Pirate of Darkness

Five hundred and eighteen objects

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"Navos also chooses one, I can't be the only one." Mobius put one hand on Voss' shoulder and smiled after finishing the selection.

The relationship between them is very good, they have been together for many years, they are like brothers, not subordinates.

"No problem, just that woman." Voss smiled and nodded, also without hesitation.

Looking at the screen, I caught a glimpse of a young woman with pink hair, yellow eyes, wearing lipstick, fair skin, wearing a purple cape, red skirt and high heels, and wearing horn-like decorations on her head things.

He looks like a witch, Mobius looks at the eyes, and so does Voss. In the eyes of many people, he is a devil hiding in the dark, and Voss' eyes are also like a devil.

This is the manifestation of his ability to develop the devil fruit. The devil snake is a mutant animal devil fruit that is not weaker than the ancient species.

The three eyes of the demon serpent have a little special power, which was developed by Voss and used, and it will also have an effect on the spirit.

But it's not that strong, and it doesn't have much effect on the strong. It's a bit like Lafitte's hypnotism before eating the devil fruit, and it's incomparable with Mobius' ability.

But in battle, it can also have a little suppressive effect on the enemy.

Big Mom's eighteenth daughter, Charlotte Garrett, is now eighteen years old, a few years younger than Voss, so it's not a big problem.

"Is there any more?" Seeing that Mobius and Voss had finished choosing, Tiqi couldn't help asking.

The marriage of only one or two people can't really draw in the relationship between the Night Pirates and the Big Mom Pirates, and Tichi still wants to get a few more.

After all, the size of the two forces is very large, especially the Night Pirates. Besides, if you don't bring a few bigmom's daughters over, Tiqi always feels that he will lose money, and people always have this mentality.

At this time, "Death Gun" Kos stepped forward, "I would like to invite this Ms. Motzalt to dinner."

"I like her hair, and she's a good shooter," Coss explained softly.

Charlotte Mozalter, the twelfth daughter of bigmom, is a lanky, dark chestnut-haired woman whose head is divided into two large flared braids on the left and right sides, resembling a jester's hat.

It's a bit like the hat worn by Kos. Even Kos' younger brother Van Orka likes such a strange hat. It is worth mentioning that Van Orka has joined the Night Pirates and accepted the teachings of Kos. .

As Coss said, Mozalter is a gunner and reticent. They have a high compatibility. Even if it is a marriage between the two pirate groups, they will not choose casually.

Of course, there are reasons for paying for the interests of the Pirates, and they are really fancy.

After all, with the strong genes of bigmom, the looks are not bad, and the bad ones have been eliminated.

"Snamon." Wallace whispered, his eyes fell on the photo of Big Mom's sixteenth girl, a tall, slender, beautiful woman with long red hair tied into a ponytail, and a long-legged foot.

This is Smoothie's fellow sister, she has a certain conscience and compassion, and cares for her subordinates.

The video screen was made into a form similar to a resume by Tiqi, and there is a special introduction of personality under the photos. After all, you can't choose just based on a few photos.

"Then I'll be the lady named Castaard." Nelson looked at the woman with short violet hair, and said with a faint smile. Under the shadow of the black hood, his long purple hair was exposed , which still has a section of long bangs that is the chest.

Castard is the sixth daughter of bigmom and the younger sister of Cracker, a slender young woman who is also the cadre of bigmom pirates.

Things were much easier than expected, without so much trouble, and it was done quickly.

Möbius, Voss, Wallace,

Coss and Nelson are the marriage partners of the Night Pirates and the Big Mom Pirates.

The Big Mom Pirates were selected by Armand, Castaard, Mozart, Snamon and Garrett.

"Lafitte, I'll leave this matter to you. Bring our gift." Tiche had confidence in Lafitte, although he was only sent there alone.

"Duty." Lafitte carried his luggage like a gentleman as always. As a diplomat of the Night Pirates, he also liked to do such tasks.

"Then disband." Tikki chuckled, and the space seemed to be distorted everywhere, swallowing him whole, and Tikki disappeared in place.

This kind of method made people feel surprised. This is definitely a space-type ability. They guessed that Tiqi had become stronger again and developed a new ability.

Only Redyard knew that this should be the ability of Tiqi's second devil fruit. Such a twisted sign was naturally the twisted fruit that Tiqi treasured.

Although he knew that Tiqi had acquired a second ability, it was the first time he had actually seen it.

Naturally, this level cannot be reached by twisting the fruit alone. This is a move created by combining the power of the dark fruit and using "Shenwei" as a template.

There is a dark space in the dark fruit, which belongs to Tiqi's space. Although he can control this space, Tiqi cannot enter.

But after having the twisted fruit, after Tiki's development, he successfully allowed himself to enter the dark space through the twisted space, and could appear within the range of Titch's distortion field at any time.

In other words, Tiqi can use this ability to teleport arbitrarily within the range of the distortion field, which is a very buggy ability.

It also allows the two abilities to cooperate perfectly. Tiqi can also pull people into the dark space, and can also attack others by distorting the space.

