's students.

Teach's layout is already starting to pay off.

Although he was imprisoned in the city of advancement, Barrett never thought of giving up. The reason why he was defeated was because he was not strong enough, and he wanted to become stronger, even if it was the city of advancement.

Think about your defeats, what are your flaws, what can you make up for.

Domineering internal destruction skills, stronger power, stronger strength, awakened power capable of dealing with multi-party siege.

Learning from failures, Barrett already has goals, and he wants to become even stronger.

This defeat will only make Barrett stronger.

One day, he will be able to break free from this dark cage.

After a quick meal, Barrett began exercising in the cage.

Since the Dark Night Pirates are advancing someone in the city and have given him a little help, it means that the Dark Night Pirates have the ability to release him from the advancing city. Break out of the city.

Naturally, Lawrence had a way to get the key to unlock the cage. Apart from his status as the warden, he now had all the rights he should have.

However, to become the Warden, it still takes a few years of experience. At least his current strength is far behind that of the former Warden Xiliu. Such strength is obviously insufficient, and he cannot be recognized by the jailers of the city.

After all, some of these jailors can fight against pirates with bounties of over 100 million. In addition, Lawrence was born in the navy, and he became the deputy warden less than half a year after joining the city.

There are also many people watching Lawrence's position. For this reason, Lawrence must improve his strength as soon as possible.

It is up to him to provide enough food for Barrett, and the newspaper is also ordered by Tiqi, and Lawrence has also reported it to the above. He still has the right to do so. As for the reason, it is naturally pushed to Barrett. body.

"Thirteen years, I can afford to wait." Lawrence left with a soft smile.

Joining the city of advancement was his own choice, and of course the Dark Night Pirates secretly communicated with him and gave him advice, but they didn't force it.

Even so, he still chose this path, feeling that it was a pity for him to enter the city of advancement, and he was a little bit buried.

Although it is not as good as Novoa who graduated from the elite training camp in two years, Lawrence only spent a little more than three years. In the elite training camp, as long as his strength reaches a certain level, he can graduate at any time. Obtain a high military rank.

Lawrence's strength is also outstanding in the elite training camp, and he is good at physical skills, which is valued by Zefa.

After all, with the aptitude demonstrated by Lawrence, if he works hard, he has the potential to become the core of the navy, that is, the vice admiral.

But Lawrence still refused and still insisted on his decision.

After entering the naval elite training camp, Lawrence was keenly aware that Novoa was in the same group as him, and felt a little familiar, and that was enough.

On that island, Novoa was the most outstanding of them. Although he was wearing a mask, some things could not be changed. Coupled with a period of time together, Lawrence was more certain.

They also have a tacit understanding with each other. He feels that Novoa knows him, but he knows his mission, and they don't communicate too much.

Lawrence is also ambitious, and wants to gain the attention of the Night Pirates. These spies will leave the navy one day, and they will have to play some role when they leave.

There is Novoya in the Navy Headquarters. If he wants to compete with Novoya, it is not in strength, so Lawrence chose to advance the city.

In the future, advancing the city must be an important part, otherwise the Night Pirates would not have suggested him to advance the city, and he would be able to make a name for himself in the world.

His choice was not wrong. It didn't take long to come to the city and it became a key part of the city. As long as he wanted to, he could release these criminals. They were vicious criminals on the fifth and sixth floors.

And after he agreed to serve in Advance City, the Night Pirates immediately sent him a devil fruit in the form of animal, bird fruit, and bald eagle.

A precious carnivorous flying ability, probably in the hope that in the future he can use the flying ability to escape from the city of advancement safely.

But later, the World Government gave the snow wolf fruit again, and Lawrence also ate this devil fruit. Although he didn't have the ability to fly, it was more suitable for him. The carnivorous snow wolf is not a weak beast.

The bald eagle fruit was left like this, and could be used to train his subordinates.

And thirteen years, the time that the Night Pirates gave him when he entered the city of advancement, let him have a bottom line in his heart, so he didn't have to wait alone.

After all, waiting without hope is very tormenting.

In other words, within thirteen years, the Night Pirates will definitely take action.

The world is a big stage, and no one does not want to shine on this stage.

Lawrence is unknown today, but will shine like the sun in the future.

"Devil's Descendant" Douglas Barrett was imprisoned in Advance City. Although the method was criticized, it also made the navy and the world government's momentum soar.

There are also many residents around the world who support it. Most of them only look at the results. The navy and the world government have eliminated a scourge, a vicious pirate.

However, people with a broader vision can see that Barrett's arrest has no impact on the new world's structure, and the power of the pirates has not been weakened much.

In contrast, the loss of such a powerful lineup as the navy and the world government is still not small.

On the contrary, this highlights the strength of the pirates. There are even many pirates clamoring to rescue Barrett from the city, and many of them act with enthusiasm, but they are all arrested by the navy in the end.

There was only one such action, and if it wasn't for cp0, who has the ability to seal fruit, Barrett might have already run away.

This era still belongs to pirates, and it will take a few years for the navy to return to the new world.

With the development of the past few years, the front of the new world has also become a paradise for pirate activities.

And some people think that Barrett can't stay silent all the time. Naturally, if the city can be breached once, there will be a second time.

Once Barrett comes out of the advancing city, he will definitely turn the sea upside down, and both the navy and the world government will pay a heavy price.

With Barrett's arrest, the new world has stabilized. Although the new world is still extremely chaotic, it is undoubtedly much more peaceful than the previous major incidents.

And the calm will soon be broken.

In the holy land of Mary Gioia, amidst the sound of hunting, a red-skinned murloc with a dragon's hoof printed on his chest ran away in a hurry, jumped down from a height of 10,000 meters, jumped into the sea, and disappeared into the darkness.

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