It can be said that apart from being unable to be immune to attacks when using Shenwei, Tiqi can do other things now, that is, the range of movement is limited to the distortion field.

As for the immune attack, Tiki doesn't care. After he becomes more proficient, Tiki can do it instantly, so it doesn't matter if he is immune or not.

In a short period of time, Tiqi has developed the twisted fruit to a terrifying level, and the power he can display has been further improved. With his current strength, it is not a problem to develop the devil fruit to awaken in a short period of time.

Besides, Tikki is not alone in the development of Devil Fruit, there are so many world top scientists with wisdom enough to provide Tikki with valuable advice.

The development of "Shenwei" was inspired by them.

Even some of the development of Dark Fruit was born from their ideas.

IWC Torrent.

"The emissary of the Night Pirates is coming soon."

The past few days are worth looking forward to for everyone in the Big Mom Pirates.

After all, I got the news that the Night Pirates agreed to marry at the first time, and someone will come to discuss the specific matters.

This means their plan was successful.

And bigmom's daughters are very nervous. I don't know which sister will marry the night pirates, maybe there are several.

After all, people are chosen by the Night Pirates. They have no initiative and no right to refuse. They can only accept the arrangement. It is very likely that they are themselves, and they will also face an unknown future and an unknown marriage partner.

Even Katakuri and the others are not as calm as they appear on the surface.

Because it is their family members who are married, and there may be their siblings and sisters among them.

I have to admit that they are at a disadvantage in this marriage, even if both parties are the power of the emperor, especially when the mother said that she would let her daughters choose with the Night Pirates.

After all, the Night Pirates are a more powerful party, not only powerful, but also countless times more stable internally than the Flying Pirates. After all, the actions of the World Government are getting bigger and bigger.

The five old stars can't control the behavior of those Tianlong people, and can't control the power in the hands of these Tianlong people.

Since both parties have agreed to this marriage, there is no room for repentance, otherwise the two forces will turn against each other.

In the end, what chips will the Night Pirates come up with.

"Here we come." Katakuri stood in front of the gate with his two brothers, a red light flashed in his eyes, and a picture of the future emerged in his mind.

As soon as he finished speaking, following Katakuri's gaze, it didn't take long for Owen and Daifuku to notice the approaching figure in the distant sky.

"It's Lafitte." Katakuri had dealt with Lafitte during the Golden Sea Battle.

"Is he the only one?" Owen seemed a little dissatisfied.

"It's enough, this matter can't be exposed. As one of the main cadres of the Night Pirates, it's just right for Lafitte to come here." Katakuri shook his head slightly and explained.

"I'm very sorry for the long wait." Lafitte descended from the sky, and his figure appeared in front of Katakuri and the others. He took off his top hat and gave a gift.

"No, the time is just right, we just finished dessert." Katakuri said calmly, "Let's go in, mom and the others are already here."

The tall gate of Cake Castle cannot be opened without enough strength. This is also one of the signs that distinguishes whether one can become a cadre of the bigmom pirates.

The gate opened, and Lafitte followed the three Katakuri brothers into the cake castle.

Headed by bigmom, all eyes fell on Lafitte.

Lafitte's expression remained unchanged, unaffected by favor or humiliation, with a slight smile on his face, even in the face of the powerful oppression unintentionally released by bigmom.

This is enough to show Lafitte's own strength and courage, and an excellent mentality is also necessary for most diplomats.

With an extremely clever mind and strong adaptability, Lafitte's abilities will be reused in any pirate group.

Tiche sent Lafitte to show that he is interested in this matter, but the pressure Lafitte faces is far more than that of the Germa Kingdom, so it is not a big deal for Lafitte to recruit the Germa Kingdom. pressure.

"I've seen bigmom before. This marriage, I will come with friendship." Lafitte looked at bigmom and smiled, lowering his head slightly to show respect, but his tone was forceful, because he represented the night pirates, It's impossible to bend over in front of a bigmom.

"Oh, friendship! Mama, mom!" Bigmom couldn't help laughing expectantly when he heard Lafitte's words, "Let me see, who is our marriage partner? Which of my daughters is so lucky to be chosen by you. "

They tacitly did not discuss matters related to their interests. After all, the marriage partner is very important. It is impossible for the Night Pirates to find someone to perfuse them into marriage with them, so it is better to refuse the marriage at the beginning.

Therefore, bigmom is looking forward to it. There are many powerful members of the Dark Night Pirates, who will marry them.

"Hehe, let's look forward to it, after all, we are very serious about this marriage." Lafitte lifted his top hat, "Every marriage partner is selected by themselves."

them? As soon as you hear it, you know that there is not only one marriage partner. If there is only one person, it is not enough to draw in the relationship between the two pirate groups. The number needs to be more, and they are important members of both parties.

Bigmom also has this meaning in letting the night pirates choose at will.

And Lafitte's words made people look forward to more, personally choose, for some reason, the hearts of these bigmom's daughters couldn't help but beat, and the moment to decide their fate has arrived.

Lafitte seemed to like this feeling very much. Seeing the changes in their faces, he delayed for a while.

He took out a small video phone bug from his pocket, and opened it under the eyes of everyone in the Big Mom Pirates.

A blank screen appeared, changing with Lafitte's operations like a ppt.

"This is our first marriage partner." Lafitte laughed, and Mobius' figure suddenly appeared in the screen.

The appearance of Mobius made bigmom's eyes shine even more. She was very satisfied with Mobius, a phantom beast with devil fruit ability, who showed absolutely terrifying strength in the war with the Whitebeard Pirates.

"The marriage partner chosen by Mobius is..." Lafitte's eyes kept sweeping over Big Mom's daughters.

While others were waiting for him to speak, Lafitte did not speak. He smiled slightly and moved his hand. Another photo popped up, and the photo of Mobius took up half of the screen.

"Congratulations, Ms. Armand!"

All eyes quickly fell on Armand, who was already in a daze, and stared blankly at Mobius on the screen.

He didn't expect Mobius to choose himself. Although such a man was younger than him, he was very powerful, much stronger than her.

"However, it's not bad." Armand quickly came back to her senses, thinking to herself that she didn't have anything against Mobius, but a strange feeling arose in her heart.

Armand looked indifferent, so that others could not see what she was thinking.

"The next couple is Ms. Voss and Ms. Garrett!" Lafitte was not like before, after all, this kind of form once is enough, and it will be annoying if you do it a few more times.

Images of Voss and Garrett appeared on the screen, and Garrett looked at her future partner.

Shadow Snake Voss of the Night Pirates, an equally powerful cadre, has a bounty of up to 580 million. He is only 23 years old, and he is an absolute monster.

Dressed in a black outfit, with a short sword "Night Strike" hanging from his waist, Voss is not bad-looking, and with his cold aura, he can be said to be very handsome.

Just don't know what kind of personality?

Garrett didn't want to resist, and was even thinking about how to get along with Voss in the future.

This time the marriage alliance of the Night Pirates is serious, and it can be seen from the candidates sent that even the choice of them is not a random choice, but a real fancy to them.

Like her sister, Garrett is not against it, and this is a good start.

"Cos and Ms. Motzalt."

The images of the two gunmen appeared, which made people feel very appropriate when they saw them.

When Mozart saw the figure on the screen, he couldn't help covering his chest, his face flushed slightly, which was different from Armand and Garrett accepting their marriage partner.

Seeing Mozalter's appearance, she knew that she was very satisfied.

Ke Si is one of the top gunmen in the world, and he is also a man who leads the revolution of gunmen in the world.

As a weapon, in the hands of Coss, the gun shows terrifying power in both close combat and long-distance combat.

In the war between the Night Pirates and the Whitebeard Pirates, more than once a strongman of the Whitebeard Pirates wanted to snipe Kos, and get rid of the threatening Kos first.

But there was nothing he could do to Cos. Cos was extremely fast, shooting while moving.

Even in a frontal battle, Ke Si is not weak at all. The two spears are as flexible as a swordsman's sword, and they are so powerful that they are hard to guard against.

Watching Cos's battle is as gorgeous as art.

And Cos's bullets are a threat even to the emperor of the sea, and the name of "Death Gun" is powerful in the sea.

"Wallace and Snapmon."

Wallace and Snapmon appear.

"Sister." Smoothie looked at Snamon on the side with some worry, the sisters were about to separate.

"It's fine." Snamon shook his head, "I'm quite satisfied."

She looked at Wallace's figure on the screen, how could she be dissatisfied? Wallace is one of the strongest cadres of the Night Pirates, and one of the first members to follow Tiki.

The strength is so strong that the name of "Steel" Wallace has been laid with battles.

It can be regarded as an excellent steel fruit in the hands of Wallace showing the ability of the top superhuman devil fruit. For Wallace, the first thing that comes to mind is not his steel body, but the scorching heat.

"Nelson and Castamon."

"Not bad." Facing the eyes of her brother Cracker, Castamon smiled. She is loyal to the family and has already prepared for it. Besides, the candidate for her marriage is very good, with strange abilities. An important task, and the strength is also very strong.

At this point, Lafitte turned off the phone bug, "They are the object of marriage, we can talk about the next thing."

"If I can't come up with enough bargaining chips, I won't hand over my precious daughter easily." Then came the question of interests, bigmom looked at Lafitte with a trace of soul power in his eyes, and said to Lafitte to oppress.

"I won't let you down." Facing the pressure from bigmom, Lafitte naturally couldn't remain indifferent, but it's not a problem at all to bear it.

"Then I'll wait and see." bigmom smiled, and waved to the children on both sides, "you go down first."

Now that the members of the marriage have been determined, the next thing is not something that some people can listen to.

Those who are weaker and can't catch the big mom's eyes, these have to leave, even if they are the children of the big mom.

Those who stay are the cadres and core members of the Big Mom Pirates. They are not bad in strength and ability. Of course, the five daughters who are the marriage partners are all there, including the young Garrett, who can also stay. After all, now Special status.

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